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0X年福州市初中毕业会考、高级中等学校招生考试英语试卷(满分:50分;考试时间:120分钟)第一卷Prt one 听力测试(30分)听句子。选择与句子情景相关的图。每小题念一遍。(每小题分,共分).听句子,选择恰当的答语。每小题念一遍。(每小题分,共5分)6A.Goodngh B.Be-ye. CNc to seeou,oo.7.AMy paur. B.It doesnt matr. C.Itvy kind f you.8A1 lipples. B.Im ungry. Cll done.9Aot a all .Thank you hats igh0.m Ann. B. on ge. Ti in spaing.听对话,选择正确的答案。对话念两遍。(每小题分,共0分)听第一段对话,完成第11小题。11.Whoe ruleris thisA.Btts BLily C.Lucys听第二段对话,完成第2小题。2Whe ill Ja go to the aryANext Strda BThisSturd. CTorow evein听第三段对话,完成第13小题。13.h olor Marys hairA.Re B.Yeow Back.听第四段对话,完成第1小题。14Watoes Kates fherA driv. B. teachr Cn fficeworker.听第五段对话,完成第1517小题。1What did Bce use dodngh sumer vacaonA.Go fshin B.Goshopping C.Go camping16Whee iBuce oseA.Near the lake BNar these. C.ear the rve.17Whatdoes the omn think of ruceA.Silly Cleer C.Frendly听第六段对话,完成第1820小题。ht Sam ongA.Fli aite .Making a kte .Mending plae19.Who is the sentforA.Samsmothe? B.ams siser. CSams riend2.Wats te reatinsi betwen thetwo spaersA.Mher and so Bther and aughter.Broterand siterV.听短文,选择最佳答案,短文念两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)21Where i Roe wAIn Haian. BIn Shnghai. CIjin2Whic sujctdes Rose likeestA.Math BChinese. .Esh.23.When oes Rosego t te Elis cmrA.Oweends B.n atrdyornn.C.On Tusayfternon2Hwoften os Rose go t thechoollibrary.Evryday. B.nc wek CTwic a eek.2How is Roses scholifAHr. .Busy C.ntresting.V.听对话完成下面表格,每空一词。对话念两遍。(每小题1分,共分)hent gohis26 .What Go 27 .Whr to goThe 2 .w t goBy2 .Weater3 Prt Tw语言知识运用(25分)选择填空(每小题1分,共5分)31-D you ve pe-Ys hav e.a B.a C.he D/32-Wheni the Olymc ch Relaystati Fujia- May th, 202.In B.At C.On DFrom33.-Kate, you de th dic-Yes, caA.ma Bc mustDeed 4.-hat do yothnkof thTsitcom Home i Kis-Its vey .May childrn likwatchg itA.bring B.funy C.supriing Dterrile35.-What a nic modl shi!-Thank out e thee ayst mak itA.pad B.spt took.wated 36-Pte jump a ny otherboy i u scol. -I sure he wll e th ne inte h jupAiger B.longe Cfater Dfathr 37.- you eer Chiesemncakes, Dinao, ner.ut I have ha dlesAD;tr BWll;tr .Di;try Have;tred38.-D youknow the girl is tnn undrthere -Sheis y little ssterAwo Bom C.hos which39-Wat yur broergngobe when e H sgoing be a dctr.Aws u B.grows up Ctands up D.rie p0.-hchdoyu like btter,sktingorkiing ofthmIlikeruning.A.ll BBoh CEiher .Nether1.- has your bothr sdi i ew York -Foto years.w fa B.Hw old CHwoften .Howlog2- tsolders r very tred, ey ke o working. There ea.Wmut lean fo them.ABcu; B.hoh;/ CBecuse;so DToug;ut43-Jo, my coputer doent wr. -Why noasMr. Liu Ao bu B.not to uy Cto hck ot tock4-Exus e, could youtel me -rany.Gosiht ahead an oul seet on yor left.wr h post offieis Bwhen yo wl isit he museuChee i thepostofie .wen wll you vsit th museum45.Whc of he folwing i NOT afic sn.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Lendo daVinc wa get artist.Hved in 46 n he ffteenthandsixteenthcenuris.H paintd ome of 47 pictri h worldoaLsai aood eamleofs wks 48 painng Mna ia n03Da nciloed scinc an 49.Heusddarknes and lgtin clever wa in the piing.Aaproncan 50 seethat her is a o f gemr(几何学) in Moa Lis.Te fac fMoa Lis s 5 any rles ad ound hapeslike blls.Even he 52 an sena a sal part ofa large circlTe woman i hepaintn 3 on a balony(阳台),adontanca be sen behind h.Da Vnc loved toudy rocks nd mounains4 we ca se these in his othr paininsheoanis ittng wit er knes o thesie.Herndsare ld tgethe 55 hehis way of sittin ow us by any tsts whnthey arepainting apictur o man o a womn.4.A.Chia B.Ialy CJpn D.anad47Aessfaos .morefaousCth lstfmo Dt mot fmous48A.orgo B.bgan C.allowed D.reember49.mah Bmusic CEngisheisy.A.ealy Basil C.safely Dhpply1A.sed for wre u C.pu waade f52cry .tears Csile .sne3A.1ying Bwlking .ittig D.reaing54.Aso B.bt .o .util55.A.udr Bbein nex o Din rnoPrt hr阅读理解(20分)阅读下面材料,根据内容选择最佳答案。