中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第17节 九上 Module 7-Module 8课件 外研版

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第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8外 研 版 教 材 梳 理 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8重难点梳理一、默写检测(一)考纲单词默写(下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。) 1.讨论;谈论_ 2.影响;作用于_ 3.猜想;推测;相信;认为_4.死的;去世的_discussinfluencesupposedead 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 85.众所周知的;著名的_6.日常的,普通的_7.评论(文章)_8.道理;意义;合理性_9.南方的_10.活着的_ well-known everyday reviewsense southern alive 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 811.决定_12.座椅;座位_13.生气的;恼火的_ 14.记录,最佳纪录_15.打破(纪录);打碎_ 16.自豪感;骄傲_decision seat mad record break pride 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 817.中午;正午_18.公平的;合理的_ 19.方法;办法_ 20.亚洲的;亚洲人的_21.勇气;胆量_noonfairmethodAsiancourage 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8(二)重点短语默写(请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。单项选择、完形填空和短文填空等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。) 1.合情理;易理解;有意义_ 2.遇上麻烦_ 3.顺便提一下_ 4.是的缩写;代表_ make sense get into trouble by the waystand for 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 85.决不;不可能_ 6.感到自豪_ 7.阻止某人做某事_ 8.逃走;逃跑_ 9.为付出代价_ no way take pride instop sb.(from) doing sth. run away pay for 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8二、语法考点聚焦 1.一般现在时的被动语态 【教材典句】 1.Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.我们仍然受到孔子思想的影响。2.It is still read and loved.它仍然被阅读和喜爱。3.It is written in everyday English,and the dialogues sound especially real.它是用日常英语写成的,对话听起来特别真实。 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8【练习】 ( )The pet dog is warm and lovely.It_as a daughter of my family.A.treats B.treated C.is treated D.was treated( )Didnt see the sign“No parking!”on the right?Sorry,I didnt.But now I know parking_here.A.wasnt allowed B.isnt allowed C.wont allow D.doesnt allowCB 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 82.一般过去时的被动语态 【教材典句】 1.But Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.但是大明上次没有被选入队。2.He was invited to competitions around the world.他被邀请参加世界各地的比赛。 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8【练习】 ( )Last March,many trees_along the streets to make our city more beautiful.A.were planted B.were planting C.had planted D.planted( )Annie_to the party.She had a wonderful time with us.A.invites B.is invited C.was invited D.has invitedAC 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8巩固练习 一、单项选择 ( )1.Basketball_after school twice a week.Many students like playing basketball.A.is played B.will be played C.was played D.are being played( )2.May I use your cup,Tom?Sorry,it_by my sister just now.A.was broken B.is broken C.broke D.breaksAA 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )3.Doctors_in every part of the world.A.need B.are needing C.are needed D.will need( )4.The sick boy_to the hospital by the police yesterday.A.is taken B.was taken C.takes D.tookCB 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )5.Japanese_in every country.So it is.A.is not spoken B.are spoken C.is speaking D.is not speaking( )6.Tom! You_on the phone just now,but you_in.A.wanted;were B.are wanted;are C.were wanted;werent D.called;arentAC 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )7.We can find many pictures_by Xu Beihong in the museum.A.drawing B.drawn C.drew D.to draw( )8.The sentence “Thank you”_in our everyday life.A.often use B.often used C.is often used D.are often usedBC 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )9.Everyone knows that paper_in China.A.was made first B.at first was made C.was made at first D.was first made( )10.English is widely used.Many business letters around the world_in it.A.are written B.were written C.are writing D.were writingDA 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )11.We live on the twelfth floor,a lift_to go up and down every day.A.is used B.are used C.be used D.is being used( )12.They_to help the farmers with the harvest last autumn.A.asked B.asking C.to ask D.were askedAD 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )13.This dictionary mustnt_from the library.A.take away B.taken away C.are taken away D.be taken away( )14.This pair of scissors_in China.A.make B.made C.is made D.are madeDC 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )15.Three quarters of the messages_by telegraph.A.was sent B.were sent C.sent D.send( )16.When your homework_,we will go to play football.A.is done B.are done C.had done D.will be doneBA 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )17.My shoes_.I went out for a new pair.A.is worn out B.worn out C.were worn off D.were worn out( )18.Our classroom must_clean.A.keep B.be kept C.to be kept D.to keepDB 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )19.The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it_.A.invents B.invented C.is invented D.was invented( )20.The Great Wall_all over the world.Have you visited it?Yes,I visited it last summer with my father.A.knows B.knew C.is known D.was knownDC 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8二、阅读理解 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的需求信息,右栏是七本书的介绍。请将这五个人与相应的书配对。( )21. Tom is seventeen years old now.He has dreamed of becoming a successful businessman for quite a long time.He hopes his dream will come true in the future.D 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )22.John is interested in computer technology.He spends much of his free time on computers.Bill Gates is his hero.He would like to learn from Bill Gates. ( )23.Mary often asks herself what she will be in the future.She wants to understand herself and the world around her better.She needs something to help her make a right plan to be successful.BE 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8( )24.Betty is working on the history of America these days.She tries to find the answer to how the US became what it is today. ( )25.Mrs. Green has a teenage daughter.They cant get on well with each other.Mrs.Green is worried but doesnt know what to do.GA 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8A. Uncommon Sense for Parents with TeenagersThis book is full of advice for parents.This question-and-answer book helps parents understand their children.This book tells you how to communicate with your children. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8B. The Road AheadThis book is about technology and technological change, but most of the book is about Bill Gates teen years.You will learn that he was a normal teenager in high school and not different from you. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8C. Taste of HomeThis is a book about cooking, which offers many home-style recipes.Plus color photos of every recipe, cost-saving menus and healthy-choice dishes. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8D. Dave s WayThis is a fantastic book for teenagers.It contains (包含) countless simple tips on how to be successful in todays business environment.It shows you how to make your dream come true. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8E. The Teenager s Guide to the Real WorldThis book tells teenagers how to design their own lives.This book helps teenagers understand what the real world is.It helps them make good decisions about the future. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8F. Drawing on the Right Side of the BrainThis book offers a great introduction about how your brain works based on the most recent scientific research into left-brain/ right-brain differences.It is a fascinating lesson on how to use different parts of your mind. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8G. The Americans: The Democratic (民主的) ExperienceThis book tells many stories about the people who helped build the country.In this book, the writer describes the American history during the past years. 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8三、短文填空 Most of the schools in our country do not give students 26._ time for after-class activities.Some schools have 27._ two P.E.lessons a week, and others even have no art 28._ music lessons.Sports and games and other activities can enoughonlyor 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8train us to be persons 29._ good characters, and we can also learn much more from practice.30._ some teachers think that to learn knowledge from books 31._ the most important thing for students.School headmasters try 32._ best to raise the percentage (百分比) ofwithButis their 第十七节 九年级(上)Module 7Module 8students entering school of higher level.According to investigation (调查), many 33._ health is going worse and worse.Why is it so? Obviously (明显地), one of the 34._ for the bad result is that the time for activities is too limited.So we have to have more 35._ for sports, for arts and for some social activities. studentsreasons time 谢谢观看!


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