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高考复习讲与练1名词与冠词推荐3篇下面是我分享的高考复习讲与练1名词与冠词推荐3篇,供大家赏析。高考复习讲与练1名词与冠词推荐1在英语中,名词的用法十分广泛,且在历年中考中,D名词考点热仍然处于有升无降之趋势,就近几年的中考英语试题来看,对名词考查得较热的还是D名词的数、D名词的格、D名词作主语时和谓语一致关系(名词的其它知识点是必要的基础),下面结合教材和近年来中考试题,从这三个方面谈名词复习的问题,供学习者体会。名词的数名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词(个体名词和大多数集体名词)和不可数名词(物质名词和抽象名词)两种。表示可以计数的事物的名词叫可数名词,一般有单数和复数两种形式;表示不可以计数的事物的名词叫不可数名词,一般不分单数和复数。1、可数名词:个体名词都是可数名词。每个可数名词都有其单数和复数形式。. 单数 表示“一个”的概念。用名词的单数时,名词前需加 a 或 an。如 a book)、a river、an apple、an orange等。. 复数 表示两个或两个以上的物体。如two pens、three days、three cities等。(1)规则名词复数形式的构成:大多数名词 在词尾加-s。(在清辅音后读s,在浊辅音及元音后读z。)例1:The teacher said we needed to choose three _ for the school concert.(重庆)A. farmers B. doctors C. drivers D. singers (答案:选D)以辅音字母 + y 结尾的名词 把 y 变成 i , 加 -es(读作iz citycities) ,但专有名词例外,直接在 y后加-s(读作z GermanyGermanys)。例2:Many _? have been built in our city since 1987Afactorys Bfactories Cfactoryes Dfactory (答案:选B)以 s、x、ch、sh 结尾的名词 在词尾加 Ces(读作iz)。例3、How many _? are there in the room ? ?Aboxes Bbox Cboxs Dboxxes (答案:选A)例4、His mother bought two _? yesterday ?Abrushs Bbrushse Cbrushes Dbrush (答案:选B)以辅音字母 + o 结尾的名词 一般直接加 Ces(读作z), 某些外来词例外,加 -s (如 zero, kilo, tobacco 等);以元音字母 + o 结尾的名词直接加Cs(但读作z)。例5、There are lots of _?in the basket on the tableAtomatos Btomato Ctomatoss Dtomatoes (答案:选D)例6、Whose _? are these?Aphoto Bphotoes Cphotos Dphotoss (答案:选C)以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词 有的直接加 Cs(读作z);大多数要将 f 或 fe 变为 v, 再加-es(读作z);有些词两种形式都可以 handkerchief-handkerchiefs-handkerchieves。例7:This tree has green _ throughout the year.A. leaf B. leafs C. leave D. leaves (答案:选D)(2)不规则变化:单数、复数形式相同 如:deerdeer,sheepsheep,fishfish,ChineseChinese,peoplepeople。 例8:Look, five _ are feeding on the hill.A. sheeps B. sheep C. sheeps D. the sheep (答案:选B)改变单数名词中的元音字母 如:footfeet,manmen ,toothteeth,womanwomen。例9:Several _ are talking under the tree. And their _ are swimming in the lake.A. woman; children B. woman; childC. women; children D. women; child (答案:选C)含有man,woman的复合名词的变化 如:EnglishmanEnglishmen,policewomanpolicewomen, Frenchwoman Frenchwomem,fishermanfishermen.其他变化 如:childchildren ,mousemice。例10:The cat caught two _? last night?Amouses Bmice Cmouse Dmices (答案:选B)有些词只有复数形式A.某些由两个部分构成的物体的名词。如:trousers等。B.某些通常以复数形式出现的名词。如:arms,clothes,goods,stairs等。二、名词的格英语中有些名词可以加 s来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teachers book。名词所有格的规则如下:1) 单数名词词尾加 s,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加s,如the boys bag 男孩的书包,mens room 男厕所。例11:How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? _.A. In five days time B. In five days timeC. In five days time D. For five days (答案:选B)2) 若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加“ ”,如:the workers struggle 工人的斗争。例12:He may be back to the country in a few _. I hope the day to come!A. months time B. months time C. months time D. month time (答案:选C)3) 凡不能加 s的名词,都可以用“名词+of +名词”的结构来表示所有关系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字。例13:What do you know about the worlds population? (辽宁)I know China and India are the countries _ more than one billion.A. with a population of B. with populationsC. that have populations of D. which has a population of (答案:选C)4) 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barbers 理发店。