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CONFIDENTIALBU Strategic Plan Template BookTraining materials8 June 2001This report is solely for the use of client personnel.No part of it may be circulated,quoted,or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey&Company.This material was used by McKinsey&Company during an oral presentation;it is not a complete record of the discussion.Jim Ayala PHOMelissa Gil PHORegina Manzano PHOSuresh Mustapha PHOSteve Shaw HKOShelly Yeh PHOChoon-Gin Tan SIOSTRATEGY PLANNING INSTRUCTIONSThe objective of these templates is to provide completeness and consistency of BU strategic plan submissions.These templates are not intended to replace or constrain BU strategic thinking and should be adapted to reflect a particular BUs sectoral context as requiredEach section begins with a summary that is based on a synthesis of questions and analyses that follow.The suggested approach would be to first complete the relevant back-up analyses and then work towards the overall synthesis1TABLE OF CONTENTSI.Executive summaryII.Environmental and internal assessmentA.Industry dynamics and its implicationsB.Competitive assessmentC.Internal assessmentIII.Strategic definition and implicationsA.Strategy articulationB.Strategic initiativesC.Financial projectionD.Risks/contingencies and strategic alternativesIV.Exhibits2BU STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENTIndustry dynamics and implicationsEnvironmental and internal assessmentCompetitive assessmentInternal assessmentWhat are the major changes in industry dynamics and resulting opportunities and risks?What are your competitive strengths and weaknesses?How does your current business emphasis fit with industry opportunity and competitive landscape?Strategy articulationStrategic definition and implicationsStrategic initiativesFinancial projectionsWhat strategy will your BU pursue over the next 3 years?What will be the impact of major strategic initiatives?What are the expected financial returns of your strategy?+Risk/contingen-cies&strategic alternativesWhat strategic alternatives have you considered?+3I.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY4II.ENVIRONMENTAL AND INTERNAL ASSESSMENT5IIA.INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS SUMMARYA.What are the major changes in industry dynamics and the resulting opportunities and risks?A.2 How is industry structure changing(demand,supply,and industry chain economics)?What are the resulting opportunities and risks?A.3 What is the expected competitor conduct?What are the resulting opportunities and risks?A.4 What are the present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?A.1 What industry are you competing in?What are the various segments in the industry?6IIA.INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS BACK-UP 1A.1What industry are you competing in?What are the various segments in the industry?Industry definitionIndustry segmentationDefinitionSizingIndustry definition:Industry segmentation:7IIA.INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS BACK-UP 2A.2How is industry structure changing with respect to demand,supply,and industry chain economics?What are the resulting opportunities and risks?Economics of demandBy segmentSubstitutes,ability to differentiateVolatility,cyclicalityEconomics of supplyProducer concentration and diversityImport competitionCapacity utilizationEntry/exit barriersCost structure(fixed and variable)Industry chain economicsCustomer and supplier bargaining power8IIA.INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS BACK-UP 3A.3 What is the expected competitor conduct?What are the resulting opportunities and risks?Major industry competitor movesMarketing initiativesIndustry capacity changesM&As,divestituresVertical integration/disaggregationAlliances and partnershipsCost control and efficiency improvements9IIA.INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS BACK-UP 4A.4 What are the present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?Impact and likelihood of major industry discontinuitiesChanges in regulation/government policyTechnological breakthroughs10IIB.COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT SUMMARYB.What are your competitive strengths and weaknesses?B.1 What are the capabilities required to succeed in this industry?B.2 How do you compare against these necessary capabilities?11IIB.COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT BACK-UP 1B.1 What are the capabilities required to succeed in this industry?Privileged assets that create competitive advantage,e.g.physical assets,location/”space”,distribution/sales network,intangible assets(intellectual capital,network,brands,talents)Distinctive skills/competencies that create competitive advantage,e.g.innovation,talent development12IIB.COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT BACK-UP 2B.2 How do you compare against these necessary capabilities?Strengths and weaknesses of your competitive position vs.necessary capabilitiesBenchmark performance against the industrys relevant key performance indicators(KPIs)*,with margin and market share as the required minimumStrengths and weaknesses of your competitive position vs.necessary capabilities:Benchmark performance against the relevant industrys KPIs:*KPIs are a handful of levers that drive the value of the industry/business13IIC.INTERNAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARYC.How does your current business emphasis fit with the industry opportunities and the competitive landscape?C.1 Which segments of the business are providing the highest returns?C.2 What have been the performance trends along major BU KPIs?C.3 Which intangible assets*could be near-term potential sources of value?