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1.1.Salginatobel Brcke(Salginatobel Brcke(瑞士瑞士瑞士瑞士萨尔基那山谷萨尔基那山谷萨尔基那山谷萨尔基那山谷桥桥桥桥)2.2.Golden Gate Bridge(Golden Gate Bridge(美国美国美国美国旧金山金门旧金山金门旧金山金门旧金山金门大桥大桥大桥大桥)3.3.The Brotonne Bridge(The Brotonne Bridge(法国法国法国法国东纳东纳东纳东纳大桥大桥大桥大桥)4.4.Kirchheim Overpass(Kirchheim Overpass(德国德国德国德国克西汉姆克西汉姆克西汉姆克西汉姆跨线桥跨线桥跨线桥跨线桥)5.5.Orly Airport Overpass(Orly Airport Overpass(法国法国法国法国奥利机场奥利机场奥利机场奥利机场跨线桥跨线桥跨线桥跨线桥)6.6.First Bosphoros Bridge(First Bosphoros Bridge(土耳其土耳其土耳其土耳其博斯布鲁斯博斯布鲁斯博斯布鲁斯博斯布鲁斯大桥大桥大桥大桥)7.7.Sunniberg Bridge(Sunniberg Bridge(瑞士瑞士瑞士瑞士桑尼伯格桑尼伯格桑尼伯格桑尼伯格大桥大桥大桥大桥)8.8.Normandy Bridge(Normandy Bridge(法国法国法国法国诺曼底诺曼底诺曼底诺曼底大桥大桥大桥大桥)9.9.Tataro Bridge(Tataro Bridge(日本日本日本日本多多罗多多罗多多罗多多罗大桥大桥大桥大桥)10.10.Severins Bridge(Severins Bridge(德国德国德国德国科隆塞弗林科隆塞弗林科隆塞弗林科隆塞弗林大桥大桥大桥大桥)11.11.Tingkau Bridge(Tingkau Bridge(中国中国中国中国香港汀九香港汀九香港汀九香港汀九大桥大桥大桥大桥)12.12.The Ganter Bridge(The Ganter Bridge(瑞士瑞士瑞士瑞士甘甘甘甘特桥特桥特桥特桥)13.13.Sydney Harbour Bridge(Sydney Harbour Bridge(澳大利亚澳大利亚澳大利亚澳大利亚悉尼港湾悉尼港湾悉尼港湾悉尼港湾大桥大桥大桥大桥)14.14.Fehmarnsund Bridge(Fehmarnsund Bridge(德国德国德国德国费马恩海峡费马恩海峡费马恩海峡费马恩海峡大桥大桥大桥大桥)15.15.Great Belt Bridge(Great Belt Bridge(丹麦大贝尔特丹麦大贝尔特丹麦大贝尔特丹麦大贝尔特跨海跨海跨海跨海大桥大桥大桥大桥)Robert Pamela Stewart(Robert Maillart)designed and built in 1930,Robert Pamela Stewart(Robert Maillart)designed and built in 1930,across the Alps Sargsyan that canyon,is on a very economical concrete across the Alps Sargsyan that canyon,is on a very economical concrete sickle-supporting three-hinged arch bridge,span 90 meters,it has become sickle-supporting three-hinged arch bridge,span 90 meters,it has become world famous famous bridge.Walking on the bridge is a real spiritual experience.You and Walking on the bridge is a real spiritual experience.You and mountains,white clouds,blue sky so close that it constitutes a wonderful mountains,white clouds,blue sky so close that it constitutes a wonderful Alpine landscape.All parts of the bridge are just right,no picky.Alpine landscape.All parts of the bridge are just right,no picky.This is truly a combination of good art and a bridge.This is truly a combination of good art and a bridge.”1.1.Salginatobel Brcke(Salginatobel Brcke(瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥)2.2.Golden Gate Bridge(Golden Gate Bridge(美国旧金山金门大桥美国旧金山金门大桥美国旧金山金门大桥美国旧金山金门大桥)The bridge was built in 1937.Bridge color is orange,the main span of 1280m,located in the San Francisco Bay entrance.She sleek,proportion,is the jewel in bridge engineering,so that the designers of this century has been unable to go beyond.3.3.The Brotonne Bridge(The Brotonne Bridge(法国东纳大桥法国东纳大桥法国东纳大桥法国东纳大桥)The bridge built in 1974,is a prestressed concrete cable-stayed main span of 320 meters.Full bridge height using the same height 3.80 m,beam tilt for the web with a thin-walled box girder,bottom width of 8 meters,a width of piers and pier cited reduced accordingly under the tower,piers unified width 8.75 m.Although there are so many beautiful cable-stayed bridge in the world,but this only 320m span single cable plane cable-stayed bridge with its simple,clean and harmonious shape and style of hardness and softness has been unanimously appreciated.4.4.Kirchheim Overpass(Kirchheim Overpass(德国克西汉姆跨线桥德国克西汉姆跨线桥德国克西汉姆跨线桥德国克西汉姆跨线桥)The bridge built in 1993,in the span 54m,beam height 0.5m-1.7m,bridge width of 6 meters.The bridge is the essence of this relatively rare anti-hanging design,the lower sling force,supported by the upper deck overhang belt,really wonderful idea.Sleek shape and bending moment diagram is similar to the beam,gives a sense of strength.5.5.Orly Airport