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倍速链技术协议倍速链输送线技术协议托付方:承揽方: 双方经协商,达成倍速链输送线技术协议如下: 、工程根本描述1、xxx (以下简称甲方)托付 xxxx (以下简称乙方)设计、制造输送线 1 套。经甲方确认输送线主体颜色为 RAL 。二、甲方的责任和义务:1、甲方需供给输送线平面布置图、工件外形尺寸等相关技术资料,2、甲方为乙方图纸设计会签供给便利,并对乙方图纸设计及后续加工问题作出回复。 三、乙方的责任和义务:1、乙方按甲方供给的各项技术资料及本技术协议为甲方设计、制造 xxxx 输送线,保证产品符合实际工艺要求。2、乙方辊道线设计图纸和技术协议经甲方审核签字确认后,方可进展制造。按甲方确认乙方供给方案图后乙方自行开放的设计制造。以技术协议及方案图的原理为根底,确保明确的材料配件品牌性质,但不局限于具体施工设计时因技术需求在不降低品质下的改动。四、输送线技术要求:1、 精度要求检查工程 精度 1) 台面的对角线长度误差 3 mm 2) 工作面的平面度 2mm3) 相邻辊子的高度差 1 mm 4) 辊子的同轴度 ?0.5 mm 5) 相邻辊子的平行度?1mm 6) 相邻的辊道台的安装,要求二者的导向板互成直线,直线度 3mm 7)辊子外表径向跳动量 0.5 mm 8)辊子外表直线度 1 mm2、 输送线的通用技术要求:mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people”s Congress, the CPPCC”s role in democratic decision- making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party”s mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection, 承载要求静态承载:设备的支撑构造满足其输送的最大满载重量。25kg/m 静态承载:满足额定载荷以 15m/min 的速度输送时所产生的动态载荷。, 构造要求(1) 、输送机支腿设有安装底板和根底板,底板上设有调平螺母,根底板由螺栓固定在地面上。(2) 、辊子的精度符合 GB8162-87 的标准或等效的国际标准的要求。 (3)、辊子轴承密封,具有防尘、永久润滑等特性,每个轴承的承载 50kg,正常运行寿命不小于 40000小时。(4)、构造件:材质 Q235。框架承重、强度、稳定性均符合设计规定和使用要求。外表处理:各构件均经酸洗磷化处理后,静电喷塑,窑炉固化,涂层厚度 60,80 微米。3、 输送线技术要求:A 升降返板装置 2 套见附图 链条传动 滚筒国产优质汽缸 双向调速双向末端设传感器脚踏启停气动开关气动升降60x40x2 矩管机架。B 双层倍速链输送机:负载 25KG (其余参照 G 项单层说明)线体长度:单段驱动最长 30-40m,链条形式: 链条和滚轮传送等速-双节距滚轮链,链条和滚轮传送差速-差速链具体尺寸参见附图 共 80 米双层分四段3 倍速特制链条专用铝材配气动阻挡器碳钢喷塑机架台资减速马达 变频调速节点设传感器独立电控c 升降移动横移装置 8 套见附图 链条传动 链条输送国产优质汽缸 双向调速双向末端设传感器脚踏启停气动开关四汽缸无导杆或双气缸双导杆60x40x2 矩管机架。dre selectionon ca o deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulationsen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue ttunity to strengthmaking in the party. To party”s mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision- Congress, the CPPCC”s role in democratic decision party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people”s-truction of democraticcentralism andcontinue the tradition of innertionsystem, improvescientific andsystematization and standardizationlevel of the partybuilding. Witheduca2a focus on the consmass line of theparty construction ofD 电动滚刷清理器 3 套见附图 双滚刷设计,代回收风机,集尘口风机独立动力60x40x2 矩管机架台资减速马达 变频调速独立电控 滚刷转速 100mm/min 下配 M16X150 镀铬调高地脚。E 工装板 300X400X20 钢板 100 套F 切削液托盘 t1.2 镀锌钢板 264.4m G、单层倍速链输送机:负载 25KG1) 线体长度:单段驱动最长 30-40m,链条形式: 链条和滚轮传送等速-双节距滚轮链,链条和滚轮传送差速-差速链具体尺寸参见附图29.5x2+4.5x2+53.7x2+4.5x253.7m 分两段 共分 10 段动力 计 184.4m3 倍速特制链条 (m) 专用铝材配气动阻挡器碳钢喷塑机架台资减速马达 变频调速节点设传感器独立电控2) 全线需协作工装托板使用,倍速链托送工装板运行,速度 2-18M/MIN 两种常用速度点,变频调速。传送链要求承受倍速差速链条,流水线专用铝合金轨道。(两边有钢制导条) 流水线上两端设自动升降返板装置。设电控柜一个,把握全线运行。3) 选材制作及说明:1. 动力:电机承受 TWT 合资厂产优质 1 减速电机,台达变频器,变频无级调速。 2. 机身、机架:机架承受 60402(mm)矩形钢管焊接制作而成,上下两条护边承受流水线专用特种铝型材(118x100)。支脚配镀锌可调脚杯;机头机尾护板用 1.2mm 冷板弯轧成型,机架 1 米一段。 3. 输送链条: 输送链条承受差速链输送机专用优质半塑胶链条,链条型号 BS30-C212A 全线上下层共承受 4 条。4. 链条导轨: 链条导轨承受倍速输送机专用铝合金型材。