例14:CYou neednt wait for Tom any longer. CHe must be having supper at _.A. the Tells B. the Tells C. the Tells D. Tells (答案:选B)5) 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有s,则表示“分别有”;只有一个s,则表示共有。复合名词或短语,s 加在最后一个词的词尾。例如:Johns and Marys rooms(两间) John and Marys room(一间)例15:Yesterday evening we had a lovely praty at _.A. Peter and Helens B. Peter and HelensC. Peter and Helen D. Peters and Helens (答案:选A)三、名词作主语和谓语的一致1、复数主语须用复数谓语,单数主语须用单数谓语。例16:A man of words and not of deeds _ a garden full of weed.Alike B. likes C. is like D. are like解析:选C。因主语是A man(单数),Dof words and not of deeds是主语的定语。例17:A number of people in the developed cities_cars of their own.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are解析:选B。因主语是people(复数),a number of(许多)是主语的定语。2、如果名词主语是一个抽象概念,一般都用单数谓语。例18:Smoking is bad for your health.例19:DMany years a long time, I dont know how long .A. are, they are B. are, it is C. is, they are D. is, it is解析:例1中,smoking指事,谓语用单数;例2选D,因为在英语里,表时间、距离等的名词作主语,和表事件都是抽象概念,其谓语都要用单数。3、当主语是and连接的两个名词时,在指一样东西时用单数谓语,若指两样东西时则需用复数主语。 例20:Talking about something and doing it are two different things.例21:I want bread and milk instead of bread and butter because bread and butter not sold well before.A. are B. is C. were D. was解析:例1中D说和D做是两件事;例2中,bread and milk、bread and butter分别是指D牛奶面包和D黄油面包,and连接的表示一样东西,在because从句中,主语bread and butter当然是单数,所以选D。4、如果名词主语后面跟有with, together with, as well as, except这类词引导的短语,谓语仍用单数,因为这种结构多为修饰语。例22:Mary with her parents TV in the sitting-room at this time yesterday.A. is B. are C. was D. were解析:选C。因为with her parents在此作伴随状语,主语(Mary)是单数。5、集体名词作主语的情况:A. 有些集体名词可跟单数谓语,也可跟复数谓语,视作整体时跟单数谓语,着重于所包含的成员时,则可跟复数谓语。例23:His family lunch at the table now.(have)例24:His family very poor before.(be)解析:例1中family指家中成员的活活动,视为复数,填are having;例2中family指D家,视为整体,是单数,填was。B. 有些集体名词都指复数的人或动物,后面都用复数谓语。例25:The police are going to question him. 警察审视他。解析:在英语里,people, police, media(媒体),bacteria(细菌),cattle(牛群)等名词指复数的人或物。C有些集体名词后面的谓语用单数或复数都可以,也有的集体名词通常只跟单数谓语。练习一、用括号中动词的适当形式填空:1.One in four people worldwide (be) without good homes.2.The police (say) the killing of the young man was an accident.3.Her family (have) been in Los Angeles since the turn of the century.4.Polities (be) seen as a mans world, but difficult for women to get on.5.Broadcast(广播) news (be) true, but not interesting.6.The United Nations (have) asked for help from the international community.二、单项选择填空:1.We need some more . Can you go and get some, please?A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe2.What big _ the tiger has!A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes3.Please remember to give the horse some tree_.A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave4.On the table there are five_.A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato5.He gave us_ on how to keep fit.A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice6.When we saw his face, we knew _ was bad.A. some news B. a news C. the news D. news7.He is hungry. Give him _ to eat.A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces breads8.How many _have you got on your farm? CIve got five.A. cow B. sheep C. pig