Overpass(Orly Airport Overpass(法国奥利机场跨线桥法国奥利机场跨线桥法国奥利机场跨线桥法国奥利机场跨线桥)Built in 1958.It was delicate and graceful curves gives a strong feeling.6 6.First Bosphoros Bridge(First Bosphoros Bridge(土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥)bridge is 1560 m long.33 meters wide,165 meters high,six lanes.October 30,1973 the official opening,like a bond connecting the two parts of Europe and Asia together,there are 25 million people that day across the bridge from Europe to reach Asia.The Eurasian designed by the British Bridge is a memorable structure.7.7.Sunniberg Bridge(Sunniberg Bridge(瑞士桑尼伯格大桥瑞士桑尼伯格大桥瑞士桑尼伯格大桥瑞士桑尼伯格大桥)This is a city with ultra-low profile height of the main tower and four-tower cable-stayed bridge deck stands tall,built in 1998.The main bridge span is(59+128+140+134+65)meters,the highest pier is 62 meters,15 meters high tower above the deck,piers main tower outline parabola,0.8 meters high beams,concrete beams soft Extradossed Bridge.Full pier,tower and main beam consolidation seems simple,concise.Bridge in harmony with the environment,the mountains and the bridge of steady light,just a soft echoes form a beautiful rainbow.She is a beautiful rainbow,bridge construction quality.8.8.Normandy Bridge(Normandy Bridge(法国诺曼底大桥法国诺曼底大桥法国诺曼底大桥法国诺曼底大桥)Built in 1994.Main span of 856 meters,is a mixed beam,where 624 meters of steel beams,other concrete beam;side span all of the concrete beams,with pushing Method.It is a fully coordinated with local landscape cable-stayed bridge,with its elongated structure and elegant shape is known.It is definitely a successful combination of architecture and art,but no extra modification.9.9.Tataro Bridge(Tataro Bridge(日本多多罗大桥日本多多罗大桥日本多多罗大桥日本多多罗大桥)It was built in 1998.Main span of 890 meters,four-lane.Twentieth Century longest span cable-stayed bridge,with a mysterious oriental beauty.10.10.Severins Bridge(Severins Bridge(德国科隆塞弗林大桥德国科隆塞弗林大桥德国科隆塞弗林大桥德国科隆塞弗林大桥)Built in 1959,it is the earliest type A single tower cable stayed main span of 302 meters.Steel tower is quite vigorous and effective,simple and beautiful shape,and Cologne Cathedral distance of shine.11.11.Tingkau Bridge(Tingkau Bridge(中国香港汀九大桥中国香港汀九大桥中国香港汀九大桥中国香港汀九大桥)The bridge is the only three-tower cable-stayed bridge column,with full floating system,the main span of 448m+475m,side spans each 127m,two-way six lanes.May 1998 completion,ranking first in the world on the same type of cable-stayed bridge.Hybrid structure masterpiece of art and technology unity.12.Sydney Harbour Bridge(12.Sydney Harbour Bridge(澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥)Built in 1932,it is a steel truss arch bridge,span 520 meters,second in the world in the same bridge,and is now fifth in the world.48.8 m wide bridge,the highest in the world.One can conquer the vision,from any point of view can bring the beauty of the arch.13.13.The Ganter Bridge(The Ganter Bridge(瑞士甘特桥瑞士甘特桥瑞士甘特桥瑞士甘特桥)It is a cable-stayed bridge with a unique style,the cable provided in the concrete sheet,completed in 1980.The whole bridge main span of 174 meters is the only straight line segments on both sides of the hole span 127 meters,with S-shaped curve through the valley,there is a bridge piers up to 150 meters.In bright sunshine,lush mountains bring out the bright and huge concrete facade,showing strong results,a true work of art,an innovative system.14.14.Fehmarnsund Bridge(Fehmarnsund Bridge(德国费马恩海峡大桥德国费马恩海峡大桥德国费马恩海峡大桥德国费马恩海峡大桥)Designer Fritz Leonhardt,in 1963 built.963.4 m long bridge,main span of 248.4 m,roads and railways in the same plane.One side of the bridge