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永州市2022年初中学业水平考试英语(试题卷)温馨提示:1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分,考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 考生作答时,选择题和非选择题均须按答题卡中注意事项的要求答题,在试题卷上大题无效。3.本试卷满分120分,考试时量100分钟,由听力技能、阅读技能、知识运用和写作技能四个部分组成,期中听力材料朗读两遍。4.本试卷共8页,如有缺页,请申明。第一部分听力技能 (共两节,计20分)第一节 (共5分,每小题1分) 听下面五段材料,每段材料后各有1个小题,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选顶中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。1. What does the man need?A. B. C. 2. What does Lucys cousin look like?A. B. C. 3. Where did the woman go?A. B. C. 4. How much is the red dress?A. B. C. 5. What can Nancy play?A. B. C. 第二节 (共15分,每小题1分) 听下面六段材料,每段材料后各有几个小题,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选顶中选出最佳答案,井标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。听第一段材料,回答第67小题。6. What is the womans favorite subject? A. PE.B. Music.C. Math.7. Why does the woman like it? A. Because it is ralaxing.B. Because it is interesting.C. Because it is educational.听第二段材料,回答第89小题。8. What are they going to have for dinner?A. Dumplings.B. Noodles.C. Sandwiches.9. Who will help them to make dinner? A. Daves mother.B. Lisas father.C. Daves sister.听第三段材料,回答第1011小题。10. What will the weather be like this Saturday? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy.C. Sunny.11. What will the woman do on Saturday? A. She will climb the mountains.B. She will stay at home. C. She will volunteer at the library.听第四段材料,回答第1214小题。12. What kind of movie are they going to watch? A. Comedy.B. Action movie.C. Sitcom.13. What time does the movie begin?A. 6:30p.m.B. 7:00p.m.C. 7:30p.m.14. How does Jack go to the cinema? A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car.听第五段材料,回答第1517小题。15. What kind of books does the woman borrow? A. Western culture.B. Chinese food.C. Eastern history.15. How many books does the woman borrow? A. One book.B. Two books.C. Three books.16. How long can the woman keep the books? A. Three days.B. Seven days.C. Nine days.听第六段材料,回答第1820小题。18. Where did the school English Day take place? A. In the school library.B. On the school playground.C. In the school hall.19. What was the most popular activity on that day? A. Handwriting competition.B. Speech contest.C. Singing show.20. What did the speaker think of the English Day? A. Useful.B. Wonderful.C. Meaningful.第二部分阅读技能(共两节,计50分)第一节阅读选择(共40分,每小题2分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在件答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑。AFoodGonetoWasteMorethanabilliontonsoffoodarewastedeachyear,accordingtoanewreportfromtheUnitedNations.Thats17%ofthefoodproducedintheworldinayear.Mostwastehappensathome,thereportssays.Peoplebuytoomuchfood.Theyalsothrowitawaytoosoonbecauseofthedateonthepackage.Wastehappensinrestaurantsandstores,too.Expertssaygovernmentsneedtodomoretoavoidfoodwasteanddevelopbetterhabits.RichardSwannellisoneofthereportsauthors.Hehopesthegovernmentwillleadpeopletovaluefoodmore.“Foodistooimportanttowaste.hesays.21. How much food is wasted each year?A. More than a million tons.B. More than a billion tones.C. Over 17% of the food produced.22. Where does most food waste happen?A. In restaurants.B. At home.C. In stores.BHabitatfor Humanity is a group that builds homes for families in need. This group works all over the world. Volnteers help build the homes. They are unpaid workers. Volunteers can be builders and painters. They cnalso be teachers or bankers. Some are students. Haibitat for Humanity has built mor than 300, 000 houses.23. When was Habitat for Humanity set up?A. In 1976.B. In 1996.C.In2007.24. How many houses did Habitat for Humanity build in 2003?A. 100,000.B. 150,000.C. 300,000.25. Whom does Haibitat for Humanity buid homes for?A. Families in need.B. Unpaid workers.C.Buildersand paintersCParents and children often face the challenges of money. Common topics include setting pocket money, learning to save, and deciding to buy expensive things. The goal of most parents is to teach their kids how to deal with money wisely. The goal of most kids is geting money to spend. How can families achieve these goals?The Tidler family in Denver found the best way to teach about money was to let their kids make some money. Their son, Ryan, 17, has been watering in the garden since he was 8. He owned his own tools with the help of his parents. Now he has saved S7, 800. Besides, he bought a bike and a wonderful sound system. And he is going to buy a car next year.Money skills are an important part of becoming a successful adult. David Brady manages a company toward children and young adults. They shouldnt be always thinking of spending money.” Brady warns. Instead, they should understand basic rules for making money, saving money, and managing money.That knowledge is greatly needed. Over the past ten years, most Americans aged 18 to 24 borrowed nearly $3, 000 on