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一般过去时被动语态一般过去时被动语态The Passive Voice 初中英语人教版新目标(Goforit)九年级Unit6Whenwasitinvented?孙永珍孙永珍 宁夏吴忠市盐池县第三中学宁夏吴忠市盐池县第三中学一、主一、主动语态与被与被动语态:主主动语态表示表示主主语是是动作的作的 执行者。行者。被被动语态表示表示主主语是是动作的作的承受者。承受者。Model:Many people built the bridge in 1990.(主(主动语态)The bridge was built by many people in 1990.(被(被动语态)George Crum invented potato chips by mistake.(主(主动语态)Potato chips were invented by mistake.(被(被动语态)二、二、一般过去时一般过去时被被动语态的构成:的构成:was were +done(过去分词)(过去分词)三、一般三、一般过去去时被被动语态的用法的用法:1.当我们当我们不知道不知道谁是是动作的作的执行者行者时要用被要用被动语态。如如:This car was made in Shanghai.2.没有必要没有必要说明明谁是是动作的作的执行者行者时要用被要用被动语态。语态。如如:My bike was stolen last night.3.只需只需强强调动作的承受者作的承受者时要用被要用被动语态。如如:The bridge was built in 1990.Bell invented the telephone in 1876.The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876.主动语态变被动语态的结构图主动语态变被动语态的结构图:主语主语 谓语动词谓语动词 过去式过去式 宾语宾语 时间状语时间状语 主语主语 谓语动词的谓语动词的 过去分词过去分词 宾语宾语 时间状语时间状语四、主四、主动语态变为被被动语态的方法:的方法:1.在主在主谓宾结构中把主构中把主动句的句的宾语变为被被动句的句的主主语,主主动句的主句的主语变为介介词by 的的宾语(不(不必要必要强强调动作的作的执行者行者时可省略)可省略),如:如:We planted many trees last year.Many trees were planted last year.1)He told her a long story.间接宾语间接宾语 直接宾语直接宾语 a.She was told by him a long story.A long story was told to her by him.Mother bought me a new coat.间接宾语间接宾语 直接宾语直接宾语 I was bought a new coat by mother.a.A new coat was bought for me.2.在主谓双宾语结构中变为被动语态时在主谓双宾语结构中变为被动语态时,只将只将其中一个宾语变为被动语态的主语其中一个宾语变为被动语态的主语,另一个宾语不另一个宾语不变,如:变,如:.“主谓宾宾补主谓宾宾补”句型变为被动语句型变为被动语态时态时,只将句中的宾语变为被动句中的主只将句中的宾语变为被动句中的主语语,宾补不变。如:宾补不变。如:1)I found him lying on the floor.宾语宾语 宾补宾补 He was found lying on the floor.2)We called her Rose before.宾语宾语 宾补宾补 She was called Rose before by us.4.当主动句中有当主动句中有 see/hear/feel/watch/notice/make/let/have sb do sth 变为被动句时变为被动句时,do 前要加上前要加上to 如:如:1)He made the farmers work for a long time.The farmers were made to work for a long time by him.2)They let the boy go to bed early.The boy was let to go to bed early by them.把下列主动语态的句子变为被动语态。把下列主动语态的句子变为被动语态。学学 以以 致致 用用练习一练习一1.The boy broke the window.The window was broken by the boy.2.Students learned English in the middle school?English was learned in the middle school by students?练习二练习二 1.My parents bought me a bike.2.Jack gave Jim a present.I was bought a bike by my parents.A bike was bought for me by my parents.Jim was given a present by Jack.A present was given to Jim by Jack.练习三练习三 1.We cleaned the classroom clean yesterday.The classroom was cleaned clean by us.2.She told me to buy the food.I was told to buy the food by her.练习四练习四1.I saw him fall off the three.2.We heard them singing in the next room.He was seen to fall off the tree.They were heard to sing(by us)in the next room.


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