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Designing theInternationalMarketing ProgramOnce the company has selected the markets and decided how to enter the target markets,the next step is to design the international marketing mix strategies.The marketing mix(product,price,place and promotion)is the combination of marketing activities that an organization engages in to best meet the needs of its targeted customers.International Product andInternational Product andBrand StrategyBrand StrategyThe question of Diversification v.s Standardization.For most products,adaption to local preference is a must.But adaption to every local market may cost a company too much.For other products such as the food,raw material and some industrial products,standardization of marketing mix strategies is applicableInternational products refer to commercially distributed goods that are offered to the global marketplace for use or consumption to satisfy needs of international customers.The products include the tangible products and intangible services or a combination of them.2.1 Consumer Products2.1 Consumer ProductsConvenience productsShopping productsSpecialty ProductsUnsought products2.2 Industrial Products2.2 Industrial ProductsMaterials and PartsCapital itemsSupplies and business services Look at Mini-Case 7.1 International product positioning refers to efforts to influence consumers understanding of a product.Its objective is to enable a product to create a clear,unique,and advantageous position in the consumers mind.“the best driving car,”“the most economical car,”or“the safest car.”Look at Mini-Case 7.2Market CharacteristicsCompetitors PositioningProduct CharacteristicsCorporate Resources(1)Attribute Positioning(2)Price/Quality Positioning(3)Product User Positioning(4)Application Positioning(5)Product Class Positioning(6)Competitor Positioning3.Re-positioning3.Re-positioningAfter international marketers position their products,they need to develop the product strategies according to the position.1.International Product Mix Strategy1.International Product Mix StrategyThe international product mix consists of all the product lines and items that a company offers to its target international consumers.A product line is a set of individual products which are closely related and perform the same function.The total number of product lines a company offered is called product width.The product length refers to the number of all the individual products in all the product lines.The product line depth refers to the number of all the different types of an individual product.The product consistency refers to the extent to which the different product lines in a company are related.When making the strategies of product mix,international marketers have to consider the following factors.Corporate ResourceThe Economic Situation in Target MarketsConsumers Characteristics in Target Markets(1)Product Mix Expansion(1)Product Mix ExpansionThe product mix expansion consists of mix extension and product line extension.Mix extension refers to the addition of product lines into the existing product mix.Line extension refers to a new product added to a product line.Downward Stretch-Look at Mini-Case 7.3Upward Stretch-look at Mini-Case 7.4Two-way Stretch (2)Product Mix Contraction (2)Product Mix Contraction2.1 Forms of New Product2.1 Forms of New ProductA fresh idea can be turned into a new product and start a new product life cycle.Variations on an existing product idea can also make a product new.Even small changes in an existing product can make it new.A company can add new products through acquisition of other companies.