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1.Ben 非常胜任这个工作。非常胜任这个工作。(qualify)Ben is highly qualified for the job.qualify vi.取得资格取得资格,有资格有资格 as;for;to do vt.使有资格使有资格 sb for;sb to do;be(well/highly/fully)qualified for/to doe.g.To as a lawyer you have to study many years.Will our team for the second round of the competition?His qualified to teach Chinese overseas.Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion.Her education qualified her to practice law.He is well qualified to do the job/for the job.2.他们提供优质的饭菜,就餐房间干净、明亮。他们提供优质的饭菜,就餐房间干净、明亮。(quality)They serve high quality food in a clean,well-lighted room.quality n.质量质量;品质品质,品德品德;(事物事物/物质物质/地方地方)特点特点,特性特性 adj.优质的优质的,高质量的高质量的e.g.Q is more important than quantity.The food is of the highest.He has all the qualities of a successful writer.Sympathy is his best.One of wood is that it can burn.We offer consumers products at reasonable prices.This restaurant attracts customers with food and service.3.不要老是和别人争吵,不要老是和别人争吵,要学会如何与你周围的人相要学会如何与你周围的人相 处。处。(quarrel)Dont always quarrel with others,and learn how to get along well with people around you.quarrel vi.&n.争吵争吵 with sb;about/over sth;with sb about sth with sth埋怨埋怨,挑毛病挑毛病,反对反对e.g.Jack and his wife are always ing.It is no use ing about it with me.He regretted having ed with his mother.A bad workman s with his tools.She s with her fate because she is not a boy.4.人们买票得排几个小时的队。人们买票得排几个小时的队。(queue)People had to stand in a queue for hours to buy a ticket.queue vi.&n.排队排队 up;(up)for sth/to do stand in a (line);form a jump the 夹塞夹塞,不按顺序排队等候不按顺序排队等候e.g.People d(up)for tickets for the concert.We d up to go into the theatre.At the airport,taxis (up)for passengers.There was a long for the tickets.We stood in a for over an hour.Someone tried to jump the and was stopped.5.在农村长大的孩子似乎更诚实些。在农村长大的孩子似乎更诚实些。(raise)Children raised in the country seem more honest.raise 举起举起,抬起抬起;增加增加,提高提高;筹筹(款款),集集(资资);提出提出(问题问题);抚养抚养(子女子女),养家养家;种植种植,饲养饲养e.g.He slowly d the glass to his lips.OPEC d the oil price by 10%.A lot of questions were d at the meeting.We tried to funds for the Hope Project.He is a farmer and s chickens/pigs.We want to our kids to be decent people.I got angry and d my voice.Mother used to flowers.举起举起提高提高提出提出筹集筹集饲养饲养抚养抚养提高嗓门提高嗓门种植种植6.参加这次演讲比赛的选手年龄从参加这次演讲比赛的选手年龄从16到到30不等。不等。(range)The people who participated in the speech contest ranged in age from 16 to 30.range n.范围范围;山脉山脉;射程射程e.g.The missile has a of 2000 kilometers.The company puts out a large of products.v.处在处在范围内范围内 betweenand;(in)fromto 范围涉及范围涉及 over e.g.The participants ages between 16 and 25.The quality of food s from good to excellent.Autumn in Beijing is the most pleasant season with the temperature ing between 12 to 25.Their conversation d over many subjects.His lecture d over a variety of topics.7.他想获得诺贝尔奖的愿望不大可能实现。他想获得诺贝尔奖的愿望不大可能实现。(realize)His ambition to win Nobel Prize is not likely to be realized.realize 认识到认识到,意识到意识到;实现实现e.g.One should ones limitations.I finally d what he meant.His dream/wish/aim/hope/ambition was d.8.看着这幅画,他回想起幸福的童年。看着这幅画,他回想起幸福的童年。(recall)While looking at the photo/At the photo,he recalled his happy childhood.recall 回忆回忆,想起想起,记得记得 sth;doing;that/who/where/where 召回召回,收回收回e.g.But I cant your name at the moment.I d seeing him at a feast once or twice.I dont where I met him.The government has d its ambassador from Paris.The factory has ed the cars that were unsafe.9.好久没有回来他几乎认不出他的家乡了。好久没有回来他几乎认不出他的家乡了。(recognize)He could hardly recognize his hometown after a long absence.recognize 认出认出,认清认清;承认承认e.g.He changed so much that we could hardly him.She d her lack of qualification.I d that I was not qualified for the post.Portugal d Guinea-Bissau in 1974.John is d as the best footballer in the school.I d the handwriting as that of my brother.n.recognition The city has changed beyond recognition.10.