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TheuseofitTheuseofit1What is the use of What is the use of“it”“it”in each in each sentence?sentence?v1.It is warm and sunny.v4.The sports meeting will be held on Thursday.Have you heard about it?v3.Where is my book?Its on the desk.天气天气时间时间代替上文提到事物代替上文提到事物代替上文提到的事情代替上文提到的事情v2.It is 8 oclock now.Whatistheuseof“it”ineac2v5.Whats this?It is a computer.v6.Whose pen is that?It is hers.v.7.Whos standing at the door?It is our head teacher.v8.The baby cried because it was hungry.指示代指示代词指代指代婴儿儿 指示代指示代词指代身份不明的人指代身份不明的人5.Whatsthis?Itisacompute3Learning aim:1.We will be able to review,discover and master the use of“it”as a pronoun,especially used as the formal subject and formal object.Learningaim:Revisiontheuse4代词之it-的用法ppt课件51.Its 3 oclock.Makesentencesbythepictures62.It is rainy.2.Itisrainy.73.Its a large amount of money.3.Itsalargeamountofmone84.Its a lovely cat.4.Itsalovelycat.95.It is a funny baby.5.Itisafunnybaby.10代词之it-的用法ppt课件11_is necessary to get up early every day._ is no good learning English without practice._is said that he has written a new book.1.it作作_,代替,代替_:_ItItIt形式主形式主语真正主真正主语 不定式短不定式短语;V-ing短短语;从句从句_isnecessarytogetupea12当主语是当主语是_时,时,常用常用_ 做做_的主语,而把的主语,而把_主语放在句子后面。避免主语放在句子后面。避免句子头重脚轻。句子头重脚轻。_+is+_+_不定式、不定式、V-ing、或从句、或从句形式上形式上it真正的真正的adj./n./done Itto do/doing/从句从句当主语是_时,常用_13easy,difficult,possible,interesting,etc.no use/good,fun,a pity,a shame,etc.said,known,believed,reported,etc.It+is+adj./n./done+to do/doing/从句从句easy,difficult,possible,int141.每天都读英语是很重要的。2.问他是没有用的。3.据说他昨天上课迟到了。It is important to read English every day.It is no use asking him.It is known that he was late for class yesterday.1.每天都读英语是很重要的。Itisimportant15I feel _my duty to help him.We thought _no use doing that.Ive made _ clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here.itit2.it 作作_,代替,代替_:_ it形式形式宾语真正真正宾语 不定式短不定式短语;V-ing短短语;从句从句 itit2.it作_,代替_16真正宾语放在宾语补足语后面,真正宾真正宾语放在宾语补足语后面,真正宾语通常为语通常为_。常用的。常用的动词有动词有_ _等。等。主主+_+_+n./adj+_不定式、动名词或从句think,believe,make,find,consider,feelthink/believe/make/find/consider/feelitto do/doing/从句真正宾语放在宾语补足语后面,真正宾语通常为_17在在_ _等表示心理方面的谓语动词等表示心理方面的谓语动词后面,常用后面,常用_ 做形式宾语做形式宾语。it在书面表达的运用在书面表达的运用1.如果你能给我一些建议我将感激不尽。Id appreciate it very much if you could give me some advice.appreciate(感激)、like、lovedislike、hate、it在_18Sentencescorrection1.I dont think possible to reach a star.2.I feel that hard to say goodbye to my friends.3.I consider this no use learning without practice.4.Our country makes it possible for us live a better life.5.I find these unclear where and when the party will be held.ititit toit Sentencescorrection1.Idont19It+is+adj./n./done+to do/doing/从句从句主主+_+_+n./adj+_think/believe/make/find/consider/feelitto do/doing/从句It+is+adj./n./done+to201.See to it that you dont catch a cold.2.He took it for granted that his parents should support him.3.He owed it to the doctor that he was still alive.4.It is the first time that I have visited the Great Wall.5.Its time that we studied hard.6.Its no wonder that she won the first prize.7.It is three years since we last met.8.It will not be long before they graduate.9.I like/appreciate/enjoy/hateitifyoucangivemesomeusefulinformation.易混句式:易混句式:1.There is no need to wait for his answer.(没有必要)(没有必要)2.There is no possibility that the boy will win the prize.(没有可能没有可能)3.I dont know whether there is any chance of arriving on time.(有可有可能能)4.There is no doubt that we will win the game.(毫无疑问毫无疑问)的必背句型的必背句型It(务必务必)(认为(认为;想当然);想当然)(把(把归功于)归功于)(是(是的时候了的时候了)(自自.