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单元一口腔科IntheOutpatientDepartment单元一口腔科IntheOutpatientDepartmen1Unit One Unit One Stomatology Department Stomatology Department 单元一 口腔科Unit One Stomatology Departme2CONTENTS1Abbreviation2Greetings3Words and Phrases4DialogueCONTENTS1Abbreviation2Greeting3Following Doctors Orders P:Its been one month since my last visit and I still feel miserable.D:Did you follow the instruction on the medicine I gave you?P:I sure did.The bottle said keep tightly closed.Warming-up Amuse Yourself Following Doctors Orders P:4I still feel miserableI still feel miserable我仍然感到痛苦我仍然感到痛苦 We feel miserable that we cannot enjoy their We feel miserable that we cannot enjoy their success.success.我们感到痛苦以至于我们无法分享他人的成功。我们感到痛苦以至于我们无法分享他人的成功。Follow the instructions given by your health Follow the instructions given by your health care provider.care provider.病人必须遵照医务人员的指示和要求。病人必须遵照医务人员的指示和要求。The bottle said keep tightly closed.The bottle said keep tightly closed.瓶说保持瓶说保持紧闭紧闭Warming-up Explanation and examples I still feel miserable我仍然感到痛苦 5 Part one AbbreviationGuessa.c.Before mealsADLActivities of daily livingA.M.a.m.morningadmAdmitted or admissionamtamountapproxapproximately 6Answera.c.饭前饭前Before mealsADL日常生活日常生活Activities of daily livingA.M.a.m.上午上午morningAdm接收住院接收住院Admitted or admissionAmt量量amountApprox大约大约approximately Part one AbbreviationAnswera.c.饭前ADL日常生活A.M.a.m.上午710 NursingSentences Good morning,Miss Paine.I am nurse Johnson.Hello,I am Nurse Hunt.Are you Mrs.Bill?Hi,Peter,Im your nurse.Who is here with you today?Hello,Mr.George.Nice to see you again.How have you been?You are looking better today.12345 Part two Greetings 10 NursingGood morning,Miss Pa810 NursingSentences How are you feeling today?What can I do for you?Whats the trouble?Please come in and have a seat.Sorry to have kept you waiting.678910 Part two Greetings 10 NursingHow are you feeling 9Outpatient DepartmentOutpatient Department门诊部门诊部Gum Gum 牙龈牙龈Swollen Swollen 肿胀肿胀Pain Pain 疼痛疼痛 1 Part three Words and Phrases Outpatient Department门诊部Gum 牙10spatulaspatula 英英spspt tl l美美spspt tl l n.n.(搅拌或涂敷用的)铲,(搅拌或涂敷用的)铲,漆工抹刀漆工抹刀;压舌板压舌板;Suffered v.Suffered v.受痛苦受痛苦(suffersuffer过去式和过去分词过去式和过去分词 );受损害;变糟变差;受损害;变糟变差oral cavity ulceroral cavity ulcer口腔溃疡口腔溃疡Can the oral cavity ulcer Can the oral cavity ulcer cure once and for all?cure once and for all?口腔溃疡能根治吗?口腔溃疡能根治吗?chew thingschew things嚼东西嚼东西Babies tend to chew on Babies tend to chew on things to relieve the things to relieve the discomfort of teething.discomfort of teething.婴儿要减轻出牙的不舒适婴儿要减轻出牙的不舒适感觉,往往咬东西。感觉,往往咬东西。2 Part three Words and Phrases spatulaSuffered v.受痛苦(suffer过11Ulcer 溃疡溃疡brushing teeth 刷牙刷牙pungency spicy food辛辣食品辛辣食品oral hygiene 口腔卫生口腔卫生 3 Part three Words and Phrases Ulcer 溃疡brushing teeth 刷牙pung12overworkpressurecause As a matter of factvt.&vi.工作过度或时间过长;工作过度或时间过长;把把做过头;对做过头;对使用过度:装饰:使用过度:装饰:把把的表面加以装饰的表面加以装饰n.过度工作过度工作n.压力;气压(或血压);压力;气压(或血压);压(迫)感压(迫)感vi.施加压力;迫使;使(机舱施加压力;迫使;使(机舱等)增压等)增压n.原因;动机;(某种行为、原因;动机;(某种行为、感情等的)理由;缘故感情等的)理由;缘故vt.成为成为的原因;导致;引起;的原因;导致;引起;使遭受使遭受事实上,其实;说起来事实上,其实;说起来4 Part three Words and Phrases overworkpressurecause As a mat13registration card 登记卡登记卡Stomatology department 口腔科口腔科its your turn now 该轮到你了该轮到你了 things like that 诸如此类诸如此类 5 Part three Words and Phrases registration card 登记卡Stomato14Take the lift to 乘电梯到乘电梯到make a left turn 向左拐向左拐Go along the corridor 沿走廊走沿走廊走 see the sign 看到指示牌看到指示牌6 Part three Words and Phrases Take the lift tomake a left tu15 Part four Dialogue Hearing time Listen carefully!16N:Good morningP:Good morning N:What seems to be the problem?P:I have a pain in my gum,its swollen.N:How long have you had the problem?P:About one week.In the Outpatient Department1 Part four Dialogue N:Good morning In the Outp17 In the Outpatient DepartmentN:Open your mouth,and say“a”please.P:Please dont use the spatula,which makes me sick.N:Take it easy.We dont need to use that,just open your mouth.(The patient opens his mouth.)N:Ah,I see,you have suffered the oral cavity ulcer.P:Have I?Oh,I m really feeling terribly bad when I chew things.2 Part four Dialogue In the Outpatient Departm18 In the Outpatient DepartmentN:Dont worry.Its not serious.The size of the ulcer is just like wheat.If you pay more attention to oral hygiene and form a habit of brushing teeth in the morning and at night,youll be OK very soon.By the way,you should avoid the pungency food.P:I prefer the spicy food,maybe thats one of the reasons I suffer this.3 Part four Dialogue In the Outpatient Departm19N:Maybe,but besides this,overwork and pressure also can cause the oral ulcer.P:Really?N:Yes!So you need to sleep well and avoid overwork.Well,have you been here before?P:As a matter of fact.I have just moved to this city.In the Outpatient Department4 Part four Dialogue N:Maybe,but besides this,ove20N:Ok.Please fill in this registration card.Your age,gender,address and things like that.And youd better register with the Stomatology department.P:Here is my registration card.N:Ok,its your turn now.In the Outpatient Department5 Part four Dialogue N:Ok.Please fill in this regi21P:Fine,But can you tell me how to get to the Stomatology department,please?N:Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn.Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.P:Thanks a lot.N:Youer welcome.In the Outpatient Department6 Part four Dialogue P:Fine,But can you tell me ho22Act in scenesits showtime!Act in scenesits showtime!23谢谢大家!结结 语语谢谢大家!结 语24


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