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大学英语四级考试大学英语四级考试 写作专项练习大学英语四级考试 写作专项练习1写作模板写作模板模板的好处:不仅能规范我们的写作思路,防止跑题,节约写作时间,还能使我们轻松地掌握应试写作技巧和规律,快速提高作文成绩。模板的学习可以分为3个阶段:理解、模仿和活用。写作模板模板的好处:2真题作文模板真题作文模板 通过对历年真题命题形式的总结,归纳出以下八大类模板:观点类、批驳类、办法类、原因类、谚语类、应用类、图表类和记叙类。依葫芦画瓢会么?模板就是能让你画出金瓢的葫芦。真题作文模板 通过对历年真题命题形式的总结,归纳出以3一、观点类模板 观点类作文是最常见的题型观点类模板包含四个子类:1.观点子类模板2.利弊子类模板3.提问子类模板4.选择子类模板一、观点类模板 41.观点子类模板观点类文章中最常见也是最重要的就是观点子类,它是我们理解其他子类的基础和出发点。这类作文的命题通常是 My View on 对立观点(1)Different people have different views on _.Some people think that _,while others argue that _.首段提出两种人的观点。需要起始句。1.观点子类模板5 As far as I am concerned.I agree with the _ opinion.For one thing,I firmly believe _.For another,_.Last but not least,_.明确表示自己同意某个观点。As far as I am concerned.6 Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safety come to the conclusion that _.Only if _ can we _,just as the saying goes,_.总结全文。Taking all these factors i7范文:My View on Opportunity1.有的人认为机会是极少的,另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会。2.你的看法如何?写出你的观点,说明你的理由并适当举例。3.在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论。范文:My View on Opportunity8 Different people have different views on opportunity.Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world,while others argue that everybody will have some kinds of opportunity along his life route.As far as I am concerned.I agree with the later opinion.For one thing,I firmly believe opportunities are everywhere around us.No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time,because“every Different people have diff9dog has its day”.For another,since opportunities are transient,we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves.Just thinks of Newton,who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of him.dog has its day”.For another,10 Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safety come to the conclusion that there quite a few opportunities in our society.Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by,just as the saying goes,“Opportunities are only for the prepared minds”.Taking all these factors i11(2)Peoples opinions are always different once they talk about _.Those who _ maintain that _.They also firmly believe that _.第一种人的观点。Many people think otherwise.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.第二种观点。第一句为过度句,简明。(2)12 My own opinion is that _,in this fast-developing information area,has become more than common and acceptable.If we want to _,we have to _.So why not _?明确表示自己同意某个观点。第一句经典,其后为条件状语从句叠用;最后为反问句。My own opinion is that _13范文:My View on Job-hopping1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为2.有些人喜欢经常换工作,因为3.我的看法。范文:My View on Job-hopping14 Peoples opinions are always different once they talk about job-hopping.Those who never change their jobs throughout their life maintain that they have accumulated enough experience to work smoothly,so whats the point in changing to another job.They also firmly believe that anyone who wants to excel in his specialty has to work hard on the same post for years Peoples opinions are alwa15to acquire the required skill and knowledge.Many people think otherwise.On the one hand,if the present job can offer satisfactory working conditions nor future opportunities,they will not hesitate a moment to leave.On the other hand,they hold that life is but once and job-hopping can provide rich and exciting experiences.to acquire the required skill 16 My own opinion is that job-hopping,in this fast-developing information area,has become more than common and acceptable.If we want to keep pace with the times,we have to change for the faster,the higher and the stronger.If life is a journey,we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it.So why not make a change?My own opinion is that jo17(3)Recently there have been many reports of _.It turns a new page of advance education in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.引出普遍现象并说明其意义。The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that _.In addition,_.Finally,_.分三个方面说明。(3)18 Apart from the benefit mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,_.In the second place,_.Whats the most important,_.Only when _ can we _.说明我们所面临的挑战并下结论。连接词运用恰当,结论用倒装句非常有力。Apart from the benefit men19范文:My View on Amalgamation of Universities1.近年来高校合并的现象很多见2.高校合并带来不少好处3.高校合并也让我们面临挑战 Recently there have been many reports of amalgamation of Universities.It turns a new page of advance education in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.范文:20 The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that the merging often results in a comprehensive university with increased overall strength.To take part in international competitions,we need more universities of this kind.In addition,the integration of staff members will significantly improve the quality of both teaching and research.Finally,reorganization will optimize the disposition of limited resources,which is the symbol of successful educational reform.The biggest benefit,in my21 Apart from the benefit mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,the integration process itself will be difficult even painful-many people may need to sacrifice their own interests for the whole university.In the second place,the management of such big universities is not easy at all.Apart from the benefit me22Whats the most important,the most successful university is not necessarily the largest one or the one with most students-the key lies in the unique spirit of the university.Only when we deal these problems successfully can we benefit the most from university amalgamation.Whats the most important,the23(4).In recent years,college students are allowed to _.