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英语基础写作 English Writing Wu Haiping(武海平)英语基础写作 English WritinA game to start with.A game to start with.A game to start withTitanic is going to sink.There are 8 passengers.However,there are only 7 seats in the lifeboat.A game to start withTitanic The passengers:1 a cleaner2 a doctor 3 a farmer4 a singer5 a teacher6 a pregnant woman7 a policewoman8 a college studentThe passengers:1 a cleaner丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件 Part1 Manuscript Form 文稿格式文稿格式What is a good manuscript form?writing the title 写标题写标题leaving margins 纸边留空纸边留空indenting 段落开端缩进段落开端缩进capitalizing 大写大写dividing words 词的移行词的移行 Part1 Manuscript Form 文稿格 1 Arrangement 安排安排 About titles关于题目关于题目1)write the title in the middle of the first line.题目应写在第一行的中间题目应写在第一行的中间 1 Arrangement 安排 About titles关于题目关于题目2)capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words.题目的题目的第一个和最后一个词应用大写字母开始。第一个和最后一个词应用大写字母开始。3)(including words following hypens in compound words包括复合词中在连包括复合词中在连字符后面的词字符后面的词)About titles关于题目About titles关于题目关于题目4)except articles,coornidating conjunctions,short prepositions,and the to in infinitives.但冠词、并但冠词、并列连词、介词和不定时的列连词、介词和不定时的to除外除外5)No period is used at the end of a title.题目后不加句号题目后不加句号About titles关于题目About titles关于题目关于题目6)use a question mark if the title is a direct question,but do not use one if the titleia an indirct question 如果题目是疑问句,如果题目是疑问句,应加问号:如果是间接引语形式的应加问号:如果是间接引语形式的疑问句,则不加问号疑问句,则不加问号About titles关于题目About titles关于题目关于题目7)use quotation marks with quotes or titles of articles 题目中的题目中的引用词语或文章的标题,应加引号。引用词语或文章的标题,应加引号。8)underline/italicize names of books.书名应用斜体或在下面划线书名应用斜体或在下面划线 About titles关于题目Indent the first line of every paragraph,leaving a space of about 4 or 5 letters.每段的开头应缩进,即留出每段的开头应缩进,即留出4到到5个字母的空白。个字母的空白。Part1 Manuscript Form文稿格式文稿格式 Indent the first line of everyPart1 Manuscript Form 文稿格式文稿格式1 Arrangement 安排安排2 Capitalization 大写大写3 Word Division 移行移行4 Punctuation 标点标点 5 Handwriting 书法书法Part1 Manuscript Form 鸡肉炒面鸡肉炒面Chicken chow mein视频中餐速成.Chinese.Food.Made.Easy鸡肉炒面.mp4 鸡肉炒面Chicken chow mei丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件利伯缇大学利伯缇大学公开课:英文写作American Liberty University利伯缇大学公开课:英文写作American LibertPart 2 The Sentence.Complete Sentences and Sentences Fragments完整句和不完全句完整句和不完全句Part 2 The Sentence.Completsubject 主语主语predicate verb 谓语动词谓语动词transitive verb 及物动词及物动词object 宾语宾语link-verb 系动词系动词predicative 表语表语complement 补语补语subject 主语attributes 定语定语 adverbials 状语状语attributes 定语 逗号错 comma faultThe use of a comma in place of a period,a semicolon,a colon,or a dash in English writing is called the comma fault.中文里可以用逗号将两个完整的句子分中文里可以用逗号将两个完整的句子分开,英文则不可以开,英文则不可以。英文里需要用句号,分号、冒号、破折英文里需要用句号,分号、冒号、破折号分开两个句子,否则就叫号分开两个句子,否则就叫“逗号错逗号错”逗号错 comma faultThe use of a P 35 .Type of Sentences 句子类型句子类型 (use)1.Declarative,interrogative,imperative,and exclamatory sentences陈述句、疑问句、祈使句陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和和感叹句感叹句P 35 .Type of Sentences 1.declarative sentence 陈述句陈述句She is my fiance.1.declarative sentence 陈述句2.interrogative 疑问句疑问句Who is your favourite author?2.interrogative 疑问句3.imperative sentence 祈使句祈使句Dont touch me.3.imperative sentence 祈使句4.exclamatory sentence 感叹句感叹句How well you look!What a mess!4.exclamatory sentence 感叹句P35.Type of Sentences 