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Vocabulary Learning Chimps have some characteristicssimilar to mankind.characteristic n.特性;特征;特色特性;特征;特色 A painter is painting the wall orange.painter n.油漆工;油画家油漆工;油画家 paint v.刷油漆;作油画刷油漆;作油画 It was Steven Hawking who put forward the theory of black holes.put forward 提出提出=come up with Before leaving the company,themanager put forward his assistant,Mary,as the next manager.put forward 提名;推荐提名;推荐My watch is slow,so I put it forward three minutes.put forward 把钟表等拨快把钟表等拨快They concluded the meeting at six oclock in the afternoon.conclude vt/vi.结束结束 The judge concluded from the evidence that he was guilty.conclude v.推断出;得出结论推断出;得出结论The judge drew a conclusion from the evidence that he was guilty.draw/come to a conclusion 得出结论得出结论At the end of his speech,he said,“Inconclusion,I wish this meeting everysuccess.”in conclusion 总之;最后总之;最后In Henan province,there is a famousAIDS village where many of thevillagers are infected with AIDS.be infected with 感染上感染上.病病 infectious adj.传染的传染的 infection n.传染;感染传染;感染 Personally,the day will soon come when humans defeat AIDS completely.defeat v./n.打败;击败;失败打败;击败;失败She is an expert in paper cutting.expert n.专家专家She is expert in/at paper cutting.be expert in/at.熟练熟练/精通精通.He is attending(to)his sick girlfriend.attend(to)sb.照顾某人照顾某人 The kid is attending to his book.attend to sth.专心于专心于.I have something important to attend tothis afternoon.attend to sth.处理处理 If you expose yourself to the sunlightfor a long time,you will get sunburnt.expose.to.使使.暴露在暴露在.(中中)(而无而无 保护;无遮蔽保护;无遮蔽),If you dare to expose me,I will do thesame to you.expose sb./sth.揭露;揭发;曝光揭露;揭发;曝光 cure n.治愈;治愈方法治愈;治愈方法There is no cure for AIDS at present.cure sb.of sth.治愈某人的病治愈某人的病Could he cure people of any disease?It is said that another outbreak of thebird flu will soon happen.outbreak n.(疾病或战争疾病或战争)爆发;发作爆发;发作Challenging oneself is a big challengein itself to most people.challenge v./n.挑战挑战 challenging adj.有挑战性的有挑战性的 He is a victim of Internet fraud(欺诈欺诈).victim n.受害者受害者A sponge can absorb water and a human brain can absorb knowledge.absorb v.吸收吸收 n.absorption The boy is absorbed in reading a book.be absorbed in.全神贯注于全神贯注于.I suspect that there is something wrong with your brain.suspect that.怀疑怀疑.He was suspected of killing a family ofthree people in Xian and was arrested as the suspect.suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人做了某事怀疑某人做了某事 in the neighbourhood在附近在附近 The couple are jogging in the neighbourbood of their house.The drought is severe.severe adj.严重的;剧烈的;严厉的严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 Whoever is drunk while driving will be given severe punishment.The water pump can be used to pump water.pump n.泵;抽水机泵;抽水机 v.抽水抽水 Can you foresee your future?foresee v.预见;预知预见;预知 foresee-foresaw-foreseen The police began at once to investigatethe case.investigate v.调查调查 investigation n.The accident was caused by the driverscarelessness,so the driver was to blamefor the accident.(sb.)be to blame for sth.某事责任某事责任在谁在谁/罪在谁罪在谁/应该怪谁应该怪谁 The driver should take/bear the blame for the accident.take/bear the blame for sth.承担责任承担责任/过错过错 blame sb.for sth.Who should be blamed for food safety?Who should take the blame for food safety?Who is to blame for food safety?blame sth.on sb.把把.归咎于某人归咎于某人Every time she fails,she will blame herfailure on others instead of blamingherself.handle n.把手把手 handle v.处理;操纵处理;操纵The man is expert at handling problems concerning divorce.They plan to build a highway to link the two towns.link v./n.