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中考优秀英语作文范文中考优秀英语作文范文:一件幸运的事On Luck(好运气)Nowadaya many people believe in luck. They believe it in love, in tests, promotions, etc. I think of luck in many respects. It does not e alone. Luck and opportunity go hand in hand with hard work and knowledge.I wan once assigned to work deep in the mountain. Being from a poor family, friendless and having no influential relative to rely on, I cursed my luck and let myself drift aimlessly and idled my time away until one day I realizcd that I could better myself by working bard at my lessons and excel in academic studies. Unsatisfied with my surroundings, I could not sleep at night. Listening to the sound of water rushing down the mountain, I felt I must keep going on just like the water. So I used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet. While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up Hard work is rewarding. When the college entrance cxamlnatlon came, I took it without hesitation. As a result, I distinguished myself in the test. New I am at college, majoring in my favorite subject, Enghsh.I think luck is nowhere to be found but in my own hands. With held work we can be more knowledgeable and with knowledge es good luck.论缘作文地带提供翻译:如今,许多人在恋爱、考试或晋升等问题上信缘听命。我认为缘是多方面的,而不是孤立的。缘或机遇与勤奋和知识严密相连。我曾经被分在深山工作,由于家境贫寒,无亲无故,无势可仗,便自认倒霉,随波逐流,直到有一天,我意识到可以通过学业出众来进步自我。对环境的不满使我夜不能寐。听着山间哗哗的流水,我决定要像流水那样奔流不息。凌晨,周围一片漆黑、寂静,我就起来看书,当别人在睡梦中时,我已在书房读书了。功夫不负有心人。高考降临了,我毫不犹豫地报考,并以优异的成绩考取了英语专业。我认为运气就在我们手中。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。有了知识就有好运中考优秀英语作文范文:我的假期Today,Im planning to do some exercises on my summer vacation in order to make me stronger.If you ask what the summer vacation in my dream is ,Ill tell you traveling around the world is the only one dream I have.Im interested in traveling,because I can meet lots of different people and can do some sightseeing in the places of interest all over the world.How interesting it is!I hope I can have two summer vacations in a year.中考优秀英语作文范文:童年The same time like an arrow, suddenly gone, the last really memorable good times in the past years, many people yearn to tell you today, I look to my past.When I was five, I went out to pasture for a school to go home, sit all day cattle back, like a shepherd, always singing “cowboy riding cattle, singing the town of Lin.” Every day into night 78 points, came back to wash dinner meal and watch the moon lay on the grass. Have an accident, sitting cattle back, just thunder, I was hit by lightning a bit, then collapsed to the ground, my friends see my cattle back from the cow fell off and quickly called my mother to the family man-I in three days, searched all the major hospitals, doctors say useless, and hold each desperate to e back, then they want to bury me, Who would have thought I played 5 years with a dog came to my bedroom, with a Tim the tongue a little, I woke up, doctors later said it was a miracle.I know this is useless to tell you, because you would not believe, and if I talk about fantasy, you love letter on the letter, do not believe even2023中考英语作文关于“耐心”的名言1、面对成功,要有足够的耐心。In the face of success, to have enough patience.2、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。Patience and perseverance will get paid.3、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。Education need more patience, patience to show love.4、耐心是一切聪明才智的根底。Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom.5、有耐心的人,能得到他所期望的。Patient man, can get what he wanted.6、耐心点,时间能让一切都明了。Be patient, time will make everything clear.7、只要你有耐心,总有成功的时机。As long as you are patient, there is always a chance of success.8、谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。Who dont have the patience, there is no wisdom.9、耐心等待总会遇到晴朗。Patience always meet sunny.10、有的东西,需要我们一辈子的耐心。Some things, we need to spend our lives in patience.11、人必需要有耐心,特别是要有信心。Man must have patience, especially confidence.12、圣光的耐心也许是无限的,但我的不是。The patience of the holy light may be infinite, but Im not.13、可以耐心倾听的人,是值得信赖的人。Can the patience to listen to, is a reliable person.14、我们所需要的,或许只是耐心等待。What we need, may just wait.15、我耐心等待,他出如今远处的草地上。I wait patiently, he appeared on the grass in the distance.16、人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。People of all abilities is the mixture of patience and time.17、不要挑战我的耐心,因为我根本没有耐心。Dont challenge my patience, because I dont have the patience.18、采用大自然的步速:她的机密在于耐心。Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.19、不是时间对我太宽容,只是我对时间有耐心。Not time too tolerant to me, but I have patience in time.20、无论何人,假设是失去了耐心,就失去了灵魂。Whoever, if lost patience, lost soul.21、有耐心想继续就别闹,没耐心想完毕就趁早。Have the patience to continue to stop that now, impatient want to end it early.22、决定问题,需要智慧,贯彻执行时那么需要耐心。Decision problem, need wisdom, need patience to carry out.23、是否能对粗鲁者保持耐心,这是检验良好礼貌的标准。If you can be patient for the rude person, this is the standard for testing good manners.24、人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。Courage to bear all the burden; For the most part peoples patience is able to bear the pain.25、只要我最终能到达自己的目的,我就会有超常的耐心。As long as I can eventually reach own purpose, I would have exceptional patience.26、趁我对你有耐心时别得瑟,当我耐心耗尽的那天你也不会好过。While I have the patience to you dont show off in an ostentatious manner, when the day I patience runs out you wont be better.27、有些路看起来很近走去却很远的,缺少耐心永远走不到头。Some road looks very nearly went far away, a lack of patience will never go to an end.28、不是没有耐心,而是可以让我有耐心的那个人从来不是你!Not impatient, but the man who can let me have the patience to never is you!29、是谁说我没耐心的呢?明明对我最有耐心的就是我自己。Who says I have no patience? Clearly the most patient with me is my own.30、单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人。Single means you strong enough, enough patience to wait for the worth having you.31、当时间和耐心都变成奢侈的时候,我们只能通过星座理解彼此了。When the time and patience has bee luxury, we can understand each other through the constellation.第 10 页 共 10 页


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