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海南2022年广发银行海口分行(筹)春季校园招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.口水井,在不渗水的情况下,甲抽水机用4小时可将水抽完,乙抽水机用6小时可将水抽完。现用甲、乙两台抽水机同时抽水,但由于渗水,结果用了3小时才将水抽完。问在渗水的情况下,用乙抽水机单独抽,需几小时抽完?()A.12小时B.13小时C.14小时D.15小时答案:A 本题解析:本题是工程问题。2.将426个乒乓球装在三种盒子里。大盒每盒装25个,中盒每盒装20个,小盒每盒装16 个。现共装了24盒,求用了多少个大盒?A.1B.2C.3D.4答案:B 本题解析:设用了大盒x个、中盒,个,则小盒(24xy)个,由题意可得,25x+20y+16(24x一y)=426,化简得到,9x4x42,由于4y和42都是偶数,则9x也是偶数,x是偶数。得出x=2时,y=6;其余情况均不成立,选B。3.-Its $500, but that is my last offer.-OK, it is a _.A.costB.priceC.rewardD.deal答案:C 本题解析:I have to go是定语从句,先行词是the reason,因此引导词用why,表示原因,排除D项。 my mother is ill in bed是表语从句,说明主语the reason是什么,表示一个事实而不是原因。that在引导的表语从句中 充当连词的作用,没有实际意义,不作句子成分,故选C。4.由以往数据可知,凯茂商场在本月的销售额预计是全年月均销售额的4 倍,那么本月的销售额占全年的销售额的( )。A.1/4B.1/3C.4/11D.4/15答案:B 本题解析:假设月均销售额为x,则本月的销售额为4x,全年销售收入为12x,所以本月的销售额占全年的销售额的4x/12x=l/3。5.“美人鱼”的学名叫什么?( )A.鲤艮B.儒艮C.鳟鱼D.鲮鱼答案:B 本题解析:“美人鱼”的学名叫儒艮,也叫海牛,和海獅、海豹、海狗一样均属于哺乳动物,俗名是“美人鱼”。所谓“美人鱼”,其实并非鱼类,“美人鱼”的前肢已经退化成桨状鳍肢,没有后肢。当“美人鱼”喂幼崽的时候,往往把上半身浮出水面,半立在水中,前肢怀抱幼崽,“美人鱼”有一对乳房,在黄昏的时候,远远望去,犹如一位少妇在水边为孩子哺乳,所以被称为“美人鱼”。6.美国联邦储备委员会2019年10月11日宣布,将9月以来实施的回购计划延长至明年1月,并购入()以扩张(),增加金融市场的美元供应量。A.美国短期国债,隔夜回购利率B.中国短期国债,资产负债表、C.美国短期国债,资产负债表D.中国短期国馈,隔夜回购利率答案:C 本题解析:美国联邦储备委员会11日宣布,将9月以来实施的回购计划延长至明年1月,并购入美国短期国债以扩张资产负债表,增加金融市场的美元供应量。7.传统观点认为鸡蛋黄胆固醇含量高,是直接造成高血压、动脉硬化、冠心病及脑中风的罪魁祸首。所以,很多中老年人不敢吃鸡蛋黄。最近,营养学家组织了一个专门研究鸡蛋黄与胆固醇之间关系的小组,对116名50至65岁的男性进行了为期半年的实验。假定有以下几种实验结果,哪种将最能削弱传统观点?( )A.将被试者分为两组,分别食用蛋黄和蛋清,结果发现食用蛋清的一组被试者体内胆固醇含量明显增加B.将被试者分为两组。分别食用蛋黄和蛋清,结果发现两组被试者体内胆固醇含量没有明显差异C.将被试者分为两组,一组食用蛋黄,一组不食用蛋黄,半年后发现没有食用蛋黄的被试者体内胆固醇含量有所减少D.将被试者分为两组,一组食用蛋黄,一组不食用蛋黄,半年后被试者体内的胆固醇含量均没有发生变化答案:D 本题解析:削弱型题目。要对食用鸡蛋黄后的胆固醇含量进行比较,需要设置一个对照组, 即一个食用蛋黄,一个不食用蛋黄,而实验结果是胆固醇含量没有变化,说明食用鸡蛋黄不会使胆固醇含量变高,因此D项最能质疑题干观点。A、B两项涉及蛋清,不能削弱题干观点;C项的结果也不能削弱题干观点。故答案选D。8.1994至2006年全国报纸印刷量增长曲线图2:1994至2006年全国报纸印刷量增长曲线在1994至2006年间,全国报纸印刷总量持续增长。以2004年为例,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有30家,其中印刷量增长的企业占90,而且全部增长5以上,增长率达两位数的企业占66.67。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有26家,其中印刷量增长的有25家,增长率达到两位数的有19家。到了2005年,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有29家,其中印刷量增长的有17家,增长5以上的有11家,而保持两位数增长的有8家,印刷量减少的企业有11家。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有31家,其中印刷量增长的有20家,增长5以上的有16家,保持两位数增长的有13家。印刷量减少的企业有10家。再看2006年,年印刷量在10亿对开张以上的企业有31家,其中印刷量增长的有19家,增长5以上的有14家,保持两位数增长的有10家。印刷量减少的企业有11家。年印刷量在5亿至10亿对开张之间的企业有28家,其中印刷量增长的有20家,增长5以上的有14家,保持两位数增长的有7家。印刷量减少的企业有8家。以下关于1994至2006年年印刷量、年增长率的说法中,正确的是( )A.年平均增长率在10以上B.年增长量最多的是2001年C.年增长率大于10有8个年份D.1998年的年增长量不到2002年的一半答案:A 本题解析:A项“年平均增长率在10以上”,用眼估算,大部分增长都在10以上,年平均增长率也在10以上,A项正确;2004年增长量比2001年多,B选不正确;一共有9个年份的增长率大于10,C项不正确;1998年的增长量(绝对量)为541459.8154046080,而2002年的增长量(绝对量)为1067.38938.911070930140,因此1998年的增长量超过了2002年的一半,D项不正确。9.