连接连接 be linked to.与与.有关有关The development of a country is closelylinked to education.announce v.宣布宣布 They have announced with certainty that they will get married on Oct.31st.instruct sb.to do sth.指导指导/命令某人去做某事命令某人去做某事 The teacher is instructing the girl to use the computer.Read the instructions and then youll know how to take the medicine.instructions 说明说明=directions The building is being constructed.construct v.建设;建造建设;建造 construction n.建设;建造建设;建造 The building is under construction.under construction 在建设中在建设中People generously contributed(money or things)to the disaster-hit area.contribute(.)to sb.捐献捐献/贡献贡献 contribute(.)to.向向.投稿投稿Welcome to contribute(articles)to ourmagazine.They made a great contribution to the foundation of the New China.make a contribution to.=contribute to 对对.作出贡献作出贡献Apart from playing cards,what else doChinese like doing at the Spring Festival?apart from 除了除了 Apart from playing cards,Chinesepeople also like setting off fireworks.set off fireworks 放烟花放烟花 Does it make sense for him to wear so many clothes in summer?make sense 有意义;行得通有意义;行得通 I cant make sense of the poem.make sense of sth.理解;明白理解;明白 We should be enthusiastic about helping others.be enthusiastic about 热心于热心于.Be cautious when you put it down.be cautious about.小心小心/谨慎的谨慎的 with caution 谨慎地谨慎地 Put it down with caution.He rejected the money given to him.reject sth.拒绝接受拒绝接受.I will reject these bad apples.reject 抛弃抛弃 Unit 1Unit 1Great ScientistsWhat did Maries Curie discover?Radium.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?Gregor MendelWho put forward a theory about black holes?Stephen HawkingJohn Snow defeated“King Cholera”Fast-readingWho was John Snow?What was King Cholera?John Snow defeated“King Cholera”John Snow was a famous physician who attended Queen Victoria.King Cholera was the deadly disease of its day.那个时代的那个时代的致命疾病致命疾病 How?Read the passage again and number the events in the order that they happened.P3 Part 12 1 4 7 3 8 5 6AnoutbreakofcholerahitLondonin1854.JohnSnowbegantotesttwotheories.JohnSnowinvestigatedtwostreetswheretheoutbreakwasverysevere.JohnSnowmarkedthedeathsonamap.Hefoundthatmostofthedeathswerenearawaterpump.Heannouncedthatthewatercarriedthedisease.Hehadthehandleremovedfromthewaterpump.KingCholerawasdefeated.The passage is written as a report of an experiment and there are 7 steps:1.Find a problem.2.Make up a question.3.Think of a method.4.Collect results.5.Analyse results.6.Repeat if necessary.7.Draw a conclusion.John Snow,a physician who a_ Queen Victoria,was determined to find the cause of cholera,a s_ infectious disease.He s_ that victims a_ the disease into their bodies with their meals but he had no evidence.When another o_ hit London,he began his e_ into poor neighborhoods.Read Para 1-3 carefullyattendedseverelysuspectedabsorbedoutbreakenquiryThe map he made gave him a valuable c_ about the cause.By looking into the source of the water for the n_,he found that cholera was spread by g_.He found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were l_ to the outbreak.With this extra evidence,John Snow was able to announce with c_ that polluted water carried the virus.The water companies were i_ not to e_ people to polluted water any more.Finally,“King cholera”was d_.Finish reading the rest.clueneighborhoodsgermslinkedcertaintyinstructedexposedefeatedStudy the reference book once again.1.P2-32.P101.的确;确实的确;确实2.帮助接触到霍乱的普通人帮助接触到霍乱的普通人3.那时的致命疾病那时的致命疾病4.