多多久久)(难怪(难怪)(是第一次)(不久不久)1.Seetoitthatyoudontcat21It 常见的习惯短语:常见的习惯短语:1.Its hard to make it in this games.2.Shall we meet next week?OK.We just make it next Saturday.3.Take it easy!He will do it well.4.It all depends/that all depends.5.Shall we go out for dinner?Its up to you.6.We had planned to finish the task today,but as it is,we probably wont finish it until next week.7.I want to say I love you,but I dont know how to put it.8.Believe it or not,Tom is getting married to Mary next Sunday.9.Dont hesitate about it!Its worth it.10.You can have one more sweet,and thats it(成功、做到、说定成功、做到、说定)(约定好时间约定好时间)(不要慌(不要慌,别担心别担心)(那得看情况(那得看情况)(由(由决定决定,由由负责负责)(事实上)(说)说)(信不信由你信不信由你)(有好处;值得做有好处;值得做)(没有别的了没有别的了)It常见的习惯短语:1.Itshardtomak22 Dear James,1._ is said that you started smoking.I think 2._ easy to start smoking,but once you become addicted to 3._,you may find 4._ difficult for you to quit.Smoking may have many harmful effects.5._not only affects your health,语法填空语法填空ItitititItDearJames,教材对接高考语法填空Itititi23 but also does harm to your heart and lungs.How would you like 6.if you suffered from such bad health?So,7._ is important that one quit smoking.I do hope you can give up smoking.Love from Grandadititbutalsodoesharmtoyourhe24 1.It is said that a shorttempered man in the Song Dynasty(9601279)was very anxious to help his rice crop grow up quickly.He was thinking about _day and night.(2008广东)Fillintheblanksit1.Itissaidthatashortte252.Jane was walking round the department stores.She remembered how difficult _ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.(2009广东)3.He asked his teacher,“Sir,the water is awful.Why did you pretended to like_?”(2010 广东)itit2.Janewaswalkingroundthe264.Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.Some of my friends who had been there before said _ was a wonderful holiday destination.(2014广东)广东)it4.Lastyear,mybrotherandI27The use of“it”一、代词一、代词it二、引导词二、引导词it1.it用作形式主语用作形式主语2.it用作形式宾语用作形式宾语 Theuseof“it”281.Fill in the blanks and make sentences on the paper.2.Use“it”to make sentences in a situation in groups.1.Fillintheblanksandmake29Thankyou!301.How would you like if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?(2015浙江)itHomeworkExercises.高考真题改编itHomeworkExercises.高考真题改编312.Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.(2014陕西)3.Whos that at the door?_ is the milkman.(2014大纲)4.Susan made _ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.(2014山东)itItit2.Idappreciate_ifyouc325.An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making _ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.(2014浙江)6.New technology has made _ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.(2012四川)itititit337.No matter where he is,he makes _ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.(2012陕西)8.The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase_.(2011北京)itit7.Nomatterwhereheis,hem349.We feel our duty to make our country a better place.(2011天津)10.Why dont you bring to his attention that youre too ill to work on?(2011江西)11.The two girls are so alike that strangers find _difficult to tell one from the other.(2011山东)ititit9.Wefeelourdutyto3512.The doctor thought _would be good for you to have a holiday.(NMET2010)13.The fact that she was foreign made _difficult for her to get a job in that country.(辽宁2010)itit12.Thedoctorthought_wo36.用用it作形式主语或形式宾语翻译下列句子作形式主语或形式宾语翻译下列句子1.遵守校规是每个学生的职责。_.2.我觉得理解英语语法并不难。_.3.众所周知,中国人口最多。_.4.似乎他非常喜欢流行歌曲。_.5.他发现很难跟别的同学相处。.It is every students duty to obey the school rules.I dont feel it difficult to understand the English Grammar.It is known that the population of China is the largest.It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.He finds it hard/difficult to get along well with other classmates.用it作形式主语或形式宾语翻译下列句子Itiseve376.我觉得学英语很有趣。_7.我认为开这个会是必要的。_8.乱扔垃圾是不好的。_9.学一门外语非常重要。_10.劝他没用。_I think it interesting to learn English.I consider it necessary to hold this meeting.It is not right to throw away rubbish everywhere.It is very important to learn a foreign language.It is no use persuading him.6.我觉得学英语很有趣。Ithinkitinteres38


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