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Where-Is-the-News-Where-Is-the-News-leading-to-us(leading-to-us(高级英语高级英语)OPEC中文名称:石油输出国组织中文名称:石油输出国组织 英文名称:英文名称:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesA group of countries that produce oil and plan together how to sell it.成立于成立于1960年年9月月14日,日,1962年年11月月6日欧佩克在联合国秘书处备案,成为日欧佩克在联合国秘书处备案,成为正式的国际组织。其宗旨是协调和统一成员国的石油政策,维护各自的和共正式的国际组织。其宗旨是协调和统一成员国的石油政策,维护各自的和共同的利益。现有同的利益。现有11个成员国是:沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克、伊朗、科威特、阿拉个成员国是:沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克、伊朗、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔、利比亚、尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚、印度尼西亚和委伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔、利比亚、尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚、印度尼西亚和委内瑞拉。内瑞拉。Library Work:YMCA中文名称:基督教青年会中文名称:基督教青年会 英文名称英文名称:Abbreviation of Young Mens Christian Association An international organization that promotes the spiritual,intellectual,social,and physical welfare of young Christians基督教青年会是全球性基督教青年社会服务团体,已具有基督教青年会是全球性基督教青年社会服务团体,已具有160 多年的历史。多年的历史。中国基督教青年会创建于中国基督教青年会创建于1895年,并存在至今,其努力目标是年,并存在至今,其努力目标是“发扬基督发扬基督精神,团结青年同志,养成完美人格,建设完美社会。精神,团结青年同志,养成完美人格,建设完美社会。”“不但注意个人的不但注意个人的灵德,而且还看重体、智、群三方面的提练灵德,而且还看重体、智、群三方面的提练.Walter Lippmann(李普曼)(1889-1947)U.S.journalist and political philosopher,was known for his writings on courrent social and political events and phenomena.His widely syndicated column“Today and Tomorrow”for the New York Herald Tribune(纽约先驱论坛报)was read by millions for September 1931 until his retirement in 1967.美国专栏作家,政论家。美国专栏作家,政论家。1889年年9月月23日生于纽约,日生于纽约,1974年年12月月14日卒于同日卒于同地。毕业于哈佛大学。地。毕业于哈佛大学。1910年开始从年开始从事新闻工作。事新闻工作。19211931年任纽约年任纽约世界报编辑、主编。世界报编辑、主编。9年间撰写社年间撰写社论论1200余篇。余篇。1931年为纽约先驱论年为纽约先驱论坛报撰写坛报撰写“今日与明日今日与明日”专栏,被国内专栏,被国内外外250多家报纸转载。多家报纸转载。1963年年1月,月,“今今日与明日日与明日”转到新闻周刊刊载。转到新闻周刊刊载。1967年年3月月25日刊出最后一期专栏。该日刊出最后一期专栏。该专栏在美国报业史上历时最久,影响最专栏在美国报业史上历时最久,影响最大,深受国内外重视。大,深受国内外重视。1967年退休后,年退休后,继续为新闻周刊撰写评论。一生著继续为新闻周刊撰写评论。一生著作近作近30种。曾两次获普利策奖。种。曾两次获普利策奖。The author:Norman Cousins:U.s.editor and author,is one of the most influential magazine editors of the twentieth century.He was the editor of the Saturday Review from 1940 to 1971.He was a powerful advocate of world government.News:1.Information about recent events or happenings,especially as reported by newspapers,periodicals,radio,or television.2.A presentation of such information,as in a newspaper or on a newscast.在我国新闻学术界,最权威的新闻定义,是在我国新闻学术界,最权威的新闻定义,是1943年陆定一提出的,年陆定一提出的,“新闻的定义,就是新闻的定义,就是新近发生事实的报道。新近发生事实的报道。”范长江也对新闻下了一个定义,范长江也对新闻下了一个定义,“新闻就是广新闻就是广大群众欲知应知而未知的重要事实大群众欲知应知而未知的重要事实”。王中教授引入传播学概念,把新闻定义为王中教授引入传播学概念,把新闻定义为“新新近变动的事实的传布近变动的事实的传布”。另外甘惜分教授把新闻定义为另外甘惜分教授把新闻定义为“报道或评述最报道或评述最新的重要事实以影响舆论的特殊手段新的重要事实以影响舆论的特殊手段”。NEWS代表North(北)East(东)West(西)South(南)四个方向。寓意NEWS能向国际四方发展,并有新信讯的意味。The General Characteristics of News Facticity 真实性真实性Timeliness 时效性时效性Accuracy 准确性准确性Simplicity 简明性简明性Valuable 价值性价值性立场:观点鲜明 内容:真实具体 反应:迅速及时 语言:简洁准确 Classification of the News:According to the content:political news;economic news;sports newsAccording to the place:international news;National News;Local NewsAccording to the time:breaking news(对出乎人们预料而突然爆发的事件的报道);delayed news(对逐步发生变化的时间的报道)Accordng to the relationship:hard news(news that deals with serious topics or events);soft news(background information or human interest stories)Do you pay attention to the news?Why or why not?In which way do you acquire the news?Where is the news leading us?Organization of the text Part I:(Para 1-5)narrationthe setting&persons in the issuePart II:(Para 6-8)Validitythrough argument give notions of“news”“civilization”“progress”“positive news”Part III:(Para 9-13)examplesupporting arguments developmentOrganization of the textPart I:(Para 1-5)Introducing the topic by referring to a question raised in a public symposiumOrganization of the textPart II:(Para 6-8)By defining the word“news”,the author explains why“bad news”is always reported while“good news”overlooked.Organization of the textPart III:(Para 9-13)The author argues that the media are obliged to serve as the“public philosopher”,responsible for affecting the public attitude in the right manner.Text analysisPart I:(Para 1-5)Para 1:An introduction of the public symposium and the other two speakers.Ways and meansmethods&resourcesText analysisPara 2:The purpose of the symposium.Scrutinizeto examine closely and minutely Text analysisPara 3:The question asked by the gentleman Pronetending to show a particular negative characteristic.E.g.Disaster-prone=tending to report disasters Injury-prone=often getting injuriesText analysisPara 4:The answer and the reaction by the anchorman and the editor Text analysisPara 5:The author interprets the question raised by the gentleman and the answer given by the anchorman.Downside news-news of a negative natureLast sentence is the derivation of following argument.Second Section:Para 68Para 67The author gives his definition of“news”.The definition helps to explain partly why“bad news”is mostly reported whereas“good news”is neglected.Questions for Para 67What are the two differing notions of“News”represented in the article?Sudden,eruptive happenings in the past 12-24 hours.Progress of civilization that comes in bits and pieces.Questions for Para 67What does“eruptive”mean according to the context?Shocking and sensationalPara 7Generally,it comes in bits and pieces,very little of it clearly visible at any given moment,but all