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1 1The concepts of SpaceSpace,as one important concept in proxemics,and one element of nonverbal communication is regarded as one part of environmental language.Different concepts of space can affect peoples communication,interpersonal feeling and emotion.2The Cultural Patterning Of SpaceSpace is perceived(认知)differently in different cultures.不同的文化对空间有不同的感觉。1.Spatial perceptions2.Eskimo culture3.Chinese Culture 4.Differences5.Different Housing Styles3Spatial perceptions may be adaptations to specific environments:the degree of population density;the amount of arable land;the absence or existence of natural barriers such as the sea or mountains;the amount of distinguishing landmarks in a region.空间观也许是对特定环境的适应:人口稠密的程度、耕地的多少、像海与山这样的天然屏障的有无以及一个地区特征性陆标的多少。45Eskimo cultureEskimo peoples,whose environment is a vast snow plain with few landmarks visible for most of the year,spatial perception is highly developed.爱斯基摩人的环境是一片辽阔的雪原,几乎终年见不到什么陆标,于是他们的空间感就得到了极大的发展。6?The Eskimos must learn to make careful distinctions among different spatial elements,as their lives may literally depend on these distinctions when they are hunting far from home.他们得学会区分各空间元素之间的细微差别,因为这是他们远离家园外出打猎时赖以生存的技能。7Chinese Culture China ia a great country with a history of 5000 years.Chinese culture is Extensive and profound.Chinese traditional culture,such as Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism as well as Words,painting,architecture,sculpture,has a profound impact on the world.中国是一个有五千年历史的国家。中国文化博大精深。中国传统文化,包括儒释道思想以及文字、绘画、建筑、雕刻对世界有着深远的影响。The Great WallThe Imperial Palace8DifferencesSpatial consciousness in many Western cultures is based on a perception of objects in space,rather than of space itself.But many Asian and other non-European cultures view inner experience as the basis for ones perceptions of physical reality.西方许多国家对空间的意识基于对物体在空间的感觉,而不是对空间本身的感觉。而亚洲和非欧洲文化却把内在经验看成是对有形的实体感觉的基础。91.The East and the West are different in their patterning of space.Americans are taught to perceive and react to the arrangement of objects in space and to think of space as being wasted unless it is filled with objects,the Japanese are trained to give meaning to space itself and to value empty space.美国人被教导在空间中感知物体的排列和做出反应,会认为除非空间中充满物体,否则就是“被浪费了”,而日本人却被训练为对空间本身赋予意义,对“空旷”的空间赋于价值。102.We can also see cross-cultural varieties of spatial perception when we look at arrangements of urban space in different Western cultures.当我们观察西方不同文化中城市规划的时候,还体会各种各样跨文化空间的感觉。In the United States,cities are usually laid out along a grid,with the axes generally north/south and east/west.在美国,城市的布局通常是沿着一个网格展开,轴心一般是南北向和东西向。11But city like Paris,is laid out with the main streets radiating from centers.但是,巴黎的街道是从中央辐射开来的。123.In some cultures a significant aspect of spatial perception is shown by the amount of personal space people need between themselves and others to feel comfortable and not crowded.某些文化对于空间感觉的一个重要方面就体现于人们所需的彼此感觉舒适却又不觉拥挤的“私人空间”。Different cultures are not only making diffrences in patterning of space,but also in modes of thinking.13Different Housing Styles1415?P1 There are many differences between American homes and traditional Chinese homes.An American house usually has a yard,large or small.It may have a hedge,but rarely is there a wall so high that a passer-by cannot see the windows.Usually the interior is shielded from exterior view only by window curtains or blinds.16?However,the image of a traditional Chinese house is one within four high walls.This is still true in many places in the north if China today.The walls are often so high that only the roofs are visible from the outside.Solid gates separate the interior grounds from the outside world.In addition,there is usually a wall placed directly in front of the gates.It is believed that this shadow wall keeps the home from direct exposure to the unseen spirits when the gates are open.17Typical Chinese buildings in ancient times 18personal spacepersonal space?personal space is the?region surrounding a?person which they regard?as psychologically theirs.?Most people value their?personal space and feel?discomfort,anger,or anxiety when their personal spaceis encroached(侵犯).Permitting a person to enter personal space and entering somebody elses personal space are indicators of perception of the relationship between the people.personal spaceThere is an intimate zone reserved for lovers,childrenand close family members.There is another zone used for conversations with friends,to chat with associates,and in group discussions;a further zoneis reserved for strangers,newly formed groups,and new acquaintances.personal space?The size of the personal space?A persons personal space(and the corresponding physical