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2022学年第二学期六年级期中考试英语试卷学校 班级 姓名 学号 密封 线 听力部分(共30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项。(听两遍)(10分)( )1.A.blouse B. mouse C. mouth ( )2.A.weak B. wake C. lake ( )3.A.around B. ground C. sound ( )4.A.presents B. picks C. parents( )5.A.when B. well C. will( )6.A.pull B. pours C. put ( )7.A.bite B. big C. bit ( )8.A.many B. badly C. bed ( )9.A.many B. match C. messy ( )10.A. happily B. quietly C. slowly 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she is.( ) 2. A. Im sorry. B. Thank you. C. Its a good habit.( ) 3. A. Its my brothers. B. Its my brother. C. Theyre my brothers.( ) 4. A. Keep the room clean. B. Go to bed late. C. Put the things in order.( ) 5. A. Im here B. Yes , I am. C. He is here.三、听录音,完成短文。(听三遍)(10分)A : Hello, Su Hai.B : Hello, Yang Ling. Look at my photos.A : Who s this man? Hes so _ .B : Hes my uncle. He often does exercise. He gets up early in the morning and _ goes to bed _ . He always puts his things in order. He also likes helping people.A : Oh, he has so many good_ . Whos the girl? She is reading_ .B : Shes my cousin. She doesnt speak _ .She always_ her room clean and _ . She usually _ her homework before dinner.A : Look at them. They are running_ .B : Yes. 笔试部分(共70分)一、 单项选择。 (15分)( ) 1. Can you catch the fish _ a big net? A. with B. at C. in( ) 2. Helen was afraid of dogs because a dog_ her two years ago. A.bite B.bit C.bits( ) 3. Lily is a_ girl. She can look after her little sister_. A.careful;carefully B. carefully;carefully C. carefully;careful( ) 4. Im so sad, theres just _ water in the bottle. Im too thirsty! A. a little B. a few C. a lot of( ) 5. Mike shouted _, because he got the _ news. A. excitedly; exciting B. excitedly; excited C. excited; exciting ( )6. The ball is _ the hole, so Sam pours some water _ the hole.A. in, in B .into, in C. in, into( )7. Nancy found many _in the book. A. animal stories B. animals storiesC. animals story( )8. Be quiet. Dont _.A. woke him up B. wake him up C. weak him up ( )9. The mouse helped the lion _ . A. get out B. got out C. gets out ( )10.He drinks _ water. A. too much B. too many C. much too( )11. Do we need _ vegetables every day?A. any B. much C. some( )12. Liu Tao sometimes _ his homework before dinner last year. A. finishes B. finish C. finished ( ) 13. David looks , because he lost his new kite. A. happy B. sad C. sadly( )14. The fat man with a blue hat is his father.上句四个斜体单词画线部分读音与众不同的是 . A. fatherB. manC. hatD. fat( )15. Some orange juice? Yes, please. 对话中两个句子的末尾升降调符号应该是 . A.B. C.D.二、根据首字母提示完成句子。 (9分)1. We must f_ the traffic rules and stay s_ on the road.2. It was rainy. We n_ some raincoats to get out.3. Nancy feels s_, because she didnt go to bed e_ last night.4. To help the lion, the mouse m_ a big hole in the net w_ his teeth.5. Liu Tao keeps his room clean and . (整洁的)6. The lion and the mouse became friends. They lived h together.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(8分)1. To keep _, we should follow some rules of the road _. (safe)2. The girl looked at them _ (angry) and couldnt say a word.3. Mr. Zhang looks _ (happy). He says hello to me _ (happy).4. The children _ ( catch) a mouse last weekend.5. Tom is good at _ (swim), and he plays football _ ( good) too.四、把下列句子重新排列,组成一段完整的话。(每小题1分,计5分) A. I like eating vegetables and fruit.B. Do you have a healthy diet ? C. Yes, I think so.D. Are they good for our body?FE. What do you like eating? F. Yes, they are.五、课外阅读。(每小题1分,计15分) A. 读一读,选出与句子内容相符的图片。A. B. C. D. E. ( ) 1. Uncle Noah builds the big Ark. It takes 100 years to build the Ark.( ) 2. Terry helps Pam find the cat Kitty with the magic ladder.( ) 3. On the sea, the waves race to the shore. Faster and faster they roll, their crests turn white. As they crash into the sand, they gurgle, “A storm is coming.”( ) 4. At mid-night, some snaked little elves were singing as they made beautiful shoes.