D. chicken9.Some_came to our school for a visit that day.A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D.Germanies10.A group of _will visit the museum tomorrow.A. Canadian B. Australian C. Japanese D. American11.Lets meet at 7:30 outside the gate of_.A. the Peoples Park B. the Peoples Park C. the People Park D. Peoples Park12.There are sixty-seven_ in our school.A. womens teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher13.September 10th is _ in China.A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day14.Excuse me, where is the _ ?A. mens room B. mens room C. mens rooms D. men rooms15.The football under the bed is _ .A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys16.In a few _ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. year B. years C. years D. years17.Its about _ walk from my house.A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes18.Half _ telephone calls are made in English.A. the world B. world C. the worlds D. worlds19.Miss Smith is a friend of _ .A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers20.Have you seen Toms and Johns _?A. pencil-box B. pencil-box C. pencil-box D. pencils-boxKeys一、提示:有些名词以单数形式出现,但实为复数。1.are 2.say 3.have 提示:有些名词常以-s形式出现,但实为单数。4.is 5.is 6.has二、15: CBBCB; 610: CCBAC 1115: ABBAD 1620: BBCAB高考复习讲与练1名词与冠词推荐2研究近年来高考题我们不难看出,名词部分主要考察名词的词义辨析和习惯搭配、名词的数(可数与不可数、单数与复数)、名词的所有格、抽象名词的具体化、物质名词的量化、名词和冠词的搭配以及主谓一致等。在高考试题中,名词常结合其他项目一起考察,考察题型以单项选择、短文改错、完形填空、语篇中的名词词义理解、及写作部分等。一、对同义词、近义词的考查1、 At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of mathematics。A.approachesB.meansC.methodsD.waysD。在会议上他们讨论了三种不同的学习数学的方法。way意为方式,方法,可指具体的方法,也可指抽象的方法,多指一般的思想、行动、办事的方法,也可指个人特殊的方式、方法。approach意为接近,靠近,方式,方法,指接近某人或某事,也可指对待或处理事情的方式或方法。mean意为方式,方法,用于抽象意义,可指为达到某一目的而采用的方法、计划、政策、策略等,尤指整套方法;用于具体意义,常指为达到某一目的所使用的工具、材料、机器、用具、车船等。method意为方式,方法,指具体的、系统的、有步骤的方法,强调条理性及高效率。面对英语学习中的大量近义词,仅凭母语我们往往无法把它们真正理解和解释清楚。要尽可能地多翻阅英语词典,注意并比较它们的基本义,用英语的思维方式和语言来解释和理解它们。二、对相似词的考查2、Always read the_on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A. explanations B. instructionsC. descriptions D. introductionsB。 从选项中名词的拼写来看,不但形式相似,都是以?tions为后缀,而且instructions 和introductions读音也相似,我们平时如果不注意单词的辨形、辨音,很容易混淆,再加上四个单词的含义也相似,有的考生被弄得晕头转向。本题要求在辨形的基础上还要知道这几个词的含义:explanation,解释instruction,说明description,描述introduction,介绍。本句的意思是必须仔细阅读药瓶上的说明,按量服用。答案是B。 三、易错的新版教材名词固定搭配作为对新版教材的体现,新版教材里的一些新出现的名词固定搭配得到了较多的一种考查。3、_achievement,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.A.In terms of B.In case ofC.As a result of D.In face ofA。语境为:就成绩而言,上周WTO在这里的部长级会议得分不高,尽管还不至于不及格。B项表如果,C项表因为,D项表面对,A项表关于、至于,符合题意。4、You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of_。A.date B.shapeC.order D.balaneeB。你坐在我帽子上,帽子已严重变形了。out of shape意为变形out of date意为过时:out of order意为混乱out ofbalance 意为失衡。面对教材里的词组、搭配,我们要注意收集和整理,并尤其要加强新出现的固定搭配的记忆和分类汇总。四、考察单词基本义的引申和拓展近年来,常见单词的陌生义项在高考试题中不时出现,给部分考生造成了不小的障碍。5、To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses.A.strengths B.benefitsC.techniques D.valuesA。语境为:要使队员表现得更好,教练员首先得清楚每个队员的优点和缺点。B项表利益、好处,不合题意。而A项除表体力外,还可引申为可数名词something providing force or power优点、强项,符合语境。平时多翻阅英语词典,尽可能了解最常见单词的新义项。同时,加强英语材料的接触,拓展自己的知识面,提高自己的英语水平。 