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MolSix Films andV rogrmesPat neahingDesig第一部分 教学设计Teahing Aims nd equirmentsl To develo he tdentseadnbilityl lstenn spkusing e vcabulaad everyday glish in this nitl T lean nd usermmar in difet situatiol To ite a fil page fora maganTeacngceuresPeiod 1: Intodutin an Reaintep: Warmingp1. armig up by ae elo, everyne, yuike wachingfils Now lts play gam, you should wok wit yo skae,and hinkof a film ut dtsay its nam, ltyou es mategues wc il it is. The fllowng qustion may help you:1) Isita rotic ilmatial r flm2)It a Chinese fil 3) Does An Liu a it) s i fil aoutmdeociety5) Isit dicted yhang Yimo2. rminupyiscussionHelo,oys ad girls, oay we wil tal bou ms ndTV grames, tae a dicussionaccodn to the foowing quests:1) What urfavourite fl o TV prgramme2) hos yor faoure ovie str3) Cn younme feacharate inyur auite ilm4) hats the ame hectes w play thi role5) Cayouame a ilm th ou in s masterpece say why.6) hink ofyou avrite flm ne. Cn yu naeactor or atess who i nths ene3 Warmin up bya gameBoy nd gir, lets ply agam, pla lok atthsce, I wil showou sm film scenes, youcan ges whhtype hefi i dig tothm,the followng wordsayhe u: rmatc flm, thiler, mal artsfl, oedy, advntue flmStep 2:r-reading1. Enjyigth lmeoys and girls, do youknow wic Chinese ilmwon the best forign flm f Oscr Y, It Cruchng Tige, Hidden raon, ws enjoy soe beutiful cenes o te film.2. Intruce somnew wsookathefollwigew ords a phrsesfro he xt, d readthem all toeher twic andpayattenont our puncition. eery now and ten fianc grcflle matepicemoing rof take pcetc the wrd above withth deintios bew1. hppen _2.te topprof uildng thacover _3. aing strong feelings, especi ad lng. _4. moing in a smth ad ttractie ay _.sometmes _6.an etaordinrilyoodflm, book,aintin, etc. _7. the an yo ae proid tmarr _8. ump int he airr lo distc _(Keys:1 take place 2of 3moving4 grceul ry wndthe 6 marpc 7fanceap)Sep 3. Redin1. Leading-inWe al kno the filmCouching Ter, HideDragonis a martilrt fil, hic won the wold fame. This eson w argoing orad afilm revew f it Plee lo the flm posterfirst, tll me the nameof each caacter. 2. Fast readngor t geeal daPleas read he review fast tecose he ainideof te et.AI tke placeon kingrofops and inte dsertofwester China.B t mrtil arts filt tells hestoy f stolen swor, and the fight tge it back.C I ll th stoyf popeholov eah thr.(Ke: B)3Listen t te ae o e text nd ry o find hcf h followig wordsppea i thestory.ckie hn Jet Li ow Yu-Fat a word nife fit cto AgLee deser ZhangZii ninetenth-centur (eys:ChwYun-at wuxia sord fig AngLee deset Zhag Zyi nineth-centur). etledreaingorifomionRad hetet crefull,a wt you kw about these thins orcaracts1) n Le 2)wuxiasores 3)Yu Xiin adLi baisratoship4) Xiu iaword 5) Zhang ZYi ) Cow un-atSe4 edi aieRead he flowing pssg wihin 5 mnutes andmke a eter choice toachpole.Tey ere just n ordinry pair of je bought n seconhad p. Bt hen forgirls iscovertat the eans ok goo on all f the, espit hedieren iguresad heits, teyreaize“te are magialtrouses”!The fou girCamen,Tib, Lenaad Briget-haveee bfriend a tilivs Thy v in the ame sll mecn on andusuallsped every et of hirong summr hliy togethe.This ear the all turn 16. I ith rt timthey havehad separateplns for the summ, btthegrs are determined tokee inouch he hit upo a oderfl pa of sharing he jeanshroughutteholiay benng tm tt nxt friendhen they feelthetimeisiht.hney met p a he en of the umme, thywllrecord tei faorieventurs on th troue legs.Bae on America writr Ann ashars bst-seig novel, The Sisterhodf thTraeingans tls thestory e girl ummer rps ill b releasedon Jun 1 ine niteStas.eauifl Kena is going to Geece to bewit her granparets; strng,atetic Bridgt is off o a footbal mpn xo;ht-tepereCamenlns to havh ivord(离婚的)aterall o heself i Suth Caroin;Tibby,the eel il lft at oe to rk hardrlitl mony. erhesumerthe ja oe toepetfriendh nroig p en finds ys o mncate wih er randp, which she once tghtw boring; Bridget fall i ovewithan lder cam coac;armen ids ou er athriegagedo a oma with ohilden; Tibbymkes finds with 12-year-ld who is dg cncer.Evn though te four girls is each ther,beig aart tke eac ofhem on terown advntures of love, cage and frgveness The gow and begn t ndertand t ol andthemsevs.1. Why o th u girls raliz “these re mgicl trusr”A. The jans arejst nodinay pir ofant.B. Thejeans wre ougt i ascod-hnd shoC. The i the jea er maeot of pcial teial.D. A oe f them looks sma w y pton the jens.2. hih of te flowistamet aout te fur grsiNT tre accdigo te pageA. They ae ohe am ge.B. Theyhv been bes fiend all hei lvsC. The ive ithe sme smal Amican towD. Tey always spend ther ong sumr olidaytoeth. 3. Te easo hy e four irls makapln ofsharing t eastrougout the hoday that.A. thy want o rcrd their favorie advntursB. hey wat to keep inuch inthir sumrhldayC. thactivity ws raged bythei achersand prentsD. fthent do so theywill not et uat teenof thsummer4. Te itrhood raveling ants entiondinte pasge sprobbly_A. awondfmagie B. abestelln ovC. a ia filmD. a fooalcm5. Drigte summer vctionwat happenst he four girsA. Strong,athlic Bridgetmanags to hav her dvorce fatell o hrsf.B. by, therbe, make fiens it 12er-ld aien.C. Beaful ena flls in lov it an old apcoach.D. Hottemper ame finds wastcommuniate withr grandpa(Keys:1D 2D B 4 5B)ep 5. Home wo1.Tr o inoduce theflmCrouh iger, Hidde ragontoyou fried.2. FihEx4on pae53. ern te ew wos gain usnthedtinary if sary.


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