credit card(信用卡). Among high school seniors, four out of five have never taken a class about money.Giselle Lopez, 17, of New York City, leamed the hard way. She owed(欠) $2, 000 on her first credit card. Her parents refused to pay, so Giselle got a job. Then she paid the money off slowly by herself. Now every time I use money, I know that it comes from my own pocket, Giselle says. That gives me a sense of responsibility for my actions. Different kids will have different styles when it comes to money. Teaching them how to use money doesnt have to mean setting strict rules. When children like Ryan and Giselle have their own money to consider, they can learn to set those rules themselves.26. What is the goal of most parents about money?A. To set kidspocket money. B. To get money to spend C. To teach kids how to deal with money wisely.27. What is the best way to teach about money in The Tidler family?A. To buy expensivethings.B. To givekids some moneyC. To let kids make some money.28. What did Ryan buy with his own money?A. A car.B. A bike.C. Watering tools29. How much money did Giselle owe on her first credit card?A. $2, 000.B. $3, 000C. $7, 800.30. How did Giselle pay the money of she owed?A. By credit card.B. By her parents.C. By herself.DOn August 30, 2021, the Chinese government announced that kids would not be allowed to play online games Mondays to Thursdays. On weekends and holidays, kids would be limited(限制) to an hour a day of online gaming. “Recently, many parents have reported that playing games crazily among some youths and children is seriously harming their normal study, life and health. the Chinese government said online. This news got us thinking. Should the government be responsible for limiting how much time kids spend online? Here are some studentsopinions.Esme McNeely, 11The government should not set screen-time limits. That decision should be up to parents. Some children need to use screens for homework. And during the COVID-19, one of the only ways to talk to friends was online. Government limits would not be fair to people who are careful with their screen time.Lucas Barone, 11The government should not limit screen time. A 202l study from the University of Colorado Boulder says screen time might be less harmful to kids than people think. Some parents worry that children online too much wont make friends. But the study reports that screen time can actually improve kidsfriendships. In fact, screen time can be educational. I use websites to read and to learn math.Xiuhan Zhu, 9I think the government should take action and limit screen time for kids. Too much screen time can lead to tiredness and less social time. People who use smartphones are more likely to get into car accidents. Electrical products like computers can also be harmful for kids. If kids arent careful with the websites they use, criminals can get important information.Xiuhan Zhu, 9I think the government should take action and limit screen time for kids. Too much screen time can lead to tiredness and less social time. People who use smartphones are more likely to get into car accidents. Electrical products like computers can also be harmful for kids. If kids arent careful with the websites they use, criminals can get important information.Ning Li, 10Most people spend oo much time on their phones and TVs. They hurt their eyes and waste their time. And watching a lot of TV or playing games can influence kids learning and social skills. If the governmentlimited screen time, people would be encouraged to spend more time with their family.They might join a sports team in their neighborhood.31. When are kids allowed to play online games for an hour a day?A. On MondaysB. On Wednesdays.C.on weekends.32. Who is against screen-time limits?A. Esme McNeely.B. Xiuhan Zhu.C. Ning Li.33. What does the study from he University of Colorado Boulder show?A. Screen time might do no harm to kids.B. Screen time can improve kids friendships.C. Screen time wont help kids make friends.34. What are Ning Lis opinions about screen-time limits?A. Too much screen time can lead to tiredness.B. Criminals can get important information easily.C. People are encouraged to spend moretime with their family.35. What is the article mainly about?A. Screen time can be educational.B. Screen time can lead to less social time.C. Whether the government should set screen-time limits.ESmart, Social AnimalsRecently, researchers have found that dolphins know their own names much like people. Dolphins talk to one another with whistles(口哨) and calls. Scientists have known that the animals also use unusual whistles to name each other. They had thought that dolphins only heard each others voices. However, the scientists didnt know that dolphins listen for their names too.To test this idea, the researcher caught 14 dolphins and recorded their name