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2023年天津市中考模拟英语试题学校:姓名: 班级: 考号: 一、单项选择1. I bought useful book yesterday .book is expensive.A. a; AB. a; TheC. an; AD. an; The2. Keep quiet, Jack! I need when I am thinking.Sorry, Mom. I wont make any noise.A. controlB. silenceC. trustD. sense3.books are sent to the children in poor areas every year.A. ThousandB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousands of4. Compared with Nickys house,_ is quite old.A. myB. IC. mineD. myself5. When is your birthday?:the 30th of May.A. OnB. InC. AtD. By6. We to have a school trip last Saturday but it rained heavily. As a result, we hadto call off the trip.A. forgetB. failedC. intendedD. continued7. I managed the work on time although it was very difficult.A. finishB. finishingC. to finishD. finished8. Can you speak Chinese?一Of course. I in China for 5 years in the past.A. liveB. livedC. have livedD. will live9. To protect animals, more and more nature parks in the future.A. buildB. will buildC. are builtD. will be built10. Betty in this primary school for three years. She enjoys teaching very much.A. has workedB. workedC. worksD. is working11. Mary go to London next year but she is not sure.A. mustB. mayC. canD. need12. The boy looked because he didnt pass his maths exam.A. sadB. sadness13. Emma looked after her pet dog of all her friends.A. carefulB. most carefulC. more carefullyD. the most carefully14. Excuse me, can you tell me?一 Sure. Go along the street and then turn left, youll find it on your right.A. how can I get to the libraryB. how I can get to the libraryC. when can I get to the libraryD. when I can get to the library15. Wow, what a good smell! Can I have a piece of cake?A. No way.B. Good idea! C. Help yourself. D. What a pity!二、完形填空Nana, my grandmother used to say, Every good deed will come back to you someday, and every bad thing you do will 16 come back to you.”It took me 30 years to understand the wisdom of her words. Nana was living in a board- and-care home in Laguna Hills, California. Each Tuesday, I came by and took her out to17.1 would always 18 her neatly dressed and sitting in a chair right by thefront door. I vividly remember we had our very last dinner together 19 she went into the convalescent hospital (康复医院).We drove to a nearby simple little family-owned20.1 ordered pot roast for Nana and a hamburger for 21. The food arrivedand as I dug in, I noticed that Nana wasnt eating. She just staring at the food on her plate. Moving my plate aside, 1 took Nanas plate, placed it in front of me, and cut her meat22 small pieces. I then placed the plate back in front of her. As she very 23.with great difficulty, she put the meat into her mouth. I was moved with a memory that brought instant tears to my eyes. Forty years ago, as a little boy sitting at the table. Nana had always taken the meat on my plate and cut it into small pieces 24 I could eat it.It had taken 40 years, but the good deed had been repaid (偿还).Nana was right. We get exactly what plant. Every good deed you 25 will someday come back to you.”16.A.tooB.alsoC.as wellD. either17.A.cinemaB.theatreC.dinnerD. park18.A.findB.runc.cookD. lose19.A.untilB.whyc.tillD. before20.A. hotelB.restaurantC.schoolD. house21.A. myB.myselfC.herD. herself22.A. forB.inC.toD. into23.A. weakB.happyc.strongD. friendly24.A. forB.in order toc.so thatD. to25.A. listenB.doc.writeD. cost三、阅读单选No charge for loveA farmer had some puppies to sell. He nailed (用钉子)a sign above his door. As he was driving the last nail into the door, he felt a gentle pull at his left trouser leg. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.“Sit, the boy said. I want to buy one of your puppies.”