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Section A甸柳一中甸柳一中 窦晓晔窦晓晔精品一、教材分析一、教材分析精品教学目教学目标标1.1.知知识识目目标标:(1)(1)学会描述食物的制作学会描述食物的制作过过程和听从指令;程和听从指令;(2)(2)掌握祈使句的用法,并通掌握祈使句的用法,并通过过使用使用连词连词使表使表 达更条理;达更条理;(3)(3)落落实实代代词词在在动词词组动词词组中的位置;中的位置;(4)(4)巩固不可数名巩固不可数名词词的数量和提的数量和提问问;精品2.能力目能力目标标:通通过过本本课时课时学会如何学会如何动动手制作食物,以及如手制作食物,以及如何去描述何去描述过过程。程。3.情感目情感目标标:在学在学习习中培养学生的集体中培养学生的集体观观念,合作意念,合作意识识,指指导导学生养成良好的学生养成良好的饮饮食食习惯习惯,以科学的生活,以科学的生活方式健康成方式健康成长长。精品教学重点教学重点难难点点1.教学重点:不可数名教学重点:不可数名词词数量的表达及提数量的表达及提问问;连词连词在表达中的在表达中的应应用;用;代代词词在在动词词组动词词组中的位置;中的位置;2.教学教学难难点:点:How many do we need?How much do we need?精品四、教学方法:四、教学方法:1.1.活活动课动课2.2.小小组组合作;游合作;游戏竞戏竞争;小争;小组讨论归组讨论归 纳纳;现场现场展示展示 五、学法:五、学法:在合作展示中,在合作展示中,调动调动学生的学学生的学习积习积极性和合作意极性和合作意识识,设设置真置真实实情景,引情景,引导导学生学生乐乐学、会学、学、会学、创创学。学。设计设计听到听到说说到写到到写到读读的逐步提升,用小台的逐步提升,用小台阶阶使学使学生体会成就感,生体会成就感,获获得更大得更大进进步。步。精品学生通学生通过抢过抢答答问题获问题获得品得品尝饮尝饮品品的的资资格,并在品格,并在品尝尝后回答:后回答:What does it make from?What do we need to make it?等等问题问题,引出新,引出新单词单词及及词组词组。精品watermelonbananasapplesstrawberriestomatoes精品milkA glass ofA teaspoon of honeyyogurtA cup of精品blenderknifebowl精品Peel the bananas.Cut up the bananas.Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.How to make a banana milk shake?根据根据图图片提示描述制作香蕉奶片提示描述制作香蕉奶昔的昔的过过程,并学程,并学习词组习词组。精品Pour the milk into the blender.Turn on the blender.Drink the milk shake.精品精品 Put the six sentences in the right order:Put the six sentences in the right order:_Turn on the blender._Cut up the bananas._Drink the milk shake._Pour the milk into the blender._Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender._Peel three bananas.1 Check your answers.Check your answers.52643精品RECIPEFirst,_three bananasNext,_ the bananas.Then,_ the bananas and ice cream _ the blender.After that,_ the milk _ the blender.Then,_ the blender.Finally,_ the milk shake.peelcut upputintopourintoturn ondrink精品How to make a banana milk shake?peelcut upput into turn ondrinkpour into.学生在跟学生在跟读录读录音之后,音之后,练习练习用自己的用自己的语语言复述香蕉奶昔言复述香蕉奶昔的制作的制作过过程。程。精品Lets make fruit salad.精品What ingredients do we need?yogurt honeywatermelonbananasapplesoranges精品How many apples do we need?We need _.three applesan appletwo apples 精品How many bananas do we need?We need _.three bananasone bananatwo bananas精品one teaspoon of honeytwo teaspoons of honeyHow much honey do we need?精品one cup of yogurttwo cups of yogurtHow much yogurt do we need?精品2aListen to Maria and Katie making fruit salad.Write the names of the ingredientsunder How much or How many in the chart below.MariaKatie 精品IngredientsHow much.How many.yogurtbananashoneywatermelonsapplesoranges精品Listen again.Write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.Amount Ingredientone cuptwoonetwo teaspoons threeyogurtappleswatermelon and orangehoneybananas2b在听力在听力练习结练习结束后跟束后跟读录读录音的音的过过程中,程中,学生自主学生自主归纳总结归纳总结How many与与How much的用法。的用法。精品1.我想要我想要4片面包。片面包。I _ _ 4 _ of bread.划划线线提提问问:_ _ bread _ you _?2.桌上有桌上有3杯牛奶。杯牛奶。There _ 3 _ of milk on the table.划划线线提提问问:_ _ _ of milk _ _ on the table?_ _ milk _ _ on the table?3.He wants three apples._ _ apples _ he _?4.How many _(tomato)can you see in the picture?5.How _ yogurt did you drink this morning?通通过过小小练习进练习进一步巩固一步巩固难难点点How many/How much的用法。的用法。精品通通过过小小组组活活动动,学生再次,学生再次练习练习How many/How much对对可数可数不可数名不可数名词词的提的提问问,并,并让让学生学生对对水果沙拉的制作方法水果沙拉的制作方法进进行口述行口述练练习习。精品A:How do you make fruit salad?B:_,cut up three bananas,three apples and a watermelon._,put the fruit in a bowl._,put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt._,mix it all up.FirstNextThenFinallyFill in the blanks with the words from the box.精品Try to make our own fruit salad!通通过过小小组组合作,一名学生口述,合作,一名学生口述,三名学生三名学生实际实际操作,制作水果沙操作,制作水果沙拉。将口拉。将口头头叙述与跟随指令叙述与跟随指令结结合合实际实际演演练练,增添学,增添学习乐习乐趣,加深趣,加深对对知知识识的运用能力。的运用能力。精品put the popcorn into the popcorn popperturn on the popperpour the popcorn in a bowlput in some saltenjoy the popcorn通通过简单过简单的的环节环节,既照,既照顾顾到基到基础较础较薄弱的学薄弱的学生,使其也能体会到成功的喜悦;生,使其也能体会到成功的喜悦;对对于程度于程度较较好的学生,要求他好的学生,要求他们们独立叙述爆米花的制独立叙述爆米花的制作作过过程,熟程,熟练练利用利用连词对连词对制作步制作步骤进骤进行有条行有条理的描述。用一个理的描述。用一个环节对环节对不同不同层层次的学生提次的学生提出不同的要求,使每个学生都能在出不同的要求,使每个学生都能在课课堂上体堂上体会到学会的会到学会的乐乐趣。趣。精品食食谱谱游游戏环节戏环节既使学生既使学生在游在游戏戏中中练习练习了写作了写作环环节节,同,同时时也也让让学生在合学生在合作中培养互帮互助的集作中培养互帮互助的集体意体意识识。精品 People come in all different shapes and sizes.The best weight for you is one that is right for your body type and size.It can be unhealthy to be too thin if you are eating less food than your body needs.Being overweight is not good either.Kids who are overweight may not be getting the right nutrition(营营养养)if the food they eat has a lot of fat and calories.Eating a variety of healthy foods,including fruits and vegetables,is the best way to go.教教导导学生合理学生合理饮饮食,使学食,使学习习更更贴贴近学生的日常生活,近学生的日常生活,既既练习练习了学生的了学生的阅读阅读能力,能力,由指由指导导了学生的生活方式。了学生的生活方式。精品


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