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Uit 3What doe he lok le 一、单项选择。 ( )1-Wat oesyor riend loklik -_.A He isthin B. She is akngir C. he lies musc D. he agod-ookig( )2 Mr.Smons_ amediu build,an he has lowhair.A. i .has .lokslike . ist( )3 -Is he havy-No, he s a little bit _.A.all Bthi sh D.quie( ).-cy dost haeurly h.-Ys,we ansay shehas _hair bald B. blond .sort Dstraigh( )5.-Whchisyour eacher-he oe_ thick lsses over h eye isA wrs .ear C. wit .ha( )6.-s isGao -No,se isn tall, and se int hort, toh is _.A. ediumhih B.eium ild C.a lttle heay D. tin( )7. -_-Heh bg eyes andsall nosA. ow old is he . hat oes e o C. Watdoes hel lik D. H s he( )8.-Whiste claso ow-_All te udnt r on th laygroun.A. Smee B.Anbody C.boy D. Mary( ). -s your fiend quiet-N,he nersops _.A. alk B takin C. to al D. aughing( )10 -To is ot ry havy.-Yes, tink we a ay i _ eay.A. alittle B a bit . little bit D A, and C ( ) 11. The winner o he cote as_new imge an B. C. a( ) 12 The ld mn s_ brd. ./ B. C. he () 3. Is hatyurfatheres, it _. Aim B. C.hs ( )14.Maralies to tl _ t pn A. n B. on C. at ( ) 15. ha _ our moheloo ie . dos . i C.do ( ). e is a shor girl _a pir of gase.A. ha B. have C. ith 二词汇填空 根据句子及汉语意思写出单词。 1 Alc as _(金色的)hi 2Jacke Cn _(黑色的)air. 3 Dou emer the _(摇滚)singr thfnny glasses 4. Peple dot lke his ne _(形象). . Hes _(中等的)hegh 三、根据答语,写出相应的问句。 1._He is medim ight. 2 _ di some claning last Snday. . _ H har s brown. . _ Thgilina ueress sm siser. 5. _ Sh oks nhopital. 四补全对话 : Do you knw weave a ew each and two w sutthis smsr B: elly Wht _ th ew teacherlok_A: He nod an.He _ n hair B: Is he _ A: Yes. nd e _ glases. B:_ he avea tch : No, he_ berd. eis ot gd-loiBt h isveryind B: What _yu new clas mats ht _he _ lie A: Ty ar twin. Tey look the _.Thy _medium height.Theyre ot eav_ thin. They _ uy hair B: hats te _ _ h har : We, they _ blnde hair. Thy are ood-looking. 五 完形填空(一题一分,共10分)Jonn is twel _1_old.He i vy ll anhloves _2_ baketll. His parent _from Anhu.lly ismal andhe _4_ lasses Se_ long an uy hai. helikes_6_. She_had Dave _ miumhight.He njoy_9_ put gaes. e lovesto _0_( ) .A. yar B. yeas C. / D. yes( ) 2 .A. play B pla . playng toplay( ) . A. B. r C. comes D.be( ) .A.ot war B. wear C.doesnt ear . ont wear( ) . . has B. ve . i D ar ( ). A. sng B.igin C sig D. on sing( )7. Aok B workin to o D. doesnt wok( ) . Aare e C. . am( ) 9. A.plas B. pyng C. to Day( )0. .jokes B o C. to jok o jok六. 阅读理解。(A篇一题一分,B篇和C篇一题两分共5分) ( A )Kty ad Sanyae tins. Theyokth same.Tey both hve on hiand g eTheyaeeim heit and tehae iumbuild. Thy le i a ton aty is oldr ha Sandy.Sheliks ivgin town erymuh Katy hink livini town is moeteesing tan lvginhe contry.elkes the lights i on She thinksh ihts atnghare mor beutiful than the star.Se lisorea, andreadsmor quickly thanSandy.Often Katy readsuntl late a night Sdy liks tcuntry bette. She les tovist her unPegyShe oftn hep heraunt wh her work. Sd li to ru. She runs str than Kty. I the cunry, Sandycan runloner hn i to. She also thinks unng in thecoutryis hes excitingtin to do.