理论理论5.multiply6.漂浮漂浮7.the affected person8.在两条特别的街道在两条特别的街道9.把把.标在标在10.做进一步的调查做进一步的调查11.减缓;缓解减缓;缓解12.移走把手移走把手13.后来后来14.细菌;微生物细菌;微生物1.的确;确实的确;确实 indeed2.帮助接触到霍乱的普通人帮助接触到霍乱的普通人help ordinary people exposed to cholera3.那时的致命疾病那时的致命疾病the deadly disease of its day4.理论理论 theory5.multiply繁殖繁殖6.漂浮漂浮float7.the affected person受到疾病侵袭的人受到疾病侵袭的人8.在两条特别的街道在两条特别的街道in two particular streets9.把把.标在标在 markon10.做进一步的调查做进一步的调查make further investigations11.减缓;缓解减缓;缓解 slow down12.移走把手移走把手 remove the handle13.后来后来 afterwards14.细菌;微生物细菌;微生物 germ1.当时致命的疾病当时致命的疾病 the deadly disease of its day他是当时最著名的科学家。他是当时最著名的科学家。He was the most famous scientist of his day.她是当时最有权势的女人。她是当时最有权势的女人。She was the most powerful woman of her day.1.不是你也不他应该为这个错误负责。不是你也不他应该为这个错误负责。(be to blame)Neither you nor he is to blame for the mistake.2.每次有霍乱爆发,成千上万恐惧的人们死每次有霍乱爆发,成千上万恐惧的人们死去。去。Many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak of cholera.3.她第一次来到这儿,她就爱上了这个城市。她第一次来到这儿,她就爱上了这个城市。She fell in love with the city the first time she came here.4.她非常喜欢那水,她请人每天把水送到她她非常喜欢那水,她请人每天把水送到她家。家。She liked the water so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.So much did she like the water that she had it delivered to her house every day.5.这篇文章太难了,我几乎读不懂。这篇文章太难了,我几乎读不懂。The article is so difficult that I can hardly understand it.So difficult is the article that I can hardly understand it.UsingLanguageP7 ReadingWhatisthecenterofthesolarsystem?Whoputforwardsuchatheory?Nicolaus Copernicus born:in Poland in 1473 died:May 24,1543 He was an astronomer and mathematician.He believed the sun is the center of the universe and the earth and other planets went around it.1.How does the writer think of Copernicus theory?2.From what did Copernicus draw his conclusion?3.What would have happened if Copernicus had made his theory known to the public?4.How many years did Copernicus wait for his complete theory to be published?5.What is the last paragraph mainly about?1.How does the writer think of Copernicus theory?Revolutionary.2.From what did Nicolaus Copernicus draw his conclusion?His mathematical calculations.3.What would have happened if Nicolaus Copernicus had made his theory known to the public?He would have been severely punished.4.How many years did Nicolaus Copernicus wait for his complete theory to be published?15141543 29 years.5.What is the last paragraph mainly about?The significance of his study.Study the reference book.1.P15-162.P20 Sentence patterns1.困惑的;迷惑的困惑的;迷惑的2.通向;导致通向;导致3.solar4.Christian5.出现;发生;产生出现;发生;产生6.loop7.有时;有时;8.observation9.私下地;秘密地私下地;秘密地10.a fixed sun11.亮度方面的变化亮度方面的变化12.攻击攻击13.不接受不接受1.困惑的;迷惑的困惑的;迷惑的 confused2.通向;导致通向;导致lead to 3.solar太阳的太阳的4.Christian基督教的;基督教徒基督教的;基督教徒5.出现;发生;产生出现;发生;产生arise-arose-arisen6.loop圈;环圈;环7.有时;有时;at times8.observation观测;观察观测;观察9.私下地;秘密地私下地;秘密地privately10.a fixed sun固定的固定的11.亮度方面的变化亮度方面的变化 changes in brightness12.攻击攻击attack13.不接受不接受;拒绝拒绝reject1.只在那时,他才意识到自己的错误。只在那时,他才意识到自己的错误。Only then did he realize his mistake.2.只有吃正确的食品你才能保持健康。只有吃正确的食品你才能保持健康。Only if you eat correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay healthy.3.只有当我离开父母去意大利时,我才意识到自只有当我离开父母去意大利时,我才意识到自己有多么爱他们。己有多么爱他们。Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize how much I loved them.1.With a lot of difficult problems _(attend)to,the new manager is very busy.2.With his mother _(help)him,he is getting along well with his work.3.With the work _(finish),he went to bed.to attend helping finished


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