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9Unit9UnitA Tour of Chinese Watersc Major Topics1 1 Listening Activities:Listening Activities:Qinghai LakeQinghai Lake青海湖青海湖青海湖青海湖2 2 Situational DialogueSituational Dialogue:Jiuzhaigou ValleyJiuzhaigou Valley九九九九寨沟寨沟寨沟寨沟3 3 Reading for Travelogue:Reading for Travelogue:Huangguoshu Waterfall Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄棵树瀑布黄棵树瀑布黄棵树瀑布黄棵树瀑布 4 4 ABC about Tourism:ABC about Tourism:HotelsHotels饭店饭店饭店饭店5 5 Additional Know-how Additional Know-how:Chinese FoodChinese Food 中餐中餐中餐中餐 Major Topics1 Part I Listening ActivitiesQinghai Lake青海湖青海湖vvWords and expressionsWords and expressionsmigrate vi.migrate vi.移动,移往,(鸟类)迁徙移动,移往,(鸟类)迁徙移动,移往,(鸟类)迁徙移动,移往,(鸟类)迁徙migrant adj.migrant adj.迁徙的迁徙的迁徙的迁徙的sanctuary n.sanctuary n.避难所避难所避难所避难所sandpiper n.sandpiper n.(鸟)矶鹞(鸟)矶鹞(鸟)矶鹞(鸟)矶鹞cormorant n.cormorant n.鸬鹚,贪婪的人鸬鹚,贪婪的人鸬鹚,贪婪的人鸬鹚,贪婪的人twitter n.twitter n.鸟鸣声,喋喋不修鸟鸣声,喋喋不修鸟鸣声,喋喋不修鸟鸣声,喋喋不修enthusiast n.enthusiast n.热心家,狂热者热心家,狂热者热心家,狂热者热心家,狂热者Proper NounsProper NounsQinghai Lake 青海湖青海湖Xining西宁西宁Haixinshan海心山海心山Part I Listening ActivitiesWor青海旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09Qinghai Lake 1.Listen to the tape,and fill in the missing information you have heard from the tape Lying 180 km from Xining and(1)_ meters above sea level,Qinghai Lake is the largest salt water lake in China.In Qinghai Lake Bird Island is the most(2)_ and attractive place.Situated on the (3)_ shore of Qinghai Lake,the island has been turned into a(4)_ largely due to the receding of waters off its shores.Though it covers an area of slightly less than(5)_ square meters,it attracts many migrating(6)_ in spring and summer.To these hundreds of thousands of migrant birds,the island has become a very important bird(7)_.Thousands of birds of different(8)_ such as geese,gulls,sandpipers and cormorants,nest on the island and the(9)_ of its calls,twitters are carried far and away.For these birds as well as bird watching enthusiasts,the island represents nothing short of a piece of heaven.Another(10)_ on the lake is Haixinshan where according to legend great horses were bred.3200charmingwesternpeninsulabirdssanctuaryspeciessoundattraction1000Qinghai Lake 1.Listen to th2.Listen to the tape again,and answer the following questions.1.What is the largest salt water lake in China?Which place is the most attractive one in Qinghai Lake?2.Where is the Bird Island located?How did it take shape of a peninsula?Qinghai Lake is the largest salt water lake in China.Bird Qinghai Lake is the largest salt water lake in China.Bird Island is the most attractive place in the Qinghai Lake.Island is the most attractive place in the Qinghai Lake.It is situated on the western shore of Qinghai Lake.It is situated on the western shore of Qinghai Lake.Due to the receding of waters off its shores,the island Due to the receding of waters off its shores,the island has been turned into a peninsula.has been turned into a peninsula.2.Listen to the tape again,a3.How has the Bird Island turned into an 3.How has the Bird Island turned into an important bird sanctuary in China?important bird sanctuary in China?The Bird Island attracts many migrating birds in The Bird Island attracts many migrating birds in spring and summer.To hundreds of thousands of spring and summer.To hundreds of thousands of migrant birds,the island has become an important migrant birds,the island has become an important bird sanctuary.For these birds as well as bird bird sanctuary.For these birds as well as bird watching enthusiasts,the island represents nothing watching enthusiasts,the island represents nothing short of a piece of heaven.short of a piece of heaven.4.What birds can visitors see on the Bird 4.What birds can visitors see on the Bird Island of Qinghai Lake?Island of Qinghai Lake?They can see thousands of birds of different species They can see thousands of birds of different species such as geese,gulls,sandpipers and cormorants,etc.such as geese,gulls,sandpipers and cormorants,etc.3.How has the Bird Island turPart Two:Situational Dialogue Jiuzhaigou Valley九寨沟九寨沟Words and Expressionsemerald adj.翡翠的翡翠的,翠绿色的翠绿色的snow-clad adj.被雪所覆盖的被雪所覆盖的bonfire n.大篝火大篝火,营火营火entertainment n.