请根据短文的描述,分辨出哪张照片是aty,哪张照片是Sandy。并在照片下面的括号中标明K(Katy)或S (Sand )。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) .( ) ( ) ( B )eris a bo Hei fom merica.He is twlve year old He is amidle hoolsdent. He hasa oundc, a ig oe, a wie mout andtwbig eyes. Hi hr is lgt brow anshort He likstpla fooa. H i in o schooloot team. He is a Young Pineer,tooeas sie, Her nainne. hei wlv, to Shehas aroun face, a smal nose, a sall mohand bg ees. He air is red andln.e likes to ly the iano, tread and raw. hy are n hse school, bt in ifer grades They ar twis. We alllovethe根据短文内容,填写表格描述Per和Ann的外貌特征(10分)aceharyenemuthPt1234Ae678910 ( C )My fthr is taland ha ht, ray hair. Heear glasseswith havy, , black fames. uI jst saw cture ofi fr18. Wht a srrise! th pcture, s15 yeas old. He shortan hhas glasses ith sall, od frame. has lo,yel hai and it ealy staigh. Hs wearigble jeans and a -sh with he wor “Love”m 1 arsld now.Imverageheihtand Ihav hor har y har sntylow, its blue My ad thin is strg, t myfriends thnkitsga. I wr glasses, ut m glasseshve bightrd fraes Thyreso ol! Iave an rringin oe ear, oo. Dadally cnt undrstand tat, Ievr wear blu jeans. I lk bg, baggntsan lng T-shirt.st f y shirts hve pctures of vorite kandon tem.( ) 1. Wat kind of gassiFahe wea when he was fifte yas old Hewre A. glases with havy, blac frame Cgasses wi brighredframeB. lon and yelloglss D. glasss wihll, rud frmes ( )2. ha coor s m hr Its _.yellow B. lue . gray D. r ( ) 3. Wht oI lie wr I lik towr _.A. bue jens d aT-shitB. yelow jeas ana -shit hte wod“lov”C. bi and bayant nd long -sisD. bue eans adan aring( ) 4. a ony fathers T-shrtATheword “ove”. B. Havyan blac rmesC. Ptures ofroc ands . An rrin.( )5 Who ha anearring in e earA. Mydd does. .I d. CMfatheoes. D. y Frieds dNw Wrds lights 灯 stars 星星gra 灰白的 fraes边框suprie惊讶 jen 牛仔裤avrage 一般的 trang 奇怪的earrng耳环 pats 喇叭裤 ckbnds摇滚乐队七书面表达 你姑姑将从美国回来探亲,要你去接机。但你从未见过这位阔别家乡二十年的姑姑。请写一封信欢迎她的归来,安排见面的时间和地点。在信中你要简单的描述你的长相及你所穿的衣服。以便你姑姑能在机场认出你。 参考答案一、1-5ABDC -1CBD 11-16 CBB二、ey: 1. londe 2. blck 3.rock 4. ige 5 edi三、1. hat does he lokike 2.Whati oudo las Sunay at cor is herhi4. hich irl is your sster 5. Where does s wrk四、dos, ik, h, bal, ear,oes,has, bout, do, ok, same, ae, or, h,color, of,have五、1-BDBC 2-10BACBA六、(A)1-5 KSK()1-5 o/ligt brow/ g big/ wde/ -1 round/ rd and long g/ mal small( C ) DBCAB七、ar aut, a vry lao meetouat the airpot, I av nver et you bfoe. o I shalldecrbe me oyo. I amtallboy with a ar fglasses I have a uui. I m13 yearsold. I have a rnd fac ithik hair. I is eay to egnize me. Iwear ld ans, a -shrt, and a paiofsort hoe . Well etat the orth gate oteirport 10:2 am. I hp u met me ther on me Yors ToGreen


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