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英语写作句型补充知识英语写作句型补充知识Periodic Sentence V.S.Loose Sentence 就语义结构而论,periodic sentence(掉尾句)中主要信息在后,次要信息在前,使句子的重心置于句尾,旨在造成悬念,引人入胜;而loose sentence(松散句)则正相反,将句义重心放在句首,使主要信息一目了然。就语法结构而言,periodic sentence(掉尾句)将句子成分中的修饰部分放在主要成分(一般为主谓结构)之前;而loose sentence(松散句)则反之。Compound Sentence,Complex Sentence and Compound-complex Sentence compound sentence(并列句)的特点:compound sentence(并列句)是由并列连词或特定的标点符号将意义相关、结构完整的两个或两个以上的simple sentence(简单句)连接起来构成的。理顺独立短句间逻辑关系:是承递、转折、选择、还是因果,确定好后在并列连接词and,nor,but,yet,or,for,so之中选一个出来连接各分句。complex sentence(复合句)的构成:complex sentence(复合句)包含一个主句及一个或多个从句。从句分为名词性从句、形容词性从句和副词性从句。compound-complex sentence(并列复合句)的构成:顾名思义,compound-complex sentence(并列复合句)是由复合句并列而形成的。具体地说,compound-complex sentence(并列复合句)可以是一个简单句与一个主从复合句用并列连接词连接起来的,也可以是两个主从复合句的并列。如:If you want me to clean your windows,please give me a weeks notice,for I am very busy this month.Parallel Structure parallel structure(平行结构)的特点:parallel structure(平行结构)是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形式表示出来。平行的结构可以是单词、词组、从句,也可以是句子。Minnie bought a ticket to the play.She went out for dinner.She arrived at the theater by 8:00.(parallel structure)Minnie bought a ticket to the play,went out for dinner,and arrived at the theater by 8:00.Fragmentary Sentence 破句(fragmentary sentence)的特点:把句子的一部分当成了一个句子。英语中一个完整的句子必须包含“主语+谓语”结构,否则就是破句。如:The committee decided to give you another week.Considering the strength of your recent proposal.Run-on Sentence 串句(run-on sentence),误将两个独立分句合写在一个句子里面而没有适当地分离标识。如:The price had been lowered,the house remained unsold.Dangling Modifier 垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)的特点:修饰语在句中找不到逻辑上被修饰的对象。分词结构、不定式结构和介词短语做修饰语修饰句子时,易发生垂悬修饰现象。Watching the parade,my wallet was stolen.Misplaced Modifiersmisplaced modifiers:A phrase or clause placed awkwardly in a sentence so that it appears to modify or refer to an unintended word.Jumping and running around playfully,the teacher reprimanded the young students.Misplaced Modifier V.S.Dangling Modifier 1.)A Misplaced Modifier appears to modify the wrong word in the sentence.Place the modifier near the word it modifies to make it easy to understand the thought/idea of the sentence.2.)A Dangling Modifier seems to modify the wrong word or no word at all because the word it should modify has been omitted from the sentence.A participle dangles if it seems to modify a word that it cannot modify sensibly.In this case,we should place the participle,near the word it modifies or put into the sentence some word to be modified.Faulty Parallelism 错误平行结构(faulty parallelism)产生的原因:平行结构(parallelism)是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等语法形式表达,如果意思上并列的成分用不同等的语法形式来表达,就破坏了其平行结构。If a publisher rejects a novel,it is either because the story is unsalable or the author is unknown.


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