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ContentsLanguageListeningWritingReadingSpeakinga planea helicoptera busa ferryan ambulancethe fire servicethe policeB Look and thinkB1:What is a diary?What do you think Paul wrote about?A diary is a kind of book.We write in it what we experience each day and our private thoughts.He wrote about troubles of some kind.1 What is the man doing with the bag in Picture 1?2 Which person is Paul?3 Which people are arguing?4What is Pauls father doing in Picture 2?B2He is showing a bag to two women.He is the boy with glasses,in the green T-shirt.The young man with a bag and two women.He is making a telephone call.Warm-up-discussion:If someone is in trouble,what shall we do?A:If someone is in trouble,we should try to help themB:If we can help people in a direct way,we should find some other way.We neendt put ourselves in danger.New words1)select the numbers on a telephone,make a phone call2)speak angrily to someone because you disagree with him or her3)a problem or difficulty of some type4)someone who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure 5)look at sb.or sth.with great interest6)take sth.which is not yoursFind the words in the word list:dial argue trouble tourist stare steal 7)a small bag in which we keep money8)that cannot be found or that is not in its usual place9)do sth.more quickly than usual10)on or onto a ship,plane,bus or train11)tell sb.sth.in an official way12)the act of stealing sth.13)two strong metal rings which police put round the wristspurse missing hurry aboardreport theft handcuffs1.sth.happen to sb.发生发生 An exciting/A happy/A sad thing happened to Paul yesterday.You look sad.What happened to you?2.begin arguing=start arguing3.hold out =take out *hold held held4.It was empty.=There was nothing in it.5.stare at 盯着盯着看看 Everyone stared at the three people.大家都盯着那三个人看。大家都盯着那三个人看。?他一直盯着那幅图看。?他一直盯着那幅图看。He is staring at the picture.6.Then I found my purse missing.=Then I found my purse was not there.7.follow this man=go after this man 跟着这个人跟着这个人 10.steal sth.from sb.A man stole a purse from a tourist.=A man stole a tourists purse.A thief stole a bicycle from me.=A thief stole my bicycle.*steal stole stolen?有人偷了我们的书包。?有人偷了我们的书包。Someone stole our schoolbags.Someone stole the schoolbags from us.处理麻烦处理麻烦8.hurry v.=do sth.in a hurry in a hurry 匆忙地匆忙地 (hurriedly)hurry aboard=go aboard in a hurry hurry to S.P.=go to S.P.in a hurry#Then he hurried to an ice cream shop.=Then he went to an ice cream shop in a hurry.9.take the next ferry 乘下一班渡轮乘下一班渡轮 take the first bus 乘第一班车乘第一班车11.see sb.doing 看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事 强调强调“看见看见”和和“做某事做某事”同时发生,表示动同时发生,表示动作正在发生,没有结束。作正在发生,没有结束。?我看见很多人在海里游泳?我看见很多人在海里游泳 I saw many people swimming in the sea.?我们今天早上见过他踢足球。?我们今天早上见过他踢足球。We saw him play football this morning.see sb.do sth.看见某人做过某事看见某人做过某事,表示动作,表示动作已经发生过,全过程已经结束已经发生过,全过程已经结束。我经常放学后看她弹钢琴我经常放学后看她弹钢琴。我刚才看见有男孩子在操场上踢球我刚才看见有男孩子在操场上踢球。I often see her play the piano after school.I saw some boys playing football on the playground just now.I saw some boys playing football on the playground just now.He hurried to the bus station to catch the last bus.He went to the bus station hurriedly(in a hurry)to catch the last bus.Can you make a phone call to the fire station?Can you dial 119?I went after the teacher to his office.I followed the teacher to his office.