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Mei Wa Esther WooUniversity of Hong Kong Libraries 11.HR challenges for modern academic libraries 现代学术图书馆的人力资源挑战2.Elements of performance:Skills,knowledge and talents 绩效的元素:技术、知识与才能3.Future academic librarians:What the employers and employees are looking for?未来的学术图书馆馆员:雇主和雇员想要什么?2Recruitment and retention 招聘与挽留招聘与挽留Greatest retirement waves of baby boomers(45%will retire between 2010 and 2020 in US)婴儿潮一代大量退休(美国45%在2010至2020间退休)Knowledge economy and fast-changing world:People makes the difference 知识型经济和高速变化的世界:成败在于人才More job opportunities for MLIS and university graduates图书馆学硕士和大学毕业生有更多工作机会Global quest for human resources:How to attract and keep Gen X and Millennials 全球也在争夺人才:如何吸引和挽留X世代和千禧人HR Reform and Budget Cut:More responsibility for management 人力资源改革和削减预算:管理层责任更多3Tapping talents from existing staff 利用现利用现有员工的才能有员工的才能Evolving needs of libraries:Identify new skills,knowledge and talents required for growing numbers of electronic-related or specialized positions 图书馆的需要在演变中:为不断增加的电子或专门职位确定所需的新技术,知识和才能People dont change that much:Dont waste time trying to put in what was left out,try to draw out what was left in 人不会改变很多:不要浪费时间添加那些或缺的东西,尝试找出没有发挥的4Gallup surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers in 25 years 根据盖洛普在根据盖洛普在2525年内调查一百万个雇员和年内调查一百万个雇员和80,00080,000个经理个经理Talented employees need GREAT MANAGERS 有有出色的经理出色的经理,就有才华出众的雇员就有才华出众的雇员Greatest managers find and keep talented employees by using revolutionary wisdom 最出最出色的经理用反传统的智慧寻找和留住有才华的雇色的经理用反传统的智慧寻找和留住有才华的雇员员Buckingham and Coffman,19995Conventional Wisdom 传统智慧Select a personbased on his experience,intelligence and determination 挑选员工视乎其经验、智力和决心Set expectationsby defining the right steps 设定期望界定正确步骤Motivate the personby helping him identify and overcome his weaknesses 激励员工帮助他找出并克服缺点Develop the personby helping him learn and get promoted 栽培员工协助他学习和得到晋升6Select for talent 用人唯才用人唯才:Not simply experience,intelligence,or determination.不是单看经验,智力或决心Define the right outcomes 界定所需成果界定所需成果:Not the right steps 不是在乎步骤Focus on strengths 着眼于强项着眼于强项:Not on weaknesses 不是缺点Find the right fit 寻找最合适的寻找最合适的:Not simply the next rung on the ladder 不是单看辈份Focus game 游戏7Three distinct elements of a persons performance 决定个人决定个人绩效的三个明显元素绩效的三个明显元素:Skills 技巧技巧How-tos of a role;capabilities that can be transferred from one person to another 如何担当一个角色;能够传授给别人的一些能力Knowledge 知识知识Factual 事实的事实的:Things you know 你知到的东西Experiential 经验的经验的:Understandings you have picked up along the way 生活中累积对事物的了解8Striving 目标性的目标性的Talents explain the WHY of a person 解释一个人为何这样做的才能Thinking 思考性的思考性的Talents explain the HOW of a person解释一个人如何做事的才能Relating 关系性的关系性的Talents explain the WHO of a person解释一个人怎样待人接物的才能List of most sought talents according to Gallup survey 根据盖洛普调查最受用的才能9For recruitment,performance management,re-deployment,job redesign,team building,etc.适用于招聘、绩效评核、职位调配、重新设计现有工作、建立团队等Look beyond the job title and description 超越工作的职衔和描述Institutional culture,style of the supervisor and other team members and work environment also critical 机构文化,上司和其他队员的作风和工作环境也有影响101.There will be an increased emphasis on digitizing collections,preserving digital archives,and improving methods of data storage and retrieval.