for the pillow without ballast railway bridge,on the other side of the highway bridge.Beautiful basket-style arches and oblique cross boom gives a space a sense of stability.15.15.Great Belt Bridge(Great Belt Bridge(丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥)Built in 1998.A total length of 6800 meters,the twin towers of Suspension structure,the bridge between the two towers span of 1,624 meters,the worlds third.Although not the longest span suspension bridge in the 20th century,but the unique design of the bridge towers and anchorages gives a deep impression.Wanzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge(1997),420m(chong qing)Guangzhou Yajisha Bridg(2000),360mChaotianmen Bridge(2008),552m (chong qing)Shanghai Lupu Bridge(2003),550mYangpu BridgeDongting Lake BridgeSutong Yangtze River Bridge 1088m,2008Sutong Yangtze River Bridge 1088m,2008 Tsing Ma BridgeXihoumen Bridge(1650m)2007Nanjing Yangtze River BridgeGuangzhou Luoxi BridgeThe most strange beautiful bridgeMillau Viaduct Millau Viaduct(米洛高架桥)(米洛高架桥)(米洛高架桥)(米洛高架桥)FranceFrance)FranceFrance Located in the south of Located in the south of France,the first French France,the first French TakahashiTakahashi,“It takes,“It takes three years three years to complete,height,completion to complete,height,completion time so set a world time so set a world first.first.The The bridge was 23 meters higher bridge was 23 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower in France.than the Eiffel Tower in France.Gateshead Millennium BridgeGateshead Millennium Bridge(盖特谢德千禧桥)(盖特谢德千禧桥)(盖特谢德千禧桥)(盖特谢德千禧桥)BritainBritain Nicknamed Nicknamed blink bridgeblink bridge,because the bridge can rise,because the bridge can rise up to let boats pass,this time on top of the bridge and a up to let boats pass,this time on top of the bridge and a curved cable looks like a giant eyelidcurved cable looks like a giant eyelid.。Hangzhou Bay BridgeHangzhou Bay Bridge(杭州湾大桥)(杭州湾大桥)(杭州湾大桥)(杭州湾大桥)ChinaChina,HangzhouHangzhou Located in Chinas Yangtze River Delta on the Qiantang River,a Located in Chinas Yangtze River Delta on the Qiantang River,a total length of 36 km,is total length of 36 km,is the worlds longest cross-sea bridgethe worlds longest cross-sea bridge,it has,it has become China Association of World Records worlds longest bridge become China Association of World Records worlds longest bridge candidate for the world record,candidate for the world record,after Ryan Lake bridge the worlds after Ryan Lake bridge the worlds second longest bridge.second longest bridge.。Royal Gorge BridgeRoyal Gorge Bridge(皇家峡谷大桥)(皇家峡谷大桥)(皇家峡谷大桥)(皇家峡谷大桥)The bridge was The bridge was built over the built over the Arkansas River Arkansas River separated by 1,053-separated by 1,053-foot canyon.In foot canyon.In 1929,within six 1929,within six months had made months had made the industry the industry novices,renowned novices,renowned as the worlds as the worlds highest suspension highest suspension bridge.bridge.Cross-sea Bridge,is the worlds longest bridge built on Cross-sea Bridge,is the worlds longest bridge built on an ice-an ice-covered waterscovered waters,known the world,known the world culmination of modern bridge culmination of modern bridge Bridge(Confederation Bridge(加拿大联邦大桥加拿大联邦大桥加拿大联邦大桥加拿大联邦大桥)Leonardos Bridge(金角湾大桥金角湾大桥)(金角湾大桥金角湾大桥金角湾大桥金角湾大桥)1502 Leonardo da Vinci,1995Seven Mile BridgeSeven Mile Bridge(七英里大桥)(七英里大桥)(七英里大桥)(七英里大桥)The Florida East Coast RailwayBridge in Southern Yangtze Python BridgePython Bridge Famous for red color and Seagull


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