等候渡轮等候渡轮两名女游客两名女游客开始争吵开始争吵拿出一个袋子拿出一个袋子盯着某人盯着某人走上前去走上前去发现发现不见了不见了逃跑逃跑匆忙上船匆忙上船wait for the ferrytwo women touristsbegin arguinghold out a bagstare at sb.go upfind sth.missingrun awayhurry aboard 1.Which person is Paul?2.What did Paul and his father wait for?3.Which people are arguing?4.What is the man doing with bag in Picture 1?5.What is in the bag?6.What was missing?The boy in green T-shirt(They waited for)the ferry.Two women tourists and a man He held out the bag and showed it to the women.Nothing.A purse.跟着某人跟着某人匆忙赶到某地匆忙赶到某地拿起电话拿起电话举报一起盗窃案举报一起盗窃案从某人那偷了某物从某人那偷了某物在河的另一边在河的另一边下船下船站在站在四周四周带着手铐带着手铐干得漂亮干得漂亮 go after sb.hurry to S.P.pick up the phone report a theft steal sth.from sb.on the other side of the river go off stand round be in handcuffs Well done7.What did the man do when the gates opened?8.Did Paul and his father get on the same ferry with the other people?9.What is Pauls father doing in Picture 2?10.Who were standing round the man when Paul and his father got off the ferry?The man hurried aboard.No,they didnt.He is calling the police.Six policeman.C Find the meaningsC1:Find the words and choose the best meanings:1 arguing a speaking noisily and angrily b hating someone2 held out a took out b got out3 aboard a onto a ship or boat b onto a piece of wood4 to report a to give information about sth.b to do sth.important5 a theft a the crime of taking someone away b the crime of stealing sth.A1 stared2 stole3 followed4 hurried5 dialled6 missingC2:Find and match Ba went after or behind someoneb called a number(on a telephone)c went quicklyd took sth.away without paying for ite that you cannot findf looked for a long timeDear KurtYesterday,an(1)_ thing happened to us.My father and I waited for the(2)_.Two women tourists and a man began(3)_.One woman told my(4)_ that three men(5)_ her(6)_.Two of the men(7)_ away.The woman and her friend(8)_ the other man onto the ferry.My father and I did not get on the ferry.He hurried to an ice cream shop and quickly phoned the(9)_.He asked them to(10)_ the ferry when it arrived.We went across the river on the(11)_ ferry.The police got there in time!The man was in(12)_.my father helped those women.He was really great.Write and tell me your news,Kurt.Best wishesPaulexcitingferryarguingfatherstolepurseranfollowedpolicemeetnexthandcuffs1.The man held out a bag to show that he did not have _.a any money b any food c the womans purse2.Who probably had the purse?a One of the other two men b Pauls father c The tourists on the ferry3.Why did Pauls father not get on the ferry?a He wanted to help the women b He was afraid of the man c He wanted to telephone his wife4.At the end of Pauls diary,the man was in handcuffs because _.a he hit the tourists b the police did not want him to run away c he hit a policeman5.Pauls father helped the women,but he did not _.a try to fight the man b get on any ferries c tell the police the truthdiscussion:If someone is in trouble,what shall we do?A:If someone is in trouble,we should try to help themB:If we can help people in a direct way,we should find some other way.We neendt put ourselves in danger.Completing notes of descriptions of peopleFor a note-taking listening exercise,you should do as follows:Read the notes.The notes usually tell you the kinds of things to listen for.Pay attention to the words of personal features such as age,height,weight,hair,clothes,shoes,etc.Listen