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Unit 4 Inventions第第5 5课时写作课时写作Unit 4 Inventions第5课时写作栏目导栏目导航航预预 习习 感感 知知课课 时时 过过 关关课课 后后 拓拓 展展栏目导航预 习 感 知课 时 过 关课 后 拓 展预预 习习 感感 知知预 习 感 知课课 时时 过过 关关课 时 过 关八年级英语上册Module2ScienceandtechnologyUnit4Inventions(第5课时)写作ppt课件牛津深圳版a pairof shoes when we put on this pair of shoes,we can feel comfortable love this invention.It will help people live a comfortable life in the future like the normal shoes,but the materials of the shoes are quite special they lookthere are batteries in the soles of the shoes.When the weather is cold,they make people feel warm.When it is hot,they make people feel cool a pairof shoes when we put on 八年级英语上册Module2ScienceandtechnologyUnit4Inventions(第5课时)写作ppt课件牛津深圳版 My invention is a pair of shoes.They are very good.First,they look like the normal shoes,but the materials of the shoes are quite special.Besides,there are batteries in the soles of the shoes.When the weather is cold,they make people feel warm.When it is hot,they make people feel cool.More importantly,when we put on this pair of shoes,we can feel comfortable.In a word,I love this invention.It will help people live a comfortable life in the future.My invention is a pair o课课 后后 拓拓 展展课 后 拓 展八年级英语上册Module2ScienceandtechnologyUnit4Inventions(第5课时)写作ppt课件牛津深圳版八年级英语上册Module2ScienceandtechnologyUnit4Inventions(第5课时)写作ppt课件牛津深圳版D B D B D C D C studiesto makeorsecondaoutisforcallshundredsstudiesto makeorsecondaoutisfo


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