参加大额支付系统的机构因机构撤并、撤销或停办量,县(市、区)联社应提前( )申请注销。A.7 日B.10 日C.30 日D.半年答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析10.填入括号处最恰当的词语是( ) 。(1)这个烟壶做工精美,是他祖上( )下来的,是非卖品(2)这里原本是一片不毛之地,请的山脉( )起伏,直到天边。.A.留传 蔓延B.留传 曼延C.流传 曼延D.流传 蔓延答案:B 本题解析:本题考查语素差异。从第一 空可知,应选“留传”,排除CD项。留传:指遗留下来传给后代。例如;祖辈留传下来的秘方。流传:指传下来或播开。例如:大禹治水的故事,一直流传到今天。从第二空可知,应选“曼延”,排除A项。曼延:连绵不断;曼延曲折的羊肠小道。蔓延:形容像蔓草一样不断向周围扩展;蔓延滋长、火势蔓延。因此,本题应选B项。11.某消贵者的收入为100元,他有蔬菜和牛肉两种事物选择,已知蔬菜的价格是8元/千克,牛肉的价格是20元/千克,以下消费组合在该消费者的预算约束线上的是( )。A.蔬菜3于克,牛肉4千克B.蔬菜4千克,牛肉2千克C.蔬菜3千克,牛肉1千克D.蔬茨5千克,牛肉3千克答案:D 本题解析:设蔬菜的消费量为x1.牛肉的消费量为X2,那么预算约束线为8x+20xz=100,代入选项,可知D项正确。12.2012年某市开展了市民阅读情况调查,调查采取随机抽样方式,访问了本市12周岁以上的1000名市民调查显示,多数受访者保持每天阅读的良好习惯。其中:阅读时间在12小时的为44.8%,23小时的为11.6%,3小时以上的7.5%。42.8%的受访者每年阅读量16本书,10.8%阅读量在712本书,10.5%阅读量在13本及以上。当被问及没有更多时间阅读的原因时,57.9%的受访者选择“工作学习太忙”,比重最高;其次为“家务太多”,比重为28.7%;没有值得读的好书”“娱乐活动太多”“对阅读不感兴趣”“书价太责”的比重依次为17.5%、18.1%、10.3%、23.5%。受访者中有多少人每天阅读时间在1小时以上?( )A.448B.523C.564D.639答案:D 本题解析:“阅读时间在12小时的为44.8%,23小时的为11.6%,3小时以上的7.5%”则44.8%+11.6%+7.5%=63.9%,1000X63.9%=639?故选D项。13. 将下列矩阵中所有数字加在一起的和是( )。 A.126B.132C.216D.256答案:C 本题解析:第一行数字和为1+2+3+4+5+6=(1+6)62=21。每行数字和为公差为6的等差数列。第6行数字和为21+(6-1)6=51,所有数字和为(21+51)62=216。14.今年爷爷、爸爸和宝宝的年龄和是100岁,现在知道爸爸的年龄是宝宝年龄的10倍时,爷爷64岁;而爷爷的年龄是爸爸年龄的2倍时,宝宝7岁。请问,今年爷爷()岁。A.65B.66C.64D.67答案:A 本题解析:当爷爷64岁时,设宝宝x岁,爸爸10x岁;当宝宝7岁时,设爸爸y岁,爷爷2y岁,所以有x-7=10x-y=62-2y,解得x=3,又根据条件x+10x+62+3z=100,解得z=1,所以今年爷爷年龄=65,A选项正确,B、C、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选A。15. If American people borrow money from the bank for 25 years,this means that the person who borrows_ A.has twenty-five years to pay back the moneyB.has more than twenty-five years to pay back the moneyC.has less twenty-five years to pay back the moneyD.has about twenty-five years to pay back the money答案:A 本题解析:从文章第一段“The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgage for twentyfive years”得出银行的借期是25年,是一个准确的数字,而不是多于、少于或大约25年。故选A项。16.下列旬子中没有语病的一项是( )。A.做好军民融合,重在体系构建,其中构建全要素、多领域、高效益的军民融合科技创新体系是重中之重。B.这家研究所虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获国家科学大奖,三次被授予国家优秀人才称号。C.为庆祝“六一”儿童节,由小葵花幼儿园排演的儿童剧白雪公主定于5月31日在人民大剧院上演,日前正在紧张的排练之中。D.最让人高兴的是,在全军所有战士团结协作,日夜奋战下,大坝抢险修复工程终于提前完成了。答案:D 本题解析:本题考查病句辨析题。分析四个句子,发现D项没有语病。A项中心语序不当,“全要素、多领域、高效益”应改为“多领域、全要素、高效益”; B项应把“虽然”前置在“这家”: C项介词成分多余,去掉“由”。因此,本题应选D项。17.When we analyze the salt salinity (盐浓度) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind ; this, by the way,is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtainedThe opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitationNormally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation similarly, in coastalGrandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-oldSo family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as What have you been doing, Bobby? have been replaced by I m busy, go watch televisionAnd watch TV they do; count them by the millionsBut its usually not childrens television that children watch Saturday morning, the childrens hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewingWhere are they to be found?Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch Thats where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 pm, not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permissionTelevision, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself offNot so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond!Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed Parents need to intervene Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at alLAccording to the writer, the responsibility for the kids watching adult television and watching it for a long time should be undertaken by _A.the television stationsB.the societyC.TV programsD.their parents答案:C 本题解析:本题采用排除法。根据第二段“The opposite of evaporation is precivitation.sothatthe salinity is decreased”,“in aye as of high rainfall”和“in coastal regions where rivers flow into the occall”可以排除A、B、D项,答案选C。18.随着城市化进程的推进,越来越多的跨地区移民进入城市,相对于在老家的状态,他们可能收入更高了,但相对于既有的城市居民,移民群体中却有不少人都属于低收入者。看中国大城市的问题,要有国际视野。大城市由于其经济结构和在一个国家中作为人才聚集地的特殊性,其收入差距的水平通常也较高,这是全球普遍现象。对于这段文字说法错误的是()。A.大城市的收入差距比较高B.移民群体都属于低收入者C.大城市有人才聚集的作用D.跨地区移民成为一种趋势答案:B 本题解析:第一步,通读原文后,选项与原文一一对应。第二步,匹配选项。A项对应原文尾句,“大城市由于其经济结构和在一个国家中作为人才聚集地的特殊性,其收入差距的水平通常也较高”,A项正确。B项是对应第二句,“但相对于既有的城市居民,移民群体中却有不少人都属于低收入者”不少人属于低收入者,不是都属于低收入者,语气偷换,B项错误。C项是对应尾句“大城市由于其经济结构和在一个国家中作为人才聚集地的特殊性”C项正确。D项对应首句,“随着城市化进程的推进,越来越多的跨地区移民进入城市”,D项正确。故本题正确答案选B。19.小王:从举办奥运会的巨额耗费来看,观看各场奥运比赛的票价应该要高得多。是奥运会主办者的广告收入降低了票价。因此,奥运会的现场观众从奥运会拉的广告中获得了经济利益。小李:你的说法不能成立。谁来支付那些看来导致奥运会票价降低的广告费用?到头来还不是消费者,包括作为奥运会现场观众的消费者?因为厂家通过提高商品的价格把广告费用摊到了消费者的身上。下列能够有力地削弱小李对小王反驳的一项是()。A.奥运会的票价一般要远高于普通体育比赛的票价B.奥运会的举办带有越来越浓的商业色彩,引起了普遍的不满C.利用世界性体育比赛做广告的厂家越来越多,广告费用也越来越高D.各厂家的广告支出总体上是一个常量,只是在广告形式上有所选择答案:D 本题解析:从题干可以知道,小李的观点主要是:由于广告厂商通过提高商品价格,将高额的广告费用转嫁到观众头上,这样奥运会的观众没有从拉的广告中得到经济利益。要削弱这种说法,就要找出与之相悖的选项。A项显然不能,B项虽然是事实,但却不能推翻小李的说法,C恰好证明了小李的观点,D由于广告支出是常量,所以广告商也不会提高商品价格,消费者自然也就能从中获益。20.商业银行财务管理的核心内容是( )。A.成本管理B.风险管理C.费用管理D.利润管理答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析21.现有一种预防禽流感的药物配置成甲、乙两种不同浓度的消毒溶液。若从甲中取2100克,乙中取700克。则混合而成的消毒溶液的浓度为3;若从甲中取900克,乙中取2700克,则混合而成的消毒溶液的浓度为5。则甲、乙两种消毒溶液的浓度分别为()。银行真题A.3。6B.3,4C.2,6D.4,6答案:C 本题解析:应用溶液混合特性原则,不同配比的甲、乙两种溶液混合后浓度是3和5,说明甲、乙中必然有一个浓度小于3,另外一个浓度大于5。据此排除A、B、D,直接选C。