名校模拟题及其答案 1、To the great of the citizens, no one else was infected with H1N1 except the 12 confirmed cases .A. relaxation B. disappointment C. relief D. surprise(湖北省黄冈中学2023届高三年级9月月考)2、The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural_.A.transplant B.transformation C.transportation D.translation(河南省实验中学20232023高三第一次月考)3、The map was drawn to the standard _ of 1:100,000. So there was not much detail.A. route B. line C. rate D.scale(河南省实验中学20232023高三第一次月考)4、Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as a foreign language is not a mysteriouswithout scientific basis.A process B practice C procedure D program(江苏南通九校20232023高三第一次月考)5、Mr Smith had an unusual :he was first an office clerk, then a sailor,and ended up as a school teacher.A profession B occupation C position D career(江苏南通九校20232023高三第一次月考)6、Because of its intimacy,radio is usually more than just a medium;it is .A firm B company C corporation Dbusiness(山东潍坊20232023高三第一次月考)7、The financial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult _.A. occasion B. condition C. evaluation D. situation(合肥市2023高三第一次质量检测)8.Paul has gone abroad to try his luck.In my _, his decision is not wise.A. word B. view C. sight D. way(福建省普通高中2023年毕业班单科质量检查)9.Jack Brown is very clever and he studies hard as well.No _ he comes out first in the exams.A. answer B. question C. wonder D. problem(宁波市2023年第一次教学质量检测)10. As is well known, the brain performs a very important _, which controls the nerve system of the body.A.motion B. action C. function D. fact(烟台市2023年高三年级模块检测)11. At the meeting they discussed three different to the study of mathematics.A. means B. methods C. ways D. approa hes12. The of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics will allow Beijing to become the focal point for tourists fr.m across the globe.A. theme B. purpose C. task D. brand13. On yesterdays interview, he didn t make a(n) at all ; what s the matter with him?A. apology B. appearance C. difference D. change14.-If you like,l can do some shopping for you.-Its a very kindA. service B. point C. suggestion D. offer15. It was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.A. feeling B. opinion C. comment D. reaction16. What he told us about the situation simply doesnt make anyA. sense B. idea C. meaning D. mistake17. Increasing supplies of fruits and vegetables to enable all people to have _ to them is a major challenge.A. attempt B. allowance C. access D. admission18. Jeff,a British hiker,has prepared a variety of clothes of different for his travel from South China to the Noah.A. measures B. weights C. sizes D. lengths19. We need to consider what we will be using for language training.A. abilitiesB. appliancesC. facilitiesD. qualities20. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of like coal, gas and oil.A. fuels B. articlesC. goods D. products2l. The kind of office equipment will certainly make a(n) to the way 1 do my job.A. sense B. difference C. effect D. meaning22. l was really unwilling to play chess with him, but 1 had to meet the from him.A. demand B. challenge C. need D. competition23. He isn t honest at all. Under no should you lend him any money.A. time B. case C. circumstances D. means24. Don t try to persuade ynur boss ; he won t have the of employing me - a fresh student.A. intention