我想把这本书推荐给你们读一下。我想把这本书推荐给你们读一下。(recommend)Id like to recommend this book for you to read.recommend建议建议,劝告劝告 sth;sb to do;doing;that 推荐推荐,介绍介绍 sb/sth;sb sth;to sb;fore.g.He ed a long holiday.He ed me to take a long holiday.My teacher ed my taking up Spanish.I that everyone(should)buy this dictionary.Perhaps you can me a good hotel.You can some books to your students.My former principal ed me for the post.11.经过几个月的治疗,他终于从疾病中恢复了。经过几个月的治疗,他终于从疾病中恢复了。(recover)After several months treatment,he at last recovered from the disease.recover 痊愈痊愈,康复康复,恢复恢复;找回找回vi.recover from(疾病疾病,不愉快的情感不愉快的情感/经历经历/状态状态)vt.recover(正常健康正常健康/情感情感/状态状态)e.g.Amy is still ing from that flu.She was fired and hasnt ed from the shock.It might take years for the country to from the financial crisis.The thief was caught but the items never ed.She seems to have ed her spirits/health.It was hours before Marian ed her consciousness.12.他谈到他的教学经验时提及了他的老师。他谈到他的教学经验时提及了他的老师。(refer)He referred to his teacher when he talked about his teaching experience.refer to 提到提到,说起说起;有关有关,针对针对;参考参考,查阅查阅;把把称作称作e.g.He red to the subject several times in his speech.Jack was careful not to to his past experiences.When I said someone was unreasonable I wasnt ring to you.Students are not supposed to to their notes or dictionaries when taking an examination.We often to our class teacher as brother.13.他把这张画视为他最珍贵的财产。他把这张画视为他最珍贵的财产。(regard)He regards the painting as the most valuable property of his.regard vt.认为认为,看待看待 sb/sth ase.g.He seemed to it as small triumph.We his conduct as(being)totally unacceptable.They ed the information as of very little value.n.关心关心,重视重视;尊敬尊敬;(pl.)问候问候e.g.Joe is courageous,for whom I have a great.Please give my best s to your parents.As s/In to/With to(关于关于)the contract,the second item must be changed.14.他不顾我的反对,仍一意孤行。他不顾我的反对,仍一意孤行。(regardless)Regardless of my protest,he carried on.regardless of 不管不管,不顾不顾e.g.The game will be held of the weather.He is always doing what he likes of any risk.His parents often buy him what he wants of the expenses.The soldiers came to the villagers rescue of the danger.15.我做过的事从不后悔。我做过的事从不后悔。(regret)I never regret doing what I have done.regret vt.懊悔懊悔,后悔后悔 sth,doing;that vi.遗憾遗憾 to say/tell/inform e.g.I the loss of her friendship.Do you the choice you made?He ted his ignorance of the subject.I never resigning my position abroad.She ted having said that to him.I that I cant go traveling with you.I to tell you that your application was refused.I to say that there is no mail for you.16.新放映的那部电影吸引了大批年青人。新放映的那部电影吸引了大批年青人。(release)The newly-released movie attracted a large number of young people.release v.&n.释放释放,放出放出;松开松开,拉开拉开;发布发布,公布公布e.g.The authorities d two political prisoners.The energy d by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.The tiger was accidentally d from its cage.He started the engine and d the handbrake.They have just d their second album.The new film will be next month.After his from prison he came home.I had a feeling of after all the examinations.The date of the of the new film hasnt been decided.17.这药会缓解病人的剧烈头疼吗?这药会缓解病人的剧烈头疼吗?(relieve)Will the medicine relieve the patient of his bad headache?relieve 减轻减轻(痛苦痛苦/病症病症/紧张紧张);使感到放心使感到放心/宽慰宽慰;救济救济,赈济赈济 relieve sb of sthe.g.Acupuncture s pain.Youd better telephone to your mothers uneasiness.The good news d us.I was d to see him go.Public funds d the poverty-stricken families.Let me you of your suitcase/work.n.relief 减轻减轻(痛苦痛苦/忧虑等忧虑等);救济金救济金/物资物资 to sbs relief 使感到宽慰使感到宽慰e.g.The family is poor and has to apply for relief.Much to my relief,he came home safe.18.