介绍某种制度,必要时加以补充说明。In my mind,I welcome this practice with applause.For one thing,_,_.For another,_.In addition,_.在主题句后分三个方面说明其优点。(4).24 We are very happy to see the smooth implementation of this new policy.Judging from what we have discussed above,we have every reason to look forward to more such policies which are beneficial to both individuals and the whole nation.下结论。We are very happy to see25范文:My View on College Students Joining the Army1.近年来出现了允许在读大学生参军的现象。2.我对这一现象的看法。范文:My View on College Students26 In recent years,college students are allowed to join the army during their academic years.After two years of military service,they can return to their original universities.In my mind,I welcome this practice with applause.For one thing,the strict training will be invaluable to a young man,making him stronger both in body and in mind.For another,the recruitment of college students will help improve the quality of PLA soldiers as a whole,In recent years,college 27because they possess professional knowledge and skills.In addition,it is also a crucial move to help students be more patriotic and responsible,linking personal fortune with the future of our motherland.We are very happy to see the smooth implementation of this new policy.Judging from what we have discussed above,we have every reason to look forward to more such policies which are beneficial to both individuals and the whole nation.because they possess professio28(5)Nowadays more and more people voice growing concern over _.Some people argue that _ in that _,while others firmly hold that _.简要叙述两种人对某事的观点。(5)29 Personally,I think this question should be probed in depth.On the one hand,the first group is not totally correct because not all _.On the other hand,the second opinion seems not so satisfactory because we also witness successful examples _.进一步阐述这两种观点。谈论它们的不足。Personally,I think this qu30 From what has been discussed above,we can see clearly that the key lies in whether _.Otherwise,_ no matter whether _.下结论。并未同意任一观点;第二句从反面补充说明。From what has been discuss31范文:My View on College Students Taking Part-time Jobs1.有些人认为大学生作兼职是有益的2.有些人认为大学生作兼职是有害的3.我的看法范文:My View on College Students32 Nowadays more and more people voice growing concern over college students taking part-time jobs.Some people argue that it is unquestionably beneficial to the students in that it can enlarge their horizon and enrich their experience,while others firmly hold that part-time jobs of all kinds are harmful so as to hinder the students normal college study.Nowadays more and more peo33 Personally,I think this question should be probed in depth.On the one hand,the first group is not totally correct because not all part-time jobs are beneficial and not harmful.Students are somewhat immature and easily led astray by those money addicted employers.On the other hand,the second opinion seems not so satisfactory because we also witness successful examples in universities home and abroad.Personally,I think this q34Early working experience can be invaluable as the preparation for future career.From what has been discussed above,we can see clearly that the key lies in whether the student in focus is able to strike a successful balance between work and study.Otherwise,the college life will be caught in the so-called vicious circle no matter whether the student takes part-time jobs or not.Early working experience can b35(6)观点+办法 _ have/has been part of university education for many years.After careful observation,we can find that it is more complicated than we have thought.引出话题(6)观点+办法36On the whole,I should say _ are necessary for educational system.On the one hand,_?On the other hand,_.To make _ do the job,however,we have to make sure of several points below.For one thing,we should _.For another,we should not _.分两方面说明其必要性及做法。On the whole,I should say _37 _ is an important part of college education.Only by planning it wisely and conducting it reasonably can we make best use of it.结论。_ is an important part of38范文:My View on Remedial Examinations1.补考是大学教育的一部分2.我对补考的看法3.如何发挥补考的作用 Remedial Examinations have been part of university education for many years.After careful observation,we can find that it is more complicated than we have thought.范文:My View on Remedial Examin39 On the whole,I should say Remedial Examinations are necessary for educational system.On the one hand,some college students are not working hard,and if none of them pass the examination,how can we guarantee the quality of education?On the other hand,by preparing for and taking part in remedial examinations,students can make up for the lost time.If they can learn from this lesson,it will certainly do good to their future On the whole,I should sa40life.To make remedial examinations do the job,however,we have to make sure of several points below.For one thing,we should make all the examinations as fair as possible.Some students cheat in the examinations to get high scores,and others beg the teacher for a satisfactory grade.All of these people should be severely punished.For another,we should not decide the number of students failing the test before life.To make remedial examina41the examination.Teachers should bear a standard in mind,which is comparable across the years.The remedial examination is an important part of college education.Only by planning it wisely and conducting it reasonably can we make best use of it.the examination.Teachers shou42(7)观点+办法 Nowadays every one of us may come across now and then.These _ are most harmful to the whole society.In my opinion,their harmfulness can be summarized in the following three respects.In the first place,_.In the second place,_.Last but not least,_.