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随州市2022年初中毕业升学考试英语试题本试卷分听力和笔试两部分。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分听力一、听力测试(共三节,满分25分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面五段小对话和对话后的问题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. A. A reporter.B. A teacher.C. A singer.2. A. French.B. English.C. Japanese.3. A. By car.B. By bus.C. By bike.4. A. Cool.B. Cold.C. Warm.5. A. Basketball. B. Volleyball.C. Football.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面四段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答下面小题。6. What color is the mans coat?A. Black.B. White.C. Grey.7. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a bank.听下面一段对话,回答下面小题。8. Whats wrong with Lisa?A. She has a stomachache. B. She failed the exam. C. She cant take the exam.9. What does the boy suggest Lisa do?A. Study at home.B. Have a rest.C. Go to see the doctor.听下面一段对话,回答下面小题。10. Who will have dinner with the man?A. Jack.B. Jane.C. Jeff.11. What will they have for dinner?A. Sichuan food.B. Guangdong food.C. Hunan food.12. When will they meet?A. At 6:00.B. At 6:30.C. At 7:00.听下面一段对话,回答下面小题。13. Where did Mandy go yesterday?A. The art museum.B. The art center.C. The history museum.14. What does Mandy like most there?A. The lesson.B. The shows.C. The film.15. When will the speakers meet next week?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.听下面一段独白,回答下面小题。16. How did the writer feel as he passed by the yard sale on that day?A. Happy.B. Surprised.C. Tired.17. What did the writer buy from the elderly lady at last?A. A toy plane.B. All the ladys used things.C. All the ladys used things but a toy plane.18. The elderly ladys son died at the age of _.A. 40B. 45C. 5019. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The elderly lady had no health problems.B. Both the elderly ladys and the writers son enjoyed the toy plane.C. The writer had something wrong with his heart.20. How much did the writer pay the elderly lady?A. $25.B. $75.C. $100.第三节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听短文填写表格,每空一词。短文读两遍。Information about a 21 concertName of the band 22 MoonTelephone number 23 Prices of the tickets300 yuan for an adult and 24 yuan for a kidRulesDont 25 or take your pets into the hall.第二部分笔试二、完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。Two years ago, I took a bus to visit a friend living on a farm. My friend _1_ to pick me up from the bus station. Once I got off the _2_, I pulled my two suitcases (行李箱) and walked to the pickup area. _3_, my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to _4_ for an hour at the pickup area. To make things worse, it started raining half an hour later. Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter (躲避) from the _5_. Just as I was feeling _6_, a man driving a car stopped in front of me and _7_ me an umbrella. I asked for his _8_ so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I _9_ using it. To my surprise, the man said, “You dont have to _10_ it. Just pass the umbrella on to someone else when _11_ car arrives.” When my friend finally _12_, I gave the umbrella to a lady carrying a baby who just arrived at the pickup area. _13_ I left, I asked her to give it to anyone else in _14_ of the umbrella. When I arrived at my friends farm, I was very tired, but happy that I was able to pass _15_ on to others.1. A. regrettedB. promisedC. forgotD. disagreed2. A. carB. trainC. busD. taxi3. A. DifferentlyB. FinallyC. UnluckilyD. Naturally4. A. waitB. countC. saveD. work5. A. fireB. rainC. snowD. danger6. A. helplessB. thirstyC. hungryD. sick7. A. passedB. showedC. soldD. found8. A. ageB. addressC. hobbyD. job9. A. avoidedB. startedC. mindedD. finished10. A. getB. keepC. borrowD. return11. A. hisB. herC. yourD. my12. A. showed upB. gave upC. woke upD. stayed up13. A. BeforeB. AfterC. BecauseD. Unless14. A. supportB. needC. searchD. place15. A. fitnessB. fairnessC. kindnessD. politeness【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. C【解析】【导语】本文讲述了作者在公共汽车站遭遇大雨,无助之时一位路过的司机送来一把雨伞并嘱咐作者用完后交给其他有需要的人,将善意传递下去。