“Well,“ said the farmer, *these puppies come from fine parents and cost a great deal of money.”The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then he pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket and said, Ive got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?”The farmer smiled and whistled. Out of the doghouse came Little Dolly, who ran down the ramp (坡道)followed by four other little bails of fur. One puppy was lagging very much behind the others. want that one,“ the little boy said, pointing at the limping (痛着腿走) puppy.The farmer knelt down beside the boy and said, “No, you dont want that puppy. He will never be able to run or play with you like the other puppies/, To his surprise, the little boy reached down and rolled up his right trouser leg to show a metal brace (支架).Looking up at the farmer, he said, “You see, sir, I dont run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands.”With tears in his eyes, the farmer picked up the little puppy and handed it to the little boy.“How much do I have to pay?” asked the boy.“Just take it J answered the fanner. Theres no charge for love.”26. The sign nailed above the farmers door probably read: “A. Look Out for DogsB. Puppies for Sale27. The underlined words balls of fiir refer to “A. toy ballsB. balls made of furC. lovely dogsD. puppies with no fur28. How many puppies did the farmer have in all?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.29. What did the boy and the puppy he wanted to buy have in common?A. Both of them had fine parents.B. Both of them were able to run quickly.C. Neither of them was physically perfect.D. Neither of them was cared for enough by their parents.30. We can learn from the article that.A. the boy finally got the limping puppy for freeB. the farmer refused to sell the limping puppy in the endC. the boy bought the limping puppy fbr thirty-nine centsD. the farmer charged the boy thirty-nine cents for a healthy puppyThere one lied a great warrior. He was quite old, but still famous for his bravery, so many students came to study under him.One day, a young man who was known fbr his strength went to the warriors village. He thought the warrior was old and could not be invincible (不可战胜的)forever, so he decide to fight the old warrior. To everyones surprise, the old man gladly accepted the young mans challenge. The young man insulted (辱骂)the old man and attacked him, while the old man just stood there and defended himself. After several rounds, the young warrior exhausted (使 筋疲力尽)himself and finally lost the fight. He felt upset.After that, the young man started to study under the old warrior, but he still wanted to know the old mans secret to success. He went to question the old warrior with a group of students. Dont you feel angry when you hear my insults? How can you still stay calm and defend yourself?,The warrior didnt answer the questions but asked, “If someone comes to give you a gift and you do not accept it, to whom does the gift belong?” The young man and the other students were confused. After a period of silence, the old warrior said, “It belongs to one who tried to give it. The same goes fbr envy (嫉妒),anger and insults.M 31. Why did many students come to study under the warrior?A. Because he was old.B. Because he was invincible forever.C. Because he was exhausted.D. Because he was still famous for his bravery.32. What did the young man want to do at first?A. lb fight the old warrior.B. To study under the old warrior.C. To insult the old warrior,D. To defend himself.33. Who won the fight?A. The young man.B. The students.C. The old warrior.D. Everyone.34. How was the old warrior when the young man insulted and attacked him?A. H叩py.B. Upset.C. Angry.D. Calm.35. Whats the meaning of the old warriors last sentence?A. If someone insults you, you should fight him.B. Never mind others, insults, envy and anger.C. Always be confused when someone attacks you.D. If someone comes to give you a gift, do not accept it.Hi George,Many thanks fbr sending the information of the 165 participants (参力口者)coming to our companys sales meeting in November. Here is my report on the plans that will be necessary.HotelIn the past few years we have used the Transocean Hotel. We have always had good feedback ( 反馈 )from participants about the Transocean. However, its hard fbr participants to walk from there to the meeting center, and they have also increased their prices recently. As a result, I am going to get the prices of the Beach View this year.Meeting CenterIn relation to numbers, the hall seats 200 people, so there shouldnt be any problems. But if we get a lot of late bookings (预定)we may need a bigger hall. I will monitor the situation closely (密切的).On another point, we need to make sure that the amplification system(扩音系统)is working well, as last year several participants said that the sound was too low at theback of the hall.SpeakersAll four speakers are outside speakers, and they will come for sure. The well-known writer Sandra Brett has agreed to give a talk on “Social media marketing: where next?”, and Im sure it will be very well received.Food and DrinkLast year this was a problem. The participants were not sure whether they should stay inthe meeting center for lunch or go outside. In fact, if people do want to go outside and getsome fresh air, it is not a problem. So this year I am going to get some new food companies,and PH ask them to provide some simple cold food. Participants can have this on the day. Or they can buy their own lunch if they wish, and ril make it clear that this is possible.I think thats all. Let me know if theres anything else, especially if you suddenly get alot of late bookings.Cathy36. What is the problem with the Transocean Hotel this year?A. Its too small.B. Its quite busy.C. Its a bit far away.D. Its receiving bad feedback.37. What does the underlined word “monitor“ mean in the passage?A. Watch.B. Improve.C. Change.D. Accept.38. What were some participants unhappy about last year?A. The hall.B. The seats.C. The late bookings.D. The sound system.39. What can be learned about the speakers?A. They are famous writers.B. They always receive praise.C. They do not work with the company. D. They will talk about social media.40. What were the participants unclear about food last year?A. When they could have lunch.B. Where they could have lunch.C. What they could have for lunch.D. How they should pay for lunch. 四、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从选项中选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的) (Bill has trouble communicating with Chinese speakers. Now he is talking with his neighbor Mr Lee, a Chinese.)A: Hi, Mr Lee. How are you doing?B: Hi, Bill. Tm fine. Thanks. But you look unhappy.41A: Tve studied Chinese for a few years. But I find it hard to communicate with native speakers.B: I see. 42A: By going to a Chinese class.B: 43A: Not very often. But I listen to the teacher very carefully.B: You cant learn to speak a language well just by listening to the teache匚44 Myfriend Tom is leaning Chinese now. Maybe you can practice speaking together.A: 45 Thank you very much.B: You?re welcome.A. Sounds great.B. Thats a shame.C. Whats the matter?D. What you need is a lot of practice.E. How do you usually study Chinese?F. Do you often speak Chinese in class?G. How long have you learned Chinese?五、完成句子46 . Lily通常你早晨几点钟醒?Lily, what time do you usually in the morning?47 .他不怕取笑自己。He is not afraid to himself.48 .现在是回到学校的时候了。Its time to to school now.49 .我很长时间没有收到Nancy的信了。I havent Nancy for a long time.50 .如果你遇到麻烦,请给我打电话。Please call me when you are.