for the key words in every sentence and write them down quickly.Thief AThief BAgeabout 20about(9)_Height quite(1)_rather(10)_Weight thin(11)_Hair black and(2)_ in colour,quite(3)_ hair,over his(4)_(12)_ hair;black baseball(13)_Clothes(5)_ T-shirt with red(6)_ on it;old blue(7)_dark(14)_ shirt;red(15)_Shoes(8)_ shoesold white(16)_tallbrownlongearswhitewritingjeansblack17shortvery thinshortcapblueshortstrainersListen againThe simple past tense一般过去时:一般过去时:表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去的时存在的状态,常与表示过去的时间状语如间状语如yesterday,last night/week/month/year,ago,atoclock等连用。等连用。一般过去时由动词的过去式表示。动词的时态变一般过去时由动词的过去式表示。动词的时态变化形式主要分为两大类化形式主要分为两大类:规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去时由动词的原形加规则动词的过去时由动词的原形加-d或或-ed构成;构成;不规则动词的过去时各自有其特殊形式,须逐个记不规则动词的过去时各自有其特殊形式,须逐个记住。住。除除bebe以外,其余动词没有人称和数的变化。以外,其余动词没有人称和数的变化。动词动词be的第一人称和第三人称单数过去时态形式的第一人称和第三人称单数过去时态形式用用was,其余用,其余用were。绝大多数的规则动词绝大多数的规则动词 加加-edwalk walked以字母以字母e e结尾的规则结尾的规则动词动词直接加直接加-edarrive arrived以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y y结尾结尾的规则动词的规则动词去去y加加-iedcry criedhurry hurried重读闭音节,以重读闭音节,以“辅辅音字母音字母+元音字母元音字母+辅辅音字母音字母(w(w和和y y除外除外)”结尾的规则动词结尾的规则动词双写结尾的双写结尾的字母再加字母再加-edstop stoppedtravel travelledprefer preferred肯定肯定否定否定动词动词bebeI(He/She/It)wasYou wereWe(You/They)wereI(He/She/It)was notYou were notWe(You/They)were not动词动词havehaveI(You/He/She/It)We(You/They)hadI(You/He/She/It)We(You/They)had not 或者或者 didnt have 一般过去时中的助动词是一般过去时中的助动词是did。因此,在构成否。因此,在构成否定、疑问及简单回答时,都需要助动词定、疑问及简单回答时,都需要助动词did。肯定肯定否定否定I(You/He/She/It)+动词过去时动词过去时I(You/He/She/It)did not +动词原形动词原形We(You/They)+动词过去时动词过去时We(You/They)did not +动词原形动词原形一般疑问句一般疑问句简略回答简略回答Did you(he/she/it)+动词原形动词原形?Yes,I(he/she/it)did.No,I(he/she/it)did not.I(he/she/it)didnt.Did we(you/they)+动词原形动词原形?Yes,we(they)did.No,we(they)did not.we(they)didnt.一般过去时的疑问句中的一般过去时的疑问句中的动词使用原形动词使用原形!Did it rain on Sunday?星期天下雨了吗?星期天下雨了吗?Did Helen come to the party last night?昨晚海伦来参加聚会了吗?昨晚海伦来参加聚会了吗?Did you see the movie yesterday?你昨天看电影了吗?你昨天看电影了吗?yesterday yesterday morning/yesterday afternoon/yester day eveninglast week/month/year/nightago three weeks ago/ten minutes ago/an hour ago1.The man held out a bag and showed it to them.那个男人拿出一个包并给他们看。那个男人拿出一个包并给他们看。2.The kids hurried to open their presents.孩子们赶紧拆开他们的礼物。孩子们赶紧拆开他们的礼物。3.They flew to Paris last Friday.上星期五他们乘飞机去了巴黎。上星期五他们乘飞机去了巴黎。I played tennis yesterday,but I didnt win.4.我昨天打网球去了,但我没赢。我昨天打网球去了,但我没赢。We went to the cinema,but we didnt enjoy the film.5.我们去看电影了,但我们不喜我们去看电影了,但我们不喜欢那部电影欢那部电影。1.I watched TV last night.2.I enjoyed the party.3.I had a good holiday.4.I slept well last night.Did you watch TV last night?Did you enjoy the party?Did you have a good holiday?Did you sleep well last night?1.JULIA Did you hear the argument?(hear)PAUL Yes,I heard the argument.2.JULIA Did you see the theft?(see)PAUL No,I did not see the theft.3.JULIA Did the man steal the womans purse?(steal)PAUL Yes,he stole her purse.4.JULIA Did anyone else help the two women?(help)PAUL No,no one else helped them.5.JULIA Did the women follow the man onto the ferry?(follow)PAUL Yes,they followed him onto the ferry.Exercises on Page 366.JULIA Did you and your father go on the ferry with that man?(go)PAUL No,we didnt go on it with him.7.JULIA Did your father use the phone in a shop to call the police?(use)PAUL Yes,he used the one in the ice cream shop.8.JULIA Did he tell the police the name of the ferry?