【1题详解】句意:我的朋友答应去汽车站接我。regretted遗憾;promised答应;forgot忘记;disagreed不同意。根据“my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic”可知,此处指我朋友答应接我,“promise to do sth.”意为“答应做某事”,故选B。【2题详解】句意:我一下车,就拖着两个行李箱走到接送区。car汽车;train火车;bus公交车;taxi出租车。根据“Two years ago, I took a bus to visit a friend living on a farm.”可知,是下公交车,故选C。【3题详解】句意:不幸的是,我的朋友被困在拥挤的交通中,我不得不在接送区等一个小时。Differently不同地;Finally最终;Unluckily不幸地;Naturally天然地。根据“To make things worse”可知,事情很糟糕,所以这里指很不幸运,故选C。【4题详解】句意:不幸的是,我的朋友被困在拥挤的交通中,我不得不在接送区等一个小时。wait等待;count数数,要紧;save节约;work工作。根据“my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to.for an hour at the pickup area”可知,朋友堵车了,所以要等,故选A。【5题详解】句意:环顾四周,我难过地发现没有地方可以避雨。fire火;rain雨;snow雪;danger危险。根据“it started raining half an hour later”可知,下雨了,故选B。【6题详解】句意:正当我感到无助的时候,一个开车的男人停在我面前,递给我一把伞。helpless无助的;thirsty渴的;hungry饥饿的;sick生病的。根据“Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter”可知,没有地方避雨,我感到很无助,故选A。7题详解】句意:正当我感到无助的时候,一个开车的男人停在我面前,递给我一把伞。passed递;showed展示;sold卖;found发现。根据“Just pass the umbrella on.”可知,递给我一把伞,故选A。【8题详解】句意:我要了他的地址,以便用完后可以寄回去。age年龄;address地址;hobby爱好;job工作。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back”可知,是要他的地址,故选B。【9题详解】句意:我要了他的地址,这样我用完就可以寄回去。avoided避免;started开始;minded介意;finished结束。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I.using it”可知,用完后还回去,故选D。【10题详解】句意:我要了他的地址,这样我用完就可以寄回去。get得到;keep保持;borrow借;return归还。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I.using it”可知,是要归还雨伞,故选D。【11题详解】句意:当你的车来的时候,把伞递给别人就行了。his他的;her她的;your你的;my我的。根据“You dont have to.it. Just pass the umbrella on to someone else when.car arrives.”可知,是对作者说的话,故选C。【12题详解】句意:当我的朋友终于出现时,我把伞给了一位怀抱婴儿的女士,她刚到接送区。showed up出现;gave up放弃;woke up醒来;stayed up熬夜根据“When my friend finally”可知,朋友终于出现了,故选A。【13题详解】句意:在我离开之前,我让她把伞给其他需要伞的人。Before在之前;After在之后;Because因为;Unless除非。根据“I left, I asked her to give it to anyone else”可知,这里指在我离开之前,我告诉她把伞给有需要的人,故选A。【14题详解】句意:在我离开之前,我让她把伞给其他需要的人。support支持;need需要;search搜查;place地方。根据“I asked her to give it to anyone else in.of the umbrella”可知,是把伞给有需要的人,故选B。【15题详解】句意:当我到达我朋友的农场时,我很累,但很高兴我能够把善良传递给别人。fitness健康;fairness公平;kindness善良;politeness礼貌。全文讲述了人们传递一把伞去帮助别人,实际上传递的是一种善良,故选C。三、阅读理解(本题共40分,每小题2分)A)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。AMy mom told me a story that was about the school picnic. At that time, schools didnt have a field day. The biggest day for them was School Picnic Day.School Picnic Day was usually held on the last day of school in June. On that day, kids played simple games. No one cared who won or who lost.Before the school picnic, parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids. They filled them with a lot of good food.There was a poor family. They had no picnic lunch that year. When my mom noticed this, she tried to help them.Just then, the teacher said there was going to be one final race before lunch. It was the sack race, in which two people get inside a sack and hop as fast as they can to the finish line. The winner would receive a special lunch basket.My mom wanted to enter this race. She waited until she saw Mary, the eldest sister of the poor family, stand up. She asked Mary if she could be her partner, and Mary agreed. My mom went out of her way to make Mary win.Later, Mary came and thanked my mom for being her partner. She said that her brothers and sisters really enjoyed the picnic lunch. According to mom, it was the best school picnic in the whole world.16. What did children usually do on School Picnic Day?A. Play simple games.B. Make delicious food.C. Meet family members.D. Pick up apples.17. Who always packed the baskets for kids before the school picnic?A. Their parents.B. Their teachers.C. Their friends.D. Their partners.18. Why did the writers mother want Mary to win the game?A. Because Mary could run really fast.B. Because she never took part in games like this.C. Because she wanted to help the poor family.D. Because she liked Mary.