乔治奥威尔 Why I Write

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WhyIWrite张雅君 张姚海岛2024/5/2Why I WriteFramework of the articleWriterLiterature worksCommentsWriterParentageCareerMajorworksEvaluationsOrwells press card portrait,taken in 1933outline2024/5/2born in West Bengal(西孟加拉邦),Indiahis father-worked in the Opium Department of the Indian Civil Service.(印度总督府鸦片局)his mother-French parentage,daughter of a timber merchant in Burma(缅甸)Parentage2024/5/2ChildhoodIn 1914,11-year-old Orwell published a poem Wakeup,theboysin the local newspaper for the first timeHe studied in the most famous school Eton College(1917)morose,unsociableanddisobedient2024/5/2I had the lonely childs habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons,and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued.I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts,and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.CONTENTScareerFranceEnglandBurmaSpainBBC2024/5/2Burma(19221927)Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police for five years and eventually resigned the post in 1927.His experience in Burma,which made him recognize the evil side of colonialism and thus left the colonial police force.France(19281929)He began his wandering life and lived in Paris.During this time,he used to wash the dishes in a luxury hotel.2024/5/2England In 1930,he returned to London.He picked up the cloth(a spice),worked as a family teacher,or bookstore clerk,and continued to change his jobs.In 1933,his first novel DownandOutinParisandLondonwas published under the pennames of George Orwell.It described his experiences as a struggling writer.2024/5/2SpainWhen the Spanish Civil War broke out,he went to Spain and joined the Republican militia in fighting against the Fascist forces of Franco.The experience in Spain was described by him inHomagetoCatalonia(1938)BBCIn August 1941 Orwell began to work for the Eastern Service of the BBC at the beginning of the WWII.2024/5/2FrameworksParagraphMain contents14Childhood,family background,personality of the writer.The beginning of 5.ConclusionOne have to know something about the wirters early development in order to assess his motives of writing.59Four motives of writing.The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.The beginning of 10.ConclusionThe four impulses war against each other and they fluctuate according to different writers.1015The wirters career experience which made him begin writing political literary works.His purpose was to balance between political goal and aesthetic experience,which arouses readers attention of the current situation.Major Works2024/5/2A List of his works1931 A Hanging 行刑1933 Down and Out in Paris and London 巴黎伦敦落魄记1934 Burmese Days 在缅甸的日子1935 A Clergymans Daughter 牧师的女儿1936 Keep the Aspidistra Flying 让叶兰在风中飞舞1938 Homage to Catalonia 向加泰罗尼亚致敬1938 Marrakech 马拉喀什1939 Coming up for Air 上来透口气 1940 Inside the Whale 鲸鱼之中2024/5/21941 The Lion and the Unicorn:Socialism and the English Genius 狮子与独角兽1945 Animal Farm 动物庄园1945 Notes on Nationalism 民族主义的基本特征1946 How the Poor Die 穷人之死1949 Reflections on Gandhi 甘地的思考1950 Shooting an Elephant 猎象记1950 Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 2024/5/2 Evaluations 2024/5/2“垂死的肺病患者,三十三年前自己的喘息都已垂死的肺病患者,三十三年前自己的喘息都已不继,就咳尽你一腔的热血。