(每小题2分,共0分)Xia Chiei, 51,has bomtclssat andranny of kisat Xipin PryScoolinXuanen outy, Huei rovinceB far te odestudet at th scool enoled(人学)in fst rd ealie tis yeae is ow lening pii with children st six and seveear of geHer hubnd chlrn enoraged er to g o hool when tee rm bega earl thisyear.Sehd evr een tschol erlfe.BA doowner in Daln, Laoning Provce,was very urpised whenhis 4-year-ld gpiced up a 5-yn notan gave i to hm onnday on thir wy oamaktDaysearler, M. Ye ad rop a 0-ya noe on hs sofndt t dopick it up fohim.e en wed te other ntes ad tol it h tuse money.He did that jst fo funButhever tuht the animal ol ke to(喜欢) delig imnys atrally.C ang Xiaoan, frme aniawn village, Shanxi Provice, has cari his daugter, ho sffers fm poio(小儿麻痹症), to schoo evey day ove the pst lo ar.Wagdauter, Wang Dn,lost the us ofer legs aftercatchig polio in 1995, ae age ohre.Thre yar late when it was tie fr Wag Dn go t sho, Wan Xaoyan decided he ud carry erThe il hasreai him bher excellent stues.56.How old didXia Cimibei herstdy n Pasage A.6. B. .5. D5157.Wats te bst ttle for Psage AAractice makeserectBI ever oo od to enC.Clothesdont makeh mn.DTha brdachs the wrm.8.Inwhich poviei the tr hpen i ssage BALiaoning BHubei CFujaD.Shaaxi59.Whaoe th derind rd“epaid” man in PasageCA.付款 B赔偿 .报答 D.贷款60.Whic f h llowing i REcordin otepaage abeA.Xia Chie came to cool wih her hubandand son.B.heogwas clever hat itauhtitself torrwmoeyC.ng n ls the use fher le buse of olo whe h as ree.M pickeup a 5-yuan not ad ve it to he dog on thewahome.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“”,错误的用“F”。(每小题2分,共0分)n you imaginekping an liens ehs i htapns in CJthe scald“firstinese si-f(科幻)movie”Icme outin anury, 2XTh ovieis bou apoor man Ti, hsson icky and theirMedog7cky, -yeaol by, ves poor fe withis faher Ti, awor.e da, his faherdovers bll in thersh(垃圾) h gives to DicyThe bllbecomacute liendogIt amll ogit bg eyes andgren hair.It can alk and do maicSoon the dog cmtolv T and h sn gs to schoo wi Dicky.t makes i aug, bu i akes tuble,tooWnTifalls ofa buildg and diesCJ7 saes his ie.Becau hedogesall t power, becomes a dolBut icky stll ear he ogarounh nek.He hops tha J7 wilcm bac to life one day1.Te vie CJ7 am out i Jnuay, 2X2.Dckyser s otat h uys a aliendg fohim63 i a cute ali dog with mall eyes angryhair.64.can not only maeDic aug butlsomake rouble.65.tlatTi cmes bktolifebeuhis son J7v hi第二卷Part ne语言知识运用(分)词汇(10分)i.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共分)g,milk,plnt,creful,stng6-Wil yoplae brig mem , Slly-All rgt.67We hav hudr of reesn the park recetly68.e iis bloing nowI hav tostaa hoe.6B , or you ilmae mistkes in yrEnlish xam70.Chinas firsmon atellithangI inpace n Octe, 202X.ii根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空。每空一词。(每小题分,共分)7-oud you mind (关掉) h radio-Of oursenotIll dis t once.2.Li Lei i (擅长) plighs.73.It col outside.oudbttr (穿上)oroat74. (等候)you atthe shool gatetyou dnt cme.5Theree any wild ial (处于危险中),sch as pans and tigers综合填空(每小题1分,共1分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每词限用一次。be,paper,sa,spre,enjy,in,may,coin,prefr,whileA hobyisan nterestin way of pndig our ree time.Tre reso 7 difrnt hobbie for ifferent pople to chose.Sme hobiesareverypouar,77 thers re ute unuual.You a hoosonetat you aeinteestd78 ma enoy colecting ings sch as taps, stos, foein 79 and so If youlike wo wth your hns, yoay ejoymodel maknad 80 cutin, ch bh n g attentionn tail.Or you ma 1 creavhobis,lie painn an writn.May peole 82 outdo activtie to indoor ctivitiesTheyget greatpleure frm 83 ,cycngand so owich ty cn ey wit others.Whereer yolive, there 84 aways oy or ou to ooseThe hb ca hepou laafer your aily rkThe hobbyc ive yomayhours of pleaure admak yo 85 tie interetigand etive.Te hbbyan brigyou happiess, knolege ndrenp.Pat wo 口语应用(5分)从I栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语。