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五分钟英语演讲稿带翻译 演讲稿 五分钟英语演讲稿带翻译篇一5分钟演讲稿英语 最好英语演讲稿汇总35分钟英语演讲稿汇总(30篇) 六、 周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves agat all odds will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country Finally I will announce. We had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. We had a basic concept to our country at that time. We know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。 记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光,正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的希望。 However,We dont know what time to start,We are grow up,Life became not the same, though we dont want to admit, its the truth that our mind and attitude to our country is changing. Our society became full of deception, indifference, intrigue, pressure, corruption, sinister, and we became irritable and not calm, detest the world and its ways. Our country seems to have become in a disastrous state too. A lot of young students who were nurtured by our motherland became impatient, let alone what are their dreams , what is the china dream 我很惊讶,当大街上有老人摔倒,我们不敢再去扶起;我很难过,当有人做了好事被报道,更多的人说他做作;我很伤心,当我看到我们众多的青年人变得冷漠、市侩、欺诈以及缺乏理想。 到底是我们病了,还是我们亲爱的祖国病了? I dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the Diaoyu Island event .I just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.We must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. China dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. 我的中国梦,不想大谈政治,也不想对钓鱼岛事件发表慷慨激昂的演讲。我只想呼吁,呼吁我们年轻人,呼吁我们祖国的希望能够将我们的青春一面,将我们的善良一面,将我们的自信一面好好展现出来。我们要学会整理自己的思想,端正自己看问题的观念,摆正自己的人生方向。我们的中国梦实际上正掌握在我们自己手上,掌握在我们年青一代,尤其是知识分子手上。 Perhaps the strength of a person is small, but when his or her fate is connected with the motherland, he or she will be hero or heroine. Perhaps a dream is tiny, but when it becomes the dream of a country, it becomes inestimable. Perhaps I cannot change our country by my own, but if thousands and thousands of young people struggle for the dream together, our motherland is enough to make the world shock. 也许,一个人,是渺小的;但是当他和祖国联系起来时,就是伟大的。也许,一个梦想,是渺小的,但是当它成为祖国的梦想时,就是不可估量的。也许,我无法用自己一个人的力量撬起整个中国,但是我们千千万万年轻人一起为祖国的梦想去奋斗时,我们的祖国就足以令世界颤抖、动容。 I dream to construct our beauty China with millions of young people who have the same dream. We do it without exaggeration but only with persistence. 我梦想和万千具有相同梦想的年轻人去建设我们的美丽中国,没有虚浮,只有执着,只有奋斗,只有勇于担当。这就是我的中国梦! That is my speech,thanks everyone. 我的演讲就到这里,谢谢大家。 We Are The World ,We Are The Future 世界是我们的,未来是我们的 Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I dont know who wrote these words, but Ive always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. 一些人说我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。我不知道谁写了这些话,但是我一直很喜欢它,因为它提醒了我,我们能够创造我们想要的未来。 We are young. “How to spend the youth” Youth is not a time of life, its a state of mind. Its not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. Its the matter of the will. Its the freshness of the deep spring of life. 我们都是农夫。如果我们播下好的种子,我们将会丰收。如果我们的种子很差,有很多草籽,收割的将是无用的庄稼。如果我们什么也不播种,什么收获也没有。 Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . 我们是年轻的。怎样度过青春 青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,。青春是生命的深泉在涌流. Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. Id like to share it with all of you. Lets show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours Where is our love, career, and life我想知道我们是否可以用这种办法去看我们的未来。好的,让我们一起握拳。我们的未来在哪儿告诉我!是的,它们就在我们的手中。它们被我们自己掌握着。 We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, weve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. Weve learnt that we cant choose how we feel, but we can choose what 五分钟英语演讲稿带翻译篇三五分钟英语演讲稿_My_dream My dream Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,Im very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams. I have a great dream,too. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me . I never thought of my dream when I was a kid. Later,my dream always changed. At that time, I dont know what my dream is. I havent studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I dont like English ,either. And I cant read the English well. But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind . I fall in love with English. I never give up ,although Im not good at it. Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day. I want to stand on the top of the world. I know its not easy for me, but Ill study hard in the next two years. There is an old saying where is a will,there is a way. I believe Nothing is impossible So I think my dream can come true. Thats all.Thanks for listening ! 