款待款待,娱乐娱乐,娱乐表演娱乐表演turbulent adj.汹涌的汹涌的shoal n.浅滩浅滩,沙洲沙洲backdrop n.背景幕背景幕,(事件的事件的)背景背景Proper NounsGuilin 桂林桂林Guozhang Dance 锅庄舞锅庄舞Part Two:Situational Dialogue Jiuzhaigou Valley Jiuzhaigou ValleyVary in size and shape,sparkle with Vary in size and shape,sparkle with colors in the sunlightcolors in the sunlightVary in size and shape,sparklWaterfallForestSnow-clad peakT It is a gigantic cliff,standing loftily into the It is a gigantic cliff,standing loftily into the sky.It is as smooth as a mirror.Thatsky.It is as smooth as a mirror.That s why s why people call the cliff“treasure mirror”.people call the cliff“treasure mirror”.It is a gigantic cliff,staThe female deity Wonuose dropped down her mirror.The female deity Wonuose dropped down her mirror.Suddenly,the mirror was broken into more than a Suddenly,the mirror was broken into more than a hundred pieces,and turned into over a hundred hundred pieces,and turned into over a hundred haizi.haizi.The female deity Wonuose droppShuzheng LakesReed LakeReed LakeTwin Dragons Lake Spark LakeSpark LakeRhinoceros LakeTibetan Culture Jiuzhaigou Valley(1)After they check in Judy tries to get information about the tourist sites.The clerk of front desk is answering their questions about the tourist resort they want to tour.Wang:Good afternoon,madam!Judy:Good afternoon,sir!We arrived at Chengdu from Guilin yesterday.Were going to tour Jiuzhaigou Valley tomorrow.Can you give us a brief introduction of Jiuzhaigou?Wang:OK.Before I give you information about Jiuzhaigou Id like to compare it with Guilin since you just came from there.What do you think of Guilin?Judy:Very beautiful!“Guilin has the most beautiful landscape under heaven”.This is a popular saying I heard in Guilin.Wang:Yes,I believe it.But maybe you havent heard of another saying,“People will no longer see any other waterscape after they travels back from Jiuzhaigou.”Jiuzhaigou Valley(1)Judy:Ive heard of it.I think the waterscape of Jiuzhaigou is better than that of Guilin.Thats why were going to Jiuzhaigou Valley tomorrow.What can we see in the Jiuzhaigou?Wang:Water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou.As a tourist resort it has 108 lakes,47 springs,17 splashing waterfalls,11 turbulent streams,5 shoals.All these scenic sights,set against the backdrop of 92 snowy peaks,create a unique natural landscape of high mountains and deep gullies.Judy:Wonderful!Any other natural wonders can we see Jiuzhaigou?Wang:Of course,Jiuzhaigou has five wonders:emerald lakes,terraced waterfalls,colorful forests,snow-clad peaks and Tibetan customs.Judy:Wonderful!Besides the landscape,we can also enjoy the Tibetan customs.Ive heard the Tibetans are hospital.Id like to visit the Tibetan family.Wang:There used to be nine Tibetan villages in Jiuzhaigou,but all of them have been moved out today.You can not visit them today.Judy:Ive heard of it.I tJudy:Im sorry.Can I take part in the bonfire party?I want to learn the Guozhang Dance from the Tibetans.Wang:Of course.Though you have no chance to visit the Tibetan family you can take part in the bonfire party today.We have put this item in our travel schedule.Judy:Thats great.(to be continued)Judy:Im sorry.Can I take pa1.Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it is true,“T”in the space provided and“F”if it is false.1._“People will no longer see any other waterscape after they travels back from Jiuzhaigou.”The saying means the waterscape in Jiuzhaigou is not attractive.2._ Water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou Valley.Tourists can appreciate many waterscapes there.3._ In addition to the waterscape,the colorful forest and snow-caped peaks in Jiuzhaigou are also attractive.4._ Tibetan customs is not an important attraction compared with the lakes and waterfalls in Jiuzhaigou.5._ The five wonders of Jiuzhaigou Valley are lakes,waterfalls,forests,peaks and Tibetan customs.FalseTrueTrueFalseFalseFalseTrueTrueFalseFalsePart Three:Readings for TravelogueHuangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布黄果树瀑布Words and Expressionshospitable adj.好客的好客的,招待周到的招待周到的adjust vt.调整调整,使适合使适合reservoir n.水库水库,蓄水池蓄水池dissect v.切开,分切开,分成段成段mountainside n.山腹山腹,山腰山腰submerge v.