(tell)PAUL Yes,he told them its name.9.JULIA Did the police meet the ferry in time?(meet)PAUL Yes,they met it in time.10.JULIA Did you talk to the police when your ferry arrived?(talk)PAUL No,we didnt talk to them.1.28 Setember We helped two tourists.We helped two tourists _.2.23 Setember We visited my grandmother.We visited her _.3.15 Setember I visit the museum.I visited the museum _.4.6 Setember It was my birthday today.My birthday was _.5.2 Setember We moved to our new flat.We moved here _.6.8 p.m.,30 Setember I finished all my homework I finished it _.Exercises on Page 37 B1two days ago/last Fridayone week ago/last Sundayfifteen days ago24 days agofour weeks agoone hour agoB2:Police arrest Pizza gang Yesterday,a robbery took place at the famous Pizza Palace.At two thirty,two men(1)_(go)into the Pizza Palace.They(2)_(carry)guns.Another member of the gang,a woman,(3)_(wait)outside in the car.The two men(4)_(not take)any money,but they(5)_(take)a lot of pizzas.They ran towards their car,but they(6)_(drop)the pizzas.The woman tried to(7)_(drive)away.However,three policemen(8)_(arrive)in time and(9)_(catch)the members of the gang.This is worlds first pizza robbery.wentcarriedwaiteddidnt taketookdroppeddrovearrivedcaught1.What time did the men enter the Pizza Palace?(enter)2.How many men _ the Pizza Palace?(enter)3._ they _ guns?(carry)4._ anyone _ outside the Pizza Palace?(wait)5._ the robbers _ a lot of money?(take)6._ they _ into the car?(get)7.What _ next?(happen)B3enteredDid carryDid waitDid take Did gethappenedA Talk timeA1 Practise reading:/t/d/id/helped agreed ended laughed apologized lifted pressed carried recorded switched turned visitedA2 Listen and read these sentences1.She turned it on.2.She pressed the button.3.She recorded the music.4.She switched it off.5.She lifted it up.6.She carried it down.The pronouncing rules:Final sound of base form of verb f k p vowel(元音元音)d tSound of simple past ending /t/(eg.stopped)/d/(eg.hurried)/id/(eg.painted)A Friday,30 September Today was my(1)_.In(2)_,the postman(3)_.He(4)_ me a lot of(5)_.At 1 p.m.,my parents,my brother and I(6)_ for lunch.We(7)_ at Thai Kitchen.The food(8)_ delicious.In(9)_,my brother gave me a present.It was(10)_.birthdaythe morningcamegavebirthday cardswent outatewasthe afternoona radio Later I(1)saw a robbery at the Town Bank.Two men(2)came into the bank.They(3)took a lot of money and ran out of the bank.A(4)helicopter waited for them outside.The men(5)climbed up to it,but(6)the money fell out of the bags.It(7)started to rain money!The people(8)in the street were very excited.B Sunday,28 September In the morning,I got up at 6 a.m.and did some exercise.I finished my breakfast at 8 a.m.After that,I read some English books.At 10 a.m.,my cousin came.We watched TV and played computer games.At noon,my cousin and I went out for lunch.We went to an Italian restaurant.The chicken and vegetable pizza was so delicious!In the afternoon,the weather was fine,so we went to play tennis in the court.We met two of my classmates there and we decided to have a match with them.My classmates were very good at playing tennis.But finally,my cousin and I won the match.At 5 p.m.,we went home happily.In the evening,my mother made us a delicious supper.I did some reading after supper and went to bed at 10 p.m.C:A sample


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