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青少版新概念青少版新概念1bunit221bunit22New words and expressionsalotof很多很多shy害羞的害羞的 many很多很多introduce向向介介绍某人某人/某物某物introducesb./sth.toto向向studies学学习,研究,研究true真真实的的always总是是New words and expressionsalotofalotof=lotsof修修饰名名词,既可以是可数名,既可以是可数名词复数,也可以是复数,也可以是不可数名不可数名词some也可以修也可以修饰名名词,既可以是可数名,既可以是可数名词复复数,也可以是不可数名数,也可以是不可数名词,用于肯定居中,用于肯定居中在否定和疑在否定和疑问句中用句中用anyshyadj.害羞的害羞的shy-shyer-shyestashysmile/glance腼腆的微笑腆的微笑/羞怯的一瞥羞怯的一瞥shy形容某人不喜形容某人不喜欢在社交活在社交活动中主中主动表表现,常有褒常有褒义。New words and expressionsmany很多很多many+可数名可数名词much+不可数名不可数名词true真真实的的cometrue实现 成成为现实yourtruecolours本性,本来面目本性,本来面目New words and expressionsalways总是是alwaysdoingsth总是做某事是做某事asalways和往常一和往常一样,和料想一,和料想一样New words and expressionsChallenge your eyes a lot of shy many introduce to studies true always jacket cd DVD skirt vegetablePolly:Theres Claire in Karens garden.Look,shes with Paul again.Annie:Yes.Theyre very good friends.通常放在动词短语的最后。在一般的陈述句中复数名词前面不加冠词,其单数形式是a very good friend(一类中的一个)。Listening and understandingListening and understandingPolly:Has she got a lot of friends now,Annie?Annie:Well,shes very new here.And shes shy.Perhaps she hasnt got many friends.通常放在主语前或动词短语的最后。many+可数名词Polly:Well,there are lots of nice girls at the art college.Annie:And Paul has got a lot of friends.He can introduce her to them.Polly:Yes.Perhaps shes happy with Paul.Hes a lovely young man.at the art college 在小范围的地方用at,at school at home大范围的地方用in,in ChinaListening and understanding introduce her to them introduce+名词或代词+to+名词或代词,不能说introduce them her a lovely young man当名词前有形容词时,不太具体的形容词放在前面,更具体的形容词紧挨着名词放在其前面。Listening and understandingAnnie:And theyre both very busy with their studies.They havent got a lot of spare time.Polly:Thats true.Pauls always busy.Now tell me about Claires mother be busy with sth/sb 忙于空闲时间 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 在陈述句中always放在be的后面,在疑问句中,它放在主语后面。tell sb about告诉某人关于Listening and understanding/I/here deer hear near beer clear earPronunciation CD CD光盘(compact disc的略语)DVD DVD光盘 jacket 夹克衫 magazine 杂志 video 录像带 blouse 女士衬衫 skirt 裙子 vegetable 蔬菜 relative 亲戚New words and expressions magazine magazine magazine video blouse blouse blouse skirt skirt vegetable vegetable relative relative studies introduce always shy true jacketgrammerHave/Has got句型:它表示某物归某人所有,是一种所属关系,主语为人。Have/Has got句型:A、否定句:在Have或Has后加not,缩写为Havent或Hasnt.B、疑问句:把Have或Has提前转换:have got=have has got=hasA、在只含有have的句子中,变否定句在have前加dont,其余不变。变疑问句在句首加Do,其余不变。B、在只含有has的句子中,变否定句在has前加doesnt,has变成have。变疑问句在句首加Does,has变成have。have got指的是“某人有什么东西”,主语往往是“人”;there be强调的是“何时/地存在什么东西”,主语是“There”。有时候这个东西可以是人。如:1.Tony has got a big family.(人)2.Lingling has got some apples.(物)3.There are some pictures in the book.(地方有)4.There are ten people at work at that time.(当时有)另外,同学们还要留意的是把这两个句式变成否定句和问句及其回答。1.Tony hasnt got a big family.Has Tony got a big family?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt.2.Lingling hasnt got any apples.Has Lingling got any apples?Yes,she has./No,she hasnt.3.There arent any pictures in the book.Are there any pictures in the book?Yes,there are./No,there arent.4.There arent ten people at work at that time.Are there ten people at work at that time?Yes,there are./No,there arent.在使用这两个句型的时候还要留意一点:后面所跟的是东西是可数还是不可数,单数还是复数,肯定还是定,陈述还是疑问。如:Mike has got a cat.There are many cats in the tree.Betty has got some bread.There isnt any cake on the table.因此,我们要留意不定冠词a,an和some,any等词的用法。而have则等于have got,所以,have和have got的用法是一样的。practicePaul has got some videos.(同义句)Paul has some videos.Karen has got lots of blouses.(同义句)Karen has lots of blouses.We have got many magazines.(同义句)We have many magazines.Has Paul got any apples?(同义句)Does Paul have any apples?Has Robert got lots of shirts?(同义句)Does Robert have lots of shirts?Have you got many books?(同义句)Do you have many books?practicepracticeHas Paul got any apples?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt.Does Paul have any apples?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.Have you got many books?Yes,we have./No,we havent.Do you have many books?Yes,we do./No,we dont.Paul has got some videos.(一般疑问句和否定句)Has Paul got any apples?Paul hasnt got any apples.Karen has got lots of blouses.(一般疑问句和否定句)Has Karen got lots of blouses.Karen hasnt got lots of blouses.We have got many magazines.(一般疑问句和否定句)Have you got many books?We havent got many books.practice1.unit22的所有单词3英1汉2.背诵课文第2,3,4,5段3.56页的课文总结写到作业本上4.掌握have got 句型homework结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!26


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