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第十三讲 阅读理解之六选五(二)【考点说明】 六选五是自主招生英语阅读理解中的新题型, 也是近几年华约联盟中的常考题型。 该题型突破了传统阅读理解读文章选正确选项(四选一)的做法, 而是在一篇文章中挖去五个句子,然后给出六个选项,考生要选出正确的选项填在原文的空白处, 使之成为完整通顺的语篇。这类题目对考生阅读能力提出了很高的要求,考生要对全文有一个整体细致的把握才能选出答案。较之词汇语法题,该题型没有过分地强调词汇量,而是更侧重于考查对文章的主要内容和通篇的逻辑关系的把握,掌握一定的解题方法与技巧是攻破这类题目的关键。【题型特点分析】 该题型突破了传统高考阅读题目选正确选项(四选一)和选标题的形式,并在其基础上进行了创新,既综合了他们的特点又有自己独特的命题形式。如果能对该题型有一个很好的把握与认识并掌握一定的解题方法与技巧,便可轻而易举的将此题拿下,将其变成提分题目。 解答该题型的关键在于巧用文章脉络的发展规律及通篇的逻辑衔接规则。根据文章的行文特点,这里主张采用:(1)拟小标题法:应对篇章内容过渡明显,层次清晰的题目 侧重于考查对文章脉络的把握(2)标关键词法:应对篇章内容注重细节,话题发展缓慢的题目 侧重考查对文章逻辑关系的把握(3)综合法:应对篇章内容兼有(1)和(2)的特点 侧重于考查综合阅读能力上一讲详细介绍了拟小标题法及标关键词法,这一讲将从运用的角度将两种方法结合运用,穿插在整个解题的过程中,也就是知识整合的一个过程。【解题技巧】一 方法回顾(一)拟小标题法1 定义:给每个选项拟一个小标题。在阅读文章的时候,对照每个选项的小标题,并按照文章发展的脉 络将恰当的小标题对应的序号填到空白处。2 解题步骤:(1)阅读选项,拟小标题,并将其标在选项旁边 (2)阅读文章,对照小标题,边读边选 (3)通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。3 注意问题:(1)先看选项,后读文章,带着小标题阅读文章。 (2)边读边选,切勿读完文章选答案,浪费时间 (3)最后通读,对比类似选项,确定最终答案。 (二)标关键词法 1. 定义:阅读选项,标出关键词。在阅读文章的时候,定位主题词及重现词,解析衔接词2. 解题步骤:(1)阅读选项,用不同的符号标出关键词,做到心中有数 (2)阅读文章,对照各选项,从主题、衔接、复现等角度选取答案。 (3)通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。3. 注意问题:(1)每类关键词不限于一个,可以有两个或多个;也不一定要有,可以是0个。 (2)阅读文章,对照各选项,从主题、衔接、复现等角度选取答案。 (3)选完答案后要通读全文,检查答案,不可搁置不管。(注:老师要让学生自己回顾这两种方法的定义,解题步骤及注意问题;另外,对关键词的理解也要进 行进一步的消化和深化。)二方法综合与深化之前提出拟小标题法和标关键词法意在为考生提供一个做题的思路,也有意地将做题过程分解开且步骤化,这是为了让考生熟悉一种答题方法,并将这种方法融入到自己的做题习惯中,但最终的目的是将各种方法融会贯通, 答题时灵活应变。(这就像学健美操,先学上身动作,再学下身动作, 最后实现手脚并用)。本讲就会实现这样一个综合与深化。(三)综合法1. 定义:将拟小标题法和标关键词法综合运用,获得每个选项最有意义的信息。 可以总结为以下公式: 综合法 拟含有主题词的小标题(较简化)+ 最给力的关键词2解题步骤:(1)阅读选项,标出关键词,就关键词中的主题词拟小标题(尽可能一目了然) (2)阅读文章,对照各选项,从主要内容、词汇衔接和复现等角度考虑选取答案。 (3)通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。3注意问题:(1)小标题与关键词要配合使用,有些题目单靠一种方法找不到答案,在共同作用下反而事半功倍,但并不是说一定要有关键词;要是有,就要有一定意义。(2)多留意每个空白所在段落的主题句,所选句子要与之主旨相吻合。(3)答题不分先后顺序,先选确定选项,后采用排除法排除干扰选项。(4)对选项中出现的数字(时间,距离等),专有名词(地点,人名等)出现的位置及其 作用多加留意。 【典例精讲】Horror stories about the food industry have long been with us ever since 1906, when Upton Sinclairs landmark novel The Jungle told some ugly truths about how America produces its meatIn the century that followed, things got much better, and in some ways much worseThe U.Sagricultural industry can now produce unlimited quantities of meat and grains at remarkably cheap pricesBut it does so at a high cost to the environment, animals and humans 1. Add to the price tag the acceleration of global warming our energy-intensive food system uses 19% of U.Sfossil fuels, more than any other sector of the economyAnd perhaps worst of all, our food is increasingly bad for us, even dangerous 2 A food system that generates cheap, filling food at the expense of healthier produce is also a major cause of Americas widespread obesityAt a time when the nation is close to a civil war over health-care reform, obesity adds $147 billion a year to our doctor bills“The way we farm now is destructive of the soil, the environment and us,” says Doug Gurian-Sherman, a senior scientist with the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists3 Film documentaries like the highly critical Food Incand the work of investigative journalists like Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan are repeating Sinclairs work, awakening a sleeping public to the uncomfortable realities of how we eatChange is also coming from the very topFirst Lady Michelle Obamas White House garden has so far yielded more than 225 lb of organic produce and tons of powerful symbolism 4 Sustainable food is also more expensive than conventional food and harder to findAnd while large companies like General Mills have opened organic divisions, there is worry that the very definition of sustainability will be used by those companies only for their own goodBut we cant afford to remain in philosophizing about foodWith the exhaustion of the soil, the impact of global