(每小题1分,共分) I 86ow ar you A.Me, too8.apNew e! .Ifin88ayI haveyor nm CIhop so.89How much ite ictionaryD.Bo mit90Wdintyu coe yestedy Ets 10 yuan F.Th sae t you GBcause wasill.根据对话内容。选择恰当的句子补全下列对话。(每小题1分,共5分)A:i, y.91 B:A l of eole wee bay tinheWhuan earthquake.A:YeIfeel sosory aut that92 B:Whtsahe o:3 B:God idea! Moneymustbe a prbleA:94 B:We can als collct shol thing for estudents hre.:Right!95 B:Yuareso kid A.at el an weo Bmglad to hear that C.Canou o me fao .You look sa, whyE.t dsmehingto l the F.ll by sowth my ucky mone .What abot risin someoyfor m用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)D=doctor=atieD:Whs heater with 9 ,oun manP:I cughdy n nightIcan sleep welD:et me seepen yur 9 and say“A”.P:Is thee anyin ong wh my throat:No.8 serius.Do you okeP:Yes.Tese y I am smoking a lot:Dt soke too muhIt my9 cancer.P:se.ll tryto ge u smoking.:el.take thsedci three 1 aday and ha go restoll ll rig sonP:Thank yo vermuDuelcoPart hree阅读理解(20分)匹配题(每小题1分,共分)请将上面五条信息与下面各小题匹配。101Mi sf of ucSometimes hoes to he concet.02Fathes Day isomingLind ntsto nvter father to din10To i a orts fan ofen watches lgaes with hi lassmates104Judy wl gradatrom a clle nx mnh.es looking fo a job15Mr.Che isakd-heartedmnHs always ady lpothers.阅读下列语段.把它们组成一篇连贯的短文。(每小题分,共5分)(A)Anld horsas three sonOne da th ather rse sa tothem, “s time for you tolea some sills” ote he orss all leavetheihome.(B)I tee mnths, te onges so comes ak hom,toHe larns noting.Onhs hair oks iffernt.()Soo,the eldest ocos bckhmeHlearnth skill orin from a lopar(豹).He an run ve fr wthout stopping.Hisfate ap ithhim(D)hy s thi Beu heee a loTheios ar is curly.tinksthat i sver coo.o mks his hir curly, tooHe als dyes treHe feelshappy wih is hair.(E)Th old hoseis veryaryH hips(鞭打) thyounges son and tels m t get ut feousePeopleethark the wip onteyugt sons odd ca im “Zebra”(F)I to nhs,theeon son lsocme ak homelar to carry tigs o his backfrmte lphans.e feels OKev if e cries mny ting o his bac.is faher ihappywth hi, too.The right order is:第一语段:A 06.10810910.阅读短文,完成下面的句子。每空一词。(每小题2分,共0分)Te Dvlopmet China Sortsprt have eveped fas our contry heseyearI 97, ou coutryfirt camto theAian GamesIn 17, nhe 8t Aian Ges, ourcutry won the second placeOurcountrhas wn th arest umbero god mdal in the ast sixAsianGas inc 92n 198, China comed ithe lyic Gam, ad o thefurt plc wth 15 goldmdals.In 1988, Chia n ive gol edal in th 2th lymc Gas.Int 25thad26th Olmic Gams, weoth won 16 gld dsand raked fourhn20, for h ist tie, e aked tirdith 28 gold mdals. 202, w wo gld edalsanrakd eod in te Athes OlymcGaesWe fel ver pruofur great countyAt theam time,or ountry tes o improe the ability of hosing ienatioal gae.In 990, hoted he1th sia Game succeully.Tour prid, the29th lympic ames wl be hel in Beijig ne 16th Asin Game wlle hld in uangzhuin 202X.It shos oursuccess n spors is accepty the orld.earl, oucounryhasecome a werful untry n spors11urcuntry ha won thelast nmer o medls in Asin Games 182.1.In 1984, ouuntry pt n the3dOlympc ames n onhe lae13I 2X, we won gl edls a an wedd in e 25tOlypc Ges.Well hod th 16h Gmes inuangzhu n two 11Fom ass, wekow ta hia has reat progress in s faPat Fo书面表达(20分).作文(每小题2分,共8分)最近你的朋友Leo情绪低落,请你提四条建议,帮他调整心态。所给提示词必须全部用上。 提示词hol;exercise;every da 116. be;importan;slepwell 17. need;eat;hlthy fd 8. shl;telabou;eelins 119 作文B(12分)12.根据下列表格中的信息,用英文写一篇值日报告,介绍你的家乡福州。报告内容日期:28年5月日天气:晴出勤情况:满勤福州概况l 位于福建东部,风景优美;l 历史悠久,人口,700,00;l 这些年发生巨大变化,新建了许多高楼、道路等;l 有很多名胜,如鼓山、三山两塔等。其他一句祝福的话提示词:history;patin;paces ofiteres;Munt Gu;Tee Hillsa Two Pgoa要求:1)必须用上所有的信息,语句通顺,书写规范; 2)词数0左右,已给出的句子不计入总词数。od moringeverone! I on duyoday. Thts allThak you!


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