*Please refer to Exhibit 12 for further description14IIC.INTERNAL ASSESSMENT BACK-UP 1C.1 Which segments of the business are providing the highest returns?*Relevant BU segments(based on customer,product,geography,channel)Operating contribution estimates for each segment*Based on latest available,1-2 year historical financial statements15IIC.INTERNAL ASSESSMENT BACK-UP 2C.2 What have been performance trends along major BU KPIs?KPI performance trends over the last 3-5 years,e.g.return on capital employed(ROCE),operating income,margins,capital employedAssessment of underlying trend driversExpected evolutionROCE=Operating income x(1-tax rate)All interest bearing debt(short and long)+minority interest+stockholders equity16IIC.INTERNAL ASSESSMENT BACK-UP 3C.3 Which intangible assets could be near-term potential sources of value?Identification of in-house intellectual property,talent,networks,brand/imageConversion into sources of value17III.STRATEGIC DEFINITION AND IMPLICATIONS18IIIA.STRATEGY ARTICULATION SUMMARYA.What strategy will your BU pursue over the next 3 years?A.1 Where to compete?A.2 What is your customer value proposition for the different segments you are going to serve?A.3 What is your business model?A.4 How does your chosen strategy exploit industry opportunities and address industry/competitive threats?19IIIA.STRATEGY ARTICULATION BACK-UP 1A.1 Where to compete?Where are you going to compete along these dimensions and why:Target marketDistribution channelsProduct(breadth and depth)Geographic scope20IIIA.STRATEGY ARTICULATION BACK-UP 2A.2 What is your customer value proposition for the different segments you are going to serve?Target customer definitionBenefits that you will offer the customersProduct pricingPosition against competition vis-vis the benefits provided and the price chargedWho is your target customer?What are the explicit benefits you provide to your customers?What perceived value do you provide to the customer better than competition?How much value do your customers attach to the benefits you provide?21IIIA.STRATEGY ARTICULATION BACK-UP 3A.3 What is your business model?Delivery and communication of customer value proposition(value delivery system)Competitive advantage in delivering these benefits to the customer How will the value proposition be provided and communicated?Which of your BUs existing strengths can be leveraged?What skills/capabilities do you need to build?22IIIA.STRATEGY ARTICULATION BACK-UP 4A.4 How does your chosen strategy exploit the industry opportunities and address the industry/competitive threats?Industry attractiveness and implication reviewAlignment of strategy and environmental realitiesInstructions:A review of the section on Industry Dynamics and Implications,together with the frameworks used(Exhibit 2,3 or 4)is useful for answering this question23IIIB.STRATEGIC INITIATIVES SUMMARYB.What will be the impact of major strategic initiatives?B3.How much value will be created from each strategic initiative?B4.What resources willeach strategic initiativerequire?B1.What major strategic initiatives are required to successfully implement your selected business model?B2.What are the sources of value created from each strategic initiative?24IIIB.STRATEGIC INITIATIVES BACK-UP 1B.1 What major strategic initiatives are required to successfully imple-ment your selected business model?Possible strategic initiatives list25IIIB.STRATEGIC INITIATIVES BACK-UP 2B.2 What are the sources of value created from each strategic initiative?Sources of value from each strategic initiative(e.g.,EBIT,capital employed)Category of initiativesVolume increaseEBIT impact viaPrice increaseCost reductionOtherInvest-mentCapital employed impact viaDivest-mentCapitalefficiency*Other *E.g.improved working capital employment,increased asset utilization,changes to asset ownershipSpecific actionable initiatives 26IIIB.STRATEGIC INITIATIVES BACK-UP 3Operating income ongoing impact 2001-2004PhP millionsCapital employed ongoing impact 2001-2004PhP billionsPresent operating incomeVolume increasePrice increaseCost reduction benefitAdditional costsTotal ongoing operating incomePresent capital employedImproved capital efficiencyDivestmentsInvestments(capex and acquisitions)Total ongoing capital employedB.3 How much value will be created from each strategic initiative?one-time EBIT impact=one-time costs=Financial impact from each strategic initiativeExpected financial outlay for each initiative+=+=27IIIB.STRATEGIC INITIATIVES BACK-UP 4B.4 What resources will each strategic initiative require?Resources required to