warming and the inevitably rising price of oil which will affect everything from fertilizer to supermarket electricity bills our industrial style of food production will end sooner or later 5 Unless Americans radically rethink the way they grow and consume food, they face a future of damaged farmland, emptied-out countryside, terrifying germs, higher health costs and tasteless dietSustainable food has an litist reputation, but each of us depends on the soil, animals and plants and as every farmer knows, if you dont take care of your land, it cant take care of you(五校联考,2010)A Some Americans are paying attention to such warnings and working to transform the way the country eats farmers who are raising sustainable food in ways that dont bankrupt the earthBA series of recalls involving polluted foods this year including a case of salmonella poisoning from tainted peanuts that killed at least eight people and sickened 600 has consumers rightly worried about the safety of their mealsCBut, despite increasing public awareness, sustainable agriculture remains a tiny enterprise: according to the most recent data from the U.SDepartment of Agriculture, less than 1% of American cropland is farmed organicallyDAnd when the rains come, the excess fertilizer that helped to take so much corn out of the ground will be washed into the Mississippi River and down into the Gulf of Mexico, where it will help kill fish for miles and miles aroundEThose hidden prices are the gradual damage of our rich farmland, cages for egg-laying chickens so packed that the birds cant even raise their wings and the horrible rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among farm animalsFAs the developing world grows richer, hundreds of millions of people will want to shift to the same calorie-heavy, protein-rich diet that has made Americans so unhealthy demand for meat and poultry worldwide is set to rise 25% by 2015 but the earth can no longer deliver【答案】E B A C F【解析】本篇文章主要是关于食品工业发展付出的代价,即给环境、动物和人类带来的危险,最后提议 美国人重新思考获得和消耗食品的方式,可持续的食品成为追求的目标,人和土地要和平友好 相处,才是正途。解答本题目的关键在于紧跟作者的思路,了解文章整体的发展脉络,抓住一 些有助于推测答案的关键词。【解题步骤】:(1)阅读选项,标出关键词,就关键词中的主题词拟小标题(尽可能一目了然)ASome Americans are paying attention to such warnings and working to transform the way the country eats farmers who are raising sustainable food in ways that dont bankrupt the earth小标题:转变所吃食物的类型 关键词:such warnings,要解决其指代BA series of recalls involving polluted foods this year including a case of salmonella poisoning from tainted peanuts that killed at least eight people and sickened 600 has consumers rightly worried about the safety of their meals 小标题:有毒食物引起恐慌 CBut, despite increasing public awareness, sustainable agriculture remains a tiny enterprise: according to the most recent data from the U.SDepartment of Agriculture, less than 1% of American cropland is farmed organically 小标题:可持续农业仍然比重小 关键词:But, despite,要满足让步关系DAnd when the rains come, the excess fertilizer that helped to take so much corn out of the ground will be washed into the Mississippi River and down into the Gulf of Mexico, where it will help kill fish for miles and miles around 小标题:雨水会使化肥杀死海洋生物 关键词:And,要满足并列递进关系EThose hidden prices are the gradual damage of our rich farmland, cages for egg-laying chickens so packed that the birds cant even raise their wings and the horrible rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among farm animals 小标题:隐藏的代价包括的内容 关键词:Those hidden prices 解决“是谁的隐藏代价”FAs the developing world grows richer, hundreds of millions of people will want to shift to the same calorie-heavy, protein-rich diet that has made Americans so unhealthy demand for meat and poultry worldwide is set to rise 25% by 2015 but the earth can no longer deliver 小标题:发展中国家饮食也向高热量,高蛋白转换,大地将不能承受。 (2)阅读文章,对照各选项,从主要内容、词汇衔接和复现等角度考虑选取答案。1.