五分钟英语演讲稿带翻译篇四英语5分钟演讲稿 最好英语演讲稿汇总35分钟英语演讲稿汇总(30篇) 六、 周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves agat all odds will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country its ma jiajuethe college student who murdered 4 of his roommates. many people attributed his crime to his poverty and deficient education. in my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his classmates indifference. indifference is a terrible disease in todays colleges and the whole society. its not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each other. its not rare that a student who has been absent from class for several days is not noticed at all. its also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all. some people may say what the students with psychological problems like ma jiajue need is not care but psychotherapy.” however, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them. every smile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.篇二:5分钟大学英语演讲 稿 5分钟大学英语演讲稿 ears by it.i know ,i am also safe in your heart.i have already forgotten when i told you i was going to leave for australia this summer holiday.you just smiled as usual,gently speaking.whatever you decide to do,i will be in favor of it,but, just onething,remember,when you fell lonely abroad,do not forget we are here ,praying for you.we are all around you,far across the distance and space between us.i closed my eyes,the flashback started.the memories we had together,once we played games on the palyground,we played jokes on each other,you always wrote a lot of sentences on my articles to encourage me.and the most unforgetable thing,you told me,you believed m i could be a big girl.sooner or later. at that specific moment,i suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence totally.so on that day,i smiled as you used to,looking at you.the last words i said were,keep walking in sunshine. i promise,i will be a big girl. i promise,i will be a brave girl. i promise,i will keep walking in sunshine. that is my speech,thank you!篇三:英语5分钟演讲-英汉对照 黄家驹的光辉岁月(glory years) 转载请注明 作者:杨风清扬 here i have found a representative song in each period of his musical experience. i just want to show you how he realized his dream,why he was so popular? 永远等待 大地 真的爱你honestly love you 光辉岁月海阔天空 seasky 永远等待:wait forever an early song before he became famous, it is also the name of beyonds first concert. before huangjiaju built beyond, he played his guitar just so-so, many bands despised him and did not want to cooperate with him. he back to home and practice day and night,after his hand became swollen(肿的)because of wear(磨) and shock of the guitar,he just put his finger into a pot of hot water which was mixed with五分钟英语演讲稿带翻译. salt,and then he will practice continue。after he play guitar very well,he built beyond with his friends。in order to make more people know them,they had their first concert,but the prepare process was painful,huangjiaju had to do many part-time job at the same time to make money。then they also had to sell ticket,paste posters, and distribute leaflets,at last the concert was successful。 after he became famous,he created 真的爱你for his mother,because at first his father did not permit him to play band but his mother saved some money under the table to support his choice. huangjiaju was a caring person, he founded the third world foundation, and go to africa, visit the poor and adopt orphans. glory years was written to show his respect to mandela. 曼德拉,who is the first black president of south africa. the song also express beyonds desire to agat racial discrimination and hope for world peace。 i think this is one of reasons why so many people like beyond. after they became famous, they did not satisfied with their present situation, so they shift the focus of their work to japan, they still work very hard, and created 海阔天空.which described beyonds 10 yearss bitter experience,tell us how to ist on our own ideal in the materialistic society。 just as he sangs :“no matter how many times face with ridicule(ridikju:l)嘲笑,never give up the ideal”huangjiaju has passed away,just left so many classical pirational songs,which continue warming countless frustrated heart。 黄家驹:主唱兼节奏吉他手 黄家强:贝斯手兼主唱(低音吉他) 黄贯中:主音吉他手兼主唱 叶世荣:鼓手兼主唱 只要有音乐就没有世界末日 负责弹奏主音吉他的前任吉他手邓炜谦便把乐队之名命为“beyond”,意为超越,并不是 要超越别人,而是要超越自己。 风格:叛逆为主的摇滚。 年11月宣布因三人音乐理念,对香港乐坛不满等问题,决定于翌年举办巡回演唱 会后正式解散。 年beyond举行了“beyond the story live ”世界巡回告别演唱


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