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Spring Festival-folk-custom1 Spring FestivalThe Chinese New Year is traditional festival that China is rich with most the special features.It symbolizes the lunar calendar for old year to end.New year has already start.The people will take leave cold monotonous of winter,greet the organic full of life spring.2 Customs 年夜饭年夜饭 the dinner on New Years Eve 吃饺子:吃饺子:eat dumplings;eat stuffed dumplings团圆饭团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年画年画New year picture祭灶:祭灶:Honouring the Kichen God3 Dumpling4 Some kinds of dumplings5 Dumplings are cooked balls of dough.They are based on flour,potatoes,bread or matzoh meal,and may include meat,fish,or sweets.They may be cooked by boiling,steaming,simmering,frying,or baking.Ingredients may be as a part of a filling,or mixed throughout the dumpling.Dumplings may be sweet,spicy or savoury.They may be eaten alone,in soup,with gravy,or in many other presentations 6 Chinese dumplings are not only delicious but also easy to make.First,make the filling.首先做馅首先做馅 Second,make the dough.其次,做其次,做Finally,make the dumplings 最后最后 包饺子包饺子 Once the dumplings are finished,boil them in boiling water until they are cooked.包完饺子放在沸包完饺子放在沸水里煮。水里煮。Thats all.7 南方南方 北方北方8 Family reunion dinner 9 New Year paintings年画年画10 年画年画New year picture11 12 13 14 15 祭灶:祭灶:Honouring the Kichen God16 17 Customs祭财神祭财神The god of wealth;the god of fortune穿新衣:穿新衣:put on new clothes;拿压岁钱:拿压岁钱:get Lucky money;贴春联:贴春联:paste Spring Festival couplets;18 Spring Festival couplets春联春联19 贴春联:贴春联:paste Spring Festival couplets;20 21 Customs守岁:守岁:watch night/stay up late on New Years Eve逛灯会:逛灯会:join the Lantern Festival猜灯谜:猜灯谜:guess Lantern riddles吃汤圆:吃汤圆:eat rice dumplings放鞭炮:放鞭炮:to set off firecrackers;to shoot off firecrackers中国结中国结Chinese Knotting22 paper-cuts剪纸剪纸23 24 lantern 灯笼灯笼25 26 27 放鞭炮:放鞭炮:to set off firecrackers;to shoot off firecrackers28 29 Chinese Knotting中国结中国结30 p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe写在最后感谢聆听不足之处请大家批评指导Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings结束语讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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