(课标卷)高中英语 Unit9 Wheels综合检测 北师大版必修3

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Unit 9Wheels(满分:120分;时间:100分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1No,Im afraid he isnt in.This is his secretary speaking.Can I help you?_.AOh,you willBOh,thats a pityCI think soDWell,I look forward to hearing from you2The wheat crop this year is not promising because the _ from frost is too great.AdestroyBreductionCdamage Dbreak3I suggest we set up an outofclass club.Great!Thats exactly what I _.Ahave been thinking BthinkChad thought Dwill think4Whatever he promises,you cant _ anything.Arely on Brely on him to doCdepend on Dadvise him to do5What about your headache?Thanks to the medicine,it is becoming less _.Afrequent BcommonCregular Dconvenient6(2013许昌高一调研)This September over 500 students from our school _ universities.Aadmitted to Bwere admitting toChave admitted to Dwere admitted into7I would appreciate _ back this afternoon so that we can make an early decision.Ayou to call Byou callCyour calling Dyoure calling8(2013邢台高一质检)I will write the report as soon as I _ the experiment.Awill finish Bwill have finishedCfinished Dhave finished9The children should be _ for cleaning their own rooms.Awatchful BresponsibleCpresent Dpopular10The Beijing express(特快)had_ on the station when we hurriedly got to the platform.Apulled on Bpulled outCpulled round Dpulled off11What about the tie your mother bought for you?It _ my suit well.Afits BmatchesCbalances Dsatisfies12In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help _ there is human suffering.Awhoever BhoweverCwhatever Dwherever13(2013安徽高考)_in the early 20th century,the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.ATo found BFoundingCFounded DHaving founded14(2013重庆高考)It was with the help of the local guide_the mountain climber was rescued.Awho BthatCwhen Dhow15The elderly need special care in winter,as they are _ to the sudden change of weather.Asensitive BflexibleCpositive Dsenseless.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)There have been many great inventions,which have changed the way we live.The first great invention was one that is still very important todaythe _16_.This made it _17_ to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.For hundreds of years after that there were _18_inventions that had as much effect as the wheel.Then in the early 1800s the world started to _19_.There was little unknown land _20_ in the world.People didnt have to _21_ much any more.They began to _22_ instead to make life better.In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. _23_ them were the camera,the electric light and the radio.These all became a big _24_ of our life today.The first part of the 20th century _25_ more great inventions:the helicopter in 1909,_26_movies in 1926,the computer in 1928 and jet planes in 1930.This was _27_ a time when a new material was first made.Nylon _28_ out in 1935.It changed the kind of clothes people_29_.The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people _30_over diseases.They worked very well.They made people healthier and let them _31_ long lives.By the 1960s most people could _32_ to live to be at least 60.By this time most people had a very good life.Of course new inventions _33_ to be made.But man now had a desire to _34_ again.The world is known to man but the stars are not yet.Man began looking for _35_ to go into space.Russia made the first step.Then the United States took a step.Since then other countries,including China and Japan,have made their steps into space.16A.paper BwheelCcar Dtrain17A.faster BeasierCharder Dslower18A.more BmanyCfew Dsome19A.grow BturnCbecome Dchange20A.left BremainedCstayed Dkept21A.work BexploreChunt Dtravel22A.fish BplayCwork Dstudy23A.In BAmongCBetween DDuring24A.part BchangeCplay Drole25A.made BtookCdid Dsaw26A.sound BnoiseCvoice Dspeech27A.neither BalsoCtoo Deither28A.made BwentCcame Dworked29A.did BmadeCthought Dwore30A.get BcomeCtake Dturn31A.live BkeepCstay Dmake32A.try BlikeCexpect Dseek33A.continued BhadCsupposed Dwanted34A.work BbegCexplore Dchange35A.chances BwaysCmachines Dplanes.阅读理解(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)ALast July,my 12yearold car died on Californias Santa Ana Freeway.It was an hour before sunset,and I was 25 miles from home.I couldnt reach anyone to pick me up,so I decided to take a bus.Not knowing the routes,I figured Id just head east.A bus pulled up,and I asked the driver how far she was going.“Four more lights,”she said.There was another bus I could take from there.This clearly was going to be a long night.She dropped me off at the end of her route and told me which bus to look for.After waiting 30 minutes,I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home.Then a bus pulled up.There was no lighted number above its windshield(挡风玻璃)It was out of service.But the door opened,and I was surprised to find that it was the same driver.