B. attention C. sense D. attraction25. When he first went for treatment at the hospital he seemed to be a hopelessA. situation B. case C. condition D. state26. I bought a new type of cellphone, which was the of all my classmates.A. wish B. respect C. envy D. admire27. There s no from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.A. view B. scene C. sight D. look28. The Chinese are looking forward to the first to land on the Moon after Yang Liweis successful trip to space.A. measure B. attempt C. purpose D. desire29. She is in a poor of health, which worries her mother very much.A. position B. situation C. state D. condition30. Some famous singers live on the from their record sales.A. salary B. value C. bill D. income1C句意为为了市民的极大的安慰,没有其他人被感染,除了12个确诊病例H1N1病毒。C符合题意,变革。特定语境中的名词的辨析。2B句意为在政治、经济、文化等方面,二十世纪经历了一场全球范围的大变革。选项中三个选项前缀trans-(转移,变换),B符合题意,变革。特定语境中的名词的辨析。3Dscale在此题中意指(实物与地图、图解等代表物间的)比例,比例尺.be drawn to be standard scale of 1/100,000(按照十万分之一标准比例尺绘制)。特定语境中的名词辨析。4A解析 近义名词辨析,该句的主语是动名词结构achieving,谓语是is,表语是not a mysterious 。空格处填入的是表语的核心名词,介词结构without science basis作后置定语修饰该名词。practice意为练习,实践,program意为节目,程序,计划,两者不符合句意,首先排除。procedure和process都可表示过程,但procedure强调过程中经历的程序、手续、步骤,如:Making a complaint is a simple procedure.(申诉的手续相当简单。)process则指(为达到某一目标的)过程、进程,如:Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him.(戒毒对他是个漫长、痛苦的过程。)本句强调的是学习英语的过程,应选Aprocess。句意为: 在作为外语的英语方面达到很高水平并非是一种毫无科学根据的神秘过程。5D解析 名词辨析,profession指(需要教育、大量训练和专门学习的法律、医学、教育等脑力劳动方面的)专业或职业,如:the professions of law, medicine, and engineering(法律、医学和工程职业)。occupation意为职业,行业,位置,指成为正常的生活来源的一项活动,如:He has no fixed occupation. (他没有固定职业。) position意为(雇用)职位,工作,职务,如:Hes got a good position.(他谋得一份好工作。)career可指事业, 生涯,也可指某人工作经历或事业上取得成就的总的过程或进程,如:an officer with a distinguished career(有着卓越成就的军官)。题句冒号后的内容是对前面的补充说明,即,介绍了史密斯先生一生从事过的工作,这些工作单独来看是职业,但总的来看,是他的生涯。因此,应选Dcareer。句意 史密斯先生有着不寻常的人生:他起初当过办公室职员,然后当海员,最终做了一名教师。6B解析 名词辨析,乍一看,选项的四个词都有公司、企业的意思,但是这个解释不合句意,这时考生需要考虑词汇的引申义。Bcompany除了表示公司,还有同伴、陪伴之意,如:I enjoy his company.(我喜欢和他在一起。)B代入后,符合句意,为正确选项。由于收音机给人以亲切感,所以它不只是一个媒体,还可以与人作伴。7 D经济危机使世界经济陷入困难的境地。A场合;B状况,条件;C评价。8 Bin my view=in my opinion 我认为他的决定不明智。9 CIt is no wonder that/ No wonder为固定句型,意为:难怪。本句句意为:难怪他在考试中老是第一。10 C句意:众所周知,大脑起着重要的作用,它控制着人体的神经系统。A项移动,运动;B项行动,function功能,作用。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m11 D 。四个选项的本义都是方法.但是从后面的介词to可以确定,D为正确答案。12 A 。theme主题;purpose目的;task任务;brand商标,牌子。结合语境可知A为最佳答案。13 B 。句意为昨天的向试,他根本没露面。他出什么事了。make an apology道歉;make an appearance露面,在场;make a difference有变化,有影响;make a change有改变。由句意可知,答案选B。14 D。从上句看是说话者主动提出帮助,本句是对说话者的答谢,所以答案选D。15 D。考查名词辨析。feeling感觉,态度;opinion意见,看法;comment评论,解释;reaction对的反应,结台本题语境可知,D为最佳答案。16 A。make sense 等于be reasonable合情合理,17 C。have access to do sth固定搭配。1 8 B。different weights不同的重量,结合句子内容可知,此处指的是从南到北气候可能有差异,所穿服装也应该有所不同,所答案选B。19 C。考查名词同义辨析,句意:我们必须考虑我们将使用什么样的设备进行语言培训。appliance指(家用)电器;facility指某方面的设施,设备,如:public facilities公共设施。20A。由题干中的coal, gas and oil.可知,这些都是燃料,故正确答案为A。article物品;goods货物,商品;product产品.均不符合句意。21 B。句意为这样的办公设备无疑将会对我的工作方式产生影响。make sense有意义,讲得通;makek a difference to sb/sth对 产生影响;have an effect of sth对有影响。故答案选B。22 B。句意为我实在不愿意和他下棋,但我不得不迎接他的挑战。challenge挑战,符合句意。23 C。句意为他很不诚实,任何情况下都别借给他钱,under no cimumstances意思为在任何情况下都不,位于句首时句子要部分倒装。