( ) 5. Many cities around the world have “bike-sharing” programmes, a little like lending libraries of bikes. (B)There was once a shoemaker. He had nothing but just enough leather to make a pair of shoes. That night he put the leather on the worktable and went to sleep. The next morning, the shoemaker was surprised to see a pair of shoes. Soon after, the shoes were sold by a customer at a very high price. Then the shoemaker had enough money to buy leather to make more shoes. He cut out the leather at night, but the shoes were finished when he got up. This went on for some time. The shoe maker became rich quickly and helped his neighbor. The shoemaker and his wife decided to see who helped them. At midnight, they saw some naked elves start to make shoes. The shoemaker and his wife wanted to show the elves their thanks. The made the elves some clothes. The elves were very happy. ( )1. Who helps the shoemaker make shoes?A. his wife B.angles C.elves ( )2. The underline word“customer”in the story means A. 妻子 B.顾客 C.仙女( )3. What do you think of the shoemaker?A. lazy B.greedy C.helpful ( ) 4. How did the shoemaker feel when he found the shoes on the worktable the next morning? A sad B worried C surprised ( ) 5. Did the shoemaker help his neighbours or the poor people in need after he became rich? A Yes, he did . B No, he didnt . C Sorry , I dont know判断(T/F)( )1、A long time ago, there lived a very rich shoemaker.( )2、The customer liked the shoes very much, but he didnt buy them.( )3、The shoemaker and his wife decided to stay up and see who had been helping them make shoes.( )4、After the shoemaker became rich, he never helped his neighbours.( )5、The shoemaker and his wife made some beautiful shoes for the elves.六、完型填空。(每小题1分,计5分) Everyone has three 1 every daybreakfast, lunch and dinner. What is the most important? Yes, breakfast. A good breakfast is important. We dont have anything for about twelve hours before breakfast. Breakfast can 2 us energy for morning activities(活动). What should be one good breakfast? One good breakfast should be some bread, an egg, milk, a piece of meat, vegetables and fruit. On a cold morning, a cup of hot drink is 3 for us. We must get up early to have 4 time to eat breakfast. Good breakfast makes us feel 5 all day. Good breakfast helps us be friendly and also work better.( ) 1. A. fruitB. dietsC. foodD. meals( ) 2. A. giveB. useC. showD. waste( ) 3. A. badB. usefulC. quickD. easy( ) 4. A. muchB. manyC. a lotD. a few( ) 5. A. tiredB. sadC. happyD. exciting七、阅读理解。(每小题1分,计5分) ARiding a bike is really exciting. Biking is fun and good exercise. It is good for our health. And bikes are small, cheap, and easy to park. You can go to places far from your house, and you can go out to play with your friends. But before you go, learn some tips about bikes:l First, if youre under 12 years old, you mustnt ride a bike.l You should ride a bike just right for you. Riding a too big bike is not safe.l Bikes can break down. You should learn to look after your bike.l You should wear bright colours over your clothes, so the drivers can see you easily.l Riding a bike can be dangerous. You must wear a helmet to protect your head.l You should keep yourself safe when you are riding a bike. You should be careful the entire(全部的) time.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写A,错误的写B。( ) 1. Bikes are small, and theyre easy to park. ( ) 2. Riding a too big bike on the road is safe for you.( ) 3. When you ride bikes, you should wear a helmet to protect your head. ( ) 4. Xiao Ming is ten years old. He can go to school by bike.( ) 5. Bikes can never break down.八、书面表达。(8分) 下周的班会课上,你班将举办“好学生,好习惯”的演讲比赛。请你根据要点,用英语完成演讲稿,不少于50个单词。要点:1. 早睡早起,上学不迟到。 2. 认真听老师讲课,乐于帮助同学。 3. 健康饮食。4. 物品能够摆放整齐,保持房间的整齐和干净。 5. 遵守交通规则。 Being a good studentA good student should have good habits. I want to be a good student. _4 / 4


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