calls. The scientists then copied each dolphins voice. When the changed wcordings were played, the dophns repied strongly to the names of their relatives ad close gap members. They paid no attention to the names of dolphins they did not know.Dolphins live in large goups that grow and change. Each dolphins unusual whistle helps it quickly find a friend or a family member, or call for hlp. Understanding their calls requires learning. Its a skill thats seen in very few animals, which include humans, elephants and bats.Elephants, for example, communicae with sound. Their sounds can be heard by other clephants miles away. Dolphins, too, communicate with each other by making sounds like this.Elephants also communicae by moving their head, feet and trunk. In much the same way, dolphins communicate by their movements. They often touch each other to express friendship.Unlike dolphins, elephants also communicate by their great sense of smell. They can recognize other elephants by the smels they have.Why do dolphins and elephants share the gift of communication? Scientists think it may be because they are social and smart animals. Both have strong family relationship. Now, whether they also have nicknames is another question!36. What have researchers found about dolphins recently?A. Dolphins know their own names.B. Dolphins only hear each others voices.C. Dolphins talk to one another not much like people.37. Just before the researchers recorded dolphinsname calls, theyA. copied dolphins voiceB. caught, 14 dolphinsC. trained the dolphins to whistle38. When a dolphin gets into trouble, what will it do?A. It will call for help.B. It will tum its head.C. It will touch another dolphin.39. What are the differences between dolphins and elephants in communication?A. Elephants can communicate by smell.B. Elephants can communicate by sound.C. Dolphins can communicate by movement.40. What does the underlined word “recognize mean in Chinese?A.驱逐B.认出C.触碰第二节阅读匹配(共10分,每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,从所给的AF六个选项中,选出正确的答案填空,使短文通顺,内容完整,并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑,其中选项中有一项是多余的。A fun way to put yourself in a good mood(情绪)is by creating a mood board. Whats that? 41._Susie Moore, a life coach, often guides people at mood-board-making classes. At the end of a class, each person has built a collection that puts him or her in an active mood.To create your own mood board, youll need a soft board or a cardboard. 42._Go through them, cutting out photos for your board. Use your feleings to choose what works best. Here, Shay Maunz uses Moores tips to create a mood board and offers tips on how you can make your own.43._Anything that makes you feel good, use it. I used photos of my favorite food watermelon, and my favorie animal, penguins.You might use your mood bard o set goals for things yourd like to achieve. I want to read at least 30 books this year.44._Maybe its your classroom, a playground, or a comfortable comer at home. You can put photos of that place on your mood board, or choose photos that remind you of it. I used this photo of West Virginia, where I grew up.Not everything on your mood board has to serve a purpose or be connected to your life. Choose some photos just because you like them. 45._A. This is also a good time to think about happy thingsB. Its anything that encourages you or makes you happyC. One step to start is with some of your favorite thingsD. Every time I look at these photos, they make me smileE. Think about a place that makes you feel safe and happyF. Youll also need old magazines, greeting cards. and photographs第三部分知识运用(共两节,计20分)第一节词语填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的内容,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑。IamJosAndres.Mymealswillfeedanastronat,myfiendLope-Alegria.WhomImetmanyyearsago.Mylovefor_46_ was something that happened very early in my life. Slowly but surely. I didnt think I would work as a _47_, but it happens that it has become my job.My mother and my father were very _48_ to my development asa cook. I have three brothers, and we would always help in the _49_ seting the table, taking the dishes to the dishwasher and helping my mom. We got to love cooking because cooking was a _50_ moment of being together. I only have fun memories of those moments. So it was my parents that interested me in cooking.Then, as I grew up, I began learning about cook doing very cool things. I was 15 or 16 whenl began working in the summer in a seafood _51_. For some reason. I found myselif in charge of(负) the kitchen. Not because I was prepared o be the cook, but because the other cooks left. And when there was nobody around, I could _52_, but then a future cook woud not appear.I love science fiction, and I always had dreams of what it would be like cooking for a faraway planet. So I began talking to some _53_. Lopez-Alegria is one ofthem, who gave me the _54_ be a space cook.Who would have said that a guy like me would be puting a dish into space? This is a big lessonfor all of us: It doesntmater how impossible your _55_ is lif you work had, maybe the dream is not as impossible as you think.46. drvingB. cookingC. flying47. cookB. driverC. pilot48. silcntB. importantC. corect49. yardB. gardenC. kitchen50. hardB. goodC. dark51. restaurantB. marketC. store52. take upB. give upC. put up53. astronautsB. scientistsC. writers54. sccretB. prizeC. chance55. difticultyB. problemC. dream第二节语法镇空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处墳入适当的内容(限1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,使句子通顺完整。