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Unit 3 My school calendarsports meetWhen is the sports meet?Its in April.When is the New Years Day?Its in January.NewYearsDayJanuaryJan.wintervacationFebruaryFeb.Tree Planting DayMarchMar.Easter partyAprilMay DayMay DayMothers DayMayChildrensDayJuneFathersDayJuneFebruaryJuneChildrens DayMarchNew Years DayRead quickly(快速、正确地快速、正确地读出出单词)JanuaryMayTree Planting DayAprilWhenisTreePlantingDay?Its in March.Whenis_?Its in _.Its in _.Unit 3 My school calendar去野餐去野餐go on a picnic spring去游泳go swimmingsummer摘苹果pick applesautumnmake a snowman堆雪人堆雪人winterWhichseasondoyoulikebest?I like _ best.I like _ best.Why?Because I can _.go on a picnic fly kites go for a walk plant flowers/treesgo swimming eat ice creameat watermelon wear T-shirtpick apples fly kites eat many fruits go hikingplay in the snow make a snowman skatespringsummerautumnwinterWehaveafewfunthingsinspring.We have thingsthings inin spring.springWe have a fewa few thingsthings inin spring.insummerWhat are they?sports meetEaster partyAfter the sports meet,we have an Easter party.When is the party?Its in April.We have a school trip,too.When is that?Its in May.Cool.Mike:We have a few fun things in spring.After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.Zhang Peng:When is the party?Mike:Its in April.We have a school trip,too.Zhang Peng:When is that?Mike:Its in May.Zhang Peng:Cool!Mike:We have a few fun things in spring.After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.Zhang Peng:_Mike:_ We have a school trip,too.Zhang Peng:When is that?Mike:Its in May.Zhang Peng:Cool!When is the party?Its in April.When is the singing contest?Its usually May.inWhen is the?sports meetsports meetIts in April.Findthebirthdayinthesamemonth.Unit 3 A Lets spellchshChinachickenlunchteacherCanyousayotherwordswithchMarchwhichchocolateeachteachchildsheepfishshirtshortsCanyousayotherwordswithshshopshowfreshshortsheshywash12345Teacher,teacher Whats for lunch today?Chicken or fish Chicken or fish I love chicken,HOORAY!The chicken is cheap.The fish is fesh.The shirt is short.ByeSpring.Summer.Autumn.Which season is it?Autumn.Autumn is my favourite season.I really like the colours.Whataboutyou?I like autumn,too.I like autumn,too.We usually have a school trip in autumn.Great!When is the trip this year?Its in October.theGreatWallWell go to the Great Wall.Cool!I love the Great Wall.When is Mothers Day?Its in May.Ill=Iwillcook make a card sing to hersay“Thank you”write her a lettertell her a storyplay the pipa for herIll cook for my mother.What about you?What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day?Ill _.What about you and your partner?学学习目目标1.了解有关“复活节”的文化。2.灵活运用句型I/We/You will.表达将要做的事。3.学写一封邀请函,主题自拟。(电子版,手写版 都可以)自学自学导航一航一组长上台抽取上台抽取话题,小,小组围绕“复活复活节某一文化某一文化”交流交流讨论,共享,共享预习成果。成果。(群学两分群学两分钟)Show time.复活复活节节(Easter)复活复活节兔子(兔子(Easter bunny)复活复活节彩蛋(彩蛋(Easter egg)自学自学导航二航二1.Listen and fill in the blank.(独学三分独学三分钟,群学两分,群学两分钟)2.Show time.Activity活活动 Easter partywhenApril 12th,7 p.m.wherewhatWell _.Well _.Well _.Youll_.Listen and follow.PK race(组长上台抽取上台抽取Task card).Task 1用快用快乐的的语气朗气朗读出出P29的邀的邀请函。函。语音正确音正确3分分语调快快乐3分分大方得体大方得体2分分配合默契配合默契2分分Task 2 Read and tick or cross.()The Easter party is on March 23rd.()The party will start at 7 p.m.()Youll play ping-pong at the party.()Youll eat a birthday cake at the party.What will you do if you have a birthday party?Write three sentences.Ill_.Ill_.Ill_.Task 31.Write an invitation.仿照仿照P29写一份邀写一份邀请函。函。(组长上台上台领取邀取邀请卡)卡)(独学(独学4分分钟)2.Show time.自学自学导航三航三


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