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34.A happy discovery -普特英语新概念三34.A happy discovery -普特1 New words and expression 生词和短语lcrockery krk()r ln.陶器;瓦器;土器lpretentious prtens ladj.自命不凡的;炫耀的;做作的ldagger/d/=knife,stiletto llabyrinth/lbrn/lmusty mst New words and expre2exertlHe exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues.他极大地影响了科学界对这些问题的看法。lYoungsters get so absorbed that they dont realise how much theyre exerting themselves.l年轻人如此地沉浸其中,他们没有意识到自己有多么努力。lDo not exert yourself unnecessarily.不要做无谓的努力。lExert your authority行使权力exertHe exerted considerable i3antique nti:k lWe went antiquing on Saturday老资格的人;老前辈;老人 lThe old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。l老人 The old-timers used to recall how hot 1886 was.老人们常常回想起1886年的酷热。lan old bald geezer in a posh raincoat.穿着时髦雨衣的秃顶老头antique nti:k We went anti4dedicatelBack on the island,he dedicated himself to politics.回到岛上后,他便投身于政治。lBessie has dedicated her life to caring for others.贝茜一生都致力于照顾他人。lHes quite dedicated to his students.他一门心思都扑在学生身上。l.a company staffed by capable and dedicated people.拥有一支能干、敬业的员工队伍的公司lThis book is dedicated to the memory of my mother.l谨以此书献给我已故的母亲。dedicateBack on the island,he5couchl放平;挺着:The soldiers couched their rifles and prepared to charge.士兵们将步枪放平准备冲锋。l躺卧,睡;斜倚:She couched on a sofa.她斜倚在沙发上。l表达,表述,措辞:He couched his demands in very polite terms.他用十分委婉的措辞表达了他的要求。l couch oneself使躺下;放下(通常接反身代词或用被动语态):He saw a tiger couching itself by the tree.他看见一只老虎躺在树旁。couch放平;挺着:The soldiers couch6lpile into or out oflThey all piled into Jerrolds car.他们一窝蜂地挤进杰罗尔德的车里。lA fleet of police cars suddenly arrived.Dozens of officers piled out.突然开来一队警车,数十个警察一拥而出。lat the bottom/top of the pile 处于社会或组织底或上层pile into or out of7l(地毯或织物的)绒面,绒毛,绒头(地毯或织物的)绒面,绒毛,绒头 The pile of a carpet l房屋和桥梁的)桩,桩柱 l痔疮痔疮 Piles lpile既可指整齐的一叠,也可指杂乱的一堆:a neat pile of clothes(整齐的一叠衣服)。heap 通常指杂乱的、常呈小山或土墩状的一堆:Now,the house is a heap of rubble(现在,房子成了一堆瓦砾)。stack通常指整齐的、常是扁平物体叠放在一起的一摞:a neat stack of dishes(整齐的一摞盘子)。(地毯或织物的)绒面,绒毛,绒头 The pile of a8Free up=freelToolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。lThere were more civilians working for the police,freeing officers from desk jobs.更多的平民在为警察部门工作,使得警员从文案中解脱出来。lIt can handle even the most complex graphic jobs,freeing up your computer for other tasks.它可以处理哪怕是最复杂的图形作业,空出计算机以便用于其他任务。Free up=freeToolbelts free bot9Free of/from 免于免于的的lShe retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。lThe filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。Free of/from 免于的She retain10Free with 通常前面是程度词通常前面是程度词l慷慨的慷慨的;大手大脚的大手大脚的;过分给予的过分给予的 lThey werent always so free with their advice.他们并不是一直都如此好为人师。lThey would often be free with criticism,some of it unjustified.他们经常会大肆批评,而且其中有些并无道理。Free with 通常前面是程度词慷慨的;大手大脚的;过分11(表达批评意见时用于强调表达批评意见时用于强调)不管怎样不管怎样 for free lIll tell you one thing for free:I cant stand him.