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Outline Discussion New lessons 1. Reading Skills 2. The Lady on Pemberton Street 3. Exercises Summary write carelessly Dont scrawl on the wall. 不要在墙上乱涂。4. abreast: alongside each other, facing in the same direction We should keep abreast with the present state of science. 我们应当赶上现代科学的发展。 5. Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified. 提前两个星期,梅布尔就在告示杆上张贴了一张布告,敦促我们在指定的星期六把各自的汽车开走。 affix: attach affix a label to a bottle admonish: advise or warn Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。 6. There was a certain combativeness in her voice, as if those who did not help had sided with the dark forces responsible for litter, decay and dilapidation. 她的声音带有某种好战情绪,似乎那些不供帮助的人都站到了黑暗势力一边,要对垃圾、腐败、倾颓负责。 To side with : to put oneself on the same side as somebody. e.g. We shall side with the people. 我们应该站在人民一边。 7. That incongruous sight was soon eclipsed by a gushing fire hydrant and phalanxes of neighbors pushing brooms to work the water and dirt down the street. 在消防水龙头冲洗和邻居们组成的大扫除方阵的努力下,街道上的污水和灰尘被清扫干净了,原先那种不协调的景象很快就消失了。 A fire hydrant is a pipe from a water main for street-cleaning, putting out fires etc. 消防栓 Phalanxes is a body of soldiers in close formation for fighting (方阵). These remarks dont have any relationship to the problem at hand; they are incongruous and should be deleted from the record.这些话与眼下的问题无关, 它们是不恰当的, 应从记录中删除。 8. Mable seemed to be everywhere at once, calling directives. 梅布尔好像总能突然出现在任何地方进行指导。 directive: an instruction; order He gave the workers precise directives about what to do and how to do it.关于做什么和怎样做, 他给工人们作了明确的指示。 9. I found myself wiping down the sign that proclaimed Mable block captain. 我在擦洗宣布梅布尔为街区监督员的布告牌。 proclaim :declare formally; declare someone to be something The government has proclaimed a new law. 政府已公布了一项新法令。 10. even though I am more in Mables debt than she is in mine. 即使我欠她的比她欠我的多。 in debt/out of debt He is heavily in debt at the moment, hoping to be out of debt when he gets paid.我现在负债累累, 但希望拿到工资后就能把债务还清。 Discussion How does the author describe Mable Howard? What do you learn from her? She swept in light rain. She swept in winds that scattered leaves. She swept snow. “You have to let her pay you, otherwise, she wont sleep at night.behaviorothers comments There was more crime than we had been exposed to in the past. But our block seemed okay. “Im block captain” “Trash day is on Tuesdays.”observationwords Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified. On Friday, she reminded everyone again. Mable seemed to be everywhere at once, calling directives. behaviorbehavior p Review what we learned today.p Finish Fast reading and Home reading.p Preview Unit 5.p Prepare reading report about one of your favorite persons.


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