第一空出现在第一自然段,对照选项可以从第一空前的“so at a high cost to the environment, animals and humans”,推断出E。cost=price。2.第二空出现在第二自然段,紧跟主题句,那么这里要填的这句话很可能是辅助论证主题句的,主题句谈 到了现在食品的危险性,但对照选项后,不难选出B,符合情景语境。3.第三空出现在第三自然段的开头。要承上启下,第二段主要讲了食品安全问题,紧接着这段讲了How to eat 这样一个思考,对照选项,A完全符合。4.第四空出现在第三自然段,其前一句“First Lady Michelle Obamas White House garden has so far yielded more than 225 lb of organic produce and tons of powerful symbolism”表现了人们的觉醒,且很成功的例 子,对照选项C、D、F,C项符合语境,这里也就解释了让步关系的原因。5.第五空出现在最后一个自然段,现在只剩下D、F两个选项,前一句提到“our industrial style of food production will end sooner or later”,如果我们选F就进一步解释了为什么食品生产的工业化方式会结束,but the earth can no longer deliver与之呼应。 (3) 通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。l 例题后的技巧总结:1. 重点分析空白处前一句和后一句的信息点和其与空白处的关联点2. 要先分析选项,后阅读文章,边读边选,确定空白处所缺内容,根据上下文的逻辑衔接关系便可选出答案3. 善用排除法,先填确定选项,对比疑惑选项,排除干扰选项。4. 善于总结小标题;能够准确的抓住大义;善于寻找关键词,培养对关键词的敏感度。5. 耐心沉着,认真审题,从容作答。【真题模拟题训练】 (一) 模拟题 A Advance notice is often referred to in America as lead time, an expression which is significant in a culture where schedules are important. While it is learned informally, most of us are familiar with how it works in our own culture, even though we cannot state the rules technically. 1 At the most they are known by experience to those who lived abroad for some time. Yet think how important it is to know how much time is required to prepare people, or for them to prepare themselves, for things to come. Sometimes lead time would seem to be very extended. At other times, in the Middle East, any period longer than a week may be too long. 2 After what seemed to him a suitable period he let it be known that he would like to call on the minister who was his counterpart. For various reasons, the suggested time was not suitable; all sorts of cues came back to the effect that the time was not yet ripe to visit the minister. Our friend, however, persisted and forced an appointment, which was reluctantly granted. Arriving a little before the hour (the American respect pattern), he waited. The hour came and passed; five minutes - ten minutes- fifteen minutes. At this point he suggested to the secretary that perhaps the minister did not know he was waiting in the outer office. 3 Twenty minutes twenty-five minutes thirty minutes forty-five minutes (the insult period)! He jumped up and told the secretary that he had been cooling his heels in an outer office for forty-five minutes and he was damned sick and tired of this type of treatment. This message was relayed to the minister, who said, in effect, Let him cool his heels. The attaches stay in the country was not a happy one. The principal source of misunderstanding lay in the fact that in the country in question the five-minute delay interval was not significant. Forty-five minutes, on the other hand, instead of being at the tail end of the waiting scale, was just barely at the beginning. To suggest to an Americans secretary that perhaps her boss didnt know you were there after waiting sixty seconds would seem absurd, as would raise a storm about cooling your heels for five minutes. 4 He felt, as usual, that Americans were being totally unreasonable. Throughout this unfortunate episode the attache was acting according to the way he had been brought up. 5 Yet even if he had been told before he left home that this sort of thing would happen, he would have had difficulty not feeling insulted after he had been kept waiting for forty-five minutes. If, on the other hand, he had been taught the details of the local time system just as he would have been taught the local spoken language, it would have been possible for him to adjust himself accordingly.A. How troublesome differing ways of handling time can be is well illustrated by the case of an American agriculturalist assigned to duty as an attache of our embassy in a Latin country.B. Deeply insulted within, he felt mistreated, and then protested vigorously, throwing all the dignity he had assumed away.C.At home in the United States his responses would have been normal ones and his behavior correct.D.The rules for lead time in other cultures, however, have rarely been analyzed.E.Yet this is precisely the way the minister registered the complaints of the American in his outer office!F.This gave him the feeling he had done something concrete and also helped to overcome the great anxiety that was stirring inside him.