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重点单词重点单词人物:mr Brown 布朗先生布朗先生 Mrs Brown dad mum son duaghter friend teacher 国家:国家:The USA 美国美国The UK 英国英国 Canada加拿大加拿大 China 中国中国 重点单词第一单元重点句子 Lesson A1.How are you?你好吗?你好吗?2.Im fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢我很好,谢谢第一单元重点句子 Lesson A Lesson B1.This is my son Peter.这是我的儿子彼得这是我的儿子彼得2.Glad to meet you,Peter.彼得,见到你很高兴彼得,见到你很高兴3.Glad to meet you,too.见到你也很高兴见到你也很高兴 Lesson B Lesson C1.Come in 进来进来2 Im from the USA.我来自于美国我来自于美国3.Welcome 欢迎欢迎 Lesson C重点单词重点单词laugh cry shout talk picture beautiful 动物:动物:fox panda pig rabbit snake ant giraffe elephant重点单词laugh cry shout Lesson D1.Lets play a game.我们玩个游戏吧我们玩个游戏吧2.Are you ready?你们准备好了吗你们准备好了吗3.Please dont laugh.请别笑请别笑4.Dont sing,please.=Please dont sing.请别唱歌请别唱歌 Lesson D Lesson E1.Whats this?这是什么这是什么2.Its a cat.它是只猫它是只猫3.Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道对不起,我不知道 Lesson E-Whats this?-Ita panda./fox/pig -Whats this?-Ita panda./fox Lesson F1.A beautiful picture.一张漂亮的图画一张漂亮的图画2.Whats that?那是什么?那是什么?3.Its a rabbit.它是只兔子它是只兔子4.Your English is good.你的英语真好你的英语真好5.Thank you very much.非常感谢非常感谢 Lesson F-Whats that?那是什么那是什么Its a rabbit.Its an ant/elephant.-Whats that?那是什么Its an ant/第二单元重点句子及单词第二单元重点句子及单词时间时间:Sunday星期日星期日 Monday星期一星期一 Tuesday 星期二星期二wednesday星期三星期三 Thurday 星期四星期四 Friday 星期五星期五 Saturday星期六星期六天气天气:rainy 多雨的多雨的 sunny 晴朗的晴朗的 cloudy 多云的多云的 cold 冷的冷的 windy 多风的多风的 sonwy下雪的下雪的kite 风筝风筝 fly a kite放风筝放风筝 go 去去play玩玩 work工作工作 第二单元重点句子及单词时间:LessonH what day is today?1-what day is today?-Its sunday.2.go to the park.去公园去公园LessonH what day is todLessonI Hows the weather?1.-Hows the weather?-Its rainy./sunny/windy.2.fly a kite放风筝放风筝3.go swimming去游泳去游泳4.Good idea.好主意好主意LessonI Hows the weather?LessonJ Fly a kite 1.fly a kite放风筝放风筝2.Lets go/play/work.3.pick an apple摘苹果摘苹果4.Have a rest 休息一下休息一下LessonJ Fly a kite 1.fl重点句子及单词重点句子及单词 空中:空中:sun太阳太阳 sky天空天空 moon月亮月亮 cloud云云 star 星星星星外部特征:外部特征:long长的长的 short短的短的 ugly 丑的丑的 fat 胖的胖的 thin瘦的瘦的farm农场农场 farmer农民农民 animal 动动物物one sheep一只羊一只羊 two sheep两两只羊只羊重点句子及单词 空中:sun太阳 LessonK Do like this.1.Are you rady?你准备好了吗你准备好了吗2.Not yet.还没有还没有3yes,please.是的,准备好了。是的,准备好了。4.-Can I help you?需要我的帮忙吗需要我的帮忙吗?-yes,please./No,thanks.LessonK Do like this.1.Are LessonLwhat a beautiful kite?e here.来这里来这里2.Im coming.我来了我来了3.whats up?怎么了?怎么了?4.what a beautiful kite.多漂亮的风筝!多漂亮的风筝!5How beautiful!是的,很漂亮。!是的,很漂亮。6what a/an+long/short/fat/+名词!多名词!多么么.LessonLwhat a beautiful kite?第三单元重点知识及句型第三单元重点知识及句型cook 煮饭煮饭 act 表演表演 climb爬爬 drive 驾驶驾驶短语:短语:play football踢足球踢足球 sing in english 唱英语歌唱英语歌play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴 clean the house打扫房间打扫房间水果:水果:tea茶茶 juice 果汁果汁 water 水水 milk牛奶牛奶 starwberry草莓草莓第三单元重点知识及句型cook 煮饭 act 表演LessonO Can you fly?1-can you fly?-yes,I can./No,I cant.2-can you+动词?你会动词?你会.-yes,I can./No,I cant.LessonO Can you fly?1-can LessonP what can you do?1.play football踢足球踢足球 2.sing in english 唱英语歌唱英语歌3.play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴 4clean the house打扫房间打扫房间5-what can you do?-I can play football.LessonP what can you do?1.LessonQ Oh,yucky!1.have some tea.喝些茶喝些茶2.have some+名词复数名词复数(apples/milk/water )LessonQ Oh,yucky!1.have som重点句子及单词重点句子及单词食物:食物:bread面包面包 egg鸡蛋鸡蛋 ice cream冰淇淋冰淇淋hamburger汉堡汉堡rice大米大米 fish鱼鱼 soup 汤汤 chicken鸡肉鸡肉 meat鸡肉鸡肉重点句子及单词食物:LessonR How yummy!1have a hamburger.吃个汉堡吃个汉堡2.have a egg.吃个鸡蛋吃个鸡蛋3have a/an+食物食物 吃个吃个.4.Happy Morhers day!LessonR How yummy!1have a LessonS Good manners.1-May I come in?我能进来吗?我能进来吗?-come in,please.请进请进2.-After you.你先你先 _After you.你先你先3Im sorry.对比起对比起_ Thats OK.没关系没关系LessonS Good manners.1-May 重点句子及单词重点句子及单词数字:数字:chicken小鸡小鸡 eleven十一十一 twelve十二十二 thriteen十三十三 fourteen十四十四 fifteen十五十五 sixteen十六十六 seventeen十七十七eighteen十八十八 nineteen十九十九 twenty二二十十cute可爱可爱 clever聪明聪明 tree树树 flower花花 bee蜜蜂蜜蜂重点句子及单词数字:LessonU A chicken or seven chickens1.There are fourteen chickens.2There are fifteen pigs.LessonU A chicken or seven cLessonv How many rabbits?1.-How many rabbits?-ten birds.2.very good.Lessonv How many rabbits?1.-HLessonW so many ants!1.look here.2.-so many flowers!/trees.-how cute/clever/long.LessonW so many ants!1.look重点句子及单词重点句子及单词hard猛烈地猛烈地 rain 雨雨 river河流河流 sea海洋海洋 lake湖湖pupil child孩子孩子 childrensay说话说话 see看见、明白看见、明白重点句子及单词hard猛烈地 rain 雨 riLessonX Its raining hard.1.Its raining hard.2.Its raining cats and dogs.LessonX Its raining hard.


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