22.Paradise Cineplex70 Red RoadMiami, Florida 33126305-463-2226The MuseumThree middle school students left behind on a class trip spend the night in a history museum and uncover the secrets to an ancient mystery.Running time: 2 hours, 15 minutesGenre: Mystery, FamilyStarring: Jessie-Grace Turner, Clint Sandoval, Danika Brooke-Pierce, Vivienne Aldrich, and PhillipBanksDirector(s): Harvey FeddermanProducer(s): Louisa Marquez, Daniel LevistonWriter(s): April PascucciStudio: CinereveShow times: Beginning August 1210:00 AM., 11:30, 1:00 P.M., 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30-Paradise Cineplex* Please print the following ticket information. You may need to present it before gaining admittance to the theater.Online TicketTicket issue number: 002948275HMovie: The MuseumDate: August 14Time: 4:00 P.M.Credit Card InformationName: Sarah AdesidaAddress: 3027 West Flagler StreetMiami, Florida 33126Phone number: 305-463-9738Account number: XXXX XXXX XXXX 2230.According to the ticket, what should customers do?A.Print a copy of the ticketB.Reserve seats at the ticket boothC.Arrive ten minutes before the movie beginsD.Present their credit card at the ticket booth答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析23.以下哪一类旅游部门2009年的经营利润占当年营业收入的比重最高?A.宾馆、酒店B.景点C.旅行社D.其他旅游企业答案:B 本题解析:本题考察分数大小比较,也就是比较:214594/722581 ,101714/239717 ,25735/659313 ,445/6342 ,明显发现第二个分数接近0.5,最大。因此答案选择B选项。24.第23届世界经济论坛非洲会议在南非立法首都开普敦闭幕,会议呼吁非洲国家自强不息,尽量摆脱对外援的依赖,努力实现非洲复兴。本次会议以()为主题,其宗旨为推动非洲经济增长,加快非洲战略性基础设施建设,大力培养非洲大陆人才。A.加快前沿市场投资B.加强非洲领导能力C.加大创新D.兑现非洲承诺答案:D 本题解析:第23届世界经济论坛非洲会议于2013年5月10日在南非立法首都开普敦闭幕。会议呼吁非洲国家自强不息,尽量摆脱对外援的依赖,努力实现非洲复兴。来自70多个国家的860多名政府、企业界和学术界代表出席了本次为期3天的会议,其中包括12名非洲国家元首。会议的主题是“兑现非洲承诺”,其宗旨为推动非洲经济增长、加快非洲战略性基础设施建设、大力培养非洲大陆人才。25.Mindful travel,IncTreasures of EgyptDates:October 21 stNovember 5thPrice:from $2190Stimulate your imagination a8 you explore Egypt,both old and newStand before the great Pyramids of Giza at sunriseAcquaint yourself with the bustling districts and vibrant culture of the capital city,Carl0Travel up the majestic Nile River and visit the amazing Valley of the Kings ,where you can tour the famous tomb of“King Tut”But best of all,our guide will share their knowledge of these sites with you,helping you to understand both the history and the modern culture of this amazing countryExpand your mind with Mindful Travel,IncPackage price does not include airfare to or from CairoMindful TravelIncPublic Relations Office11 Derry LaneLondon,EnglandNovember 9,2006Dear MT representative,Having recently returned from your companys Treasure of Egypt tour,Im happy to report that I had a wonderful timeI dont think Ive ever had such an enjoyable and educational vacation1 was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt,as well as what the country is like todayAll of the guides and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteousHelpful,and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visitedPlease extent my thanks especially to MrMokhta