解题步骤:(1) 阅读选项,标出关键词,就关键词中的主题词拟小标题(尽可能一目了然)各选项的总结:(2) 阅读文章,对照各选项,从主要内容、词汇衔接和复现等角度考虑选取答案(3) 通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。 ( 注:这里这个方框目的在于帮学生理顺做题思路,小标题的拟定老师考评就可以,没有固定答案)Keys:1. D 解析 此句连接前后两句。后句中的代词they指此句中的the rules for lead time。2. A 解析 此句是后面内容的主题句。3. F 解析 此句中的代词this指代上句话内容“他暗示秘书:也许部长尚不知晓他在外面等候”这一举动。提醒秘书后,他觉得自己总算做了点事,同时内心的焦虑似乎也缓和了些。4. E 解析 此句中的代词this指上句话中的raising a storm about cooling your heels for five minutes.5. C 解析 at home 与下句中的left home 相呼应。B Winters harsh weather, shorter hours of daylight and family demands can all aggravate feelings of stress. According to Dr Paul Rosch, president of the American Institute of Stress, one Midwestern headache clinic reported that complaints of tension and migraine headaches increased 40 percent from Thanksgiving to Christmas, compared with other six week periods during the year. Many physicians are now trained in techniques to relieve tension and stress. But which strategies do they themselves use? Here top health professionals reveal their favorite stress busters. Six in all, they are:Soothe with food. When nutritional biochemist Judith Wurtman is stressed out, she does what a lot of people do this time of year: she reaches for food. But in her case, its a healthy rice cake or two. 1 Run from your problem. Dr Kenneth H. Cooper handles his own stress with a daily after work run. 2 Check your perspective. Driving in for a busy day as a Mayo Clinic stress-management expert, psychologist John Taylor saw the oil-maintenance light pop on in his minivan. He faced a nonstop schedule of patients and had to pick up his three-year-old after work. I felt myself tense up, recalls Taylor, who then tried his quick stress-busting strategy. He asked himself, is this a matter of life or death? No. The oil could safely be changed the next week. 3 Look to the light side. On his way to the hospital where his father was to undergo surgery, author and educator Joel Goodman shared a hotel courtesy van with the anxious relatives of several patients. The driver began telling his stressed-out passengers a few jokes. Then he did some magic tricks that had my mother and me laughing, Goodman says. In that five-minute ride he taught us that humor can relieve our stress. The surgery was successful. 4 Take a timeout. A major cause of anxiety is an overloaded schedule. Its one source of stress you can ward off by preparing ahead. 5 Say a little prayer. Psychologist and medical scientist Joan Bprysenko of Boulder, Colo., maintains that since most people spend too much time agonizing over the past or worrying about the future, the key to lessening stress is learning how to live emotionally in the present. It helps to have some ritual to do this, says Borysenko. For her the most relaxing ritual is each morning when I pray. Prayer has been shown to reduce the impact of stress hormones such as noradrenaline and adrenaline. But remember, says Borysenko, doctors cant turn on their patients internal healing system. That inner claim is up to you. So youre sick of stress, heal thyself.A. Williams counts himself among the 20 percent of adults whose susceptibility to anger is high enough to threaten their health. But everyone can try his approach to handling the stressors that set anger off and it neednt be in a work environment.B. Aerobic exercise is the