六、阅读补全句子阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Just say a date and she can tell you what happened on that day. This is not a scene from a TV series. Rebecca Sharrock, from Australia, has a super memory. She remembers every single detail (细节)of her life and can recite all the Harry Potter books from memory“I still remember my mum placing me in the car and taking a picture of me when I was 12 days old,“ Rebecca said. Thats my earliest memory. She has kept everything in her brain since then. She can tell us what she did what the weather was like, and so on, on any given day. It is quite amazing, isnt it?But to Rebecca, this superpower is a headache at school. Im not very quick at processing things. There is always so much going through my mind, she explained. At night, Rebecca has to sleep with the radio and a soft light on. If its too dark or quiet, her mind will be filled with all these memories and she cant fall asleep. As a child, she also used to recite the Harry Potter books when she got nervous. So now she can recite every one of the books by heart.About 80 people around the world are said to have a super memory. Rebecca is one of them. In medical science, this is called hyperthymesia. Before these people were bom, certain parts of their brains had gotten changed somehow. Scientists have done lots of research on hyperthymesia. However, they still know little about this special neurological (神经系统) condition.51 . Rebecca Sharrock comes from.52 . Rebecca remembers of her life.53 . Rebecca has to sleep with the radio and a soft light on at night because.54 . Rebecca would when she got nervous as a child.55 . people around the world are said to have hyperthymesia. 七、短文首字母填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。The Customer (消费者)Is Always RightIn 1909, an American named Harry Selfridge went to Britain and opened a store on Londons Oxford Street. It was called Selfridge and it offered a new kind of shopping e 56. It was built like a large palace. Shoppers could walk from floor to floor to buyclothes, furniture toys and a variety of other items, each in its own department. Selfridge “department“ store made shopping convenient and e 57, It treated ifs customers likekings. As Harry liked to say, “The customer is always right.Selfridges department store idea caught on worldwide. In 1918, the Kwok brothers, from Australia, opened their Yongan Department Store on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. It still there today. However, its f 58 along with that of other department stores, may be in question. Modem shoppers are giving up on shopping at department stores.1 59. shoppers are spending their money at “specialty“ stores. They are buyingtheir clothes at Uniqlo and H&M, and their furniture and household goods at IKEA. These specialty stores offer more c 60. better prices, better services and a better in-storeexperience. Department stores are also challenged (挑战)b 61 the internet. The internet now accounts for (占)20 percent of all consumer purchases and the number is g 62 every year. If you need evidence (证据),just look at the popularity of Singles Day.China, in g 63. has become a consumer society. People now spend about 30trillion (万亿)yuan on shopping every year. Thats a lot of money. Stores know that they will have to change if they hope to s 64. Its no less true today t 65 it was in HarrySelfridges time - the customer is always right. 八、材料作文66 .千百年来,书籍传承着人类的文明。然后随着互联网的发展,学生对网络的 沉迷,使得阅读渐渐地退出中学生的生活。请你根据以下提示以“How to Have Reading Activities”为题,写一篇英语小短文。提示:1)读书的好处(写一点)。2)如何开展读书活动;在图书馆阅读在班里建立阅读角同学间互借 计划阅读时间及阅读量。要求1)词数:80词左右。2)字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:cooperation spirit合作精神:benefit from从获益How to Have Reading ActivitiesAs we all know, it is important for us.参考答案:1. B【解析】【详解】句意:我昨天买了一本有用的书。这本书很贵。考查冠词的用法。不定冠词a/an用于第一次提到的单数可数名词前,其中a用在以辅音音 素开头的词前;an用在以元音音素开头的词前。定冠词the指上文提到的人或物。book是 可数名词单数,第一个空表示泛指一本书,所以用不定冠词修饰,useful是以辅音音素开 头的词,所以第一空填a。当再次提到时,则要用定冠词,所以第二空填the。故选B。2. B【解析】【详解】句意:Jack,保持安静!当我正在思考时我需要安静。抱歉,妈妈。我不会再制 造噪音。考查名词辨析。control控制;silence安静;trust信任;sense感觉。根据I wont make any noise”可知,思考的时候需要安静,故选B。3. D【解析】【详解】句意:每年有成千上万本书被送到贫困地区的孩子们手中。考查thousand的用法。