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20X年秋季学期四年级上册第一单元测试题一、 给下列单词选择正确的译文。( ) 1. lssrom .教师 B. 教室 .学生( ) 2. lgh A. 电灯 B. 地板 风扇( ) . ner th window A. 在窗户旁边 B. 在窗户上 C. 在椅子旁( ) 4.y tur A. 我的书桌 B.我的书桌 C 我的图画( ) 5 let m help you. A 我来擦窗户 B 我来帮你 C 谢谢( ) 6. 你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说:A. t m clean tecaso. B. Le cleante assro C. etscleanhe dow( )7. 你想自己擦窗户,你说:A Lt len the dsk. B. Le me cean th cha. Le me clnthe wndw.( ) 8. 你想帮助别人,你对他/她说:A. Lt m hel u. Bet ou help me C.Lte eac othe.( ) 9 你想知道教室里有什么,你问:A. Wheres te cssroom B. Wts inhe clssom C. What in the classrm( ) 10. 教师办公室在一楼,你说:A.Te tees oce is on the ist flor. B. he teacesofcis ne二、 选出与所给单词同类的一项。( )1.pen . pencl B.pcture ( )2 chair A. cat B es( ) 3.wino A. fn . ig ( ) tw A. one B. to( ) 5. wall A. watr B. foo ( ) 6. where A can B. hat三、 用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序。( ) Wheeis it ( ) ts a bg. ( ) tsn the dk. ( ) , Jon. se “b”.四、 把下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话。( ) Gooateon, Amy. ecleathelssom( )OK. Let me leathe blaboar.( ) od foon,arh.( )Then let me clean theesks nd chais五、 选择题。( ) 1. This ia_ desk. A teacer Beaches C. tehes( ) 2. The dor_whe. A.i B.re C m( ) . oo! Thisi a compter. It _. A. ared . ed C. a g( ) 4.Lets go _ se. A.and B. o C. /( ) 5 We _ newclassrom. .has B hae C re( ) . - _my picture - tson theckboard. A.hat . Wheres C Whr() . Its _ bifu. so B ho C a( ) 8Le_ lanh blacboar. A. I B. m C. we( ) . Tedoor s _ ron. The wind _ blue. . is,are B are,is C. s, s( ) 10. _ the wnw. . Tun o B Pu p C. Close六、 根据图片选择合适的单词。A.winow B. fc C cae D door E. make F. lght 1. ouch your_ 2.Ha some _. 3. Oen the _ 4. can _ th kit 5.Cose te _ Trnonthe _七、找答语。( ) 1. Where is the picture AGret( ) 2. at hi Bw,its s ie.( )3 Look! ptur. Its a ornge( )4. ow my boks you see D. I n te wall.( ) 5. ets go to th o. E. Three. 八、 阅读。判断正T, 误.Ts smy classrom. tis very i Teall is whi. You can se a tachrsdesk, comuer, furpicres, five indow nsx ligsTe computer is a Is ne eahers des hepictures are on te wall. The wdws ae yllow.e ight are gen.ou an e many des dhais. They a blu.( ). Theclassroo issmall( ) 2. hecmpter is on theteahrs dek.( ) 3. ix cres rn the wll.( ) 4. Te idowsare yelow( ) e desks ad cais are ble.


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