不管怎样我都要说:我受不了他。义务地义务地;无偿地无偿地;免费地免费地 lWhy waste 50 when you could get it for free?能够免费得到为什么还要浪费50英镑呢?(表达批评意见时用于强调)不管怎样 for free 12Pick upl(贸易、经济)改善l例:Industrial production is beginning to pick up.工业生产正在开始好转。l接起(某观点、话题)l例:Can I just pick up that guys point?我能接着谈一下那个人的观点吗?l发现;识别l例:Some groups of consumers are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology.有些顾客群对信息技术应用方面的潮流反应迟钝Pick up(贸易、经济)改善13l接收(信号或声音)l例:We can pick up Mexican television.我们可以接收到墨西哥电视。l染上(疾病)l例:Theyve picked up a really nasty infection from something theyve eaten.他们因食用某物而染上非常严重的传染病。l勾搭非正式l例:He had picked her up at a nightclub,where she worked as a singer.他是在一家夜总会勾搭上她的,她在那儿当歌女。lShe picks up a lot of imformation.l她偶然得到许多信息。接收(信号或声音)14bentl(尤指做不好的事情)决意的,下定决心的(尤指做不好的事情)决意的,下定决心的 Hes bent on suicide.他执意要自杀l才能;爱好;禀赋才能;爱好;禀赋 His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.他选择第一份工作是出自对博物学的热爱。l信仰信仰 economists of a socialist bent.信仰社会主义的经济学家l(官员等)不正直的,贪赃枉法的(官员等)不正直的,贪赃枉法的.this bent accountant.这个腐败的会计bent(尤指做不好的事情)决意的,下定决心的 Hes b15prise l撬动;捕获;欣赏撬动;捕获;欣赏ln.奖赏;捕获;撬杠奖赏;捕获;撬杠prise 撬动;捕获;欣赏16peculiar pkjul例:Punks,soldiers,hippies,and Sumo wrestlers all have distinct hair styles,peculiar to their group.l朋克摇滚歌手、士兵、嬉皮士和相扑手都留着他们那个群体特有的独特发型。lpeculiarly特有地;独特地l例:.a peculiarly American conservatism.l一种美国特有的保守主义。l口I feel peculiar today.=I feel uncomfortable peculiar pkjul例:Punks,17peculiarl特有的;特别的;独特的特有的;特别的;独特的 The problem is by no means peculiar to America.这个问题绝不只限于美国。(adv.)Cricket is so peculiarly English.板球是颇具英国特色的运动。l比较:Strange pk peculiar 口语里都可以表示不舒服,strange是心里或身体的不舒服。Peculiar是感觉病了或者眩晕。lSomething that is strange is unusual or unexpected,and makes you feel slightly nervous or afraid.peculiar特有的;特别的;独特的 18forbidl不准,不许,禁止:to forbid the use of chemical fertilizersl禁止使用化肥lIt is forbidden to smoke in this room.l禁止在本室吸烟。forbid不准,不许,禁止:to forbid the 19forbidl不准进入(或使用);lI forbid you the house.我不准你进入房子。lShe forbade her children sweets.她不准她的孩子们吃糖。l阻止,阻挠,妨碍;使不可能:l Lack of space forbids further discussion at this point.由于篇幅有限,现在不能深入讨论这个问题。forbid不准进入(或使用);20glance through/at立刻;一眼就立刻;一眼就 at a glance:One could tell at a glance that she was a compassionate person.一眼就能看出她很有同情心。乍一看;乍看上去乍一看;乍看上去 at first glance:At first glance,organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。偷偷地看一眼;偷瞥偷偷地看一眼;偷瞥 steal a glance at:He stole a glance at the clock behind her.他偷偷地看了一眼她背后的钟。lglimpseglance through/at21conceal隐瞒(信息隐瞒(信息);掩饰掩饰(感情感情)/遮住遮住lThe hat concealed her hair.帽子遮住了她的头发。lRobert could not conceal his relief.伯特无法掩饰自己如释重负的心情。lShe knew at once that he was concealing something from her.她马上知道了他有事瞒着她。conceal隐瞒(信息);掩饰(感情)/遮住The ha22Muster lMuster all the students you can find.l把能找到的学生都集合起来。lto muster soldiersl让士兵集合l鼓起;激起;使振作(常与up连用):lto muster up strength鼓足力量lHe mustered up all his courage.