句子类型句子类型 (structure)2.simple,compound,complex,or compound-complex sentences简单句、并列句、复合句或并列复简单句、并列句、复合句或并列复合句合句P35.Type of Sentences simple sentence 简单句简单句It has one subject and one predicate verb.To see is to believe.simple sentence 简单句compound sentence 并列句并列句It consists of 2 or more simple sentences and linked by and,but,or,etc.Honey is sweet,but the bee pound sentence 并列句complex sentence 复合句复合句It contains one main(principle)clause and one or more dependent(subordinate)plex sentence 复合句Whoever comes is welcome.The question is how he did it.I believe that I can fly.All that glitters is not gold.You are able to go wherever you like.Whoever comes is pound-complex sentence 并列复合句并列复合句 compound-complex sentence A Day to RememberA Day to Remember3.loose,periodic,and balanced sentences松散句、圆周句(掉尾句)或松散句、圆周句(掉尾句)或对偶句对偶句P 37 .Type of Sentences 句子类型句子类型 (rhetorical 修辞的修辞的 point of view)3.loose,periodic,and balan松散句A loose sentence puts the main idea first,and lets the reader know what it is mainly about when he has read the first few words.松散句A loose sentence puts the m圆周句In a periodic sentence,the main idea is expressed at or near the end of it.圆周句In a periodic sentence,the对偶句When a sentence contains two parallel clauses similar in structure but contrasted in meaning,it is a balanced sentence.对偶句When a sentence contains tLoose sentences are easier,simpler,more natural and direct.Loose sentences are easier,siPeriodic sentences are more complex,formal and literary.Periodic sentences are more coBalanced sentences are impressive.They are mainly used in formal writing,like expository 说明的说明的 and argumentative 议论的议论的 prose and speeches.Balanced sentences are impress丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件My National Day My National Day P41 .Effective Sentences 有效句有效句1.Unity 统一性统一性2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性3.Conciseness 简洁性简洁性4.Emphasis 强调性强调性5.Variety 多样性多样性P41 .Effective SentencesP41 1.Unity 统一性统一性A unified sentence expresses a single complete thought.It does not contain ideas that are not closely related,nor does it express a thought that is not complete by itself.P41 1.Unity 统一性.Effective Sentences有效句有效句1.Unity 统一性统一性2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性3.Conciseness 简洁性简洁性4.Emphasis 强调性强调性5.Variety 多样性多样性.Effective Sentences有效句2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性Coherence means clear and reasonable connection between parts.2.Coherence 连贯性Coherence meanP42 2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性1)faulty parallel constructions 平行结构使用有误平行结构使用有误2)pronouns with ambiguous reference 代词指代不明代词指代不明P42 2.Coherence 连贯性1)fault3)dangling(mispalced)modifiers 垂悬修饰语(使用不当的修饰语)垂悬修饰语(使用不当的修饰语)4)confusing shifts in person and number or in voice,tense and mood.人称、数、语气和语态上的变动混乱人称、数、语气和语态上的变动混乱3)dangling(mispalced)modifie.Effective Sentences有效句有效句1.Unity 统一性统一性2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性3.Conciseness 简洁性简洁性4.Emphasis 强调性强调性5.Variety 多样性多样性.Effective Sentences有效句 P 46 3.Conciseness 简洁性简洁性A sentence should contain no unnecessary words.If the idea is fully expressed,the fewer words are used,the better.Wordiness only obscures the idea.P 46 3.Conciseness 简洁性A se.Effective Sentences有效句有效句1.Unity 统一性统一性2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性3.Conciseness 