Said,who guided me around the Valley of the KingsThat was the highlight of my trip1m going to share my experiences with friends and family,and l will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacationThank you again,Leila DornDJK Technology ConceptsInc, offers a leadership training course to_hiredengineersA.RecentlyB.comparativelyC.exactlyD.approximately答案:A 本题解析:句意为“DJK技术概念公司为雇佣的工程师提供了一门领导力训练课程”。A项意为“最近”,B项意为“相对地”,C项意为“准确地”,D项意为“大约”。根据句意故选A。26.0.1-0.11+0.3-0.13+0.5-0.15+.+0.9-0.19=( )。A.5.85B.1.75C.2.75D.4.15答案:B 本题解析:原式=(0.1+0.3+0.9)(0.11+0.13+0.19)=(0.1+ 108-111 lrefer to the following advertisement.Summer Travel SaleNorth Sun Airlines is proud to bring you its annual Summer Travel Sale! As usual, flights between selected cities in the U.S. and Canada are on sale for as low as $44 each way. Fares this low cant last long, so visit our website or call a customer service operator and book your tickets todaylPrices below apply to travel beginning May 21st,2006. Travel must be completed by October lst,2006. Tickets must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the sale.Sample One-way Summer Sales FaresMinneapolis to Winnipeg $44Pittsburgh to Toronto $64Sacramento to Victoria $64Omaha to Denver $94Detroit to Ottawa$94Cleveland to Toronto$94Toronto to Dallas$94Columbus to Quebec City$104Philadelphia to Ottawa$104San Jose to San Antonio$114What is true about Notch Sun Airlines?A.It offers worldwide flightsB.It is based in the United States,C.It holds a sale every summerD.It sells cheap round-trip tickets答案:C 本题解析:通过第一段第1和2句中的annum和as usual可以知道,此活动为年度例行活动,在每年的夏天举行。故选C。28.Questions 189192 refer to the following article.Our Visa and Personal Credit Cards are issued by reliable capital retail bank. Offer is valid at all branded U.S. retail stations.Offer subject to credit approval: This offer is only available on new Visa or Personal Credit Card accounts. The offer may not be combined with any other offer. Introductory Offer of $0.20 per gallon in Fuel Credits, up to a maximum of $300 in total Fuel Credits, is good for 60 days from the date the account is opened.To earn Fuel Credits with the Visa Card, you must meet eligible spending thresholds in any billing period. Eligible spending includes net purchases made on your Card Account, other than (1) any purchases made at our branded merchants or (1) any purchases at other fuel merchants. If you spend more than 300 in eligible spending in any billing period, you will accrue ten cents (0.10) per gallon in Fuel Credits for each gallon of our fuel purchased in that billing period.If you spend more than $1,000 in eligible spending in any billing period, you will accrue twenty cents(0.20) per gallon in Fuel Credits for