make strategy workAvailability of resources in the organizationPlan for filling resource gapsCategories of initiativesSpecific actionable initiativesPeople/skillsResource requirementsFundingEx-Com involvement 28IIIC.FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS SUMMARYC.What are the expected financial returns of your strategy?C.3 What is your expected cash generation ability over the medium term?C.4 What is your expected capital productivity?C.2 What is your projected net income in the next few years?C.1 What are the key assumptions?29IIIC.FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS BACK-UP 1C.1 What are the key assumptions?Profit and loss(e.g.revenues,costs,margin)Balance sheetCorporate center directivesCorporate center assumptionsBASE CASEBusiness unit assumptionsRevenuesMarket sizeMarket sharePriceCostsInput costsProduction costsOther costs(e.g.SG&A)MarginsGross marginOperatingmarginCapitalPlannedinvestments/divestmentsChanges inworking capital2002KEY FORECAST ASSUMPTIONS20032004Growth rateCorporate center assumptions200220032004Key economicindicatorsGDP growthConsumerprice indexExchange rate(PhP/USD)91-day T-billrateCorporate taxrate30IIIC.FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS BACK-UP 2C.2 What is your projected net income in the next few years?Income statement forecastBASE CASEHistoricalSalesCost of goods soldGross profitOperating expensesOperating profitOther expensesTaxesNet profit1999FORECASTED INCOME STATEMENT2000In PhP millionForecast2001*200220032004CAGR1999-2004Growth analysisSales(%)Gross profit(%)Operating profit(%)Net profit(%)Margin analysisGross margin(%)Operating margin(%)Net margin(%)*Key assumptions not listed earlier should be detailed at the bottom of the chart.The impact of planned initiativeson the revenues and costs should be established clearly with additional attachments if requiredBest estimates on possible actual results 31IIIC.FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS BACK-UP 3C.3 What is your expected cash generation ability over the medium term?Cash flow forecastBASE CASEOperating profitDepreciation and amortizationOther non-cash operatingexpensesNet operating cash flowIncrease/(decrease)in workingcapitalOther operating cash flowTotal operating cash flowFORECASTED CASH FLOW STATEMENTHistorical19992000Forecast2001*200220032004CAGR1999-2004Capital expenditureOther investing cash flow itemsTotal investing cash flowIncrease/(decrease)in debtDividendsOther financing cash flowTotal financing cash flowIn PhP millionKey assumptions not listed earlier should be detailed at the bottom of the chart.The impact of planned initiativeson the fixed and working capital investments should be established clearly with additional attachments if requiredBest estimates on possible actual results*32IIIC.FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS BACK-UP 4C.4 What is your expected capital productivity?Balance sheet forecastROCE computationROCE=Operating income x(1-tax rate)All interest bearing debt(short and long)+minority interest+stockholders equityBASE CASECashAccounts receivablesInventoriesOther current assetsTotal current assetsNet fixed assetsOther assetsTotal assetsFORECASTED BALANCE SHEETHistorical19992000Forecast2001*200220032004CAGR1999-2004Accounts payableOther current liabilitiesTotal current liabilities Short-term loansLong-term loansOther liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesMinority interestTotal stockholders equityIn PhP millionCapital employedROCETotal liab.&stockholders equityRatio analysisWorking capital turnoverDebt-equity ratioBest estimates on possible actual results*33IIID.RISKS/CONTINGENCIES&STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES SUMMARYD.What strategic alternatives have you considered?D.1 What are the associated risks to your chosen strategy?D.2 Re-examining industry opportunities and industry/competitive threats,what alternatives exist to your chosen strategy?D.3 Beyond the 3-year time frame,what breakthrough strategic options may be possible?34IIID.RISKS/CONTINGENCIES&STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES BACK-UP 1D.1 What are the associated risks to your chosen strategy?Identification of significant potential risks and plans to mitigateSensitivity/scenario financial analysisPotential risksBusiness riskRegulatory riskTechnology riskIntegrity riskMacroeconomic riskImpactLikelihoodContingencyOther35IIID.RISKS/CONTINGENCIES&STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES BACK-UP 2D.2 Re-examining industry opportunities and industry/competitive threats,what alternatives exist to your chosen strategy?Where to compete?Value propositionBusiness modelAlignment with external realitiesWhere to compete?:Alternative value proposition:Alternative business model:Alignment with external realities:Instructions:Based on a review of the section on Environmental and Internal Assessment,Strategy Articulation,and the frameworks used(Exhibit 2-4,13-15),determine other potential strategic alternatives36IIID.RISKS/CONTINGENCIES&STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES BACK-UP 3D.3 Beyond the 3-year time frame,what breakthrough strategic options may be possible?