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汉英谓语对比汉英谓语对比Comparing Western and Chinese Philosophies:nWestern:nBinary opposition between the subject and object.(物我两分)nThe subject and its narration form a complete topic.(Theme+Rheme)nChinese:nThe combination of nature and man.nThe subject and object exist in harmony as a unified whole.(天人合一)Result:nWestern:strict syntax built on S+V structurenChinese:not necessarily an“S”or strict“V”V in English(V-centred syntax)n1)English syntax evolves from the variation of the“V”neg.主谓一致,主谓搭配,时态,语态,语气,形式n2)Seven basic structures of Englishn SV The train had arrived(quietly)(at the station)(before we noticed it).n SVC She is a student(of GDUFS)(at the moment).n SVO They ate the food(quickly)(that evening).n SVOO He offered her some wine(politely)(before the dinner).n SVOC They elected him chairman(unanimously)(at the meeting)(last week).n SVOA She put the plates on the table.n SVA Mary is in her office(now).n3)V可以划分出四个单位:可以划分出四个单位:n 定式动词(谓词),补语,宾语,状语n 核心=定式动词(predicate)V in Chinese(V-flexible syntax)n1)没有定式动词)没有定式动词n名词性谓语n 桂林好地方好地方。n 小张广州人广州人。n 一斤苹果三元钱三元钱。n形容词性谓语n 孩子们高兴得跳了起来高兴得跳了起来。n 中俄两国人民友谊比山高,比海深比山高,比海深。n 你父母身体状况怎么样怎么样?n 刘先生见多识广见多识广。n主谓短语作谓语n 我们班一半是广东人一半是广东人。n 小王个子高个子高,小陈身体壮身体壮。n 这件事校长不知道校长不知道。n2)有定式动词,但非常灵活,且无形态)有定式动词,但非常灵活,且无形态(时、数)变化(时、数)变化n单动n 我听过听过这个故事。n 人是是最高级的动物。n双项连动n 他站起来走了站起来走了。n 我们有有信心完成完成任务。n三项连动n 我下下了班骑骑自行车去去菜场。n四项连动n 我下下了班骑骑自行车去去菜场买买菜。n多项连动n我下下了班骑骑自行车去菜场买买菜回回家做做饭。n兼语式n 很多人求求他帮忙帮忙。n 你告诉告诉小王通知通知院长明天开会。n混合式n 你扶扶着王老先生上车上车。n交错式n 你回去请回去请工程师明天来来厂里检修检修设备。n 我叫叫小林把把设备检修检修一下。n 小林被请被请到车间去检修检修设备。英语连动式的表达n1.动词非限定形式n eg.She stayed home to help me.n We stood watching the match.n The job done,they went home.n2.某些介词n eg.upon,despite,for fear of,considering,according to n3.某些副词n eg.explain away,stand akimbo汉语连动式的表达n1.双项连动n 我们去去剧院看看演出。n2.多项连动n 大家在饭桌上边吃吃边喝喝边讨论讨论。n3.扩展式(公因话题流水句)n 小王走走进屋里,向四下看看了一周,便一屁股坐坐下来,张张口喘喘气。英语兼语式的表达n1.综合型n 1)使役意义的单纯词n 2)加缀法n2.分析型n V+O+C汉语兼语式的表达n1.使役意义的谓语动词n eg.使、让、嘱咐、命令、请(求)、(劝)告n2.情感意义的谓语动词n eg.喜欢、讨厌、感谢、嫌n3.感官动作的谓语动词n eg.看见、听见、闻到Examples Analysisn少数民族地区的经济社会获得获得不断的发展。nThe minority concentrated regions have witnessed continued economic and social development.nThe economy and society of the ethnic minority areas have been developing continuously.nContinuous economic and social development has been achieved/attained in the minority ethnic areas.Examples Analysisn中国的潜在市场同国外的先进技术和资金优势结合起来,就能形成形成众多的发展机遇。nChinas potential market,once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital,will produce many opportunities for development.nThe combination of Chinas potential market with foreign advanced technology and capital will create/produce/generate many opportunities for development.Examples Analysisn当然人口来讲,大家都知道我们是是13亿。nWe all know that Chinas population is 1.3 billion.nWe know that China has 1.3 billion people.nWe know that China is a country with 1.3 billion people.Examples Analysisn我们坚持坚持在和平共处五项原则的基础上,建立建立发展发展友好合作关系。nWe will establish and develop friendly relations and cooperation with the rest of the world on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.nWe will stick to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,and we will establish and develop friendly relations and cooperation with the rest of the world on the basis of this.Examples Analysisn美国的大企业现在真的开始动开始动起来了,这是中美经济贸易中的一个可喜的现象。nLarge US companies have now really begun to do something.This is a satisfactory development in Sino-US economy and trade.nIt is an encouraging development in Sino-US economy and trade that large US enterprises are now on the go.Examples Analysisn他们利用利用持久战术把敌人引到引到内陆加以歼灭加以歼灭。