他鼓起了全部勇气。l.搜集;聚集(与up连用):l to muster up arguments搜集论据l 合计;(在数量上)达到:lThe class musters 20 pupils.这个班共计20个学生。Muster Muster all the students23compositionl组成组成;构成构成;组合方式组合方式 Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.电视改变了重大体育赛事观众的规模和其社会阶层构成结构。lForests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.一个国家不同区域的森林在组成结构上存在很大的差异。composition组成;构成;组合方式 Televisi24l(作曲家、画家等的作曲家、画家等的)作品作品lMozarts compositions are undoubtedly amongst the worlds greatest.莫扎特的作品无疑位居世界上最伟大的作品之列。l可数名词;可数名词;(学生的学生的)作文作文(作曲家、画家等的)作品25词根:pose 1.=put,表示表示放放;2.引申为引申为职位职位ladj.lindisposed不愿意的,身体不适的(in不不+disposedadj.愿意的愿意的,想干的想干的adj.不愿意的不愿意的,身体不适的身体不适的)ldisposed愿意的,想干的(dispose安排安排+ed的的任安排的任安排的心甘情愿的心甘情愿的)ln.lrepose休息;躺下(re再再+pose放放再放下再放下工作工作休息休息)lpose姿势,姿态(pose放放n.姿势姿势,姿态姿态 v.造成造成,提出提出,摆姿势摆姿势,佯佯装装)lproposal提议,建议;求婚(proposev.计划计划,建议建议,向向提议提议,求求婚婚 v.打算打算,求婚求婚+al表名词表名词n.提议提议,建议建议;求婚求婚)lv.ldiscompose解体;使失态,慌张(dis分开分开+compose组成组成,构成构成解体解体)limpose征税;on把强加给(im进进+pose放放进去放进去放强放强放强加强加)ljuxtapose并排,并置(juxta并排并排+pose放放并排放并排放)词根:pose 1.=put,表示放;2.26cherish cherished=prizelcherish珍藏(希望、记忆等)l例:The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio.总统将铭记这次对俄亥俄州的访问。l cherished(对希望、记忆等)珍藏的l例:the cherished dream of a world without wars.久藏心中的梦想:一个没有战争的世界。cherish cherished=prize27【amply】more than enough in size or scope or capacity 例句:lTherell be ample opportunity to relax,swim and soak up some sun.将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。lThe design of the ground floor created ample space for a good-sized kitchen.底层的设计为建一个大厨房提供了充足的空间。lHe apologized amply for his suddenness.他因自己的唐突而深表歉意【amply】more than enough28词根:amp 1.=take/procure,表表拿拿,获得获得,拿走后拿走后变空变空;2.=large,表表大大ladj.lample充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的(ampl大大+eadj.充分的充分的,富裕的富裕的;宽敞的宽敞的,宽大的宽大的)ln.lexample例子,实例;模范,榜样(ex出出+ample=ampl拿拿,获得获得,拿走后拿走后变空变空拿出作为榜样拿出作为榜样)lamplitude广大;充足;振幅(ampl大大+itude表名词表名词n.广大广大;充足充足;振幅振幅)lsample样品,实例,标本,抽样检查(s=se+ample=ampl拿拿,获得获得,拿走后拿走后变空变空分开拿出分开拿出标本标本)lv.lexemplify举例证明;示范;作的范例榜样(ex出出+empl=ampl拿拿,获得获得,拿走后拿走后变空变空+ify表动词表动词拿出作为榜样拿出作为榜样)lsample取样,采样(s=se+ample=ampl拿拿,获得获得,拿走后拿走后变空变空分开拿分开拿出出标本标本)lamplify放大,增强;详述,详加解说(ampl大大+ify表动词表动词扩大扩大)词根:amp 1.=take/procure,表拿,获29masterpiecel代表作l例:Mans Fate,translated into sixteen languages,is probably his masterpiece.人类的命运,被翻译成16种文字,可能是他的代表作。l典范l例:The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.整件事情是大众管理的典范。masterpiece代表作30beg请求;恳求;恳请请求;恳求;恳请 beg someone to dolI begged him to come back to England with me.我恳求他和我一起回英格兰。lI begged to be allowed to leave.我请求允许我离开。lWe are not going to beg for help any more.我们不会再乞求帮助。I beg to differ 恕难苟同。beg请求;恳求;恳请 beg someone to do31begl没人要;没人用没人要;没人用 is going begginglThere is other housing going begging in town.城里还有些住宅无人问津。begs a particular question(认为问题已获解决(认为问题已获解决而)绕过问题而)绕过问题 lThe research begs a number of questions.l研究绕过了一些问题。