八年级上Unit12SectionB Period2市公开课一等奖省优质课获奖课件

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八年级上Unit12SectionB Period2市公开课一等奖省优质课获奖课件_第1页
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八年级上Unit12SectionB Period2市公开课一等奖省优质课获奖课件_第2页
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八年级上Unit12SectionB Period2市公开课一等奖省优质课获奖课件_第3页
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Unit 12Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?Whats the best radio station?Section B Period 2Section B Period 2第1页3a Read the article about the school talent show.Fill in each blank with one of the words in the box.best was quietest sang funniest were第2页 Last weeks talent show _ a great success(成功成功).There _ fifteen acts.Eliza Clark won the prize for the _ performer.She played a beautiful piano piece.Hu Yue was the _ performer.He danced without(没有没有)music.waswerebestquietest第3页 The prize for the _ act went to Steve Tian and his dog,Fido.They _ a cute song together.funniestsang第4页 1.Last weeks talent show was a great success.上周天才演出真是非常成功。上周天才演出真是非常成功。success 是名词,它形容词是是名词,它形容词是successful“成功成功”2.He danced without music.他无音乐伴奏跳舞。他无音乐伴奏跳舞。Explanation 第5页 3.The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tan and his dog,Fido.最有趣演出奖给了最有趣演出奖给了Steve Tan 和他狗和他狗 Fido。第6页1.Excuse me.Is there a supermarket _ here?2.Your daughter is old _ to go to school.3.His brother went out _ breakfast.4.Is Zhengzhou in Henan _?5.I know Qingdao has _ beaches.I.请从方框中选出适当单词完成以下句子请从方框中选出适当单词完成以下句子.without,enough,province,lovely,near nearenoughwithoutProvincelovely 第7页II.请依据汉语提醒完成以下句子请依据汉语提醒完成以下句子,每空一每空一词。词。1.Last Tuesdays _(才艺演出才艺演出)was a great success.2.Its cold outside.You need to wear _ (暖和衣服暖和衣服).talent showwarm clothes第8页3.There is an _(冰雪节冰雪节)in Harbin.4._(价格价格)this sweater is about fifty dollars.5.Sanya is _ (在中国在中国南部南部).Ice and Snow FestivalThe price ofin southern China第9页.请从括号中选出适当词语完成以下请从括号中选出适当词语完成以下句子。句子。1.Mr Green often _(puts on/wears)a white shirt in summer.2.I think Vera is the best _(perform/performer).3.Who do you think is the funniest _(actor/act)?wearsperformeractor第10页4.Which do you like best,chocolate,apples _(and/or)hamburgers?5.They need some _(another/more)singers for the talent show.moreor第11页Thanks for Thanks for listening!listening!第12页


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