浸没浸没,淹没淹没,掩没掩没Proper NounsHuangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布黄果树瀑布Anshun city安顺市安顺市Doupotang Waterfall陡坡塘瀑布,陡坡塘瀑布,Luositan Waterfall螺丝滩瀑布螺丝滩瀑布Silver-Chain Waterfall 银练坠滩瀑布银练坠滩瀑布Dishuitan Waterfall滴水滩瀑布滴水滩瀑布Water-Curtain Cave 水帘洞水帘洞Xiniutan(Rhinoceros Pool)犀牛滩犀牛滩Wangshuiting(Water-Viewing Pavilion)望水亭望水亭Part Three:Readings for TraveHuangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09旅游英语课件U09 Huangguoshu Waterfall Known as the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area,it is 45 kilometers southwest of Anshun city in Guizhou Province.Together with minor waterfalls,the charms of Huangguoshu Waterfall are a natural tourist drawing card.Hospitable ethnic groups add the human touch.Do not miss it if you are traveling in Guizhou Province.Huangguoshu Waterfall,a Milky Way in miniature,is the largest waterfall in Asia.74 meters high and 81 meters wide,it is a scenic marvel.Its flow is seasonally adjusted.A reservoir behind the waterfall holds back some of the water.Doupotang Waterfall,one kilometer up the river to Huangguoshu Waterfall,at 105 meters across is the widest.It is 21 meters high.Other waterfalls like Luositan Waterfall,Silver-Chain Waterfall and Dishuitan Waterfall all have their distinct features.Hua Huangguoshu Waterfall,a Milky Way in miniature,is the largest waterfall in Asia.74 meters high and 81 meters wide,it is a scenic marvel.Its flow is seasonally adjusted.A reservoir behind the waterfall holds back some of the water.Doupotang Waterfall,one kilometer up the river to Huangguoshu Waterfall,at 105 meters across is the widest.It is 21 meters high.Other waterfalls like Luositan Waterfall,Silver-Chain Waterfall and Dishuitan Waterfall all have their distinct features.Huangguoshu Waterfall,aLanguage tipsStudent AWhat a fantastic spectacle!Sorry that I cant hear you.Can you speak louder?How many waterfalls are there in the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area?Im afraid Im not quite clear what you mean by a Milky Way in miniature.I want to know how long the Water-Curtain Cave is.I feel as if the bunches of pearls and silver chains were falling upon us.Language tipsStudent BBe quiet!I have to raise my voice.Im not sure how many waterfalls there are.Id just like to say the ethnic group adds the human touch to the waterfalls.How do you feel about the rainbow hanging above the falls?Havent you seen a rhinoceros submerging in the Xiniutan?Do you feel something like a string of pearls when you stand inside the Water-Viewing Pavilion?Read the travelogue aloud and make up a situational dialogue using the italicized phrases and sentence patterns.Student BPart Four:ABC about Tourism旅游知识旅游知识 Hotels旅游饭店旅游饭店 All hotels do not serve the same clientele,that is,the same kind of guests.In fact,it is possible to place hotels in four broad categories.The first is the commercial hotel,which provides services essentially for transient(短暂的短暂的)visitors,many of them traveling on business.Many city hotels and diversely located motels(汽车旅馆)(汽车旅馆)fall into this group.The second category is resort hotels.Located in vacation areas,they often provide recreational facilities of their own as well.The third type of hotels aim their services largely at the convention(会议)(会议)trade.Conventions are meetings usually held by various business or professional groups.Most conventions are held in large urban centers such as New York or Washington D.C.,but the airplane has also made it possible for resort hotels to attract this kind of business.The fourth category is resident hotels.People who do not wish to keep house themselves can rent accommodations on a seasonal basis or even permanently in many hotels.Part Four:ABC about Tourism旅游 It is very important for us to realize the necessity for cooperation and coordination among the various hotel departments.Practically every service offered requires the efforts of two or more departments.To get an incoming guest from the lobby(大厅)(大厅)to his freshly cleaned room involves the front office(前厅)(前厅),the uniformed services,and the housekeeping(客房)(客房)department.Whether it be the serving of a single meal in the coffee shop or the handling of a large convention,the joint efforts of several departments must be coordinated(协调)(协调)to assure successful