24 A 。句意为别费力说服你的老板了,他不想雇用我这个大一学生。Have the intention of doig sth打算做某事.有做某事的意刚,是习惯用法。25 B。考察近义词辨析。由treatment at the hospital 可知,case此处意为病人。26 C 。句意为我买了一部新款式的手机,当然便成了同学们羡慕的对象。wish愿望;respect尊敬;envy羡慕(或嫉妒)的对象;admire感叹,称赞。故答案选C。27 A 。句意为除了一些工厂的烟囱外,从我卧室看不到任何风景。view自然美景,风景;scene景色,景象;sight情景,景象;look容貌,外表,由句意可知,答案选A。28.B。考察名词词义辨析。,句意:在杨利伟成功邀游太空后,中围人民正盼望着登月的第一次尝试。measure措施;attempt试图,尝试;purpose目的;desire渴望,欲望。故答案选B。29 C 。state(精神、身体)状态,情况;position处境,地位;situation状况,形势;condition状态,状况。此处表示身体状况,故答案选C。30D。句意为一些著名歌手依靠卖唱片的收入谋生。表示收入的单词是income。故答案选D。高考复习讲与练1名词与冠词推荐3一、考点聚焦1、虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中(1)表示与现在事实相反的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be动词的过去式用were)”,而主句中的谓语动词用“would / should/ could / might + 动词原形”。如:If I were a boy, I would join the army.If the had time, she should go with you.(2)表示与过去的事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词则用“would / should / might / could + have +过去分词”。如:If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the competition.(3)表示与将来事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should/Could might + 动词原形。如;If it were to rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off.(4)当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作相应调整。如:If they had worked hard, they would be very tired.(从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在)以下表格是虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中时,主句和从句谓语动词的形式:条件状语从句 主 句与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词 should /would/could/might + have + 过去分词与现在事实相反 一般过去时(be用were) would/should/could/might + 动词原形与将来事实相反 一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形 Would/should/cold/might + 动词原形有时侯在使用时可省略if,句子则可换成下列形式,即“were / had / should +主语”。如:were I a boy, I would join the army.Had he taken my advice, he would have succeeded.were it not for the expense, I would go to Britain.2、虚拟语气用于名词性从句(1)虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。“wish + 宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望,译为“要是就好了”等。表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时;表示将来不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用“would/could + 动词原形”;表示过去不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用“had + 过去分词”或“could(should) + have + 过去分词”。如:I wish it were spring all the year round.I wish I had known the answer.I wish I could fly like a bird.在表示建议、要求、命令等的动词suggest、advise、propose、demand、require、insist request、command、order等后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should + 动词原形或是动词原形。如:She suggested we (should)leave here at once.The doctor ordered she should be operated.(2)虚拟语气在同位语从句和表语从句中的运用。作表示建议、要求、命令等的名词advise、idea、order、demand、plan、proposal、suggestion、request等的表语从句和同位语从句,从句中的谓语动词用“(should) + 动词原形”。如:His suggestion that we (should)go to Shanghai is wonderful.My idea is that they (should)pay 100 dollars.(3)虚拟语气在主语从句中的运用。在主语从句中,谓语动词的虚拟语气用“should + 动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇、不相信、理应如此等。如:It is necessary(important, natural, strange, etc.)that we should clean the room every day.It was a pity (a shame, no wonder, etc.)that you should be so careless.It will be desired(suggested, de


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