beg没人要;没人用 is going begging32bother(使)烦恼;(使)担忧;(使)不安(使)烦恼;(使)担忧;(使)不安 Sth bothers sb/sb bothers about sthIs something bothering you?.你有什么烦心事吗?That kind of jealousy doesnt bother me.那种嫉我并不在意。It bothered me that boys werent interested in me.男孩子们对我不感兴趣令我很烦恼。bother(使)烦恼;(使)担忧;(使)不安 33Botherl不愿找麻烦;不想出力不愿找麻烦;不想出力l I just cant be bothered to look after the house.我就是不想费事照看这所房子。lDoctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.医生们才懒得解释他们所做的事情l麻烦;不便;麻烦事麻烦;不便;麻烦事 lI usually buy sliced bread its less bother.我通常都买切片面包比较省事。lMost men hate the bother of shaving.大多数男士嫌刮胡子麻烦。l这不麻烦;不费事;没什么这不麻烦;不费事;没什么 its no bother lIll drive you back to your hotel later.Its no bother.我一会儿会开车把你送回宾馆,举手之劳。Bother不愿找麻烦;不想出力34Carve 切,雕刻。切,雕刻。lAndrew began to carve the chicken.安德鲁动手切鸡肉。lShe carved a flower out of a radish.她把萝卜刻成一朵花。lHis walking stick was carved with a horses head.他的手杖上雕刻着一个马头。Carve 切,雕刻。35carve开创开创(事业事业);赢得赢得(工作工作)lShe has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.她作为喜剧演员已经闯出了一片天地。lThey may be loyally standing by their men,but they are also carving their own careers.她们也许忠诚地支持着自己的丈夫,但她们也在开创自己的事业。lThe girl from nowhere clearly means to carve herself a place in history.显而易见,这个名不见经传的女孩想留名青史。carve开创(事业);赢得(工作)36Carve out=carve He is hoping to carve out a much greater role for himself.他希望能争取到更重要的角色。Wood has not had much luck in carving out a career.伍德想干出点名堂来,可是总不能如愿。铺(路);修(路)铺(路);修(路)lTwo three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.将要修建两条三车道的公路穿过乡间。Carve out=carve He is hoping37miniature/mnt/adj.袖珍型的 Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.自1979年起,玫瑰山农场就一直出售袖珍玫瑰。in miniature 缩影 Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America;its a continent in miniature.厄瓜多尔是南美的一个绝佳概览;它是整个大陆的缩影。miniature/mnt/adj.袖珍型的38l稀有物;罕见之人l例:Sontag has always been that rarity,a glamorous intellectual.桑塔格一直都是那种与众不同、极有魅力的知识分子。lN-UNCOUNT 稀有l例:It was a real prize due to its rarity and good condition.它是一件真正的稀世珍品,因为它不但稀有而且保存完好。稀有物;罕见之人39litterlvi.l1.(多产动物)产(一窝)仔:The wolf littered in a deserted farmhouse.l狼在一个没人居住的农家房子产仔。l2.四下乱丢东西;乱扔废弃物(或垃圾):Dont litter.l别四处乱扔东西。littervi.40junkl丢弃;抛弃;废弃丢弃;抛弃;废弃 Consumers will not have to junk their old cassettes to use the new format.消费者将不必丢弃他们的旧盒带而采用新的制式。lThe Socialists junked dogma when they came to office in 1982.社会党人1982年上台执政后,就把其政治信条弃之不顾。lWere going to junk these computers,they are obsolete.我们准备换掉这些计算机,因为都过时了 lDetritus 残余物,狼藉(不可数)lthe detritus of war.l战争留下的断壁残垣junk丢弃;抛弃;废弃 Consumers will no41debrislI stood at the foot of the collapsed tower and watched the rescue workers sifting through the debris.l我站在倒塌的高塔脚下,看着救援人员在瓦砾堆中搜寻。lA number of people were killed by flying debris.l有数人被飞射的碎片击中身亡。debrisI stood at the foot of t42


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