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第十三讲 阅读新题型总结文章大意(一)【考点说明】阅读题在每个联盟的英语试题中都是重头戏,占了很大的分值。阅读能力的考察也是目前自主招生考试的出题者的着重考察点。近几年这部分考题的形式也是别出心裁,突破了阅读四选一的传统做法,先后出现了选句子补全对话(6选5)、总结文章大意等类型的题目。各类题目分别细致地考察了阅读能力的不同侧重点,如读懂文章、理清文章的脉络关系、抓住文章主旨大意等,而本讲涉及的总结文章大意类型的阅读则是考察学生在读懂文章并抓住文章主旨大意的基础上再对文章进行总结概括的能力。在归纳文章大意的时候一定要把握好整体和细节的关系,虽不能面面俱到,但也必须要内容完整。可以说题型是越来越灵活,考察的能力也是越来越系统全面。此题型近几年主要在华约联盟中考察。【题型特点分析】阅读理解之总结文章大意是阅读题目中比较难的一类。题目要求将一篇很长的英文文章用200字以内的汉字总结出来。要做对题目,学生要首先读懂文章,然后归纳总结出全篇的主旨大意,最后还好用得当的语言文字整理出来。这样的一道题目是很能看出学生的阅读能力的。针对这样的题目,很多学生都不知道从何下手,其实答案很简单。先回答两个问题:(1) 主旨大意和整篇文章的关系是什么,即你是如何总结出主旨大意的?(2) 如果你是作者你要如何写出这样的一篇文章,基本框架是什么? 批注:在这里引导学生思考写作过程和归纳总结文章大意的联系,具体解析会在解题思路下阐释,在这里可以先激发学生思考。【解题思路】一 导入 继续上一小节的讨论,在这里我们分析一下写作的过程Conclusion(总结句)Introduction(全文主旨句)Body paragragh 主题句.Body paragragh 主题句.Body paragragh 主题句. 上图是一个文章的架构,我们发现一篇完整文章是由一些主旨句和主题句拓展开来的。这提醒我们在总结文章大意的时候可以通过找出主旨句和主题句的方式来总结文章大意。二解题步骤1总结写作过程与总结主旨大意题的关联2.方法在线主题句提取法 解题步骤:(一) 提取框架找到首段的主旨句,尾段的总结句和中间部分的主题句。(二) 总结主旨联系各主题主旨句等并对其加以概括总结,得出全文的主旨大意。(三) 汉语呈现围绕主题,将概括出的全文主旨大意以汉语的形式谱写润色成文。3.该方法的适用范围(一)就体裁而言:比较适用于议论文(二)就段落设置特点而言:比较适用于段落较少的文章。4注意问题(一) 该方法叫主题句提取法,并不是说只关注主题句,把主题句翻译过来就解决问题。主题句只是提供一个方向,下面的具体内容也要参考。(二) 虽然是对文章大意的总结,切勿没有内容,只有框架,应做到麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。(三) 各主题句连起来不是生搬硬套,要注重之间的逻辑关系。【典例精讲】【总结主旨】:在一个特定历史时期成长起来的人们拥有一些共同的经历,从而使他们和上一代和下一代人区别开来。这些代与代的不同表现为社会冲突,就是“代沟”。【解题技巧】:具体人物或事物的例子一般只是为了辅助说明某个论点,不是我们总结的内容,通常我们要总结的论点。【总结主旨】:青春期既是一种心理状态(情绪上的压力和波动)也是一种社会状态(生理状态和社会角色的冲突)。【解题技巧】:分点对主题句进行扩充,找出主题句后不能直接翻译过来,而是要根据其他细节内容全面地总结主旨。【总结主旨】:由于家庭生活和工作的分工,学生在校的时间的延长,使从童年过渡到成年的时间延长了,这也成为青年人社会和心理问题的原因。总结起来,青春就是在家庭、学校和工作中不断转换的产物。【解题技巧】:如果文章明显没有结尾段落,那么我们要关注文章的最后一段的最后几句话,很有可能是起总结作用的语句。最后一步就是结合每一段的总结内容,概括出本文的主旨大意。【参考答案】“代”是指成长在一个特定的历史时期并共同拥有一定历史经历的群体,因此他们与上一代或下一代的人有所区别。这些区别常常会在被称为“代沟”的社会冲突中表现出来。“青春期”是年轻人在向成年过渡中必须面对的情绪问题,他们要学会提高自己的社会能力来解决各种问题。本世纪以来,人们面临从童年到成年期过渡时间也不断延长的问题,其主要原因是家庭生活和工作的分离。总结起来,青春就是在家庭、学校和工作中不断转换的产物。l 例题后的技巧总结:1. 总结主旨大意的时候关注结论性的的言语,略读具体的人物或事物的例子。2. 提取出主题句后,要以段内的细节填充使总结的内容充实饱满,不是光有框架。3. 对总结的内容进行润色,使之逻辑关系清晰,语言通常,内容饱满。【真题模拟题延伸及题训练】(一)Ethnic Groups in SingaporeIn addition to being one of the smallest (and youngest) countries in the world, Singapore, with its population of less than four million, is one of the worlds most ethnically mixed countries. It is primarily Chinese, a group to which over three quarters of permanent residents assign themselves, but even in this group there are differences in languages and cultures. The other two main ethnic groups in Singapore are Malays and Indians, each representing around ten percent of the population.For nearly seven hundred years. Chinese have been travelling to Southeast Asia in search of wealth and prosperity. Those who settled in Singapore came mainly from southern China and spoke different languages depending on which area was home. Hokkien (闽南话), one of the main Chinese languages spoken in Singapore, originates from Fujian Province. Speakers of Teochew (潮州话) had ancestors from eastern Guangdong. Hakka(客家话)has roots in both Fujian and Guangdong. Cantonese (粤语) is also spoken in Singapore today, and originates from Guangzhou. All of these languages (and more) are spoken by the Chinese population of Singapore today, though there are very few communities now that are linguistically isolated as they were in the past, and in recent years the government has also heavily promoted the teaching and learning of Mandarin to serve as a common language for the Chinese community.Though representing a much smaller proportion of the population, the Malays are the second largest ethnic group in Singapore and the original inhabitants of Singapore. They are still today the main ethnic group throughout the region stretching from Malaysia to Indonesia and the Philippines. The Malay community in Singapore came mainly from the Malaysian peninsula, though many also came from Java and other Indonesian islands. The Malay community practices Islam, which came to the area via Arab and Indian traders in the 1100s, but their religion also retains some features of pre-Islamic Hindu beliefs.The third largest ethnic group in Singapore, slightly smaller than the Malay community, is that of the Indians. Migration from India dates mainly from the days of the British colony of Malaya in the L8th century, and most Indians came to the area as labourers recruited by the British to work on plantations. Most of the Indian communities are from the southern part of India, but a sizeable portion originates in the southwest.Another group of people with a long history in Singapore are known as the Peranakans (土生华人). The Peranakans