“Out-of-the-box”ideasInstructions:Think radical!Think out-of-the-box!37IV.EXHIBITSInstructions:Please include all relevant supporting documentation in this section38SEGMENT ANALYSISExhibit 1ILLUSTRATIVEIndustryboundariesSegmentsIndustry segmentsRelatively distinct sub-groupings within the industryMarket is relatively similar within the segment but different across segmentsDifferent industry dynamics may vary in importance in different segments39ProducersIndustrySTechnology breakthroughsChanges in government policy/regulationsDomesticInternationalEconomics of demandAvailability of substitutesDifferentiability of productsRate of growthVolatility/cyclicalityEconomics of supplyConcentration of producersImport competitionDiversity of producersFixed/variable cost structureCapacity utilizationEntry/exit barriersIndustry chain economicsBargaining power of input suppliersBargaining power of customersMarketingPricingVolumeAdvertising/promotionNew products/R&DDistributionCapacity changeExpansion/contractionEntry/exitAcquisition/merger/divestitureVertical integrationForward/backward integrationVertical joint venturesLong-term contractsInternal efficiencyCost controlLogisticsProcess R&DOrganization effectivenessFinanceProfitabilityValue creationTechnological progressEmployment objectivesExternalshocksFeedbacktructureConductPerformanceSTRUCTURE-CONDUCT-PERFORMANCE(SCP)MODELExhibit 240Exhibit 31.Determinants of supplier powerDifferentiation of inputsSwitching costs of suppliers and firms in the industryPresence of substitute inputsSupplier concentrationImportance of volume to supplierCost relative to total purchases in the industryImpact of inputs on cost or differentiationThreat of forward integration relative to threat of backward integration by firms in the industry2.Determinants of barriers to entryEconomies of scaleProprietary product differencesBrand identitySwitching costsCapital requirementsAccess to distributionAbsolute cost advantagesProprietary learning curveAccess to necessary inputsProprietary,low-cost product designGovernment policyExpected retaliation5.Rivalry determinantsIndustry growthFixed(or storage)cost/value addedIntermittent overcapacityProduct differencesBrand identitySwitching costsConcentration and balanceInformational complexityDiversity of competitorsCorporate stakesExit barriers3.Determinants of buying powerBargaining leverageBuyer concentration vs.firm concentrationBuyer volumeBuyer switching costs relative to firm switching costsBuyer informationAbility to backward integrateSubstitute productsPull-through4.Determinants of substitution threatRelative price performance of substitutesSwitching costsBuyer propensity to substitute2.New entrants3.Buyers4.SubstitutesIntensity of rivalry1.SuppliersPrice sensitivityPrice/total purchasesProduct differencesBrand IdentityImpact on quality perceptionBuyer profitsDecision makers incentives5.Industry competitorsFORCES AT WORK FRAMEWORK41Opportunities/ThreatsHow are demand and supply expected to evolve?How do you expect the industry chain economics to evolve?What are the potential major industry discontinuities?What competitor actions do you expect?YOUR BUSWOT ANALYSISExhibit 4CONVERT OPPORTUNITIESBUILD ON STRENGTHSNEUTRALIZE THREATSADDRESSWEAK-NESSESStrengths/WeaknessesWhat are your BUs assets/competencies that solidify your competitive position?What are your BUs assets/competencies that weaken your competitive position?Can be used as a thought starter for competitive analysis and internal assessmentSurfaces potential opportunities/threats arising from factors external to the BU42Physical assetLocation/spaceDistribution/sales networkBrand/reputationPatentRelationship with license allocatorBHPs low-cost minesTelecomm/media company with rights radio spectrumAvons representativesCoca-ColaPharmaceutical company with a wonder drug”Favored nation status with a key minister in liberalizing economyInnovationCross-functional coordinationMarket positioningCost/efficiency managementTalent development3M with new productsMcDonalds with QSC&VJ&J with branded consumer health productsEmerson Electrics Best Cost Producer programP&G brand management programPrivileged assetsDistinctive competenciesNecessary capabilities in order to succeed in the industryExampleCAPABILITY PLATFORM:ASSESSMENT OF SOURCES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE(1/2)Exhibit 543CAPABILITY PLATFORM:ASSESSMENT OF SOURCES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE(2/2)ILLUSTRATIVE Step 1:Ensure that these are the capabilities required to succeed in the industry.Use this list as a thought starter,add and delete as you see appropriateBU OverallSegmentsABCStep 2:Assess your overall position relative to the capabilities required to succeed in the industry.Also,determine if these capabilities are relevant to the segments you servePhysical assetLocation/spaceDistribution/sales networkBrand/reputationPatentRelationship with license allocatorInnovationCross-functional coordinationMarket positioningCost/efficiency managementTalent developmentPrivileged assetsDistinctive com


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