“I just cant leave you here,” she said.“This isnt the nicest place.Ill give you a ride home.”“Youll drive me home in the bus?”I asked,puzzled.“No,Ill take you in my car,”she said.“Its a long way,”I protested.“Come on,”she said.“I have nothing else to do.”As we drove from the station in her car,she began telling me a story.A few days earlier,her brother had run out of gas.A good Samaritan picked him up,took him to a service station and then back to his car.“Im just passing the favor along,”she said.When I offered her money as a thankyou,she wouldnt hear of it.“That wouldnt make it a favor,”she said.“Just do something nice for somebody.Pass it along.”36Why did the writer say that he would have a long night?AHe wondered how long he had to wait for the next bus.BNo driver would give him a ride.CHe didnt know the routes.DHe perhaps would have to take a taxi.37Why did the writer change his mind after waiting for 30 minutes at the end of the route?ANo bus would come at the time.BA taxi ride would be more comfortable.CHe became impatient and a bit worried.DHe knew the driver would never return.38The bus driver drove the writer home later because _.Ashe happened to go in the same directionBshe wanted to do something good for other peopleCher brother told her to do soDshe wanted to earn more money39The bus driver hoped that the writer _.Awould do as she didBwould keep her in memoryCwould give the money to othersDwould do her a favorBAudrey Hepburn won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her first major American movie,Roman Holiday,which was released(发行)in 1953.But she is remembered as much for her_aid_work as for her acting.Born in Belgium in 1929,Audreys father was British and her mother was Dutch.Audrey was sent to live at a British school for part of her childhood.During World War ,she lived and studied in the Netherlands.Her mother thought it would be safe from German attacks.Audrey studied dance as a teenager and during college when she returned to London after the war.But she realised she wasnt going to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员)So she began taking acting parts in stage shows.Later she began to get small parts in movies.But it was Audrey Hepburns move to America that brought her true fame.In 1951 she played the character“Gigi”in the Broadway play of the same name to great critical(关键的,重要的)praise.Two years later,Roman Holiday made her a star at the age of 24.Audrey made more than 25 movies.Among her most popular roles was Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffanys in 1961.Three years later she played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady.She was married two times and had one son by each husband.In 1989,the UN Childrens Fund named Audrey a goodwill ambassador(亲善大使,特使)She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF projects.The UN agency said she was a tireless worker.She often gave 15 interviews a day to gain money and support for UNICEF projects.Audrey Hepburn often said her loyalty to UNICEF was the result of her experiences as a child during World War .She said she knew what it was like to be starving and to be saved by international aid.She was a goodwill ambassador until her death in 1993 from colon cancer(结肠癌)40In Paragraph 1,“her aid work”means_.Awinning an Academy Award as Best ActressBtaking acting parts in stage showsCmaking moviesDacting as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF41The reason why Audrey lived and studied in the Netherlands was that_.Ashe wanted to be a ballerinaBher parents were from BritainCthe education there was excellentDit was safe there42We can infer from the passage that _.AAudreys parents lived in Germany during World War BAudrey lived in America in the 1950sCAudrey was made to give up dancingDthe character“Gigi”in the Broadway play was her most popular role43_is NOT mentioned in the passage about Audrey Hepburn.AMarriage BIdentityCContribution DReligionCBullies(欺凌弱小者)often bully students who are lonely.They do it over and over,but the students usually dont tell anybody they are being bullied because they are afraid of the bullies.These students dont know how to stop the bullies and are very unhappy.Some dont see a solution and dont want to be bullied any more,so they decide to commit suicide(自杀)On the Internet,there are many stories about bullying victims who killed themselves.Here are three we read about online.A 14yearold girl in Canada was bullied all the time by three girls in her