of it involved in the making of historical change for the better.Para 8The author criticizes the normal practice of the media by pointing out the harm done to the public mood by medias obsession in“bad news”.What does“this”refer to?What does“inhibitors of progress”mean according to the context?Can you paraphrase the whole sentence?A mood of hopelessness and cynicism is hardly likely to furnish the energy needed to meet serious challenges.A hopeless mood and bitter and mocking attitude will consume peoples vigor and enthusiasm so they are not up to dealing with any difficulty in the world.After give the conclusion of the first 8 paragraphs from the definition of news,the author put forward his argument in Para.9.Generally speaking,the good or called“positive”news are not so breaking to draw folks attention.But anyway,the news media must hold perspective attitude to events.Definitly,their responsibility is to find important events and report it,whether the content is about disaster or conflict.Viewpoint in para.9In para.10,some examples are given to led readers to a more broaden view of the world.So it is important for profession of jourmalism to select what is to be reported.The author further elaborates and strengthens his viewpoint by citing examples of what he considers positive developments of the world.It ought to be point out that the two evidences given by author are convincing.1.nitrogen-fixation plants can fix nitrogen,so as to reduce the need for fertilize2.The rice harvest in Far East Plants that contribute to nitrogen fixation include the legume family,such as bean.producing nitrogen compounds that help the plant to grow and compete with other plants.When the plant dies,the fixed nitrogen is released,making it available to other plants and this helps to fertilize the soil.Much research has been conducted on the discovery of catalysts for nitrogen fixation,often with the goal of reducing the energy required for this conversion.However,such research has thus far failed to even approach the efficiency and ease of the Haber process.Nitrogen fixationDoctor Yuan,Hybrid RiceHybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of rice.Some hybrid rice may significantly increase the output.At the present time,Yuan Longping,the Father of Hybrid Rice,may be the most famous in research on hybrid rice.He developed a hybrid rice which produces 30%more than ordinary ones,which has been widely used in the rice fields.The hybrid rice by Yuan and his co-researchers has made the earth produce extra rice equivalent to food for 80 million or more people.With the widely used of the hybrid rice,China could feed her 1.4billion people which is siginificant achievement.Para 11-13 why progress(“good news”)should be reported.ReasonsPara11 Media are responsible for affecting the public attitude in the right manner.(obligations of the media)Para12 Good life in good society only can be attained forever by Transmitting.Liking the history,we can use the reported as experience to see more and develop ourselves.Para13What does this sentence mean?We are only what we think we are;we can achieve only those goals we dare to envision.(line55 in para 11)What the news media report on us and on the world is the only information about ourselves and about the world.Such reportage had better be faithful to our life and not be a distortion because we must rely on the truthful picture of our life to make our decisions and plan our future.A true portrait.A caricature.contrastWalter Lippmann(1889 1974)-U.S.journalist and political philosopher,well known for his writings on current social and political events and phenomena.His widely syndicated column“Today and Tomorrow”for the New York Herald Tribute was read by millions from September 1931 until his retirement in 1967.What does this sentence mean?The acquired culture is not transmitted in our genesis not transmitted.What we attain/get from society does not become our inborn/inherent character.We may able to earn the good life in a good society,but such good life cannot be ours permanently.If the understanding of the good life is not passed on,we will lose what we have earned.Bernard de Chartres a twelfth-century French Neo-Platonist philosopher,scholar,and administrator.What does this sentence mean?“boosting ourselves up through our experiences”.improving and developing ourselves through our experiences.Why“history”?Analogy News is in a sense history,for it is mostly what had happened.It should produce a similar effect on the people as history does.Reporting more good news would be encouraging.U 9 text 1 from:fan qingya 2010-11-09Review of the outline 15 the setting and the persons involved in the issue“why are the newspapers and the television news were so disaster-prone?”narration 6-8News civilization&progress Definition 9 Turning point“the responsibility of the news media is to search out and report on important events”Cause-effect patternTo show that people are informed heavily about disasters A public mood of defeatism and despairNarration tells a story,presenting a series of events that begins at a particular time and are often organized chronologically.To further his argument,he uses examples.Concrete and vivid Furthermore,in para 11,Contrast:A true portrait a caricature The figure of speech:para13“Like dwarf s seated on the shoulders of giants”Thank you!


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