简洁性简洁性4.Emphasis 强调性强调性5.Variety 多样性多样性.Effective Sentences有效句 P49 4.Emphasis 强调强调性性When there is an important idea,it should be expressed with emphasis.P49 4.Emphasis 强调性Wh(1)Emphatic sentences 整句强调整句强调1.short sentences 短句短句2.sentence fragments 不完整句不完整句3.inverted sentences 倒装句倒装句4.parallel constructions and balanced sentences平行结构和对称句平行结构和对称句5.periodic sentences 圆周句圆周句(1)Emphatic sentences 整句强调1.6.imperative and exclamatory sentences 祈使句和感叹句祈使句和感叹句7.Rhetorical questions修辞问句或反问句修辞问句或反问句8.negative-positive sentences否定肯定句否定肯定句9.Sentences with repeated words or phrases有重复词或短语的句子有重复词或短语的句子6.imperative and exclamatory(2)Emphasis within the sentence句内强调句内强调1 placing 位置位置2 repetition重复重复3 the verb and active voice动词和主动语态动词和主动语态4 subordination 从属从属5 emphatic words and phrases 表示强调的词或短语表示强调的词或短语6 alliteration 头韵头韵(2)Emphasis within the senten丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件 P 63 Part Four:The Paragraph 段落段落A paragraph is like a mini-essay;it should be unified,coherent and well developed.P 63 Part Four:The Paragraph.Effective Paragraphs 有效段落有效段落1.unity 统一性统一性If all the sentences in a paragraph lead to one central theme,the paragraph is unified.The central theme is usually summarized in what is called the topic sentence.Effective Paragraphs 有效段落1P 62P 62P 63P 63丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件P 65.Effective Paragraphs 有效段落有效段落2.Coherence 连贯性连贯性P 65.Effective Paragraphs 有丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件Ways of Developing Paragraphs 段落的展开法段落的展开法1.Development by time 按时间展开按时间展开Ways of Developing Paragraphs2.Development by process 按过程展开按过程展开2.Development by process3.Development by space 按空间展开按空间展开3.Development by space 4.Development by Example or Generalization 用举例和归纳方式展开用举例和归纳方式展开4.Development by Example or G5.Development by Comparison and Contrast 用类比和对比方式展开用类比和对比方式展开5.Development by Comparison a6.Development by Cause and Effect 用原因和结果方式展开用原因和结果方式展开6.Development by Cause and Ef7.Development by Classification 用分类方式展开用分类方式展开7.Development by Classificati8.Development by Defination 用定义方式展开用定义方式展开8.Development by Defination丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件英语句型 作文模板 引出引出话题话题Recently the problem of.has been brought into focus.最近最近.问题引起了关注。问题引起了关注。Nowadays.has become a problem we have to face.现今现今,(),()已成为我们不得不面对的问题。已成为我们不得不面对的问题。英语句型 作文模板 引出话题Recently the 英语句型 作文模板表达不同观点People s views on.vary from person to person.Some hold that.However,others believe that.人们对人们对.的观点因人而异,的观点因人而异,有些人认为有些人认为.然而,其他人却认为然而,其他人却认为.英语句型 作文模板表达不同观点People s vi英语句型 作文模板 表示结尾In short,it can be said that.总之,可以说总之,可以说.Taking all these factors into consideration,we naturally come to the conclusion that.把所有这些因素考虑进去,我们可以得出结论把所有这些因素考虑进去,我们可以得出结论.英语句型 作文模板 表示结尾In short,it 英语句型 作文模板 提出建议It is high time that we put an end to.该是我们停止该是我们停止.的时候了。的时候了。There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of.毫无疑问,对毫无疑问,对.问题应予以足够重视。问题应予以足够重视。英语句型 作文模板 提出建议It is high tim丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件On Chinese Fever 关于汉语热1 世界各地兴起了汉语热2 汉语热兴起的原因3 我的看法 On Chinese Fever 关于汉语热1 世界各丁往道英语写作手册范本ppt课件知识回顾知识回顾Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview祝您成功!知识回顾Knowledge Review祝您成功!


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