nThey used a prolonged war to draw the enemy into the hinterland and wiped them out.nThey drew the enemy into the hinterland and wiped them out with a prolonged war.nThey wiped out the enemy after drawing them into the hinterland with a prolonged war.Examples Analysisn我早就想想亲眼看一看看一看你们美丽的国家。nI longed to see your beautiful country with my own eyes.Examples Analysisn我愿借此机会邀请邀请商业部长阁下在方便的时候访问访问中国。nI would like to take this opportunity to invite His Excellency Minister of Commerce to visit China at a time convenient to him.Examples Analysisn我们要加快加快技术改造的步伐,引进引进先进设备,增加增加产品品种,提高提高产品质量。nWe need to make great efforts in speeding up the technical renovation and introducing advanced equipments for more variety and better quality.Examples Analysisn沿海开放城市的任务是认真抓好抓好现有企业技术改造,更新更新工艺技术,提高提高经营管理水平,致致力于力于传统产品的更新换代和新产品的开发。nThe tasks of the coastal open cities are to conscientiously carry out transformation and upgrading of technologies,improve the management and to make efforts in improvement of the traditional products and the development of new products.Examples AnalysisnIn military interference with political arrangements in Iraq,the United States is not able to do as it wishes.n在对伊拉克政治的干涉方面,美国表现表现得十分力不从心。Examples AnalysisnChina is a country with vast territory,a big population and a long history.n中国疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久。疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久。Examples AnalysisnI want to thank the students for giving me the chance to meet with you,the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions.n我要感谢要感谢在座的各位同学给给我这个机会跟大家见面谈一谈见面谈一谈我自己的国家,并且回答回答大家的一些问题。Examples AnalysisnUpon finishing his dinner,President Nixon got up to leave the table.A Canadian reporter dashed over,grabbed the chopsticks the President had just used,and put them into his pocket as a souvenir.n尼克松总统用餐完毕完毕,起起身离离席的时候,一名加拿大记者箭步跑跑去,一把抓住抓住美国总统刚使用过的那双筷子揣入揣入怀中留作纪念。Examples AnalysisnI call for cooperation in the economic and technical sectors among the countries the world over.n我呼吁呼吁世界各国在经济、技术方面进行合作合作。Examples AnalysisnBritain is highly responsive to the concerns,particularly the economic concerns,of the developing countries.n英国非常关注关注发展中国家所关切的问题,特别是经济问题。Examples AnalysisnThe United States want to use military force against so-called terrorist countries.n美国要用用军事力量来对付对付那些所谓的恐怖主义国家。Examples AnalysisnYou and your country waged a long struggle for social justice.n您和贵国进行进行了长期斗争争取争取社会正义。Examples AnalysisnI extend to you most warmly an invitation to visit our country which will afford us an opportunity for further discussion on the world situation and also to review bilateral relations.Above all it will give us an opportunity to return in some small ways the truly warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to us.n我最热情地邀请你们到我国进行回访邀请你们到我国进行回访,以使以使我们有机会进一步讨论讨论世界形势、回顾回顾双边关系发展,尤其重要的是,使我们有机会得以回报回报你们的热烈欢迎和盛情款待。Examples AnalysisnWelcome to our factory.I am in charge of factory tours.Ill be your guide for the afternoon.Any question you have,anything I can do for you,please do not hesitate to ask.n欢迎欢迎大家参观参观我们工厂,我是工厂里负责参观的,今天下午陪同陪同大家进行参观参观。如果大家有什么问题,或需要需要我做做什么,请不要不要客气向我提提出来。Examples AnalysisnThis is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally and the members of my delegation.In accepting Your Excellencys gracious invitation to visit this great country,it has provided me an excellent opportunity to establish new contacts and renew old friendships.Above all,it affords us an opportunity to strengthen further the ties and all-round cooperation that has always existed between our two countries.n对于我和我们代表团的所有成员来说,这都一次愉快、难忘的访问。在阁下的盛情邀请下,我们访问了你们伟大的国家,这使我们可以结交新朋,重叙旧情。更为重要的是,访问使我们可以进一步加强贵我两国长久以来保持的紧密联系和全面合作。
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