56.Read more books, _you will have something to write.57. I plan_(send) a gift to my father tomorrow for Fathers Day.58. I usually brush my teeth and take_shower at seven oclock daily.59. Beijing has held the 24th Winter Olympic Games_(successful).60. When playing in the hallways students should avoid_(push) each other.6l. Dont be afraid of asking _(you) parents or teachers for help if you are in trouble.62. Half a month ago, we_(spend) the Dragon Boat Festival with our family together.63. Now Chinese people are living a happy life. Dont be surprised if a Chinese person you have just met on a train _(invite)youfor a meal.64. Mao Zedong was born_Shaoshan in 1893 and he returned to live here for a short time in 1927.65. We Chinese should be proud of our history. Our written language, Our_(invention) and our achievements.第四部分写作技能(共三节,30分)第一节回答问题(共10分,每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题,并将答案填写在答题卡上对应题号的横线上。Sagarika Sriram was 10 years old when she started reading news paper stories. One story was about sharks, They had plastic in their stomachs. Sagarika knew she needed to do something. First, she joined a group. It organized clean-up activities in Dubai. Thats her home city. “The group helps me understand what a person can do and how I can really make a difference. she says.Then Sagarika created Kids for a Better World. Its goal is to fight climate(气候) change. It has brought together ncarly10. 000 youths. They come from all over the world. Kids fora better world is for people aged 8 to16. It teaches them about what they can do to deal with climate change. They can grow food or plant trees. They can collect recyclables. “This is the information which can help change our future. “Sagarika says.Dubai is a desert big city. Growing up there has made Sagarika understand the need for action.Her city faces the risks of rising temperatures and less water supply. She believes young people can bring attention to these environmental challenges.Sagarika is all about small actions. But she has big plans. Shed like to go to college in California. While shes there, shell continue being an activist, Shell also be running Kids for a Better World, She hopes to encourage others to fight for a greener planet.66. How old was Sagarika Sriram when she started reading newspaper stories?_67. Where is Sagarika Srirams home city?_68. What is the goal ofkids for a better world?_69.What risks does Sagarika Srirams city face?_70.Will Sagarka Sriram continue being an activitist when she goes to college?_第二节语篇翻译(共8分,每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,然后将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语,井将答案填写在答题卡上对应题号的横线上。Dancing LionsHave you seen lions dancing in the streets? It happens on the first day of the new year in China. The lions dance to the beat of a drum. They are not real lions. They are dancers in lion costumes.The lions dancing is part of a tradition that is centuries old. It started in China.71. It means bringing good luck in the coming year.Usually, a lion includes two dancers.72.一个控制头。The other controls the tail.“I think of it as a sport. “says Anthony Huang, aged 16. He is a member of the New York Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club. Anthony performs as the lions head. It can weigh 20 pounds. Lion dancing is important to Anthony.In the past, lion dancing was performed mostly by men. But it has changed today.Lion Dance Meis a lion dancing group. It is in San Francisco, California. There are boys and girls on its team.73.他们一起舞。Ananda Tang-Lee is 17. She says anyone can take up lion dancing. “You have to have confidence that you can do it. she says.Lion dancing will likely continue to develop.74. But one thing that will never change is the sense of community among team members. “We call it a family, ”Ananda says. Its really great, because we always have each others backs.”71._72._73._74._第三节书面表达(共12分)为积极响应落实国家“双减”政策,你校英语老师研发了多种形式的英语作业,为学生减负,为教学增效。英语组正在举办题为“My favorite English homework”的征文活动。请根据以下表中信息,写一篇短文投稿。要求:1)文中不得出现真实人名,校名和地名;2)语言通顺,表达正确;3)至少三个理由:4)词数:80词左右。My favorite E


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