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三年级(下)综合练习卷 姓名_一、选择正确的答案:( ) 1. -Is this your cake ? -Yes , _ _. A. it is B. it isnt C. this is( ) 2. Thats _ my lunch box . A. is B. isnt C. /( ) 3. -What is it? - _ a _ . A. This; doll B. Its ; doll C. Thats ; doll( ) 4. -Is that your crayon? -_, it _. A. No ; is B. Yes ; isnt C. No ; isnt( ) 5. This _ a pencil. A. s B. isnt C. /( ) 6. -Is this your toy bird? -_, it _. It isnt my toy bird. A. Yes ; is B. No ; isnt C. No ; is( ) 7. -Please open your book. -_, Miss Li . A. OK B. No C . Good( ) 8. -_ your English book? -Its in my desk. A. Whats B. Where C. Wheres ( ) 9. -_ stand on the chair. -Im sorry. A. Please B. Dont C. Not( ) 10. -Where _ her _ ? -They are in the tree. A. are ; friend B. is ; friend C. are ; friends( ) 11. This is _old bike. Its _(he)bike. A. a; he B. an; his C. an; hes( ) 12. I like _new classmate(同班同学). I am _(she)friend. A. I; she B. my; shes C. my; her二、选词填空: Sit down Stand up blackboard open you class booksA: _ , please.B:Good afternoon, _ .A: Good afternoon, Miss Li.B:_, please.A:Thank _, Miss Li.B:Now, _ your _,please.A: OK, Miss Li.B: At last(最后),Look at the _.A: All right.三、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,将单词写在横线上:1、-Look! Dont _ here. -_sorry. 2、- Is _ your schoolbag? - _, it _. 四、根据图片选择正确的情景对话,将序号写在图下括号内:( ) ( ) ( )A: -Look, a bird! -What a nice bird!-Wheres the bird? -Its in the tree now.B: -What time is it? -Its seven oclock. Time to get up, Liu Tao.C: -Look! This is my family photo. -Whos this?-Hes my father.五、短文排序:( ) Good morning, Mr. Green. ( ) Good morning. Sit down, please.( ) Now open your books.( ) Yes, Mr. Green.( ) Dont talk in class, Mike.( ) Stand up.( ) Im sorry, Mr. Green.六、情景匹配: (1) ( ) 1. How old are you? A. Its a CD.( ) 2. Whats that? B. Its over there.( ) 3. Is that your CD? C. Yes, Miss Li.( ) 4. Wheres your bag? D. Im eight.( ) 5. Here you are. E. Thank you.( ) 6. Its time for class. F. No, it isnt.(2) ( ) 1. Is she your grandma? A. Nice to meet you, Sam.( ) 2. Whos he? B. Theyre pears.( ) 3. My name is Sam. C. Its six oclock.( ) 4. What are these? D. Hes my uncle.( ) 5. What time is it? E. Yes, they are apples.( ) 6. Are those apples? F. No, she isnt.七、根据上下文情景,选择适当的句子完成对话,将序号填在横线上:(A. Is that girl your sister? B. Twelve. C. Who is the man? D. Hello, Wang Bing.)A: Hello, Mike. B: _A: Look at My family photo. B: How nice! _ Is he your father?A: No, he is my uncle. B: _A: Yes, you are right. B: How old is she?A: _2. ( A. How old are you? B: How lovely! C. What is it? D. I want a robot. )A: Happy birthday, Sam! This is for you. B: Thank you._A: Its a toy car. B: _ I like it.A: Its time for the cake. _ B: Im four.A: Make a wish! B: OK. _八、阅读短文,完成练习:1阅读短文,判断正误.A: Happy birthday, Liu Tao! Its for you. B: Thank you, Mike. Whats this?A: Its a car. B: Let me see. Oh, how lovely!A: Do you like the colour? B: Oh, a green car! I like green .Thank you. Oh, its time for the cake. A: OK.1. Its Liu Taos birthday( )2.Liu Tao gives (给)Mike a car. ( )3. The car is blue. ( ) 4. Its time for cake . ( )5.Liu Tao doesnt(不) like the green car. ( ) 2. 根据短文内容选择适当的应答A:Good afternoon, Liu Tao.B:Good afternoon, Miss Li. I cant find (找不到) my pencil case.A:Is it in your schoolbag?B:No, it isnt here.A:Is it in your desk?B:No, the pencil case isnt in my desk.A:Oh, heres a pencil case on the chair. Is it yours(你的)?B:No, its yellow. Its Wang Bings. My pencil case is blue.A:I can see a blue pencil case under the desk.B:Oh, its my pencil case. Thank you, Miss Li.( ) 1. It is in the _. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( ) 2. _ pencil case is on the chair. A. Liu Taos B. Wang Bings C. Miss Lis ( ) 3. Liu Tao cant find his _. A. pencil B. pencil case C. schoolbag ( ) 4. What colour is Wang Bings pencil case? _. A. Its black B. Its blue. C. Its yellow ( ) 5. Liu Taos pencil case is _. A. in the desk B. under the desk C. in the schoolbag4 / 4


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