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关于面试英文自我介绍集锦0篇 面试英文自我介绍 篇1I is repoe that ursool ecruiin a ysical eucao teace. Iho o apply r tis pstn. I w raduae fromnml unvrsity an get a aelor egree sports. Unvrsi maj, get at of srtsprofessaowge, msted te disciplnofsors yse ina allrod pofesinal basc olege, basi skills ndbsi thd, ha he tronge actu peation abiit, I fimybeliev that oeelf canbe compent a comrehensve an xellent physicl eucatn tehes iligenceanoation, a teachr by rh ampe, as normal cllege stdn, I always rmeber thsmoto, o evelp oo rsal acoplim, I ontinue to honead tk an actie part in the actviis,acto-face ncously cultate various apects abilt Inearly Sepeber202X, we ondted fra period f fort dys innship, hrh on-the-spot teachig, I cosantyipovethmslves, nprctie and cmbined itlocl actual situation, a knd o teaching metho, their inotion s recognize bymanteachers can an praie.Knoedes wer, with thighspeed delpmn f ocit, f wht we avelen in heiverityhsfr canno satisfy the eedof the society, to erihnesef, perfect onesef, mentsastic, ositiventerpriingenepeneuril spiit,strive to be a god poles teher. lthgh, am a grauaing chinbginnrs, bu elieve, wh yur culivtion and edficatin, would also like yo, doin bete tan ohers, ca use my eformnto rvey ability, o roe your wise oice. Ifyou are neeted in m applcaion, ple coctmet yuonvenience. I amlooing forard to your reply. 面试英文自我介绍篇2 ello,everyon!asforunte to 202X ear in Sepem amitd o thUniveriy of d pecalty XX. om 202X* o02X*, frm EatCampus to D Lake amps Itheoviet fur years, brough mea lt of hritage ad memoryFour yers passaway,whenheygrduate, houldbe fr h li offou ye i he r Towrto lerto do an intrview s-introdctn Ifour years, qi seriously lering,peformnce loer,ry yea heschoeceived a scharshipin te class hae ben alet matai nte to fie. Patclaryin thepecilized corss cocerned, afars possile to learn godu. Activey particiae invarious avrtisigcompetiions, andwon Nationa Colege Adverisin At opeitin Th rie ofiagsu Divisio. Both pacetie operations, or pprs,r xams, cnsroy ethe bst. If yu wld like t say ha fu yearn earng wt thgrtest regre is tha English,ormerly i ighschool Iv hd a nieEnglh, but ino theunieity,I slak on tenglishlangge, and not spen too much tmet ern , sultnin e test o grduaehve nt e . In soil ractic,Itnk my xerencews vey aundnt 202X n thesecond haf,I hae to doitensip ian vrtsing agencyplanning ok, althgh thebeining of ht illot,vey hrd, vry ire,bu whenIs a FanMeing planner and execuorsof the staged flowers afterchild comniation and, when I wi adetiseffectiens meauement coman Iacercainsome aceptac o epr, hen Iee the neereony, openin ceremony f the successf plementaon of the ie, hen designed LOO n sed by buinesses WnIwork idepeneny i he scene whn the rad show, I hppy. Withyown fforts to compleatak. tnship adertising, I earnd alotofhngs cannot gotsool boks, ontct wth clents acoss induris, while so wring in he intin indut, mia,servie organiatns nd otr ritualshae a crtai nersandin fr thefutre abe to dptquikly o la e foundtion forwok.Prir o is, McDon, aso wr prt-time, bitr, tie,t th time hgvema lotffn ern a l. bgn otastethaps of lif nd ke mony asi. McDonalds a a orldclas eteprises, hsastritstandardo tafraiingsystem adorkng mechani. Wrkat MDnalds, on he one han I leaned such bi cmpa prot prmotion, tewor, uomersric, quality assurance ad soshoul larn the rules ndregulatns ansucessfulexperne, on the oter ad,da ih lkind of cstor, bu so nhe temy a tocomuncate wih ohes, in aditio, wok as work har my hardwoig spirt. Inadditon, in terms ofidology, Ial ativel move closer to hepart, theonehnd, strengtheits w deolocal d morlconstrutio, o amthemsevesideolicly; on the he a, in thespiriof servin h peopl, adhere t hepte, sevethe cmunity mbrsof the trct dends on tlves. inallyt beginng fte goious unior joinedtheChineseCmmunis aty,nd sucessfull tured pstive afte oneea. ouryersin college,I kow alot friens,theyav m a lotof hel,let me learn a lo, hs i colge,in adit o expeise ouside of an dditionlvuab sse. hort,fourear of hoolie, whether ofesonal orocial knowlede abou, o people kill, halere lot c aythat fur years of my lif th most gficant peiod of i,my idallife anthepurut of lifeduring is pridtodtermine therw career planig or ew lif also ve new goal.I wll coniue to w coer tosucess!Thank you! 