5. 升降系统;承受亚德客汽缸(台湾 YADEKE 品牌国产)。mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th 输送线技术协议 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy 第 3 页 , open channels, and full play to the people”s Congress, the CPPCC”s role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party”s mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection6. 平移机构;承受 TWT 产优质刹车减速电机,传动承受链条。7. 电器把握:整个系统承受 PLC 把握。(电器均承受正泰或 ABB 施耐德品牌电器材料) 8. 机体颜色:机身外表承受 RAL6017 绿颜色,铝型材为原色。五、主要参照及执行相关技术标准及标准:A 电动局部承受沟通电源(工作电压 AC380V),设置漏电、过流、过压保护装置,不得与施工区域漏电、过流、过压保护装置相冲突B 该输送线配备的电源线长度须满足施工现场要求,设有专用总把握及分控箱。 C 配置安全联锁功能,配置事故急停按钮,该按纽适应紧急状况下便于人员操作。 D 输送系统的把握柜供给刻有操作指令的标牌。E 输送线设计须满足易于修理,包括故障易于排解,零部件标准化,零部件易于更换,并供给备件等。 F 必需考虑系统故障检查力气,设置指示灯、仪表、传感器、测试装置、目测检查点等。 G 电气设备件的选用标准:台资优质减速马达, 台达变频器调速,电气元件承受西门子,三菱等合资产品。把握局部承受安全电压 24V,马达 380V 配减速机。H 油漆颜色:RAL 。I 输送机其驱动机构等设备按室内工作环境设计,实行防锈措施。产品需符合环境治理体系及职业安康安全治理体系标准要求。J 甲方确认供给方案乙方开放的设计制造,以技术协议及方案图的原理为根底,确保明确的材料配件品牌性质,但不局限于具体施工设计时因技术、安全、有用等需求在不降低品质下的改动。 参照标准:GB50205-2023 钢构造工程施工及验收标准GB11345-89 钢焊缝手工超声波探伤方法和探伤结果分析GB/T1591-94 低合金高强度构造钢GB/T5226.1-1996 工业机械电气设备GB5905-1986 起重机试验标准和程序GB3811-1983 起重机设计标准GB5141-1985 平衡重式叉车稳定性根本试验六、使用要求3.1 环境相对湿度:38%90%;环境温度:10?40?dre selectionon ca o deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulationsen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue ttunity to strengthmaking in the party. To party”s mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an oppor-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision- Congress, the CPPCC”s role in democratic decision party democracy, open channels, and full play to the people”s-truction of democraticcentralism andcontinue the tradition of innertionsystem, improvescientific andsystematization and standardizationlevel of the partybuilding. Witha focus on the consmass line of theparty construction ofeduca43.2 配件价格低廉、易购,制造质量与安全性能指标必需符合国家有关标准规定的要求。3.3 产品外形尺寸重量特性不超出设计要求。3.4 产品外形输送因素:输送过程中有工装托板。七、调试安装及其他要求:, 由乙方负责在生产现场对输送线进展安装调试,要求输送线平坦美观,操作调整便利、输送平稳准确,地脚连接结实。, 乙方供给发货清单、图纸、电子文档。八、输送线验收:, 验收在输送线发运至甲方后由乙方派人至甲方厂内完成。乙方负责输送线的安装调试,如局部有小的整改由甲方相关人员协作实施。以连续生产 2 个班次以上输送线正常运转为验收合格。, 由于乙方缘由未通过终验收时,由乙方负责整改直至合格,其间发生的各项费用由乙方担当。输送线整改完成并通过终验收后,由乙方向甲方供给整改后最终确认的输送线图纸(白图及电子文档)各 1 套。, 终验收合格后,由双方相关人员共同起草输送线终验收报告并签字。九、输送线保质期自终验收合格之日起。输送线在质保期内的使用过程中。由乙方缘由造成的问题,乙方无偿负责准时修理。、订货、交货期等事宜由双方订货合同另行规定。 十十一、其它未尽事宜双方友好协商解决。本协议一式二份,经双方代表签字盖章后生效,双方各执一份。双方签字盖章后生效甲方: 乙方:签章: 签章:日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of th 输送线技术协议 e party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy 第 5 页 , open channels, and full play to the people”s Congress, the CPPCC”s role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To party”s mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection


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