新药对病人是否有效还是个问题。新药对病人是否有效还是个问题。(remain)It remains(to be)a problem whether the new drug has an effect/is effective on the patient.remain vi.逗留逗留,留下留下,剩下剩下,遗留遗留e.g.A few apples on the tree.After the fire nothing ed of the house.The kids begged their father to at home.link.v.依然依然,保持保持(某种状态某种状态)(跟形容词跟形容词/分词分词/名词名词/介词短语介词短语/to be done)e.g.Its brave of him to calm in face of danger.She ed standing for a long time.It was 10a.m.but the shop ed closed.We good friends after graduation.My son s under the care of my mother.Whether it will do good or harm s to be seen.19.听了他的话,在场的人都被感动了。听了他的话,在场的人都被感动了。(remark)All the people present were moved at his remark.remark v.注意到注意到;评论评论e.g.Did you the similarity between them?He ed that it had suddenly grow colder.“Richmond is a very pretty place.”he ed.n.评论评论,议论议论I thought his s were cutting.Sophia made no s as to Jacks odd behavior.Your s may have hurt her feelings.She went angry at his.20.这张照片使我想起了我们在海边度假的日子。这张照片使我想起了我们在海边度假的日子。(remind)The photo reminds me of the days when we were having a holiday at the seaside.remind 提醒提醒,使想起使想起 sb of/about sth;sb to do sth;sb thate.g.The story s me of an experience I once had.The story s me of what I once experienced.Please me to take the medicine after supper.The sight ed me that I was late for the meeting.I need the note to me what to say.21.为什么你从不回答我问你的问题?为什么你从不回答我问你的问题?(reply)Why have you never replied/made any reply to what I asked?reply n.&v.回答回答,答复答复 to sth;that;in toe.g.When I asked what he was doing,he made no /he didnt (to my question).His only was an angry stare./He replied with an angry stare.I am writing in to your letter of 7 August.When asked how he was getting on with his new job,he replied with a shrug.We invited him to go traveling with us,but he replied that it was out of the question.22.高三学生在高考前都必须接受一次例行体检。高三学生在高考前都必须接受一次例行体检。(require)All the senior three students are required to have a routine physical check-up/medical examination before they take the college entrance examinations.require 需要需要 sth;doing(=need doing)要求要求,规定规定 sth;sb to do sth;that.;sth of sbe.g.The cause of the accident s further investigation.We extra help from our teachers.The floor s washing.What more do you me to do?Working with children s a great deal of patience.The boss d that we(should)work extra time.23.Jill 忍不住拿忍不住拿Dick 的新发型开玩笑。的新发型开玩笑。(resist)Jill couldnt resist making jokes about Dicks new hairstyle.resist 抵制抵制,抵抗抵抗(常用于否定句常用于否定句);对抗对抗,反抗反抗;抵挡抵挡 doing sth;sth e.g.I cant sweet things,especially chocolate.At the funny sight,I couldnt laughing.The thief couldnt the temptation of the wallet.The country was too weak to the invasion.The shelter is designed to the extreme heat.n.resistance 抵抗力抵抗力;抵抗抵抗,反对反对,抵制抵制e.g.Vitamin A helps build resistance to infection.The proposal met some resistance from us.adj.resistant 能抵抗能抵抗(be)resistant to sthe.g.Plastics can be made resistant to water,heat and electricity.(能防水能防水,隔热隔热,绝缘绝缘)24.消息传来,水灾地区所有的受害者都得救了。消息传来,水灾地区所有的受害者都得救了。(rescue)News came that all the people suffering from the flood were rescued.rescue v.援救援救,拯救拯救,挽救挽救 sb/sth frome.g.The dog d the child from drowning.The firemen d a baby from the burning house.The government tried to the firm from e/go to sbs;come to the rescue(of)e.g.A team are trying to reach the trapped miners.The boy would have drowned had not Jim gone to the/his.25.合同规定,公司承诺将对实验的后果承担全部责任。合同规定,公司承诺将对实验的后果承担全部责任。(responsibility)According to the contract,the company will take/assume/accept/bear full responsibility for the consequences of the experiment.responsibility(U&C)责任责任,职责职责;责任心责任心,责任感责任感 have/take/bear/undertake for(doing)sth have a to do sth;have a to/towards sb sense of 责任感责任感e.g.Joe have overall for sales and marketing.Joe全面负责销售和营销。