class.The girls even called her on the telephone to bully her.She was afraid to stand_up_to them and never told anyone about the situation.She was miserable and didnt want to be bullied again,so she killed herself.A 14yearold boy in Canada was also bullied a lot.He was miserable,but he did not talk to anyone either.Finally,he wrote a note to his parents.He told them that he was scared of the bullies and didnt know what to do.Then he jumped off a bridge.In England,a 13yearold girl was bullied because she was very tall.She was scared of the bullies,but she also never told anybody what the bullies was doing.She was so unhappy that she committed suicide.These young students were lonely and unhappy.They did not know how to stop the bullies,so they killed themselves.We need to notice when students are victims(受害者)and desperate.Then we can help them before they decide to commit suicide.44The reason why victims keep silent about bullying is that_.Athey dont want to take that seriouslyBthey are too shy to say that to othersCbullies may have ordered them not to tell others about thatDthey want to solve the problems by themselves45The underlined phrase“stand up to”in Paragraph 4 refers to_.Aface bravely BbeatCbully Dmet46What should those who are bullied do in order to stop being bullied again?AThey should have the bullies beaten by others.BThey should try their best to fight against them.CThey should tell others about the matter and ask them for help.DThey should try to avoid meeting them again.DWhen you are deciding which wheels are right for you,there are quite a few choices.Here are some tips that may be helpful in choosing a wheel.Steel wheelsoffered mostly for offroad or as a low cost alternative to aluminum(铝)Steel wheels can be improved by making small changes with a spray can or brush if the need ever arises.A chromed steel wheel is likely to rust and is likely to need repair,especially in areas that use salt on the roads in the winter.They are heavier than aluminum wheels,thus,add some additional stress to suspension and braking(刹车)parts.Another downfall of steel wheels is that they are handbuilt wheels and have lower ability of bearing in regard to run in,sometimes causing shaking problems on the street.ALWAYS dry your wheels off after going through a car wash.The chemicals used in car washes these days can leave dirty spots that are difficult,if not impossible,to get rid of.ALWAYS wash the road salt off your wheels as soon as possible.Salt can eat into the last part of a wheel and leave pits and stains that cannot be fixed.ALWAYS check the directions on a cleaner before you use it on your wheels or tyres.Some tyre cleaners will forever discolour wheels and some wheel cleaners contain acids that will eat certain types of wheels.47The passage mainly tells us about_.Ahow to repair and fix wheelsBhow to buy and wash wheelsChow to introduce and use wheelsDhow to choose and protect wheels48If you are a driver,you should better buy_.Asteel wheels Baluminum wheelsCiron wheels Dplastic wheels49If a driver has bought steel wheels,_.Abraking parts of the wheel are not quickBthe wheels must leave a lot of dirty marksCsometimes the wheels will cause shaking on roadsDhe can save a lot of money in repairing his car50According to the passage,a driver should_.Apay special attention to his cars wheelsBmake less use of salt to protect and repair his cars wheelsClet acids eat certain types of wheelsDoften wash his car and keep it away from danger.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Dear Boris,51After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better.52Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too! Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions.53Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day.Thats quite wrong! I get rather annoyed now when I hear all the foolish words about typical English food.I had expected to see “London fog”. Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this “thick fog” disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes. But the idea to speak about weather was very helpful.54On the other hand, habits are different. People tell me what is typical British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland.55But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions(传统). Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries. And people have always been proud of having ancient(古老的) buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.Love from Britain.AThe weather in London is really changeable.BI have difficulty in understanding my classmates.CThanks for your nice letter.DThe family I live with are friendly.EIts very different from what I learned at school.FLocal habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew.GBut its not the language thats different and surprising.