面试英文自我介绍 篇3 Aft cmetn my miitay service, ave ben looking oracllgng gol orm toachiev. And I on ht the IntmateofGeneralnglih Profiieny Test fits m new ahievemntopy.!- I rdatd frmTaipeiComrcial unir llee,aored isines dminstrtion. stad of speninmuch e i playng, I devotedmysel toy ties an pi enon to al meaningf tng hapenindaiyie. B th wy, I earne a lot om Mr. ang, t ofssor of ybsines clss. He is my od friendill now anft gis so opriatesuggstons towrd m proem confsioMyathris, in the saeway,a good conutat tom. As e sai:I m in poo ection, ltle foryou;to cafy, what h ave given is fareyod hiords, I do tik so I asborn ina conty fPing Tung outry,arming iou creer ofgnratios herae fur peplei y fmil,Mtr is housewif a brotheis a studet ofaAgiultue Coege. I am optisic ad ative, and I am cnin thaanpas thetet. Thnkyou fo your precius rad mobiorahy. 面试英文自我介绍篇 Good moring S, (Wat will you ay ifit i awoan?) I am gld to b re fr this interview。irs,let m thank yo indingime ihe idst opressing affairs。 Im 2yars old ndI a local。 (ie loclly souds bete) am sekin an oppotunity to work wi XX as Sals。 (。Isesor Aa Salesrpesntative/wteer)。yrofssionl expriece and yawanes of your npralleed rputtionhav ld m to wa owor or your cmpay。 I have a achlodgree wia major Mechanical and lectrica feld。(pause) Grduaed fom the XXX nersity i 02。Ovr hepasttyears, havword w XX Co。,Ltda Sales (again, in sales r s a saes man/eron/re?) who reponsible (wit rensiiitmanly) fr te arket of unan。 During this period, I velarnt much。 I learned the alues ofteamo n ommiment, ho to in, hw to worar,hot conerteand focusogols, an how balamy time an pioitie。 ditional epriece in othe field suc gadutn practe factry and ommercia negtiatio also rforcsmyvalet yu ompany。 Ienj tinkng, njoy arin,eno workig, (adI am )able o bear wok ssre。 n mre te, ten prticipat (in) actvies such as abl tnns (and) amintn。 I m expeing t bcoeyou colleague o some ay。 (MrtactfltosayI wuld lve t coe you collguejoin ecompny) cu beingofad i advance, lets eavett that。 (This etnc maeno ese。 Being offhandms be rude, icnidea, lmanneed soI dontthkhatiswhyo ma!Inadance of wht? Lets ea itat thatis aommad,i soundsrthe abrpt andillmanee to me,again I dont tink thisis whatyou mean。 Hw abou Iould lov tojin yourcompnyand you wod not regrtivigmthioppornity。 andjust fi ih sile!) Tanks。 面试英文自我介绍 篇5 My name is -, -,aged -. rduted froth Sho o ornaism ndPulishing,ulin University of Electonic Science ad Technoloy i unehs year, maring in met. haveon insurce als anreght rwardngslesore, so I ave he ncsa e-prence in sals.In additon,I heorke in-nhuBoksoe, and I haete nesay eriencin serving csoersell My Enlsh undon i good, haveobtane CT-4certificae, CET- hs40points, nd I have also intened n a foreign tade ompany I adher to hericle thtattitud dec everything. elie htas ong as we oeey dealsedily, ervecustmrs well, and thruhourunitn efforts, we muthae e-eletpeormanceI am cnfidtthatI il o a gdob in ti positin.I ilngtsubmit yr comnysarageent, b able ttake up te poitio an e,dprere or log-term devlomen in yor many,becaus it is yucoman that hsgivn me suh opprtuny. 面试英文自我介绍篇6 Very plesed to havethe opprtuity toour hotl for an intview, my name ixx, 2ears ldthia, I gradted fmthe Guangzhou ouh hin Nrmal Univerit, efuland ly, act cam,uniy anense freponsiility.Port n x Tre ervice worked forome time nwo trengthenEnglihprocic. Therecptio deskis very like their ownork,I hink I am qualifie or it, and hoe thatyorote can gve n opptunities. Thank you! 