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Xicai (2014), The CBRCs P2P Clear Four Red Lines: No Capital Pooling (银 监 会 明 确 P2P四 红 线 ! 不 能 搞 资 金 池 ), Xicai (希 财 ), 13 November 2014. http:/ http:/ discover/news/2015/12/peertop- eer- china.html22. Article 2, Article 3, and Article 11 of Money Lending Business Act in Ja- pan (Act No. 32 of May 13, 1983).23. 2014 Amendment of Financial Instru- ments and Exchange Act, etc. (Act No.44 of 2014) Briefing Materials, Financial Services Agency, Japan, http:/www.fsa.go.jp/en/refer/legis- lation/20140314/01.pdf (last visited February 14, 2016).24. For example, following discussions with practitioners, academics, and government officials, the Financial Services Agency of Japan provided exemptions for Financial Instru- ments Business Operators that only focus on equity-based crowdfunding reducing minimum capital require- ments to 10 million JPY (approxi- mately $88,318 USD), compared with the conventional Type I Financial In- struments Business Operator, which is 50 million JPY (approximately$441,594 USD).25. Article 4 and 5 26. Understanding Equity-based crowd- funding ( 投 資 型 ), 小 谷 融 , P.18-19 27. President Parks“ Crowdfunding is the Beginning of the Creative Econ- omy”, Korea IT Times, http:/www. ident-parks“- crowdfunding-begin- ning-creative-economy” (last visited February 14, 2016).28. As above.29. Financial Policy Roadmap for 2016, Financial Services Com- mission (Korea), http:/www. fsc.go.kr/downManager?bb-sid=BBS0048&no=103355 (last visit- ed February 14, 2016).30. FSC chairman vows new funding system for small businesses, Korea JoongAng Daily, http:/koreajoon- ticle.aspx?aid=2969604 (last visited February 14, 2016).31. FSC chairman vows new funding system for small businesses, Korea JoongAng Daily, http:/koreajoon- ticle.aspx?aid=2969604 (last visited February 14, 2016). 32. The maximum investment per com- pany are (1) 2 million KRW, (2) 10 million KRW, and (3) no cap respec- tively. The maximum investment per year for these three classes ofinvestors are (1) 5 million KRW, (2) 20 million KRW, and (3) no cap respec- tively.33. Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Lending Market (P2P ), Korea Institute of Finance, http:/ www.kif.re.kr/kif2/publication/ viewer.aspx?filetype=1&control- no=187252&ic=tkp&ismail=1 (last visited February 14, 2016).34. Budget Speech (The 2015-16 Budget), Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, http:/www.budget.gov.hk/2015/eng/budget10. html (last visited February 17, 2016).35. Securities and Futures Commission.36. Notice on Potential Regula- tions Applicable to, and Risks of,Crowd-funding Activities, Securities and Futures Commission, http:/ www.sfc.hk/web/EN/files/ER/PDF/ Notice%20on%20Crowdfunding.pdf (last visited February 17, 2016).37. Section 7, Money Lenders Ordinance (Hong Kong). 91 悶 腊38. SFC outlines risks of crowd-fund- ing and potential regulatory issues, Securities and Futures Commission, https:/www.sfc.hk/edistribution- Web/gateway/EN/news-and-an- nouncements/news/doc?ref-No=14PR51 (last visited February 17, 2016).39. Section 103 of the Securities and Fu- tures Ordinance (SFO)40. Part IV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance on Offers of Investments, Securities and Futures Commis- sion, http:/www.sfc.hk/web/doc/ EN/faqs/products/Frequently%20 Asked%20Questions_3.6.09.pdf (last visited February 17, 2016).41. Section 5-1, 29, and 29-1 of The Banking Act (Taiwan).42. The second conference of Fintech (Chinese version), Financial Su- pervisory Commission (Taiwan), http:/www.fsc.gov.tw/ch/home. jsp?id=96&parentpath=0,2&m- customize=news_view.jsp&da- taserno=201512310011&aplistd- n=ou=news,ou=multisite,ou=chi- nese,ou=ap_root,o=fsc,c=tw&tools- flag=Y&dtable=News (last visited February 18, 2016).43. Taipei Exchange Regulations Govern- ing the Conduct of Equity Crowd- funding by Securities Firms (Taiwan).44. http:/.au/busi- ness/ratesetter-targets-australi- an-savers-with-new-lending-web- site-20141111-11kf2m.html45. http:/www.crowdfundinsider. com/2015/11/77694-thincats-aus- tralia-nears-2-million-in-lending-af- ter-one-year-of-operations/46. http:/www.treasury.gov.au/Con- sultationsandReviews/Consulta- tions/2015/Crowd-sourced-equi- ty-funding47. Authors estimates based on Re- serve Bank of New Zealand Lending and Credit Statistics available at: http:/www.rbnz.govt.nz/statistics/48. https:/www.ketto.org/blog/a-pio- neer-of-crowdfunding-in-films-shy- am-benegal-on-gathering-funds-for- his-1976-film-manthan/ 49. https:/www.rbi.org.in/scripts/BS_ SpeechesView.aspx?Id=86250. The Future of FinTech A Paradigm Shift in Small Business Finance, World Economic Forum, http:/ www3.weforum.org/docs/IP/2015/ FS/GAC15_The_Future_of_FinTech_ Paradigm_Shift_Small_Business_Fi- nance_report_2015.pdf (last visited Feb.18, 2016).51. How this Fintech Startup is plugging the SME Funding Gap, CNBC, http:/ this-fintech-startup-is-plugging-the- sme-funding-gap.html (last visited Feb.18, 2016).52. Moneylenders Act 2010 of Singa-pore, sec. 5(1).53. Consultation Paper : Facilitating Se- curities-Based Crowdfunding, Mon- etary Authority of Singapore, http:/ www.mas.gov.sg/media/MAS/ News%20and%20Publications/Con- sultation%20Papers/Facilitating%20 Securities%20Based%20Crowdfund- ing.pdf (last visited Feb.18, 2016). 54. http:/ Uploads/Documents/Type%202/WP/ al_wp_equitycrowdfunding_mar15. pdf55. http:/ Uploads/Documents/Type%202/WP/ al_wp_equitycrowdfunding_mar15. pdf56. http:/www.tmf- media-centre/news-and-insights/ december-2015/malaysia-first-equi- ty-crowdfunding-laws57. http:/.my/wp-con- tent/uploads/eng/html/consulta- tion/140821_PublicConsultation_2. pdf58. http:/.my/post_ar- chive/sc-launches-afinity-sc-at-world-capital-markets-sympo- sium-2015/59. http:/www.tmf- media-centre/news-and-insights/ december-2015/malaysia-first-equi- ty-crowdfunding-laws60. http:/ ries/sc-announces-6-equity-crowd- funding-operators-for-malay-sia-7680/ 61. http:/ equity-crowdfunding-in-ma- laysia-an-alternative-fund-rais- ing-mechanism/


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