【答案】16. A 17. A 18. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一次学校野餐日,作者的妈妈想办法帮助玛丽一家获得野餐饭篮的故事。【16题详解】细节理解题。根据“On that day, kids played simple games.”可知,孩子们通常在学校野餐日玩简单的游戏。故选A。【17题详解】细节理解题。根据“Before the school picnic, parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids.”可知,是孩子们的父母为他们准备食物篮。故选A。【18题详解】推理判断题。根据“When my mom noticed this, she tried to help them.”可知,作者母亲的举动是为了帮助这个贫穷的家庭。故选C。BDear Jordon,I dont know how to chat (聊天) with my classmates because we do not share the same interests. We dont have anything to talk about. I am very lonely. What should I do?JennyDear Jenny,To make friends, you must first be friendly. Everyone likes a friendly girl with a smile. You can give your classmates a compliment (称赞). Say something nice about their dressing styles or skills. Second, ask a question to start chatting. Find out what interests them and talk about that, even if it doesnt interest you a lot. Ask your classmates questions and let them be the experts. The conversation is more important than the topic. Finally, talk to more people. Say hello to the people you meet. Sit with different groups of people in the dining hall. If one person doesnt want to talk with you, find someone else to chat with. Dont just think about being lonely. Do something about it! Smile and say hello, even to the people who arent your friends. Doing things differently will help produce different results.Jordon19. What is Jennys problem?A. She cant get good grades.B. She doesnt have any interests.C. She is too shy to say a word in public.D. She doesnt know how to chat with her classmates.20. To be friendly, you can do the following EXCEPT _.A. smile to othersB. talk to more peopleC. say something nice about others skillsD. give a good compliment to others21. Who is easier to make friends with others according to the passage?A. John, who doesnt want to talk to others.B. Bob, who seldom says nice words to his classmates.C. Tom, who doesnt have the same interests with others.D. Alice, who often asks her classmates about math questions politely.22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Jennys school life is wonderful.B. Jordon doesnt give helpful advice.C. Jenny cant get on well with her classmates.D. Jordon advises Jenny not to speak to strangers.【答案】19. D 20. B 21. D 22. C【解析】【导语】本文是两封书信。第一封信提到了Jenny的问题,第二封信是Jordon就此问题给Jenny的建议。【19题详解】细节理解题。根据“I dont know how to chat (聊天) with my classmates because we do not share the same interests.”可知,Jenny的问题是不知道如何与她的同学聊天。故选D。【20题详解】细节理解题。根据“Everyone likes a friendly girl with a smile. You can give your classmates a compliment (称赞). Say something nice about their dressing styles or skills.”可知,对别人微笑、赞美别人以及夸奖别人的穿衣风格和技能都属于变友好的方式。故选B。【21题详解】推理判断题。根据“Ask your classmates questions and let them be the experts.”可知,向你的同学提问,让他们成为专家,这是容易交到朋友的方法。由此可推断,D选项(Alice经常问同学数学问题)中的Alice更容易交到朋友。故选D。【22题详解】推理判断题。根据第一封信中提到的Jenny在班级中的现状可推断出,她与同班同学相处得不融洽。故选C。CWhat Juliet was child, she often went to the city park and played with her friends. On a sunny morning, when Juliet came to the park with her mom, she looked around and felt very unhappy.“Whats the matter, dear? Whats wrong with you?” asked her mom.Juliet replied, “Mom, how beautiful and clean it used to be! But now theres so much trash on the ground.” Juliets mom looked around. There were scraps (碎片) of paper, boxes, glass bottles and a lot of other trash everywhere.“What can we do?” asked Juliet sadly.“Im sure you will think of something,” said her mom.As soon as Juliet and her mom went home, Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read “PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN”. Later, she look plenty of bags and went back to the park with her mom. Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can (垃圾桶).“Will you help me pick up the trash, mom?” Juliet said as she handed her mom a bag.“I surely will,” replied her mom smilingly.The children at the park ran over to see what was going on. Juliet handed them each a bag. “Lets clean this place up,” said Juliet. Then they began to pick up the trash, talking and laughing. Soon all the bags were full.“We need to come back another day. Theres still some trash on the ground, but the park looks much better,” said Juliet.Her mom said, “So it does. I knew you would think of a way to help.”23. Why was Juliet sad?A. Because the weather was bad.B. Because she couldnt find her mom.C. Because there was too much trash at the park.D. Because her friends were not at the park.24. Juliet drew the picture to _.A. show off her painting skillsB. give her mom a big surpriseC. show people how beautiful the park wasD. encourage people to keep the park clean25. What can we learn about Juliets mom from the underlined sentence?A. She was proud of Juliet.B. She was angry with Juliet.C. She thought Juliet was lazy.D. She thought Juliet was outgoing.26. Which of the following is TRUE about the children at the park?A. They laughed at Juliet.B. They joined Juliet in picking up the trash.C. They had an awful and tiring day.D. They bought some bags from Juliet.【答案】23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B【解析】【导语】本文讲述了Juliet和妈妈在公园玩时,发现公园到处都是垃圾,于是回家画了一幅画,并将它贴在垃圾桶上,呼吁大家一起保护环境的故事。23题详解】细节理解题。根据“when Juliet came to the park with her mom, she looked around and felt very unhappy.”以及“Mom, how beautiful and clean it used to be! But now theres so much trash on the ground”可知Juliet公园里看到地上很多垃圾,因此伤心,故选C。【24题详解】细节理解题。根据“Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read “PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN”可知Juliet画画的目的是鼓励人们保持公园干净。故选D。【25题详解】推理判断题。根据“Im sure you will think of something,”以及下文中Juliet画了一幅画,并将画贴在垃圾桶上,呼吁人们保护环境和鼓励小朋友一起捡垃圾可知,Juliet确实找到了解决问题的办法。由此推知,划线句子是指妈妈对女儿的做法感到很满意,很骄傲,故选A。【26题详解】细节理解题。根据“Then they began to pick up the trash, talking and laughing.”可知孩子们和Juliet一起捡垃圾。故选B。DDo you have any online classes? It is possible to take classes at home. All you need is a computer and a headset.However, most students dont seem to like online classes. According to a recent survey, only 33 percent of the students would take such classes. Over 1,500 students from 10 cities took part in the survey.Many students said it was hard to focus on studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Affiliated High School of Peking University. “There are no classmates and no real teachers watching me. I can surf the Internet or do other things if I want to. Its harder to always stay focused,” she said.Lian prepares a lot before taking her classes to make sure she will keep her attention. She also pushes herself to communicate with teachers. Students can come up with or answer questions while taking online classes.Wen Jiayi, 14, at Yucai Middle School Attached to Chengdu No. 7 High School, thinks online interaction (互动) isnt enough. “The online teachers dont really get to know me. When I dont hand in homework, all I get is a short message instead of real concern (关心),” she said.However, online classes still have advantages. “It saves time and money compared with taking offline classes. Also, if I dont understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch it over again,” Lian said.27. Many students think _.A. it is impossible to take online classes at homeB. its hard to focus on studying while taking online classesC. they have to prepare a lot before taking online classesD. they cant communicate with the teachers online28. The underlined word “offline” means “_” in Chinese.A. 函授的B. 网络的C. 线下的D. 