thousand千;thousands of成千上万的;前面有具体数字时,thousand不加s;如果前面无明确数字时,thousand必须加s,带of,表示概数:分析句子 可知,空前无具体数字,所以thousand必须加s,带of,表示概数。故选D。4. C【解析】【详解】句意:与尼基的房子相比,我的房子就相当旧了。考查代词用法。my我的,形容词性物主代词,后面必须跟名词:I我,主格;mine我的, 名词性物主代词,其后不需要加名词;myself我自己,反身代词;根据Compared with Nicky、house, .is quite old.”及结合选项可知,与尼基的房子相比,我的房子就相当旧了。 因空后无名词,因此使用mine,相当于my house。故选C。5. A【解析】【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候? 5月30日。考查时间介词。on搭配具体的某天或特定某一天的上午、下午、晚上等;in常搭配一段时 间范围,如:morning, week、month等;at搭配具体时刻,如:几点儿分等;by表示时 间期限,意为“到为止;不迟于“根据答语可知,5月30日,指具体的某一天,因此要 使用介词on。故选A。6. C【解析】【详解】句意:上星期六我们打算进行一次学校旅行,但雨下得很大。结果,我们不得不取消这次 旅行考查动词辨析。forget忘记;failed失败;intended打算;continued继续。根据As a result, we had to call off the trip.5,可知应该是打算进行一次学校旅行,故选C。7. C【解析】【详解】句意:尽管工作很难,但我还是按时完成了。考查动词不定式的用法。manage t。do sth.做成了某事,设法做到某事,固定用法。故选C8. C【解析】【详解】句意:你会说中文吗?一当然会。我以前在中国住了五年。考查动词的时态。根据“for 5 years”可知,这里要用现在完成时,强调持续到现在的状态或 对现在有影响,其构成是:have/has+过去分词。故选C。9. D【解析】【详解】句意:为了保护动物,将来会建造越来越多的自然公园。考查一般将来时的被动语态。分析题干可知句子主语是“nature parks”自然公园,谓语动词 是build,可见主语是动作的承受者,需用被动语态,根据题干中“in the future”在未来,可 知句子时态是一般将来时,所以此空填一般将来时的被动语态,结构为will be done。故选Do10. A【解析】【详解】句意:贝蒂在这所小学工作已经三年了。她非常喜欢教书。考查动词时态。work工作,动词;根据时间状语“for three years”可知,句子时态为现在完 成时,其构成为:have/has+动词的过去分词;主语Betty是第三人称单数,助动词用has; work的过去分词是worked,故选A。11. B【解析】【详解】句意:玛丽可能明年去伦敦,但她不确定。考查情态动词辨析。must必须,强调主观意愿;may可能,表推测;can能够/可以,表能 力或许可;need需要,指有必要。根据下文“but she is not sure,可知这里是推测,是说可 能去伦敦,故选B。12. A【解析】【详解】试题分析:句意:这个男孩看起来很悲伤因为他没有通过数学考试。A. sad悲伤,形容词;B. sadness悲伤,名词;C. saddest悲伤的,最高级;D. sadly悲伤 地,副词,根据句意及题干分析look是系动词,所以后面用形容词,此句无比较含义,故选Ao考点:考查形容词的用法13. D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:Emma是她所有的朋友里照顾她的宠物狗最细心的。考查形容词和副词。careful细心的,形容词原级;most careful最细心的,形容词最高级; more carefully更细心地,副词比较级;the most carefully最细心地,副词最高级。根据of all her friends可知此处的范围是三者或三者以上,故用最高级形式;此处应用副词修饰动 词短语looked aftero故选D。14. B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:对不起,你能告诉我去图书馆怎么走吗?当然。沿着这条街走,然后向左拐,你会发现它就在你的右边。考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述句语序,故A、C选项可排除。根据答句“G。along the street and then turn left”可知,问句是在问怎么去图书馆,故应用how引导宾语从句。故选 B =15. C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:哇,好香啊!我可以吃块蛋糕吗?随便吃。考查情景交际。No way.不可能;Good idea!好主意;Help yourself.随便一点、随便吃、别客 气;What a pity!真遗憾。结合上句“Can 1 have a piece of cake?”情景可知,答语应是“随便 吃故选C。16. B17. C18. A19. D20. B21. B22. D23. A24. C25. B【解析】【分析】本文是记叙文,作者讲述了和奶奶一起吃晚饭为奶奶切肉时,回忆起四十年前奶奶为自己 做的同样的事情,终于明白了奶奶经常说的话:你做的每件好事总有一天会得到回报。16.句意:我奶奶常说,“你做的每件好事总有一天会得到回报,你做的每件坏事也会得到报 应。”too也,用于肯定句句末;also也,用于助动词之后实义动词之前;as well也,用于句末; either 也,用于否定句句末。根据上文“Every good deed will come back to you someday可 知,这里表示“坏事也会得到报应“,且本空位于句中,will是助动词,因此空格处应填 alsoo 故选 B。17.句意:奶奶住在加州拉古纳山的一家养老院,每周二我都会去那里,并带她出去吃晚餐。 cinema 电影院;theatre 剧院;dinner 晚饭;park 公园。根据下文“I vividly remember we had our very last dinner together,可知是带奶奶出去吃晚餐,故选C。18.句意:我总是发现她穿着整齐,坐在前门旁边的椅子上。find 发现;run 奔跑;cook 烹饪;lose 丢失。根据下文“her neatly dressed and sitting in a chair right by the front door”,可知是看到的,find符合语境。故选A。19.句意:我清楚地记得,在她进康复医院之前,我们一起吃了最后的晚餐。until直到;why为什么;till直到;before在之前。根据句意和逻辑关系可知,这里应该为before引导的时间状语从句。故选D。20.句意:我们开车去了附近一家简单的家庭经营的小餐馆。hotel旅馆;restaurant餐馆;school学校;house房子。根据上文提到带她去吃晚饭,因此 这里指餐馆,故选B。21.句意:我给奶奶点了炖肉,给自己点了汉堡。my我的,形容词性物主代词;myself我自己,反身代词;her她的,形容词性物主代词; herself 她自己,反身代词。根据题干“I ordered pot roast for Nana and a hamburger fbr.”可 知,给我自己点了汉堡,故选B。22.句意:我把盘子移到一边,拿起奶奶的盘子,放在我面前,把她的肉切成小块。for为了; in在里面;to去;into进入。cut sth. into把某物切成(几块),固定短语,故选Do23.句意:由于身体虚弱,她费了好大劲才把肉放进嘴里。weak虚弱的;happy高兴的;strong强壮的;friendly友好的。根下文“with great difficulty”,可知weak符合语境,故选A。24.句意:奶奶总是把我盘子里的肉切成小块,这样我就可以吃了。for为了; in order to为了,后接动词原形;so that以便,引导目的状语从句;to去。根据 题干“Nana had always taken the meat on my plate and cut it into small pieces.! could eat it”, 可知是目的状语从句,需用so that连接,故选C。25.句意:你做的每一件好事总有一天会有回报的。listen 倾听;do 做;write 写作;cost 花费。根据Every good deed you . will someday come back to you,可知,事情是做的,故选B。26. B27. C28. D29. C30. A【解析】


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