comfort zone)is highly variable and difficult to measure.Estimates for an average Westerner,for example,place it at about 60 centimeters on either side,70 centimeters in front and 40 centimeters behind.personal spaceTwo people not affecting each others personal space Reaction of two people whose personal space are in conflictpersonal spacePersonal space is highly variable,and can be due to cultural differences and private experiences.For example,those living in a densely populated places tend to have a lower expectation of personal space.Residents of India or Japan tend to have a smaller personal space than those in the Mongolian steppe(蒙古草原),both in regard to home and individual spaces.personal spaceDifficulties can be created by failures of intercultural communication due to different expectations of personal space.For a more detailed example,see Body contact and personal space in the United States.personal spaceIn European culture,personal space has changed historically since Roman times,together with the boundaries of public and personal space.This topic has been explored in A History of Private Life(2001),under the general editorship of Georges Duby(French scholar).personal spaceCompared with children of china,the children of western country trend to need more personal space.Chinese prefer to live with their parentspersonal space?Factors that affect personal space?Mood:With the changes of personal feelings,personal space changes,such as anxiety,people need more than the average persons personal space.?Age:The age of personal space needs are also different.?Environment:A persons personal space needs to increase with the reduction of the size of the room.People feel a strong sense of control to facilitate the evacuation,there must be satisfied with a relatively small personal space.Public SpaceThe way people arrange and use public space also reflects cultural attitude toward space and privacyCompany LogoCulture spaceIn Arab cultures a public space is a place where people can come together,often in vary large numbers,to talk,do business,socialize,These are often very busy,active places,with lots of things going on at onceCompany LogoCulture spaceU.S.and European requirements on the distance seems to be greater than in other countries and cultures.Remember that when people who talk with you get back a little,do not try to reduce this distance.Company LogoCulture spaceGenerally,chinese in the process of communication keeps a small distance with each other,Classmates,friends and family likes to sit together in public places,intimate and fun.They even hand in hand to show friendship and close.Seating SpaceCulture influences even manner and meaning in seating arrangements.In the United StatesAmericans tend to talk with those opposite them,rather than those beside them.Leaders usually take the chair at the head of the table.In ChinaThe Chinese often experience alienation and uneasiness when they face someone directly,or sit on the opposite sides of a desk or table from someone(feel as if they are on trial.)Company LogoSeating SpaceIn JapanSeating arrangements at any formal or semiformal function are also based on hierarchy.The most important person sits at one end of the rectangular table,with those nearest in rank at the right and left of this senior position.In KoreaSeating arrangements reflect status and role distinctions.Company LogoFurniturearrangement space?In America(as well as in China),the furniture in the living room is pointed towards the TV set.?While in France,Italy and Mexico,conversation is important,and facing chairs toward a TV screen stifles conversation.So furniture is arranged to encourage conversation.Furniture arrangement at home communicates something about the culture.Company LogoFurniturearrangement space?French space is a reflection of French culture and French institutions.Everything is centralized,and spatially the entire country is laid out around centers.?In Germany,where privacy is stressed,office furniture is spread throughout the office.Even the arrangement of offices gives us a clue to the character of a people.Company LogoPark SpaceU.S.:People from the United States carry their idea of individuality over into public space.They consider it their right to walk and play on the grass in the park.Government buildings are open to the public.Germany:Everything must have its order.The grass is not trampled down.Parks tend to be clean and neat.Company LogoPark SpaceIn Chinese culture,the park is seen as a leisure space,also reveals the Chinese traditional civilization,calligraphy,opera,kung fu,andtraditional dance can be found in the Chinese park.Company LogoCompany Logo40


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