are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who settled in the area and married Malay women. The groups of Chinese who travelled and settled in the region centuries ago were predominantly (if not entirely) men, and so most were married to local women. The culture of the Peranakans is a mix of both Chinese and Malay traditions, and in most cases this group adopted the name and religion of their Chinese fathers, but retained the language and customs of their Malay mothers. Today, the Peranakan population speaks a version of Malay which borrows from Hokkien so much that Malay speakers often cannot understand the dialect. While the Peranakan culture is being preserved and revived by organizations in Singapore, there are just a few thousand Peranakan Malay speakers left on the island.解题步骤:(一) 找出主题句(二) 总结每段大意(三) 加工润色,汉语呈现【参考答案】新加坡虽然只是一个人口不到四百万的小国家,但却是世界上种族最多的国家之一,其中中国人占全人口的四分之三,由于他们来自中国的不同地方,他们的语言也不尽相同。马来西亚人是第二大种族也是本地种族,他们普遍信仰伊斯兰教。印度人是第三大种族,他们大部分是英国为种植园招募的劳动力。土生华人也在新加坡有很长的历史,他们是中国移民和马来西亚女性所生的孩子,虽然他们的文化得到了新加坡政府的保护,但现在也只有几千人。(二)AThey play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academics underpinned by science and medicine. At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundred of youngsters and professionals live and train under the eyes of coaches. Another body, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice.BInside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one such as building muscle strength in golfers - to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning.CA lot of their work comes down to measurement everything from the exact angle of a swimmers dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. To demonstrate how the system works. Bruce Mason at AIS shows off a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers. A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion. Looking side-on. Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine swivels. When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers. Masons contribution to sport also includes the development of the SWAN (SWimming ANalysis) system now used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second and breaks down each part of a swimmers performance into factors that can be analyzed individually.DWith the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athletes clothes or running shoes to monitor heart rate, sweating, heat production or any other factor that might have an impact on an athletes ability to run. Theres more to it than simply measuring performance. Fricker gives the example of athletes who may be down with coughs and colds 11 or 12 times a year. After years of experimentation. AIS and the University of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin (免疫球蛋白) A is present in athletes saliva (唾液). If IgA levels suddenly fall below a certain level, training is eased or dropped altogether. Soon. IgA levels start rising again, and the danger passes. Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been remarkably successful at staying healthy.EUsing data is a complex business. Well before a championship, sports scientists and coaches start to prepare the athlete by developing a competition model, based on what they expect will be the winning times. You design the model to make that time. says Mason. A start of this much, each free-swimming period has to be this fast, with a certain stroke frequency and stroke length, with turns done in these times. All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those targets, both overall and for each segment of the race. Techniques like these have transformed Australia into arguably the worlds most successful sporting nation.FOf course, theres nothing to stop other countries copying and many have tried. Bui Australias success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system.解题步骤:(一)找出主题句(二)总结每段大意(三)加工润色,汉语呈现【参考答案】澳大利亚在运动方面拥有骄人的成绩,秘诀在于他们的体育学院得到了科学与医学的大力支持。在这些体育学院中,科学占据了非常重要的地位,澳大利亚体育学院聘请了超过100位运动科学家和医生,这些科学家主要研究各项运动的技巧,他们的工作中最重要的部分就是测量、观测运动员的训练,为他们记录数据影像,科学家们利用数据为每位运动员在比赛前制定相应的竞赛模式。正是由于这些原因,澳大利亚成为了运动强国。 (三) Art and technology have always seemed to be complete opposites of each other. Art, in terms of fine art such as paintings, sculptures and installations, has always been associated with the creative process while technology, in terms of communications and improvements in mechanical science, is seen to be associated with progress. However, in todays world, the fine line between art and technology has almost been erased artists make use of technology in the art making process while technology makes use of art as well. Art and technology already complement each other, using each other to serve the same purposes but it would be almost impossible for them to be truly integrated. Art and technology, at present, may seem to be on opposite ends of a spectrum. Art is brought about by inspiration and intuitive responses while technology is more science-based and factual. However, in todays world, many artists make use of technology to serve their aims. The famous Andy Warhol is a good example. Andy Warhol made use of photographs, combined with the technology of silkscreen printing to produce repeated images of car crashes and other disasters. Other artists such as Cindy Sherman and Nam Jun Paik also relied heavily on technology to produce their art. Cindy Sherman made use of photography to produce photographs of herself dressed up as a woman in different social contexts while Nam Jun Paik explored video art and used television sets in his works. In this sense, art is truly complemented by technology as without technology, such works would not exist at all. In fact, it is possible to claim that art exploits technology, while complementing it, to serve its aims. Technological advancements have allowed black and white films to be transformed into two-dimensional colour films and finally into the three dimensional animation films that we see today. Such films are in fact a platform for artists to establish themselves and showcase their abilities. Take Pixar Animations for example. Working behind the scenes of Shrek are tens of artists drawing furiously, and their drawing capabilities are showcased in the movie. On top of that, they also make use of programmes like Illustrator and 4D Animation software to make their characters come to life. Without technology, such films would not be realised. It is only when art and technology complement each other that animation films can come to life. Besides art using technology, technology, in terms of communications, also uses art to serve its purposes as well. Means of communication such as advertisements on television, radio and billboards, brought about by technology, make use of artistic images to attract attention. The usage of the Mona Lisa image, the most exploited image on Earth, is powerful as it is instantly recognisable and people would immediately take notice of the advertisement. Usage of such high art images immediately leads the viewer to draw links with notions of class and social status, adding value to the advertisement. Also, artists and artistic establishments also make use of such means of communication technology to promote themselves. There is no point being a fantastic painter if people do not know about you. Damien Hirst, one of the richest artists alive is constantly the talk of the town as the British media just will not stop talking about him, about how he makes such sensational works and along the way sensationalising them as well. Art and technology, in this sense, make use of each other in such a way that one cannot exist without the other and thus are true complements of each other. Finally, although art and technology may seem to be opposites, the aims of both are not conflicting but in fact meant to serve the same purposes. Art is usually used as documentation of or as social commentary on human life, while technological advancements are meant to be for the betterment of humankind as well. Art is also about questioning things and trying to change things such that the society will function better, while technology is about change as well such that it will improve the lives of people. Both are working towards the same aims the search for happiness, freedom, equality and basically to make the world a better place. In essence, art and technology, driven by the same goals, are true complements of each other. To conclude, art and technology make use of each other, almost to the extent of exploitation, and also work hand in hand to an extent where one cannot exist without the other. By serving the same aim - to improve the lives of people - they are true complements of each other. However, it may still be difficult for the vast majority to accept this as both are seen as opposites one about creativity and intuition while the other about facts and scientific progress. Such thinking, which still holds true, should start to change once art and technology develop even further, to an extent where they become so integrated that it becomes difficult to distinguish them. 