更着重数码化馆藏更着重数码化馆藏、保存、保存数码档案及数码档案及改善数改善数据储存和提取的方法据储存和提取的方法2.The skill set for librarians will continue to evolve in response to the needs and expectations of the changing populations(student and faculty)that they serve.基于他们服务的群体基于他们服务的群体(学生学生和学系职员和学系职员)及其需要和期望不断改变,图书馆馆员的技术要求会继及其需要和期望不断改变,图书馆馆员的技术要求会继续演变续演变3.Students and faculty will increasingly demand faster and greater access to services.学生和学系职员会要求更快更多途径的学生和学系职员会要求更快更多途径的服务服务4.Debates about intellectual property will become increasingly common in higher education.高等教育界对知识版权的辩论将越见高等教育界对知识版权的辩论将越见普遍普遍5.The demand for technology related services will grow and require additional funding.与科技有关的服务要求会增加与科技有关的服务要求会增加,相应须,相应须要更多拨款要更多拨款116.Higher education will increasingly view the institution as a business.高等教育机构将更像一盘生意高等教育机构将更像一盘生意7.Students will increasingly view themselves as customers and consumers,expecting high quality facilities and services.学生越来越把自己看成顾客和消费者学生越来越把自己看成顾客和消费者,期望高品质的设,期望高品质的设施和服务施和服务8.Distance learning will be an increasingly common option in higher education and will co-exist but not threaten the traditional bricks-and-mortar model.遥距学习将是一种越来遥距学习将是一种越来越普遍高等教育选择越普遍高等教育选择,与传统在课室上学的模式和平共存,与传统在课室上学的模式和平共存9.Free,public access to information stemming from publicly funded research will continue to grow.更多公众要求免费获取更多公众要求免费获取来自公帑资助的研究资料来自公帑资助的研究资料10.Privacy will continue to be an important issue in librarianship.私隐权仍会是图书馆业的一个重要议题私隐权仍会是图书馆业的一个重要议题12Ability to think in multiple dimensions;see“the big picture”多方面思索的能力多方面思索的能力;从大局着想;从大局着想Understand and integrate the context for what transpires in libraries(Cultural,Social,Intellectual,Organizational,Political and Economic)处事时能了解并融合各种影响图书馆运作的相关背景处事时能了解并融合各种影响图书馆运作的相关背景(文文化化、社会社会、知识界知识界 、组织、组织、政治和经济政治和经济)Critical thinking skills 批判性思考批判性思考Ability to work independently 独立处事能力独立处事能力Communication skills(Listening,Talking,Writing)沟沟通技巧通技巧(聆听、倾谈、书写聆听、倾谈、书写)Presentation skills 演示技巧演示技巧Keep up with new technology 不断认识新科技不断认识新科技13Understanding of organizational behavior(s)了解组织了解组织行为行为Ability to think strategically and tactically策略性思考策略性思考能力能力Receptivity to constant change 接受改变的能力接受改变的能力Ability to work well with others 能与别人共事能与别人共事Teamwork skills 小组工作技巧小组工作技巧Collaboration skills 协作技巧协作技巧Problem-solving skills 解难技巧解难技巧Process and political skills(Consensus building,Decision making,Conflict resolution and Networking)处事和政治技巧处事和政治技巧(建立共识建立共识、决策、调解纷争和人际网络、决策、调解纷争和人际网络)14HR management 人力资源管理人力资源管理Supervisory ability 指导指导Staff development ability 员工发展员工发展Training ability 训练训练Fund management 基金管理基金管理Project management 项目管理项目管理Conversant with legal issues 熟悉法律事务熟悉法律事务Grant writing 书写申请拨款建议书写申请拨款建议Marketing 市场市场15Public services 读者服务读者服务Outreach(Entertainment/Social,Information,Instruction)外外展展(应酬应酬/社交、资讯、指导社交、资讯、指导)Collection development and management(Selection,Acquisition,Organization,Delivery,Preservation)馆藏发展及馆藏发展及管理管理(挑选、采购、组织、传递、维护挑选、采购、组织、传递、维护)Metadata services,including knowledge of various metadata standards,schema,models,and structures(Descriptive,Administrative,Structural,Technical)元数据服务,包括各种元元数据服务,包括各种元数据标准、纲要、模范和结构的知识数据标准、纲要、模范和结构的知识(描述的描述的、行政的、结构的、技行政的、结构的、技术的术的)Conversant