best way to dissipate stress and make the transition into family time, says the expert. But, he cautions, dont let exercise itself become a stress. Even moderate activity such as a daily 30 - minute walk can improve health and mood. Thats why I tell my patients to be sure to walk their dog every day, he says with a chuckle, even if they dont have one.C. My research suggests that carbohydrates raise levels of the mood-regulating brain chemical serotonin, which exerts a calming effect on the entire body, says the M. I. T research 36 scientist. So symptoms of stress-such as anger, tension, irritability and inability to concentrate-are eased.D. He tells patients to do only those tasks that would have serious consequences if left undone. Will you die if you dont do the laundry? he asks. Taking at least half an hour a day to do something you enjoy, he notes, lets you recharge your batteries. Especially around the holidays, skip some routine chores to make time for family and friends.E. When cardiologist Ray Rosenman was associate chief of medicine at San Franciscos Mount Zion Hospital, he would block off half an hour a day on his schedule. If an emergency came up, I moved patients into that slot, says Rosenman, co-author of Type A Behavior and Your Heart. Or used that half-hour to return calls or go through my mail. You cant control everything, but you can control your schedule to create some breathing space for yourself.F. He was so moved by his experience that he researched laughters power. A good laugh relaxes muscles, lowers blood pressure, suppresses stress-related hormones and enhances the immune system, he says, In his workshops he tells clients to ask themselves how their favorite comedian would see this stressful situation.解题步骤:(1) 阅读选项,标出关键词,就关键词中的主题词拟小标题(尽可能一目了然)各选项的总结:(2) 阅读文章,对照各选项,从主要内容、词汇衔接和复现等角度考虑选取答案(3) 通读全文,检查答案,在必要的地方做出调整。( 注:这里这个方框目的在于帮学生理顺做题思路,小标题的拟定老师考评就可以,没有固定答案)Keys:1. C 解析 本题的选择可以至少从以下三个角度考虑。其一,从本语段话题概念来看,选项中的“carbohydrates(碳水化合物)”与原文中的“food”等构成了篇章的词汇衔接关系。其二,从论点和论据的论证关系来看,本论据说明的就是食物对于缓解压力的作用。其三,注意本段中上下义词的关系分析。2. B 解析 本题的选择可以至少从以下三个角度考虑。其一,从本语段话题概念来看,选项中的“aerobic exercise”与原文中的“run”等构成了篇章的词汇衔接关系。其二,从论点和论据的论证关系来看,本论据说明的就是锻炼对于缓解压力的功能。其三,注意本语段“锻炼”概念在原文的表达方式分析。3. D 解析 本题的选择可以至少从以下三个角度考虑。其一,从本语段话题角度来看,归纳本选项中的内容,不难看出写作的主要目的是为了说明调整看待问题角度的好处。其二,注意作者在本语段的写作中大量使用了疑问句,分析其在段落中的功能或作者表达的深层含义。其三,本语段与原文的已知部分共同作为论据支持了该段标题的论点。4. F 解析 本题的选择可以至少从以下三个角度考虑。其一,从本语段话题概念来看,选项中的“laughter”,“comedian”与原文中的“the light side”,“joke”等构成了篇章的词汇衔接关系。其二,从论点和论据的论证关系来看,本论据阐明了轻松看待问题的效果。其三,注意分析本语段中“幽默”概念的相关表达。5. E 解析 本题的选择可以至少从以下三个角度考虑。其一,从本语段话题角度来看,选项中的“some breathing space”与原文中的“a timeout”等构成了篇章的词汇衔接关系。其二,从论点和论据的论证关系来看,本论据说明的就是留给自己休息时间对减轻压力的重要性。其三,注意分析各个发展段落与全文第一、二自然段之间内在的、分析性的思维关系。C Although the global recession is serious and its duration is uncertain, the world must nevertheless continue to focus on the far-reaching threat of climate change. Indeed, if we are smart, public policy can serve the twin goals of stimulating growth and fighting global warming. Governments hammering out a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen later this year should adopt strong incentives to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. 1 The broad outlines of an effective and efficient response to global warming have been clear for years. A system to cap CO2 emissions and trade emission allowances would channel resources toward the most cost-effective reduction measures. And widespread adoption of efficiency standards for appliances, vehicles, and buildings would help companies and individuals use less energy. 2 While that remains the ultimate goal, it has so far proven very complex to formulate. A possible stepping-stone would be agreements between smaller groups of pivotal countries to cap emissions from


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