解题步骤:(一) 找出主题句(二) 总结每段大意(三) 加工润色,汉语呈现【参考答案】:艺术和技术经常被认为是截然不同,艺术强调的是创作的过程而技术则是科技的进步。但当今,这两者的关系更应该被看做是为了同一个目标而互补,许多艺术家利用技术来实现他们的艺术目标(例如安迪沃霍用照片结合丝网印刷技术处理车祸及其他自然灾害的重复图片),有时候科技也会利用艺术来实现某些目标(例如电视广播等通信行业的广告要靠艺术图片来吸引注意力)。其实两者是为了共同的目标幸福快乐,平等,使世界更美好而互补。(四)National boundaries have long been in place in human history, with the main intention of using them to control or restrict movement of people, commodities, capital or information into or out of a country. However, as the world steps into the 21stcentury and becomes more globalised and interconnected, many start to wonder if the power that the state once held is now diminished by the forces of globalisation. Some even question the significance of national borders in todays world as they become increasingly permeable due to intensified world-wide connections and time- space compression. In order to judge if this claim is true, several key factors have to be taken into consideration. Do time-space compression and technological advancement inevitably bring about effects that weaken the position of a state geographically and economically? Do supranational bodies such as the United Nations and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) play a part in blurring the need for such borders? Will national pride and government control override all these other factors, invalidating the claim that national boundaries are no longer essential? After much consideration and deliberation, I strongly believe that the importance of national borders has been diminished to a large extent but there are other factors such as national security that will still uphold the significance of having national boundaries. With the emerging force of globalisation, countries all around the world have grown to be more independent, consequently resulting in an inevitable increase in economic integration via trade, foreign investments and immigration. Statistics from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development have confirmed this phenomenon: foreign direct investment, for example, grew by an average annual rate of 34 percent in the 1980s and early 1990s. This trend continued throughout the 1990s, facilitated by the pervasive tendency towards the removal of barriers to capital flows. Also in 2004, a total of US$47881 million flowed seamlessly around Asian countries as foreign direct investment. Furthermore, the number of multinational companies outsourcing and off shoring has also been sky-rocketing over these years. Evidently, the dramatic increase in the scale and reach such companies and transnational flows of capital have undermined the ability of the state to regulate economic activities across borders over the past three decades. On the other hand, from a geographical point of view, time-space shrinking technologies and modernisation in transportation have allowed the easy movement of people from one country to another. Technology has shortened travel time from months to just mere hours and this has inevitably resulted in the increased mobility of people. A simple illustration would be the brain-drain problem faced by Singapore. It is not uncommon to hear people at all levels of the Singapore society complain about the outward flow of talents to global cities such as New York and London. With so much freedom and choice provided for immigration, people who were originally citizens of one country can easily switch nationalities or even take up multiple permanent residencies, resulting in national boundaries losing their geographical importance. Besides having a homogenising economic impact on the world, globalisation has also brought about the establishment of supranational bodies, thus affecting states politically. More often than not, such supranational institutions are often blamed for eroding the traditional sovereign authority of the worlds approximately two hundred states. Such bodies like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have aggravated the problem that borders no longer function as parameters in which citizenship rights are exercised. The democratic principles which assume that citizens participate in the decisions which affect their lives, and that governments are accountable to those they govern, are increasingly difficult to sustain in circumstances where so many decisions affecting a state and its population occur beyond its borders. A perfect example would be the Structural Adjustment Programmes initiated by the IMF. The conditionality attached to these programmes is a clear example of poli


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