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the Present Perfect Continuous Tense Form:have/has+been+doing the Present Perfect Continuous TensePart B:The boy started having dinner five minutes ago.He is still having dinner now.hasbeenhaving The boy _ (have)dinner since five minutes ago.Themanstartedworkinginthefieldhalfanhourago.Heisstillworkingnow.hasbeenworkingTheman_(work)inthefieldforhalfanhour.1.We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about actions that started in the past and are still continuing.Summary(1):I have not been sleeping well since I returned home.past presentnot being able to sleep wellIm still not sleeping well.I returned home.We also use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about actions that have just finished but are still connected to the present in some way.Summary(2):-Kelly:Sorry Im late.Have you been waiting long?-Mavis:Yes.Ive been waiting for an hour.past One hour ago Present Mavis started waiting for Kelly.Kelly arrives.通常通常:wait,stay,sit,lie更倾向与更倾向与用完成进行时用完成进行时 Notes:现在完成进行时具有现在完成进行时具有未完性未完性,暂时暂时性性等特点等特点,并带有并带有感情色彩感情色彩(如表责如表责备备,抱怨等抱怨等).I have been waiting for you for 2 hours.(带有感情色彩带有感情色彩,表抱怨表抱怨)havebeenobservinghavebeentalkinghavebeentakinghavebeenwatchinghaveseenhavebeenwriting1.We use the presentperfecttense to talk about anactioncompletedintherecentpast,&the presentperfectcontinuoustense for an action that startedinthepastandisstillhappening.PartC Comparison:past now future PPThave donepast now futurehave been doing PPCTLi Jia _ (read)a book about Stonehenge.(She finished reading the book.)Li Jia _(read)a book about Stonehenge.(She is still reading the book.)hasreadhasbeenreading 2.We can use the presentperfecttense for repeatedactions,and the presentperfectcontinuoustense for non-stopactions.I _Egypt many times.(repeated actions)The man _(skate)this morning.(non-stop action)hasvisitedhasbeenskating3.We usually use thepresentperfecttensetoaskquestionsbeginningwithhowmanyorhowmuch,and the presentperfectcontinuoustensetoaskquestionsbeginningwithhowlong.How long have you been swimming in the lake?How many times have you swum in the lake?4.We can use either astateverboranactionverb with the presentperfecttense but we usually can only useanactionverb with the presentperfectcontinuoustense.1.action:means sth.happening or changing.2.action verbs:eg:go,do,play,take,Notes:2.state:means sth.staying the same.state verbs:eg:like,know,exist1)She has had the pen for 2 years.2)She has written many compositions with this pen.3)She has been writing compositions with this pen.stateverbactionverbactionverb5.We use the present perfect tense,not the presentperfectcontinuoustense,with the words like never,yet,alreadyandever.()I have never visited America.()I have already been to America.()I have never been visiting America.()1.Although he has lived with us for years,he _ us much impression.A.hadnt left B.didnt leave C.doesnt leave D.hasnt left Multiple choice:D()2.How can you possibly miss the news?It _ on TV all day long.A.has been B.had been C.was D.will beB.A()3.-_ Dad and Vicky _ married?A.How long were,being B.How long,haveC.How long have,beenD.How long did,getCTips:瞬间动词瞬间动词(die,marry,start,join,go)的肯定形式不能与表一段的肯定形式不能与表一段时间的词连用时间的词连用.()4.-How long _ at the job?-Since 1990.A.were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you been employed D.will you been employed B()5.I wonder why Jenny _ us recently.We should have heard from her by now.A.hasnt written B.doesnt writeC.C.wont write D.D.hadnt written A1)Finish the exercises on Students Book,Page 11(A,B)P88(C1,C2)exercises:1)Go through what we learnt today and get familiar with them.(textbook:P8-10)2)Finish the exercises on (Page 11-15)Homework:Thank you!Thank you!


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