全面负责销售和营销。He offered to take for taking Jane to hospital.I think it my to take care of the orphan.As a teacher,I have a to my students.We think that you lack a sense of.26.我美国的朋友收到我的信,给我回了一个电话。我美国的朋友收到我的信,给我回了一个电话。(respond)My American friend responded to my letter with a phone call.respond v.反应反应,回应回应;回答回答,回复回复 to sth(by doing);thate.g.I offered him a drink but he didnt (to my offer).She ed(to my suggestion)with a laugh/by laughing.Would you to my question?How did Sam to your invitation?n.response in (to sth)e.g.My letter of inquiry brought no response.Whats his response to these charges?I am writing in response to your inquiries.27.一点都不奇怪一点都不奇怪Tom因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。(reward n.)It is no wonder that Tom received a medal in reward for his bravery.reward n.&v.奖赏奖赏,报偿报偿,回报回报 sb for sth;sb with sthe.g.The prize is a just for his hard work.He was presented with a gold watch as a for his service.He believed that the company would him for his efforts.The old man ed the boy with$10 for bringing back the lost dog.Miners feel they are inadequately ed for the dangerous work they do.28.据说直到她去世,她的那个秘密才被透露出来。据说直到她去世,她的那个秘密才被透露出来。(reveal)It is said that secret of hers was not revealed till her death/the end of her life.reveal 揭示揭示,透露透露;展示展示,显示显示 sth(to sb);that/how/whate.g.Little by little he ed his ambition.The results are not ed until later.These letters ed him to be an dishonest man/that he was an dishonest man.The door opened and ed our lost son.29.他多次向妈妈保证他将为死去的哥哥报仇。他多次向妈妈保证他将为死去的哥哥报仇。(revenge)He repeatedly assured his mother that he would revenge his dead brother.revenge v.报复报复 sth为为报复报复;sb为为报仇报仇;be d on sb(for sth)(因因)向向报复报复 oneself on sb向向报复报复/报仇报仇e.g.I will that insult.我会为所受的侮辱报复。我会为所受的侮辱报复。He d his dead sister/(the murder of)his sister.Ill myself(on you)for what you did to me.Ill be d on you for what you did to me.n.报复报复 in/out of 作为作为/出于报复出于报复 have/get ones on sb(for sth);take on sbe.g.He said he would get/have his/take on the company for dismissing him.William did it in/out of.30.这种植物在矿物质多的土壤里长势良好。这种植物在矿物质多的土壤里长势良好。(rich)This kind of plant grows well in the soil rich in minerals.rich 丰富的丰富的,富含富含的的(be)in 盛产盛产;含有大量的含有大量的e.g.The northern part of the country is in coal.This fish is in oil.Our home was always in love.The doctor proposed a diet in protein.医生建议食用富含蛋白质的饮食。医生建议食用富含蛋白质的饮食。He made a speech in irony.他的演讲充满讥讽他的演讲充满讥讽31.近来,生活费用持续上涨,人们的收入却没什么变近来,生活费用持续上涨,人们的收入却没什么变 化。化。(rise)Nowadays,the cost of living keeps rising while peoples income remains unchanged.rise vi.e.g.Smoke rose into the sky.She rose and left the room.I am always the first to.Food costs rose sharply.Since 2002 our total output rose by 50%.After the rain the river will.His voice rose in excitement.The wind rose during the night.The people rose against their ruler.上升上升起身起身起床起床上涨上涨增长增长上涨上涨(嗓门嗓门)提高提高起起(风风)起义起义/反抗反抗n.give to引起;引起;on the 在增长在增长/上涨上涨/扩大扩大 with the of随着随着的崛起的崛起/增长增长/32.某些政府官员为了个人利益不惜冒险犯罪。某些政府官员为了个人利益不惜冒险犯罪。(run)Some government officials ran the risk of committing crimes for their personal interests.run a risk of(doing)sth 冒冒(做某事的做某事的)风险风险at the risk of(doing)sth;take the risk of doing sthe.g.You run the risk of upsetting her if you tell her the truth.He saved me at the risk of losing his own.I dont want to take any risks.risk ones life(to do sth);risk doing sth;riskon sthe.g.The policeman risked his life to save the child.I couldnt afford to risk missing that train.Its foolish to risk money on a throw of the dice.They risked defeat in fighting the larger enemy.He was willing to risk his death to save her.


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