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细心整理七年级下册英语第一次月考试卷 总分值120 考试时间90分钟一、单项选择30分( ) 1. Lisa is good at .A. draw B. drawing C. draws D. to draw( ) 2. you play the guitar? Yes, I can.A. Do B. How C. Can D. Does ( ) 3. Do you like _ chess? A. playing B. play the C. playing the D. plays( ) 4. I cant sing dance. A. and B. or C. but D. under ( )5. Tom _ his homework in the evening .A. does B. do C. makes D. to do( )6.We go to school at .A. thirty seven B. seven to thirty C. thirty past seven D.seven thirty ( )7.He his bike to school.A. rides B. by C. takes D. to take ( )8. It me two hours to do my homework. A. take B. takes C. uses D. to take ( )9. _ is it from your home to school ? A. How many B. How far C. How long D. How many ( )10. Can your mother dance?A. Yes, she does B. No, she can C. Yes, she can D. Yes, she do ( )11. Igetupearly.SoIam_lateforschool.A. oftenB.sometimesC.alwaysD.never( )12.-_isitfromyourhometoschool?-About15kilometers.A. HowlongB.HowfarC.HowmanyD.Howmuch( )13.Onweekends,I_watchTV_playcomputergames.A.either,andB.either,orC.both,ofD.both,or( )14.Mygrandparentsareveryhealthy.Theyalways_afterdinner. A.brushtoothB.takeashowerC.cleantheroomD.takeawalk( )15.LiLinusuallygoestoschool_.A. rideshisbikeB.bythebusC.takesthetrainD.onfoot( )16.Forlunch,sheeats_fruitandvegetables.A.alotsofB.manyC.lotsofD.much( )17.Tomlikestoplay_guitar,buthedoesntliketoplay_volleyball.A./,theB.the,theC.the,/( )18.Thetrousersare_dollars.A. twohundredfiveB.twohundredsandfiveC.twohundredandfiveD.twohundredsfive( )19.Ice-creamtastes_,butitisntgood_health.A.well,atB.good,forC.well,with( )20.Samlikes_andhejoinsthesportsclub.A. swimB.toplaysoccerC.playtheguitarD.playchess( )21.- do you want to join the English club ?-Because I like English very much. A.Who B. How C.Why D.When( )22.They are talking the travel plan English.A. to,with B.to,in C.with,about D.about ,in( )23. weekends,I get up 8 Oclock. A.In,at B.On,at C.On,in D.In,on ( )24.Mom,its 11:00 p.m. I want to .A. get up B.go to work C.go to bed D.go to school( )25.I often do my homework before dinner.A. I B. me C.my D.our( )26.What time does she school and home every day ? A.get,get B.get,get to C.get to,get to D.get to ,get( )27.-Its to go to school .-OK, Lets go.A. letter B. time C.sport D.room ( )28. are you going to Shijiazhuang ? By bike.A. Why B. What C.Who D. How ( )29.I usually walk to school , sometimes I take a bus .A. so B. as C. but D.不填( )30.I often ride a to school. I think its a kind of exercise.A. train B. subway C.bike D.bus二 完形填空。(10分)Jane and John 31 sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she 32 play the violin. John cant play the piano. But he 33 play the violin. Today they 34 to carry搬 a piano to 35 bedroom. 36 piano is heavy(重). They cant 37 it. 38 parents arent at home. But they 39 a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to 40 them.( )31. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )32. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. dont( )33. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. dont( )34. A. like B. want C. can D. wants ( )35. A. Jane B. her C. Janes D. hers ( )36. A. The B. a C. / D. an( )37. A. take B. carry C. help D. do ( )38. A. Janes and John B. Jane and Johns C. Theyre D. theirs ( )39. A. have B. like C. want D. has ( )40. A. come B. go C. help D. helps 三阅读理解30分 ADo you want to be a basketball player like Kobe科比 or Yao Ming? Come to join us! We have many sports clubs: basketball, ping-pong, soccer, volleyball, and more. The price is 5 dollars for each lesson.Do you want to join our sports clubs? Please call Mr .Green. He plays basketball very well. His telephone number is 371-1236. His e-mail address is . Or you can call Miss Jones at 371-1237. She is our tennis coach 教练. She is good with the students. Her email address is .( )41. We know Kobe and Yao Ming are _ players.A. volleyball B. tennis C. basketball D. ping-pong( )42. Miss Jones can help you with _ _.A. computer B. singing C. art D. tennis( )43. Mr Green plays _ very well.A. tennis B. basketball C. volleyball D. ping-pong( )44. How much is each lesson? _.A. 10 yuan B. 5 yuan C. 5 dollars D. 10 dollars( )45. _ is good with the students.A. Miss Jones B. Mr Green C. Yao Ming D. Kobe BryantBZhang Fei, Liu Ying and Li Xiao are in the music club. They go to the club on Sunday morning. Zhang Fei goes to the club by bike and the bike ride is only twenty minutes. Liu Ying takes the bus to the club, and it takes her about half an hour. Li Xiao doesnt live far远. He walks there and it takes him only fifteen minutes. He thinks its also good exercise.( )46.The three students are in the _club.A. same B. art C. sports D. tennis( )47. They go to the club on _.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Wednesday( )48.It takes Liu Ying about half an hour to get to the club_.A. by bus B. by bike C. by train D. by subway ( )49.Its only fifteen minutes_ from Li Xiaos home to the club.A. ride B. walk C. drive D. car( )50.For Li Xiao, walking is _.A. boring B. great C. difficult D. different CIn many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥) eggs or bread and drink喝 tea or coffee咖啡 at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup汤, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple简洁.( )51. Many English people have _ meals a day. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )52. People may have _ for their breakfast according to the passage. A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and tea C. coffee and salad D. salad and tea ( )53. People have lunch at _. A. any time B. one C. five D. two ( )54. People dont have _ for their dinner. A. bananas and apples B. porridge C. meat and fish D.oranges ( )55. Most Englishmen have dinner _. A. in the evening B. at any time C. at noon D. in the morning 四语言运用E涂AB 10分Jane: Hi, Bob. 56 Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane: Great! What sports can you play?Bob: 57 Jane: So you can join the soccer club.Bob: 58 Youre very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.Jane: 59 But I like to draw ,too.Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!Jane: OK, 60 A. Soccer.B. Sounds good.C. lets join now!D. What club do you want to join?E. What about you?五、遵照所给词的正确形式填空,没给的词填介词。 (5分) Hi! Let me tell you about Tonys day. He usually gets up eight. Then he_( go) to school at eight thirty. He_ (not have) much time _ _ breakfast. So he has a very _(quick) breakfast. 六、用括号内正确形式填空10分1. Please come and join _( we) . 2._ your father _ dohousework?3. Rick _ (watch) early morning news on TV.4. There ( be) a subway station near here. 5. It takes ( I ) twenty minutes (cross) the river.6. Can he play the guitar _(good)? 7.What club do you want _ (参加)? 8. My mother is _ (四十) years old.9. He is _害怕的 of dogs. 10. Many _村民go to the town on foot. 七、汉译英,留意标点符号!10分1. 他擅长讲故事。be good at _2. 人们通常什么时候吃晚餐?(usually)_3. 它花费了她半个小时去学校。take_4. 你会弹吉他吗?_5. 你如何到达学校?_八、作文15分假设你是王伟,写一篇关于你一天活动的记录,可参考以下信息,描述你一天的活动,也可以适当添加内容,时间请用英文表示。60词左右 起床5:50am回家5:00pm早餐6:30am做作业7:00pm上学7:30am看电视 8:40pm午餐12:00am上床睡觉9:30pm


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