with learning and teaching technologies 教学科技教学科技Conversant with a wide range of information technologies 资讯资讯科技科技Conversant with Web-related languages and technologies 与网与网络相关的语言和科技络相关的语言和科技Digital library services(Digitization,Management,Architecture)数码图书馆服务数码图书馆服务(数码化、管理、建筑数码化、管理、建筑)Media services 媒体服务媒体服务16Creative/Imaginative 创新创新/想象想象Flexible 有弹性有弹性Self-motivated 自我激励自我激励Confident 自信自信Decisive 果断果断Show initiative 自发自发Entrepreneurial 企业精神企业精神Risk takers 冒险冒险17Customer service 顾客服务顾客服务Access to information 取用资讯取用资讯Profession and professional development 职业和专业发展职业和专业发展Change 转变转变Continuous learning 不断学习不断学习Themselves 自我观感自我观感18Ask a few open-ended questions and then try to keep quiet 问几个开放式问题然后保持静默Explore past behaviour and listen for specific examples 发掘过去行为并听取具体例子Clues to talents:What kinds of roles one has been able to learn quickly;sources of satisfaction 寻找才能的线索:什么职务能很快学好;工作满足感从何而来Know what to listen for 知道要听取什么19Exercise You are hired!练习练习-找个捧的馆员找个捧的馆员Discuss with your group to work out a talent profile for a specific librarian position,e.g.Multimedia Librarian or Faculty Liaison Librarian,you are going to recruit using the form distributed.与你的组员商讨一份才能要求概略来招聘某个特定的馆员职位,把有关要求填写在派发的表格上。Design some questions/tests to find out whether candidates possess the skills and talents required.设计一些问题/测验去找出应征者是否具备所需才能。20What are our future librarians value for 未来的图书馆员重视什么未来的图书馆员重视什么?Salaries 薪金薪金When the staff/candidates basic financial needs have been met,what will they care for?当顾员/应征者已达到基本财政需要,他们还想要什么?Valued intangibles of librarianship 图书馆行业一些无形的价值Such as good working environments,job security,cooperation or independency,intellectual stimulation,lifelong learning,etc.?例如良好工作环境、工作稳定性、合作或独立模式、智力开发、终身学习?21Focus on a Strong and Vibrant Workplace 集中营造一个强健而充满生气的工作环境1.Do I know what is expected of me at work?我知道上司对我的工作期望吗?2.Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?我有物料和器材去做好我的工作吗?3.At work,do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?工作时我是否每天也有机会发挥我的所长?4.In the last seven days,have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?在过去一周,我做得好的时候有否获的认同或赞赏?5.Does my supervisor,or someone at work,seem to care about me as a person?我的上司或是其他同事看来也关心我这个人吗?6.Is there someone at work who encourages my development?我工作的地方有人鼓励我的发展吗?Securing 5s of these Qs is one the most important repsonsibilities of a manager.管理人起中一个最重的责任是在上述问题其中五个取得下属肯定22Great Leaders=Talent Hunters and Keepers 卓越的领导卓越的领导=伯樂伯樂The Chinese story of Bo Le and the winged steed 世有伯樂 才有千里馬 Manage human resources with creativity and sincerity 用创意和诚意管理人力资源Successful leaders are those who create circumstances in which people can use their talents to the full 成功的领导创造人尽其才的环境23ReferenceBuckingham,M.and Coffman,C.,First,Break All the Rules:What the Worlds Greatest Managers Do Differently,New York:Simon&Schuster,1999.Presentation by Brian E.C.Schottlaender,University Librarian,University of California,San Diego at ALDP 2007 Conference(see)Presentation by Esther M.W.Woo at ALDP 2007 Conference(see)24


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