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八年级下册英语状语从句拔高课【知 点睛】状 :用来修 、 或 ,一般表示行 生的 、地点、目的、方式、程度等意 ,通常由、或相当于副 的 或短 等来充当。People are workinghard.Beijing is not vey cold in winter .There is no bridge and the river runstoo quickly.They will meet at five at the school gate.He usually goes to work by bus.状 从句: 在中,修 主句的,或等的从句叫状 从句。状 从句根据它表达的意思可以分 、原因、条件、比 、 果、目的和 步等 型。Whatwere you doingwhen the UFO arrived?If you go to the party, you ll have a great time!So maybe I m not very healthy,although I have one healthy habit.Linda likes koalas because she thinks they are cute.The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water.状 从句的分 :【精 精 】 状 从句常 接 (从属 ):when/while/as, after, before, since,not until, as soon as,We ve been friends since we were years6 old.He waited till/until his friend came.He didn t go until his friend came.()1.Mother was cookingfather was watching TVA whileBwhenCasDfor第 1 页()2.Mr. Brown knew nothing about the good newshiswife told it to him A before BafterCsinceDif()3.How was your climbing on Mount Tai? I didn t believe I coulddo itI got to the topA untilBunlessCafterDwhen()4.He has worked in this schoolhe graduatedA ifBsinceCafterDas if()5. I want to know when Mr Brown will arrive When he, I will tell you A arrivedBwill arriveCarrives()6.What s your plan for the summerholidays? I ll goto Beijing_ the school term endsA in order thatBso thatCas soon asDeven though填空7.Hehow special his father was until he became afather. (not realize)8.While JohnTV, his wife was cooking. (watch)9. The children ran out of the classroom as soon as they the bell.(hear)条件状语从句常见连接词 (从属连词 ):if, unless, as/so long as()10.We ll go for a picnic if itthis Sunday Wish you a lovely weekendA rainBdoesn t rain Cwontrain()11.A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijinghe hasa map or a guideA ifBbecauseC unlessDwhen()12.Tommy, do you know if Frankto the zoo thisSunday if it? Sorry, I have no ideaA will go; is fineBgoes; is fine Cwill go; is going to be fine D goes; will be fine第 2页()13.Could we play football in your playground, Sir? No,you have theprincipal (s校长) note.A ifBunlessCbecauseDsince()14.Do you know if we will go for a picnic this Saturday? I think we will if we _any classes. A wonthaveBdidn thaveCdonthaveDaren thaving()15.I don t knowif JackIf he, call me,pleaseA will come; will comesBcomes; come Ccomes; will comeDwill come; comes让步状语从句常见连接词 (从属连词 ):though, although, even though/if,wherever, whatever, whenever,Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting foryou.()16.it snowed heavily yesterday, nobody in our classmissed thelessonA ThoughBBecauseCUnlessDSince()17.Your angel will protectyouit means risking herlife( 冒生命危险 )A whenBas soon asCsinceDeven if()18.you do, don t miss this exhibition, for soit hard for metosget the ticketsA WhateverBHoweverCWhetherDWhenever()19.Although he is quite rich,A however he lives a thrifty lifeBbut he lives a thrifty life C he lives a thrifty life原因状语从句常见连接词 (从属连词 ):because, since, asWe have to put off the sports meeting becauseit rainys these days.Because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting.Since you are here, youstaydbetter.第 3页She may need some help ashe s new.()20. Is everyone here today? NoTom is at homehe has got a bad coldA becauseBifCuntilDunless 果状 从句常 接 (从属 ):sothat /such that()21.Jane isnervousshe can t talkfrontin ofthe classA such; thatBtoo; toCso; that目的状 从句常 接 (从属 ):so, so that, in order that,()22.You have to leave nowyou can catch the early busA so thatBbecause Cas soon asDif比 状 从句常 接 (从属 ):than, asas,not as/so as ()23.I am notmy brotherA as good at sportsBas at sports good asCas good at sports asDat sports as good as 合 ()24.The bus driver always says to us ,get off“ Dontthe bus stops.”A whenBwhileCuntilDif()25.I was in the US, I made a lot of American friendsA WhileBUnless CAlthoughDUntil()26.Scientists say it may be a few yearsit is possible totest the new medicine on patientsA becauseBafterCbeforeDsince ()27.the water was cold, Wei Qinggang jumped into it tosave othersA AlthoughBWhenCIfDBecause第 4页()28.If our governmentattention to controlling food safetynow, our healthin dangerA wontpay; isBdoesntpay; isCwon t pay;will beDdoesn t pay; willbe()29.I don t knowif ittomorrow If it,we wontgoon a picnicA rains; rainsBwill rain; rainsCwill rain;will rainDrains; will rain()30.Your dream won comet trueyou know what yourdream isA afterBunlessCwhileDsince()31.At that time,Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all, henever gave up his dreamA thoughBbecauseCwhether Duntil ()32.It s quite common in Britain to say“theThank you ” todriverspeople get off the busA afterBsinceCuntilDwhen()33.You won t feel happyatschoolyou get on well withyour classmatesA though BwhenCbecause Dunless()34.I waitedmother went outside feeding thechickensThen I told father I wanted to go for a drink ofwaterA whileBafterCsinceDuntil()35.Are you going to Hainan for your holidays? No,my parents pay for the trip AunlessBifCbecause Dwhen()36.She had a stomachache_she ate somethingbadA soBbecauseCalthoughDor()37.Did you catch what the teacher said? NoShe spoke so fastI couldn t hearher veryclearlyA whichBthatCwhenDsince第 5页()38.The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear herA so that Bbecause Csince D when 翻 句子:39. 你和他都不能去 (neither nor 参)加那个聚会,因 你 明天有个重要的考 。40. 当你遇上生 , 着去猜一下它的意思。41. 当不明 行物到达 ,你在做什么?42. 直到他告 我,我才知道那个坏消息。43. 如果你更加刻苦的话,你会取得更好的成绩。44. 在英语方面,相比听力,我更擅长阅读。45. 这部电影太乏味了 , 以至于我看到一半就睡着了。46. 安徒生 (Andersen) 如此闻名,以至于几乎每个小孩都能说出(name)一两个他的童话作品(fairy tales) 。47. 当听到这个坏消息时, Robert 默默地 (silence)跟着他的朋友一起走回了家。第 6页参考答案:1-6 AAABCC7. didn trealize8. was watching9. heard10-15 BCABC16-20 DADAC21-25 CACCA26-30CADBB31-38 ADDDABBA翻译句子:39. Neither you nor he can go to that party, because you are going to have an important test tomorrow40. When you meet a strange word, try to guess its meaning41. What were you doing when the UFO arrived?42. I didn t know the bad news until he toldme43. If you work harder, you will get better results44. I am better at reading than listening in English45. The film was so boring that I fell asleep halfway46. Andersen is so famous that almost every child can name one or two of his fairy tales47. When he heard the bad news, Robert with his friends went home in silence第 7页


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