and satisfactory service to the customer.Failure on the part of any one department or any one person in that department means unsatisfactory service and a dissatisfied guest.For example,the hotel sales manager sells a local businessman a meeting room for sales meeting and arranges for a luncheon(午宴)(午宴)in the coffee shop and an evening banquet in the convention hall.The sales manager makes the arrangements,but the actual setup of the rooms,the preparation and service of the meals,It is very important for and the general decorative(装修的)(装修的)arrangements are handled by departments over which the sales manager has no control,should anything prove unsatisfactory,however,the customer would hold the sales manager directly responsible.Choose the best answer from the four choices given below.1.Many city hotels and diversely located motels fall into A.the commercial hotel B.the conventional hotelC.the resort hotelD.resident hotel2.Most of the convention hotels are built in A.the small townsB.the large cities C.the tourist resortsD.the theme parksAB and the general decorative(装修3.The departments of a hotel exclude A.the front officeB.the housekeepingC.the securityD.the decoration 4.The different departments of a hotel should coordinate to A.to sell a meetingB.to arrange for a luncheonC.to serve the guests D.to recruit the professionalsDC3.The departments of a hotel Part Five:Additional Know-how Chinese Food 中餐中餐I.Dialogue for Travel 旅行对话旅行对话 Part Five:Additional Know-how Waiter:Good morning!There are eight most influential regional Chinese foods in our restaurant:Chuan,Yue,Lu,Min,Su,Zhe,Xiang and Hui.What would you like?Judy:Id like to have Sichuan food.Sichuan food is spicy,but I have got used to the flavors.Waiter:Actually,not all Sichuan food is spicy.There are five fundamental flavors in Sichuan food:spicy,sour,sweet,salty and bitter.And Sichuan food is famous for the balance of the five flavors.Judy:Oh,really?Anyhow I love the hot food more.Whats your recommendation for me?Waiter:Our specialties are sliced beef with celery and chilli,diced chicken with garlic sauce,stewed chicken with chestnuts,and beef with hot pepper.Chinese Food Chinese Food Judy:The beef with hot pepper,please.Waiter:Anything else?Mapo bean curd and shredded meat in shilli sauce is a favorite with our customers.Would you like to have a try?Judy:Why not to mention it when I ordered?Thats my favorite food.I also know the story behind the Mapo bean curd.Waiter:Im awfully sorry.Do you want more dishes for your lunch?Judy:Err.I want to have some assorted vegetables.Sauted fresh asparagus in oyster sauce will help me to have a balance diet.Besides,one clear soup,please.Waiter:Ok.Do you want the soup now or after dinner?Judy:After dinner,please.Judy:The beef with hot II.Translation II.Translation 翻译翻译翻译翻译Santanyinyue IslandSantanyinyue Island三潭印月岛三潭印月岛三潭印月岛三潭印月岛II.Translation 翻译SantanyinyuSantanyinyue Island 1.Santanyinyue Island(三潭印月岛三潭印月岛)is also called“Lesser Yingzhou”(“小瀛洲小瀛洲”).In addition to the Huxinting Pavilion(湖心亭湖心亭),Ruangongdun(阮公墩阮公墩),they are together called“three islands in West Lake”(“湖上三岛湖上三岛”).三潭印月岛又名三潭印月岛又名“小瀛洲小瀛洲”,与湖心亭、阮公墩合,与湖心亭、阮公墩合称为称为“湖上三岛湖上三岛”。2.Among the three islets in the lake,the Lesser Yingzhou is the biggest and finest one.And it is recommended as the“best scenic spot in the West Lake”(“西湖十景西湖十景”之首之首).在西湖三岛之中数小瀛洲最为广阔精致,被誉为在西湖三岛之中数小瀛洲最为广阔精致,被誉为“西湖十景西湖十景”之首。之首。Santanyinyue Island3.The islet covers an area of 7 hectares including the water surface and features“a lake within an island and an island within a lake”(“湖中有岛,岛中有湖湖中有岛,岛中有湖”).此岛连水面共占地此岛连水面共占地700公亩,整体形成了公亩,整体形成了“湖中有岛,湖中有岛,岛中有湖岛中有湖”的格局。的格局。4.The wonderful garden design made this islet very unique among the ten top views of the West Lake(西湖十景西湖十景).岛内庭院设计精美绝伦,使三潭印月岛得以在西湖十岛内庭院设计精美绝伦,使三潭印月岛得以在西湖十景中独树一帜景中独树一帜.3.The islet covers an area of 5.This island was built to create a lake within a lake in 1607.Afterwards,three small gourd-shaped pagodas(葫芦状小塔葫芦状小塔)were built in the south lake of the islet,and are called“Three Pools”(“三潭三潭”).小瀛洲建于公元小瀛洲建于公元1607年,初成湖中湖年,初成湖中湖(a lake within a lake)。尔后,在岛南湖中间建造了。尔后,在岛南湖中间建造了三座葫芦状小塔,称为三座葫芦状小塔,称为“三潭三潭”。5.This island was built to cre谢谢 谢谢谢 谢


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