媒体的29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Lian thinks it easy to always stay focused.B. Wen is a student from a high school in Beijing.C. Lian thinks that online interaction isnt enough.D. Lian pushes herself to communicate with teachers in online classes.30. The passage is mainly about _.A. what the students think of online classesB. how the students take online classes at homeC. where the students take online classesD. why the students like taking online classes【答案】27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A【解析】【导语】本文是关于线上课程的一项调查,主要介绍两个学生Lian Ruohan和Wen Jiayi的不同看法。【27题详解】细节理解题。根据“Many students said it was hard to focus on studying while taking online classes.”可知,许多学生表示,在线上课很难集中精力学习。故选B。【28题详解】词句猜测题。分析“However, online classes still have advantages. It saves time and money compared with taking offline classes.”可知,与线下课程相比,在线课程节省了时间和金钱。所以offline的意思是“线下的”,故选C。【29题详解】细节理解题。根据“She also pushes herself to communicate with teachers.”可知,Lian在上网课时,督促自己与老师交流,故选D。【30题详解】主旨大意题。本文主要是关于线上课程的调查,主要介绍两个学生Lian Ruohan和Wen Jiayi的不同看法。故选A。B)阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每个选项只能用一次。The Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum, has been considered a great old museum for a long time. _31_ Nowadays, such cultural and creative products have been one of the hottest topics and they are popular among Chinese people.Since 2007, the Palace Museum has come up with more than 9,600 products. The products include notebooks with embroidery (刺绣) covers and dolls of emperors and empresses. _32_ It was reported that the products were sold for about 1 billion yuan in 2016.Besides the products, the Palace Museum also created an app called A Day of an Emperor. _33_ Users will be guided to learn about a day of life and work of an emperor of the Qing Dynasty.Several years ago, a documentary called Masters in Forbidden City became popular online. _34_ They say that they can learn a lot about Chinese history and culture by watching the documentary. The documentary also makes them want to work at the museum._35_ For example, the National Museum of China bas had similar projects, too. China encourages more and more museums to take different measures (措施) to make young people interested in Chinese history and culture.A. The products can bring much profit (收益).B. It is such an interesting app that it has lots of users.C. However, the Palace Museum has designed some cultural and creative products.D. In China, some other museums also learned from the Palace Museum.E. Lots of people enjoy watching the documentary, especially the young people.【答案】31. C 32. A 33. B 34. E 35. D【解析】【导语】本文介绍了故宫的一些文创作品。【31题详解】根据“such cultural and creative products”可知,此处讲的是文创作品。C选项“然而,故宫博物院设计了一些文化创意产品。”符合语境。故选C。【32题详解】根据“It was reported that the products were sold for about 1 billion yuan in 2016.”可知,此处讲的是这些产品带来了许多收益。A选项“这些产品能带来很多收益。”符合语境。故选A。【33题详解】根据“the Palace Museum also created an app called A Day of an Emperor.”可知,此处介绍了一个手机应用软件。B选项“这是一个非常有趣的应用程序,它有很多用户。”符合语境。故选B。【34题详解】根据“Several years ago, a documentary called Masters in Forbidden City became popular online.”可知,此处讲的是一个和故宫博物馆相关的纪录片。E选项“很多人喜欢看这部纪录片,尤其是年轻人。”符合语境。故选E。【35题详解】根据“For example, the National Museum of China bas had similar projects, too.”可知,此处是在举例其他的博物馆也在效仿故宫博物馆的做法。D选项“在中国,其他一些博物馆也向故宫博物院学习。”符合语境。故选D。四、单词拼写(本题共5分,每小题1分)根据句子意思和音标、首字母提示填词,每空一词。36. I want to join the art _ /klb/.【答案】club【解析】【详解】句意:我想加入艺术俱乐部。根据音标“/klb/”可知,此处是club,意为“俱乐部”,故填club。37He isnt _ / t:l / or short. He is of medium height.【答案】tall【解析】【详解】句意:他不高也不矮。他中等身材。根据音标“/ t:l /”可知,此处单词为tall“高的”,形容词作表语。故填tall。38. The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened on F_ 4th, 2022.【答案】(F)ebruary【解析】【详解】句意:北京冬奥会于2022年2月4日开幕。根据常识和首字母可知,此处是指2月4日。February“二月”。故填(F)ebruary。39. I usually go to bed at half p_ ten.【答案】(p)ast【解析】【详解】句意:我通常十点半上床睡觉。根据“I usually go to bed at half p.ten.”可知,此处是ha


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