each gallon of our fuelpurchased in details.Our Visa Card and Personal Credit Card are issued by a capital retail bank and are not an obligation of our USA Inc. and we are registered trademarks of the Intellectual Property LLC.A maximum of 300 in total Fuel Credits may be accrued and redeemed in any calendar year. Click here for information.For our Credit Card Accounts that are approved for cash access Cash Access for our Credit Card accounts is currently available only in the U.S. and Canada foraccounts with credit limits of at least $500.Unauthorized charges do not include charges by a person whom you have given authority to use your accounts or card, and you will be liable for all use by such person. From the last paragraph, we can know that( ). A.Authority to use the account should be given by our companyB.You should be responsible for the cash access related to your account by any person using itC.If the charges of your account or card are authorized, there will be no credit limitsD.If you give a person the right to use your account or card, he can use it答案:D 本题解析:根据Unauthorized charges do not include charges by a person whom to useyour accounts or card, and you will be liable for all use by such person 可知,如果你给一个人权利去用你的卡或者账户,那么他就可以去用。而B 项中说的是any person,而你只需要对你所授权的人在使用时负责。29.李亮所带的钱买A 商品,可买6 斤;买B 商品,可买10 斤;买C 商品,可买15 斤。但他决定三种商品买一样多,那么,他所带的钱可买三种商品各( )斤。A.3B.10C.8D.6答案:A 本题解析:特值法,设一共有60 元钱,则A 商品10 元,B 商品6 元,C 商品4 元。要想买一样多,则有60(10+6+4)=3 斤。30.流动资金贷款的偿还方式多为( )。A.每半年结算一次利息,利随本清B.本息一次还清C.按月或按季结算利息、到期一次还本D.年底一次还清答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析31.()是仅指明交易的数量,而不指明交易的具体价格,要求投资银行按照即时市价买卖。A.限价委托B.市价委托C.整数委托D.零数委托答案:B 本题解析:本题考查市价委托的概念。32.为了开拓多样化的营销模式和分销渠道,深入挖掘潜在客户群,发展移动金融业务,电子银行部对移动互联网市场做了相关市场调查。移动互联网正逐渐渗透到人们生活、工作的各个领域,手机支付、手机银行等应用迅猛发展,正在深刻改变信息时代的社会生活,根据这些数据,你能得出哪些信息? 材料:移动互联网调查中国移动互联网市场规模 2013年第二季度移动互联网市场规模241.9亿元,环比增速21.2,同比增速71.4,市场趋于稳健发展。具体数据如图1所示(数据来自互联网)。图1中国移动互联网市场规模 2013年第二季度移动购物市场继续保持高速增长态势,市场占比超越移动增值,成为移动互联网第一大细分行业。具体数据如图2所示(数据来自互联网)。图2中国移动互联网细分行业占比关于移动互联网,你的同事给出以下四种说法,其中正确的是()。A.2013年第二季度移动营销市场规模同上一季度相比有所下降B.2012年前三个季度移动搜索市场规模没有变化C.2013年第二季度移动购物市场规模首次超过移动增值D.自2012年第一季度以来移动增值市场规模持续下降答案:C 本题解析:A项,2013年第二季度移动营销市场规模为241.910.2199.5(121.2)10.2,2013年第一季度为199.510.8,前者大于后者;B项,2012年前三个季度移动搜索市场规模占比没有变化,但整体市场规模增加,所以移动搜索市场规模也增长;C项,2013年第二季度移动购物市场规模占比首次超过移动增值,故移动购物市场规模也是首次超过移动增值;D项,移动增值市场规模占比持续下降,但整体市场规模增长,2012年第二季度移动增值市场规模为141.150.8116.4(121.2)50.8,2012年第一季度为116.456.6,前者大于后者。33.下列各项中,应填列于中央银行资产负债表中负债方的是( )。A.外汇储备B.流通中通货C.贴现及放款D.政府债券答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析34.下列表述中,不正确的一项是()。A.外汇是以外币表示的一种支付手段B.汇率是两种货币之间的相对价格C.欧洲债券是由欧洲国家发行的以美元为计价单位的债券D.国际储备是一国持有的各种形式的流动资产的综合答案:C 本题解析:欧洲债券(Euro Bond


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