(1)Idea Generation(1)Idea GenerationInternal Idea SourceExternal Source(2)Idea Screening(2)Idea Screening(3)Concept Development and Testing(3)Concept Development and Testing(4)Business Analysis(4)Business Analysis(5)Product Development(5)Product Development(6)Market Testing(6)Market Testing(7)Commercialization(7)Commercialization3.1 Product Life Cycle(PLC)3.1 Product Life Cycle(PLC)Product life cycle describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace.Most products have a life span and will be eventually replaced by another new product.Introduction StageGrowth StageMaturity Stage-look at Mini-Case 7.4 Decline StagePLC for Different ProductsPLC for Different ProductsNot all products will follow the above mentioned product life cycle.For example,fashion products are introduced,and then decline.After a period of time,those products may resurge to repeat the life cycle.Product Life Cycle across CountriesProduct Life Cycle across CountriesA product can be in different PLC stages in different countries.According to the American Marketing Association,a brand is a name,term,sign,symbol,or design,or a combination of these,intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from the competitors.1.1 Related Concepts of a Brand1.2 Benefits of a Brand2.1 Deciding to Brand or Not2.1 Deciding to Brand or NotOwning a BrandNo Brand2.2 Deciding a Brand Sponsor2.2 Deciding a Brand SponsorManufacturers BrandDistributors or Retailers BrandLicensingCo-Branding-Look at Mini-Case 7.52.3 Choosing a Brand Strategy2.3 Choosing a Brand Strategy(1)Line Extension-(1)Line Extension-companies use an established products brand name to launch a new,slightly different item in the same product category.Look at Mini-Case 7.6(2)Multi-Brand-(2)Multi-Brand-a marketing strategy underwhich two or more similar and competing products of a firm are marketed under different brand names.(3)Brand Extension-(3)Brand Extension-a marketing strategy in which a firm markets a different category of products under an already established and well known brand name.(4)New Brands-(4)New Brands-a company introduces a completely new category of products and create a new brand or purchase an established brand from other companies.Look at Mini-Case 7.7(1)Developing Brand Vision(1)Developing Brand Vision(2)Establishing Brand Position(2)Establishing Brand PositionThe Use of Perceptual Mapping to Position a Brand(3)Fulfilling Brand Promise(3)Fulfilling Brand Promise(4)Communicating Brand Position(4)Communicating Brand PositionIntegrated marketing communications strategy Firstly,brand position should be continuously communicated to consumers so as to build a good perception of the brand in customers minds.Secondly,the company needs to train its employees to be customer-oriented.Lastly,brand strengths and weakness should be examined regularly to see whether the brand needs to be repositioned.Diversification 多样化product line 产品线Standardization 标准化product mix 产品组合convenient product 便利品return on investment 投资回报率specialty product特殊品PLC 产品生命周期high-end 高端的Overcapacity 产能过剩1.惠普推出的新产品具有什么特点?新产品的开发依据是什么?惠普在经历了一些列的质量事件后,决心在中国市场重振旗鼓,鉴于笔记本的竞争取决于价格、外观和售后,惠普决定在外观上下功夫。G系列拥有华丽的金属外观,人性化的设计体验,配以主流功能和配置。共有炫酷黑、霓彩红、香槟金三种颜色供选择。配置上采用全新32纳米英特尔酷睿TM i3/i5处理器,搭载支持DX11特效的ATI RadeonTM HD5470独立显卡,配以500G超大硬盘,加上预装正版windows7操作系统,产品设计与风格焕然一新,因此在国内同价位笔记本电脑市场上成为领头羊,一改消费者眼中“傲慢”与“迟钝”的形象。惠普该新产品的设计是基于过去的失败经验和对市场进一步调研分析的结果。2.惠普G 系列电脑的产品定位有什么特点?G系列产品的定位更加注重时尚的外表和色彩,配以主流配置,主要定位于喜欢时尚款式产品的年轻消费者,不同颜色的推出,使目标消费者的范围更加广泛。3.惠普提供的各种服务,属于产品五个层次中的什么产品?提供这样的服务目的在于什么?惠普提供的售后服务“客户关怀增强计划”主要增强和延展现有客户关怀计划,进一步为受影响的客户提供延长保修期限的服务,希望以此消除客户的顾虑。该服务属于产品的第三层次,期望服务,对任何消费者来说,都希望商品提供商为有问题的产品负责到底。“金牌服务双百行动”中的“百校行”和“1010行动”属于附加产品,这种服务有别于其他的竞争者,是惠普提供的特有的服务高校师生和社区、商圈的一种服务,该服务对于消费者来说可以获得实在的利益,对于惠普来说,提供这些服务可以改变消费者心中售后不够的形象,增加品牌价值的宣传。4.鉴于电脑产品是高科技产品,更新换代快,惠普该新产品在产品生命周期的不同 阶段可以采取什么营销策略?电脑产品作为高科技电子产品,更新换代快,在引入期要多做宣传,增加客户的认知;在增长期,竞争开始加剧,公司可以提供更多的版本或者更新版本,适当降价来保持销售。在成熟期,应该促销优惠给顾客更多的返利,吸引一些对价格敏感的顾客。在衰退期,公司应该推出新型号的产品,而旧产品可以通过促销等方式慢慢退出市场。俄罗斯由于地形和气候的原因,当地人对汽车的要求与我国不同,当地人较喜欢一些能在恶劣天气下运行良好的汽车,如越野车;当地政府鼓励中小企业买车,所以小型客货两用车、皮卡、轻卡和面包车的需求也逐渐增加;虽然今年俄罗斯经济增长较快,居民生活大幅提高,但是相对于高档车来说,两厢车的价格更具吸引力,因此需求也在增加;由于目前在俄罗斯汽车销售榜前十名的大多是欧美和日韩品牌,看得出俄罗斯顾客对知名汽车品牌的喜爱和质量的信任,同时也说明随着收入的提高,越来越多人不只看重性价比,而是看重质量和售后服务。在俄罗斯推出新车,要考虑到当地的政策和消费者的特点。由于俄罗斯加大对本土汽车工业的扶持,加大进口车的关税,我国许多汽车制造商已纷纷在俄罗斯建立组装线,进行生产本土化,这样除了可以避免关税,还可以与当地制造商合作,进一步了解市场状况。对于在俄罗斯销售的汽车,一定要有防滑、防雨雪,可在恶劣天气下行驶等功能;同时,在设计方面还要倾向于时尚和紧凑型的设计,满足年轻消费者的需求。在售后服务上,应该增加保修里程,增加售后服务的便利性,如零部件及时更换,维修店地理位置便利等等,增加顾客对产品的信任与好感。车的定位可以定位为家用的,商用的,或者客商两用的。但总的来说,中档价位的车型在当地更受欢迎及能吸引更多的买家和经销商。虽然我国汽车刚进入俄罗斯的几年增长较快,但随着更多竞争对手的加入,以及当地消费者对价格的敏感度减少,金融危机以及当地政策的阻碍等原因,我国汽车2010年在俄罗斯销售虽有增长,但量非常少。要在俄罗斯市场获得较大的成功,自主品牌是必须的一步。品牌远景根据市场环境与公司资源各有不同,但在品牌承诺中应强调质量、售后服务及当地化,而不仅仅是价格优势,只有这样才能改变在消费者心中的负面形象。同时应通过分销商,媒体宣传等方式,把品牌承诺传递出去,在消费者心中建立扎实良好的印象。


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