(7)观点+办法43 In my mind,the government and the citizens should join hands to put an end to these _.On the one hand,the government should _.On the other hand,common citizens _.Only by the joint efforts of the government and the common people can we do away with _.In my mind,the government 442.利弊子类模板 利弊子类是观点类文章的一种特殊情况,就是谈论事物的正反两个方面。(1)对立观点 Nowadays,_ is playing a more and more important role in peoples daily life.However,peoples opinions are still divided on this point.2.利弊子类模板45Those who are in favor of _ claim that it has a lot of advantages.Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Last but not least,_.Those who are opposed to _ hold that disadvantages are many.In the first place,_.In the second place,_.Finally,_.Those who are in favor of _46 All in all,we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros outweigh the cons.The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of _ along with _.A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of _.All in all,we can safely 47(2)Everything has a good side and a bad side,and _ are no exceptions.Generally speaking,the positive aspects can be listed as follows.To begin with,_.In the second place,_.Most important of all,_.(2)48However,as every coin has two sides,the negative aspects are also obvious.For one thing,_.For another,_.Most important of all,_.As for me,_.First,_.Second,_.Whats more,_.However,as every coin has tw49(3)The discussion about _ has never stopped in the past few years.Lets have a look at its advantages and disadvantages before drawing the final conclusion.(3)50 The biggest advantage of _.Whats more,_.Last but not least,_.However,the negative effects are also obvious.To begin with,_.In the second place,_.Finally,_.Up until now,we can see it clearly that _ in itself.The key lies in the user-so long as we can make proper use of it,it can be most helpful to us in many respects.The biggest advantage of 513.提问子类模板提问子类就是题目后加“?”的情形(1)_ is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time.提出观点 People hold different views towards _.Some people _.Other people view _ as _.说明两种不同的看法,总分结构。3.提问子类模板52 Personally,I agree with the second group of people._ once said,_.Few person can _,and _ can _.From now on I will _.On the contrary.I will _,because the most glorious moments are those days when I _.表述自己的观点。53(2)_.Many people welcome it with applause and enthusiasm,singing high praise of such a _.Other people,however,hold that it is untimely for us to do so because _.叙述不同人的对立观点,即利弊两个方面。(2)54 As far as I am concerned,I am most happy to _.On the one hand,personally speaking,_.On the other hand,_.阐明自己的观点。How shall I sum up my feeling upon hearing the news of _?What I want to do most at present is to seize every chance to _ so as to _.说明自己的打算。As far as I am concerned,55(3)It is quite natural for young people to ponder over the question of whether to _.提出问题(3)56 Many young people will choose not to _,generally for three reasons.On the one hand,_.On the other hand,_.Most important of all,_.Nevertheless,other people adopt a totally different view.For one thing,_.For another,_.描述一种做法及原因;接着描述相反的做法及原因。Many young people will cho57 From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that it depends on personal choice.In my own case,_.给出自己的绝妙做法-调和的办法。584.选择子类模板选择子类就是文章题目中包含 or 的情形,通常是做某事的两种方法。(1)Whenever people _,they will come across the problem of whether they should _ or _,and it is natural for different opinions to arise.提出一个问题的两个方面,紧扣文章主题,并引起下段。4.选择子类模板59 Some people think we should _.They say that _.Furthermore,_.Therefore,we should _.But other people think otherwise.They argue that in an age when science and technology develop at a fantastic speed,we _ can we keep with the pace of social development.说明不同观点 Some people think we shoul60 In my opinion,we should combine with _.First,_.Second,_.Only in this way can we _.自己的观点,把两种做法相结合。大学英语写作ppt课件61(2)When it comes to _,some of the people will choose to _ while others want to _.提出问题的两个方面。(2)62 Those people who decide to _ argue that _.Furthermore,_.Those people who prefer _ maintain that _.Moreover,_.两类人的观点。In my opinion,I should _ whenever _.To begin with,_.Second,_.Furthermore,_!分3点什么自己的观点,凸显个性。Those people who decide to63(3)Every student will be faced with the same question when he _?Different people will offer different answers.提出问题的两个方面,以选择问句呼应标题。(3)64 Some students give priority to _.What they cherish is _.In their mind,_is not very important-so long as he works hard,_ a bright future is awaiting him.Other students pay more attention to _.They attach great importance to the university because _.How can you _ if _?描述不同的选择。Some students give priorit65 In a word,the best choice is _.We can only get such a chance after making great efforts.If we cannot obtain both,the first thing to consider is _.说明自己的看法。In a word,the best choice66


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