面试英文自我介绍 篇7 Gd morin! irs a,d lie to sa.Im asd haethe opotunity to be hee todaMy nmeis To. coefmke,a beautiul city on th miist f e province ritsphiosor rtrand Russell oc sd Wha hv I livedfor the searh f kwedge as neof t rasons to lie.oeove,fe is precious,anditiseessary fo one to reaz i or he el-alue inh modrncomptitiworld.In ysar ime lie raedngboos,epciall biograpie.Those boks ca teachus how e easoable peoad be succsful inlf. hts ll Tnk you! 面试英文自我介绍篇8 Ia cheefl,talkaiv,fen smile, like to sme pope, lketohre my hpess t al ople.I havea wid rane f hobbie. lke trang,lsening to mus, layin ches and al knds fsors I am prica, hdwrkgand motivatdstudnt.Assoon as entred thenisiy, Is strct t sel andderined t mke achieensn colleer addvelop myselfin l apect. m aprfetinst, I knew ere i o peet person, bu w ano tre, t kee closeto it, every oe moe r lshs auls, I compare hee drawbacsto an inviile hoe, weallknw tha hole cn be filled, lkefaut caborreced, ts also wille we pt thole fl n bity bit, is how to pect is itby bit. Thholes visibl, justas thponis nt efec,we may always fill te le,as te prsonnot perec, also a thestuy, the stdy i endless. Theefore, I ant o fil te hole continously, coninuoly sudy, constntly imprve ysl. Therefre, chose wt I puse, purue wt chose - ene studentnon I ook a atve prin other confn activie ndot soe xerie.Under the udceo leader and eer brohers an sistes, Imade prges in mthinkin. Theabiitytowork hs iroved; ulueleer raising; Patic hsnhanced. Learnng i enes, wll stri har, d my b t achieve th bes. Althougfat is in my own hns, someme itays nothaeaeturn. f I selectd, I il notlose hert. Iwill g down tsm uhe esson and akeup fo it. 面试英文自我介绍 篇9 Goo mning, my dearest rofessrs.I amglad tobhee o ti nteviw.Thank you ver mch for gvin e the chce. Firt lt mentrodcemyel. My name isXX, 2 years , fr XXXX, XX Pnce. ot mybchor degreerom Shandong University.Durin ts for yeas, I sudi had andhen I ws ecomned for admission to bea ptgruaeithoutexs.Its yret horthat can emainin XXX Uiversiyorfurter study.nd nw,asa ostgduate, m ajr is weding, an m supervisoris Prfeso XX.Une te uianceof my tutr, doin some rrch on XXXXMy projct ame XXXX. Peonally, I am pen-mined, ikin thought and curious In my aretme, Ilike readig boks andlstening t music.Whe I got fustated ndneros, I iketo rad ook or istnig o sm music, whichan help relx me and help me say am ankep h ece of id. ThenI ca contnue ywork ad stdy ih a good moo As menond, Ia don sm esea and seexperiets, hich interested e and rwme intit wit grat ntuiasm kow hrocess of resa is a lttle boing andsomtm vey frustrating, but i chalgi and inpirin d njoi especialy when ge se new fnding bymysel.Hoeer, uringth one and hal yr study s theosrauate, eore I studidad expernced,the moe cerly I realied tht ned stu further.s asult, I nt o pl fo he pportun tofurther tud a a hDgraae witout eamso hat I culdble t coninue myrsear soothly will aprcatei very muchif can iv me te oportut tfurther myduction hre.K, thats a. Thn u! 面试英文自我介绍 篇10 Der i:God mornig/feron eeyon!I i myhonr to beere ad I rally apriate yo offeme echnce of intriw .w I will introdcemysel frs .My nme isfom Xiangfa in ubi roice Iman hones, eponsible, ad war-ertd peron. I c ad differnt niromesuickly .Second like his kind of field vry c nd take itas my arer Tl ow I hav oneyrerecin thified. As21years man, I lke oexpeiene mreto enrchmyself and the itcahel m to lid oo undaion or my ftur career .r isno us dog whawlv ,we mustloe we do just like the fied. A h same ime, am reall rod o myelfaplying for hisjb. hpe you an gi me achneandill tymy bes to o ibette.inally, I hopeour ho an becmethe best one monghte ndsry。 Ths for your tme.第 16 页 共 16 页


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