不继,就咳尽你一腔的热血。”-致奥威尔余光中致奥威尔余光中“西方文学自伊索寓言以来,历代都有以动物西方文学自伊索寓言以来,历代都有以动物为主的童话和寓言,但对为主的童话和寓言,但对2020世纪后期的读者来世纪后期的读者来说,此类作品中没有一种比动物庄园更中说,此类作品中没有一种比动物庄园更中肯地道出当今人类的处境了。肯地道出当今人类的处境了。”-夏志清夏志清Orwellwas“thebestEnglishessayistsinceHazlitt.”-IrvingHowe“Asuccessfulimpersonationofaplainmanwhobumpsintoexperienceinanunmediatedwayandtellsthetruthaboutit.”-RushbrookWilliams2024/5/2 奥威尔以锐目观察,批判以斯大林时代的苏联为首、掩盖在社会主义名义下的极权主义,以辛辣的笔触讽刺泯灭人性的极权主义社会和追逐权力者。小说中对极权主义政权的预言在之后的五十年中也不断地为历史印证,所以两部作品堪称世界文坛政治讽喻小说的经典之作,他因此被称为“一代人的冷峻良知”。2024/5/2但其影响绝不仅仅局限于文学界。他在小说中创造的“老大哥”、“新话”、“双重思想”等词汇,皆已收入英语词典;而由他的名字衍生出的“欧威尔主义”、“奥威尔式的”等新词,甚至成为日常通用语汇,从而可见奥威尔和其作品在英语国家的巨大影响。Big BrotherBig Brother is watching you.DoublethinkWAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH2024/5/2PIGSHORCESOTHERSBenjamin(Donkey)dogshenssheepBoxerCloverMollie2024/5/2OldMajorAnimalismSnowballReformerNapoleonReformer,leaderSquealerSupporterTHE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS1.Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.2.Whatever goes upon four legs,or has wings,is a friend.3.No animal shall wear clothes.4.No animal shall sleep in a bed.5.No animal shall drink alcohol.6.No animal shall kill any other animal.7.All animals are equal.2024/5/2Four legs good,two legs bad!4.No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.5.No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.6.No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.7.All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.Four legs good,two legs better!PIGSOld Major Animalism 马克思和列宁Snowball Reformer 托洛茨基Napoleon Reformer,leader 斯大林Squealer Supporter 莫洛托夫HORSESBoxer 广大基层人民Clover 无产阶级Mollie 中产阶级和小资产阶级中 较为反动的部分Benjamin(Donkey)知识分子dogs 极权主义国家的各种暴力机构hens 在农业集体化过程中大规模反抗的农民sheep 愚昧大众2024/5/22024/5/2 Political purpose.Using the word“political”in the widest possible sense.Desire to push the world in a certain direction,to alter other peoples idea of the kind of society that they should strive after.Once again,no book is genuinely free from political bias.The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.Comments2024/5/2Iwantedtowriteenormousnaturalisticnovelswithunhappyendings,fullofdetaileddescriptionsandarrestingsimiles.“眼睛红肿的孩子随处可见,多得像成群的苍蝇”“那块面包就会如镜中之花、水中之月。”“一个木匠两脚交叉坐在一架老掉牙的车床旁,正以闪电般的速度旋制椅子腿”“一列长长的、满身征尘的队伍,正靴声橐橐,车轮辚辚地蜿蜒地前行”“看着这支队伍,就好像看着一群牛羊一样”“而那掠过它们头顶、朝着相反方向翱翔的大白鹳恰似片片碎纸在空中闪着点点银光”Andyetitisalsotruethatonecanwritenothingreadableunlessoneconstantlystrugglestoeffaceonesownpersonality.“他把目光从瞪羚身上移向面包,又从面包转回到瞪羚身上。”带着一点惊讶的神色,似乎以前从未见过这种情景。这边,一个白人给羚羊喂面包吃;而那边,一个阿拉伯小工却饥饿难忍。终于,他怯生生地用法语说道:“我也可以吃一点那片面包的。”40%?%WhatmakesOrwellOrwell?童年和青年时期的经历WhenIsitdowntowriteabookIdonotsaytomyself,Iamgoingtoproduceaworkofart.IwriteitbecausethereissomeliethatIwanttoexpose,somefacttowhichIwanttodrawattention,andmyinitialconcernistogetahearing.“我坐下来写一本书的时候,我并没有对自己说我要产生一部艺术作品。我所以写一本书,是因为我有一个谎言要揭露,我有一个事实要引起大家的注意,我最先关心的事就是要有一个让大家来听我说话的机会。”自我剖析,对世界的洞察2024/5/2Why You Write?Why I writeChildhoodBored of everyday lifeadventure revengedetective stories2024/5/22024/5/2E ENDND2 20160162024/5/2


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