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As winter holiday are coming soon, my classmates are trying very hard to get train tickets to go to home. After make up my mind, I decided to stay in Shanghai where my university is. This is the first time that I spent the Festival away from home. My parents agreed to visit me, but I will have a different festival. When they came here, I will show them around my university and the city just as well. I have decided to buy them some nice gift. It will be the big surprise for them. Our parents have done a lot for me, and I think it is high time that I did something specially to express my thanks.书面表达(满分25分)你所在的班在英语课上讨论“What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?”。你所在的小组主要就公交车进行了讨论。假设你是小组长,现在由你根据本组的讨论结果用英语写一份简短的口头报告。以下是小组讨论过程中所作的记录。利弊票价;环保;缓解交通拥挤;泊车压力小候车;路线(route)固定、缺乏灵活性;拥挤、不舒服注意:1.词数100左右;2包含所有要点;3注意语篇连贯,可根据需要增加内容。_综合检测(三)1C句意:不,他不在。我是他秘书。我可以代劳吗?我看可以吧。A项说法太生硬,似乎在命令别人做某事,B项显然不恰当;D项不合此时的语境;C项正合题意。2C句意:今年小麦好收成的希望不大,因为霜冻的损失太大。damage损失;destroy毁坏,不用作名词;reduction减少;break休息。3A考查时态。根据句意“这正是我一直在想的事”,选择A项,为现在完成进行时。4B句意:无论他承诺什么,你都不能指望他做任何事情。rely on/upon sb.to do sth.指望某人做某事符合句意。5A答语句意:多亏吃药,现在不那么频繁了。A.时常的,频繁的;B.常见的,普遍的;C.有规律的;D.方便的。6Dbe admitted to/into意为“被所录取/接纳”,应该用被动语态。7C句意:如果你今天下午回电话以便于我们能早做决定我将非常感激。appreciate ones doing sth.感激某人做某事。考查appreciate后跟动名词作宾语。8D考查动词时态。现在完成时可以用于时间或条件等状语从句中,表示将要做某个动作之前必须要先完成的动作,故此题选D,即write the report之前必须先finish the experiment。9B句意:孩子们应该自己负责打扫自己的房间。watchful注意的,警惕的;responsible负有责任的;present出席的,在场的;popular有名的,受欢迎的,流行的。10Bpull on猛吸,狠吸;pull out(火车)出站;pull round恢复健康;pull off驶向路边。句意:当我们匆忙赶到月台时,这次北京特快已经开出车站。11B答句句意:它(指领带)与我的服装搭配得很好。match强调品质、设计、颜色等的适合;fit强调大小、尺寸适合;balance相称,平衡;satisfy意为“满足,使满意”。12D考查让步状语从句的连接词。句意:不管哪里有灾难,红十字会都会送去帮助。13C句意:这所学校创建于20世纪早期,它一直激励着孩子们对于艺术的热爱。the school与found之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。14B句意:正是在当地导游的帮助下那位爬山者获救了。这是一个It is/was.that.强调句型。判断的标准是:把It is/was和that去掉,然后调整句子的顺序看句子是否成立。如果成立,就是强调句型,反之则不是。而本题将It was和that去掉并调整顺序后为“The mountain climber was rescued with the help of the local guide.”,句子完整无缺,因此是强调句型,所以答案为B。15A句意:老年人在冬天需要特别的照顾,因为他们对天气的突变很敏感。be sensitive to.对敏感。16B由下文可知,“车轮”的发明使得运载重物更容易。17B从文章第三段中的as much effect as the wheel可知,wheel(车轮)的发明使人更加容易地将重物运送到很远的地方去。18C从后文可知,自从车轮被发明后,在几百年内“几乎没有”出现比这意义更大的发明。19D从后文可知,19世纪早期,世界开始“改变”。20A根据历史知识可知,经过航海家们(如麦哲伦、哥伦布)的努力,世界上的陆地几乎都被发现了。21B根据语境可判断,此处指没有必要再去“探险”了。22C从逻辑上讲,想生活得好当然要工作。23B表示在多个对象当中,应用介词among。24A句意:这些都成为我们当今生活的一大部分。25D本题中的saw是一种拟人化的说法。再如:The 1990s saw the great changes in China。26Asound movies指的是“有声电影”。27Balso在这里用来表示再举一例。28Ccome out意为“出现,形成”。29D尼龙的出现,改变了人们的着装。wear在此符合文章的逻辑。30Aget over在此意为“克服,战胜”。31A从本空前面可知,在20世纪中叶,人们找到了许多新的方法战胜疾病,当然可以让生命更长久。32Cexpect(期望)符合语境。33A根据语境可知,新的发明“不断”出现。34C从本空后面可知,人类要探索宇宙。且从本空后面的again也可以推断本空应选“探索(explore)”。35B句意:人类开始寻找进入太空的方法。36A细节理解题。根据“There was another bus I could take from there.This clearly was going to be a long night.”可知答案为A项。37C推理判断题。作者在等了半小时后,开始考虑搭乘出租车回去(After waiting 30 minutes,I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home.),由此可推断作者已经等得不耐烦了,还有点着急。38B细节理解题。由“Im just passing the favor along”可知,司机的弟弟曾经有过与作者相似的经历,她只是想把这种助人的行为传递下去。而最后当作者给她钱表示对她的感激时,她说“Just do something nice for somebody.Pass it along.”,由此也可知她只是想帮助别人。39A推理判断题。由文章最后司机说的“Just do something nice for somebody.Pass it along.”可知,她希望作者也能像她一样为他人做些好事。40D推理判断题。此题应根据全文内容来判断。第一段是全文的概括,其重心在后面,即奥黛丽赫本尽管获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,但她担当的援助工作同样使人铭记。再结合文章接下来的叙述可知答案为D项。41D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Her mother thought it would be safe from German attacks.”和“.she returned to London after the war.”可知D项正确。42B推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段前半部分可知,A项错误;根据第三段中“she realized she wasnt going to be a ballerina.”可知是她主动放弃的,C项错误;根据第四段中“In 1951 she played the characterGigiin the Broadway play.”及后文可判断,这个角色并不是她扮演的最有名的角色,因此D项错误。由文章第四、五两段可知B项正确。43D细节理解题。可以运用排除法。她的婚姻、身份和贡献在文章中都提到了,唯独没有提及她的宗教信仰,故选D项。44C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句说明被欺负者之所以不敢告诉别人他们被欺负,是因为他们害怕这些欺负他们的人,这说明他们可能受到了欺负他们的人的恐吓。45A词义猜测题。根据上下文可知该短语的意思接近“勇敢地面对”。46C推理判断题。根据最后一段,可以解决受欺负的方法是我们的帮助,说明受害者应该将自己受到欺负的事告诉别人以寻求帮助才是明智的做法。47D主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句话“Here are some tips that may be helpful in choosing a wheel.”及最后三段段首的“ALWAYS”可知本文主要谈论的是如何挑选和保护车轮。48B推理判断题。根据文章第二段,steel wheels与aluminum wheels相比存在很多缺点,所以作为司机最好要买aluminum wheels。49C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话“Another downfall of steel wheels is.,sometimes causing shaking problems on the street.”可知C项正确。50A细节理解题。文章最后三段主要讲的是司机在日常行车中须特别注意保养车轮。故选A项。5155CEGAF短


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